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1、Directives 指令第3章 国际私法立法与学说的历史发展/国际私法的历史Statuta 法则Statuta realia 物的法则Statuta personalia 人的法则Statuta mixta 混合法则Lex originis 出生地法Jus gentium 万民法Period of racial laws = period of personal laws 种族法时期/属人法时期Post-glossarist 后期注释法学派Bartolus 巴托鲁斯Baldus 巴尔多(斯)Charles Dumoulin 杜摩林Autonomie de la volont = Lauton

2、omie de la volont = autonomy of will 意思自治原则DArgentr 达让特莱Ulicus Huber 胡伯De conflictu legum 法律冲突Comitas gentium 国际礼让说Savigny 萨维尼Sitz des rechtsverhltnisses 法律关系本座说Seat 本座Copernican revolution 哥白尼革命Mancini 孟西尼Story 斯托里Dicey 戴西Doctrine of vested rights 既得权说Theory of local law = local law theory 本地法说Cook

3、 库克Judicial attitude 司法态度Theory of governmental interests analysis 政府利益说Brainerd Currie 柯里Principle of preference theory 优先选择原则说Cavers 卡弗斯Five-choice-influencing considerations = Better law approach 法律选择五点考虑/较好法律的方法Leflar 莱弗拉尔Doctrine of lex fori 法院地法说Ehrenzweig 艾伦茨威格Forum conveniens 方便法院Proper foru

4、m 适当法院Doctrine of the most significant relationship 最密切联系说Fuld 富德Reese 里斯Bartiffol 巴迪福Particularism-nationalism school 特殊主义国家主义学派Zitelmann 齐特尔曼Universalism-internationalism school 普遍主义国际主义学派Rabel 拉沛尔Kegel 克格尔Interesse jurisprudenz 利益法学Francescakis 弗朗西斯卡基斯Loi dapplication immdiate 直接适用的法Exclusivnorme

5、n 专属规范application ncessaire 必须适用的法Spatial conditional rules 空间受调解的规范Legislatively localized laws 立法定位法Particular choice of law clauses 特殊法律选择条款Proper law doctrine “自体法”理论Functional analysis 功用分析说Comparative-impairment approach 比较损害方法Comprehensive interest analysis 综合利益分析Comparative private internati

6、onal law school 比较法学派第4章 冲突规范与准据法Lex causae = applicable law 准据法Category = Object of connection = classification of issue = operative facts 范围/连接对象/问题的分类/起作用的事实Attribution 系属Unilateral conflict rules 单边冲突规范Bilateral conflict rules = all-sided conflict rules 双边冲突规范Double rules for regulating the conf

7、lict of laws 重叠适用的冲突规范Choice rules for regulating the conflict of laws 选择适用的冲突规范Point of contact = connecting factor = connecting ground 连接点/连接因素/连接根据Natural connexion 自然联系Objective point of contact 客观连接点Subjective point of contact 主观连接点Variable point of contact 动态连接点Constant point of contact 静态连接点A

8、nknpfungsbegriff 【德】法律概念(作为连接点)/连接概念Open-ended 开放的(连接点) Black-letter 硬性(连接点)Open-ended conflict rules 灵活性冲突规范Softening process 软化处理Dpcage 分割规则Proper law of the torts 侵权行为自体法Formula of attribution 系属公式Lex personalis 属人法Lex patriae 本国法/国籍国法Personal law of a legal person 法人属人法Lex domicilii 住所地法Habitual

9、 residence 惯常居所Lex rei sitae = lex loci situs = lex situs 物之所在地法Lex loci actus 行为地法Locus regit actum 场所支配行为Lex loci contractus 合同缔结地法Lex loci solutionis 合同履行地法Lex loci delicti 侵权行为地法Lex loci celebratiois 婚姻举行地法Lex voluntatis 当事人合意选择的法律Lex fori 法院地法Law of the flag 旗国法Law of the place of the most sign

10、ificant relationship 最密切联系地法Rule of law 法律规范Conflicts mobiles 动态冲突Preliminary question = incidental problem 先决问题/附带问题Principal question 主要问题/本问题Result-selecting rules = rules-selecting rules 结果选择(方法)/规则选择Jurisdiction-selecting rules 管辖权选择方法cage 分割方法The Comparative-impairment approach 比较损害方法Kentucky

11、method 肯塔基方法The Functional analysis approach 功能分析方法Substance 实体问题Procedure 程序问题Right 权利(问题)/实体问题Remedy 救济(问题)/程序问题Statues of limitation 时效问题Borrowing statue(statute) “借用”法规Burden of proof 举证责任Presumptions 推定Presumptions of fact 事实的推定Presumptions of law 法律的推定Rebuttable presumptions of law 可反驳的法律推定Irr

12、ebuttable presumptions of law 不可反驳的法律推定第五章 适用冲突规范的一般制度Characterization = qualification = classification = identification 识别/定性/分类Latente gesetzes kollisionen 隐存的法律冲突/识别冲突Conflict between conflic rules 冲突规则之间的冲突Movable property 动产Immovable property 不动产Personal property v. Real propertyPrimary charact

13、erization 一级识别Secondary characterization 二级识别The theory of analytical jurisprudence and comparative law 分析法学与比较法说Funktionelle qualifikatic 功能定性说Renvoi 反致Remission = renvoi au premier degr 直接反致/一级反致/狭义反致Transmission = renvoi au second degr 转致/二级反致Indirect remission 间接反致/大反致Double renvoi = foreign cou

14、rt theory 双重反致/外国法院说Evasion of law = fraude a la loi = fraudulent creation of points of contact 法律规避/法律欺诈/僭窃法律/欺诈设立连接点Fraus omnia corrumpit 欺诈使一切归于无效Public order = public policy = 【法】ordre public = 【德】vorbehaltskausel 公共秩序/【英美】公共政策/【德】保留条款The reservation of public order 公共秩序保留制度Statuta odiosa 令人厌恶的法

15、则Legal policy 法律政策Distinctive policy 特殊政策Repugnancy 可恶性perniciousness 有害性Viciousness 邪恶性Substantial contact 实质的联系The ascertainment of foreign law = proof of foreign law 外国法(内容)的查明/外国法的证明Jura novit curia 法官知法Artificial 矫揉造作Revisio in jure 法律审第6章 国际私法的主体Nationality 国籍Allegiance 忠诚Obedience 服从Contract

16、契约Nationality by birth = nationalit de lorigine 生来国籍/原始国籍Jus sanguinis 血统主义Jus soli 出生地主义Nationalit secondaire 派生国籍/传来取得 effective 实际国籍Conflict of nationalities 国籍冲突Domicile of origin 原始住所Domicile of choice 选择住所Statutory domicile = domicile of dependency 法定住所/从属住所Residence 居所Habitual resident 习惯居所/惯

17、常居所Legal person 法人Public body 公共团体State immunity 国家豁免Immunity from jurisdiction = immunity ratione personae 司法管辖豁免/属人理由的豁免Immunity from execution/immunity ratione materiae 执行豁免/属物理由的豁免The doctrine of absolute immunity 绝对豁免理论The doctrine of relative or restrictive immunity 限制豁免论/职能豁免论The doctrine of

18、abolishing immunity 废除豁免论The doctrine of equal immunity 平等豁免论Immunity of state property 国家财产豁免Tates letter 泰特公函National treatment 国民待遇Most-favoured-nation treatment = MFN 最惠国待遇Preferential treatment 优惠待遇(Treatment of) Generalized system of preference = GSP 普遍优惠待遇Non-discriminate treatment 非歧视待遇第七章 民

19、事身份和能力的法律适用Capacity for right (民事)权利能力Allgemeine Rechtsfhigkeit 一般权利能力Besondere Rechtsfhigkeit 特别权利能力Presumption of life 推定存活Declaration of absence 宣告失踪Declaration of death 宣告死亡/推定死亡Interdiction 禁治产Feeble mindedness 精神病/心神耗弱/低能Mental disordered 心神失常Mental infirmity 心神耗弱者第八章 法律行为和代理的法律适用Agency of nec

20、essity 必要代理Agency from cohabitation 夫妻之间的代理Doctrine of implied warranty of authority 默示授权担保原则第九章 涉外物权的法律适用Right in rem 物权Lex loci rei sitae = lex situs = Lex rei sitae物之所在地法Mobilia personam sequunrur = mobilia ossibus inhaerent = personalty has no locality 动产随人/动产附骨/动产无场所Chattels 动产Immovable 不动产Inta

21、ngible movable 无体动产Shares 股份Nationalization 国有化Requisition 征用Confiscation 没收Expropriation 征收Trusts 信托Trust property 信托财产Uses 用益设计Fidei commissum 遗产信托Salmen 受托人制度第十章 破产的法律适用Insolvency = bankruptcy 破产Rehabilitation 再建型程序Liquidation 清算型程序Reorganization 重整制度Reconciliation = compromise 和解制度Transnational

22、insolvency = foreign-related insolvency = cross-border insolvency = international insolvency 跨国破产/涉外破产/越界破产/国际破产Cross-default 交叉违约 Center of main interests 主要利益中心Universalism 破产普及主义/普遍性原则Doctrine of unity 单一破产理论Territoriality 破产属地主义/地域性原则Doctrine of pluralism 复合破产理论New pragmatism 新实用主义Modified unive

23、rsalism = cooperative territorialism 修正的普遍性原则/合作的地域性原则Cases ancillary to foreign proceedings 辅助外国程序的案件Factor list 因素清单Bank of commerce and credit international = BCCI 国际商业信贷银行第11章 票据的法律适用Negotiable instruments 流通票据Bills of exchange 汇票Promissory notes 本票Cheques 支票第十二章 知识产权的法律适用Intangible property 无体财

24、产权Intellectual property 知识产权/智慧产权Industrial property 工业产权Patent 专利Trade mark 商标Priority of registration “注册在先”原则Priority of use “使用在先”原则Copyright 著作权/版权Droit de autear 作者权理论Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property 保护工业产权的巴黎公约Patent Cooperation Treaty 专利合作条约Madrid Agreement Concerni

25、ng the International Registration of Trademarks 商标国际注册马德里协定Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and ArtisticWorks 伯尔尼保护文学和艺术作品公约Universal Copyright Convention 世界版权公约Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights = TRIPs 与贸易有关的知识产权协议Know-How 实用知识技术GATT 关税及贸易总协定Uruguay Round 乌拉圭回合World Intellectual Property Organization = WIPO 世界知识产权组织World Trade Organization = WTO 世界贸易组织United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization = UNESCO 联合国教科文组织 Internati

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