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1、 Say Yeah, yeah, yeah if it is true. Say No, No, No, if it is false.2. Brain storming: 30 seconds non-stop talking Work in group of 6. Each student says one word about food or drinks one by one. No repeating. Time: 30 seconds.Step 3 while-reading the pictures of unit 6T: here come Liu Tao and his pa

2、rents, where are they?SS: In the kitchenT: Bingo! They are in the kitchen.(show the title, students read together.)1. Skimming. Ask the students to skim the passage and circle some difficult words and sentences.Teach the words: meat, potatoes, tomatoes, vegetables.2. Scanning. Ss scan the text again

3、 and find out what food and drinks are mentioned.3. T: What else do you want to know?Ss ask questions .Whos cooking meat?Whos washing vegetables?Whats Liu Tao looking for in the fridge?Does Liu Tao like the meat?Lets read after the tape.: I have a question: how much should we eat? Watch a funny cart

4、oon .网上找的关于吃的动画.Step 3 Post-reading :Is Liu Tao fat or thin?S: No, he is just right. Look at the boy. Whats wrong with him?(小胖子)What advice can you give him?2 . Here comes practice time , I can judge.(1) We should eat plenty vegetables every day.(2) We can drink much cola.(3) Meat and eggs are not g

5、ood for us.(4) Milk can make us strong. a diet table for yourself and share.Homework 板书设计:课后反思:二次修订(Fun time &, Grammar time)共 6课时第2 课时总课时341能熟练运用句型现在进行时态的一般疑问句进行对话。2能理解并掌握特殊名词变复数的用法及规则。3能完成Fun time 中的任务。能熟练运用句型现在进行时态的一般疑问句进行对话。Step 1 GreetingStep 2 Review1. Review the new words Can you guess whats

6、in the fridge. Can you spell it?(教师出示一个冰箱)S 1: There is S 2: There are someS 3:. Lets read together.教师将学生所提物品图片呈现。2. Retell the story. Where are they?What are Liu Taos parents doing in the kitchen?Is his mother cooking meat?What is Liu Tao doing?Is he eating vegetables?通过提出问题帮助学生回忆上节课内容。Step 3 Gramm

7、ar time1. 出示课文三幅图片。 Can you ask them like me ?S 1 : Are they cooking ?S 2 : Is he S 3:学生齐读以上句子。2. 呈现grammar time中的句子。 Lets read one by one.3. Find the rules.学生通过观察总结现在进行时态的一般疑问句的变化规则。4. 教师讲解变化规则和用法。Step4 Fun time1. Play a game. Do you like games ?Ss : Yes . First, I do some actions and you try to gu

8、ess what am I doing?做三至五个动作训练What are you doing? Now , 2 students come here, and we all try to ask him some questions.学生做一动作S1: Whats he doing?S2: Is he drinking water? Yes ,he is.学生换一个动作,其他同学模仿以上例句问答。2. Play another game.T呈现一些图片,但将关键部分遮住,让学生用现在进行时态的一般疑问句对话。Homework1. 抄写grammar句子2遍。课后反思Cartoon time共

9、 6课时第3 课时总课时351. 能够听懂、会说、会读卡通故事中出现的词汇:angry, spot, catch, driveaway.2. 能够流利地朗读卡通部分。3. 能够整体理解并简单表演卡通对话学生能正确理解、朗读Cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中的趣味之处,能在教师的指导下表演故事Step 2 Presentation1. Watch a cartoon Do you remember the cartoon?(unit 5 ) Lets watch again.Ss watch the cartoonT : Does bobby like the pests or lad

10、ybirds? No!2. Watch another cartoon Yes, and every group gives an ending, right? But what is today ending?Heres another video, lets watch.3.Who can read the passage?各种方式熟读课文4.T: Can you find the right answers?Where are they?Does ladybirds can help bobby?How does Bobby feel when he sees the birds?How

11、 many spots do ladybirds have?What are the ladybirds doing?Whose ladybirds are helpful?5.Read after the tapeStep 3 consolidation reading the cartoonStep 4 discussionWhat are friends?What is true friendship?板书设计Sound time and Checkout time共 6课时第4 课时总课时361. 能正确朗读字母组合qu在单词中的发音。2. 能了解中西方用餐工具的不同之处。2. 能独立

12、完成checkout time中的练习。1. 能正确朗读字母/qu在单词中的发音。Step 2 Sound time 出示四上学过的cartoon.(小鸟在飞,鸭子在游泳)Whats the duck doing?Ss: He is swimming.Whats the bird doing?He is flying. Yes. And whats the duck saying? Listen !(quack ,quack, I can swim.) Can you repeat and spell?Ss try to repeat and spell.T shows the word. H

13、ow to pronounce “qu”? you read again. you say some other words with “qu”?学生说教师写3.出示课文单词:queen, quick, quiet, quite. You can try to read.(Ss read)Listen to the tape and read loudly.跟录音学习旋律,熟读的基础上再次体会”qu”的发音。Step3 Culture time a cartoon观看一则关于中西方吃饭的视频,学生观察不同之处。2. T: What do we use? We use .教师教学单词chopst

14、ickSs say again: We use chopsticks. What about foreigners? They use .教师教学单词: fork, knife They use knives and forks. and read after the tape.Step 4 Checkout time1. Ask and answer The children are helping in the kitchen, what are they doing?教师将图中人物和对应的家务活打乱,让学生猜测S1 : Is Liu Lao sweeping the floor?S2 :

15、 Are Su Hai and Su Yang washing dishes?S3: Is mother cooking?S4:. in pairs一人询问,一人看书回答 Is Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isnt. Are Yes, they are. No, they arent.Step5 Look and write. can show a fridge and Ss guess whats in it. opens the fridge and check. Lets see whats in it? Read together. you say the s

16、entences with number?There is _ meat in the fridge.There is _ fish in the fridge.There are_ bananas in the fridge.There are_ oranges in the fridge.There are .4.小组接龙 and check.Ticking time(review)共 6课时第5 课时总课时371. 能正确说出常见的食物。2. 在一定情景中能运用现在进行时态的一般疑问句进行问答。3. 知道字母组合qu在单词中的正确发音。1. 在一定情景中能运用现在进行时态的一般疑问句进行

17、问答。2. 知道字母组合qu在单词中的正确发音。Step1 Free talk出示66页图片师生问答。1. Show teaching aimsIn this lesson, well have some learning aims. First, I can name some food.Then, I can ask and answer “yes/no ” questions about actions. Finally, I know the sound of “qu”. PPT出示目标。2. Now lets come to the first aim.出示67页图,学生说说食物。3

18、. Act the story教师出示课文图片,学生根据记忆复述课文。a. Work in groupsb. Ask some Ss to act How many stars can you get? PPT出示ticking time 1. Lets turn to the second aim. Are you dancing? No, we arent. We are having an English lesson.1.出示Fun time游戏,学生用现在进行时态的一般疑问句问答。2.总结现在进行时态一般疑问句的变化规则。 PPT出示目标。Step 4 Sound time Lets

19、 come to the third aim.出示单词 queen, quick, quiet, quiteRead and find Whats the pronunciation of “qu”?Can you say more words?Try to read.Ticking time(exercise)共 6课时第6 课时总课时38一、英汉互译。1上午六点_ 2寻找_ 3回到家_ 4一位很棒的厨师_ 5做饭_ 6wash some vegetables _ 7drive the pests away_8I cant wait. _ 9How is my soup?_ 10 in th

20、e fridge _ 二、选择正确的答案,将其序号填入括号内。( ) 1. I come home _ a football match. A. at B. for C. from( ) 2. _ Ben and his mother cooking meat ? A. Is B. Do C. Are( ) 3. -_ you listening to music? - No, Im watching TV. A. Do B. Are C. Can( ) 4. The girl is _ her pen, but she cant find it. A. looking at B. looki

21、ng C. looking for( ) 5. - Is Mike washing the vegetables? - _. A. Yes, he is B. Yes, he can C. Yes, he does( ) 6. -Is Helen _ in the library? -Perhaps she is. A. reading B. reads C. read( ) 7. -Look! Mr. Yang is cleaning the car. -Ill go and help _. A. he B. his C. Him( ) 8. I can see some birds the

22、 tree!A. on B. in C. at 三、按要求完成下列各句。 is watching TV in the sitting-room.(改为一般疑问句) _Nancy _in the sitting-room?2. They are playing football at school. (改为否定句) They _ _ in the library.3. Tom goes swimming on Sundays. (将on Sundays改为now) Tom _ _swimming now.4. a great are you cook (.)(连词成句)_.5. Liu Tao

23、What doing is kitchen in the (?)(连词成句)_?四、根据中文意思,完成下列句子。1-海伦在书房看书吗? -是的。 -Is Helen _ a book in the study? -Yes, she is.2-你在干什么? -我在帮助妈妈。 -_ are you doing? -Im _ my mum . 3. -他们在做土豆汤吗? -不,他们在做西红柿烧肉。 -_ _ cooking potato soup? -No, theyre cooking the _ _ _ .五、阅读理解。 A John is a student. He has a sister,

24、 Linda. They are in the same school, and they go to school together. It is three forty now. Classes are over. Linda is in the school library. She is reading a storybook. Her friend Mary is in the library, too. She is reading a book. Joe is not in the library with his sister. He is in the classroom. He is looking for his book . 选择正确的答案,将其序号填入题前括号内。( ) 1. _ has a brother. A. Joe B. Linda C. Mary( ) 2. _ is in the library now. A. Tom

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