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本文(新编大学英语浙大版第一册第二单元Unit TwoPsychology in Our Daily Life课文翻译Word文件下载.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

新编大学英语浙大版第一册第二单元Unit TwoPsychology in Our Daily Life课文翻译Word文件下载.docx

1、做一些课后阅读练习和课后阅读练习,以提高他们在课堂上的知识,提高他们的英语综合技能。6) translate some typical sentences into Chinese or English by using some expressions learned in the reading passages to acquire some translating skills and better their translating abilities.运用阅读中的一些句型,将一些典型的句子翻译成汉语或英语,以获得一些翻译技巧,提高翻译的能力。I. Useful informatio

2、n1. Psychology is a young and growing science that touches on a broad range of human activities. In general, however one can say that psychology tries to explain why people cat, think, and feel the way they do. 心理学是一门新兴的科学,涉及广泛的人类活动。一般来说,人们会说心理学试图解释为什么人们会喜欢猫,思考和感觉自己的行为。2. Psychologists are intereste

3、d not only in how individual minds work but also in the various interactions of minds in society. It should be noted that psychology provides methods of analyzing and understanding human behavior and emotion that are not based on moral codes. 心理学家不仅对个人思想的工作方式感兴趣,而且对社会中各种思想的相互作用也感兴趣。应该指出的是,心理学提供了分析和理

4、解人类行为和情感的方法,而不是基于道德准则3. The whole field of psychoanalysis originated with the research of the Austrian doctor, Sigmund Freud (1856-1939). According to his theories, people are driven by irrational (not being able to reason; illogical) forces or primitive instincts. Freud believed that the inner stru

5、ggle between instincts and conscience often led to disaster which was manifested (show clearly) in the form of personal tragedies such as murder and suicide or collective tragedies such as war. He advocates (support) the use of psychoanalysis to help people control irrational forces. Much of Freuds

6、work was based on his interpretation of dreams and sexual instincts.整个精神分析领域源于奥地利医生西格蒙德弗洛伊德的研究(1856 - 1939)。根据他的理论,人们是被非理性驱使的(无法推理;不合逻辑的)力量或原始本能。弗洛伊德认为,直觉和良知之间的内在斗争经常导致灾难,这种灾难以个人悲剧的形式表现出来,如谋杀、自杀或战争等集体悲剧。他提倡使用精神分析来帮助人们控制非理性的力量。弗洛伊德的大部分作品都是基于他对梦和性本能的诠释。4. The whole field of psychology has evolved (dev

7、elop) and expanded considerably since the early part of the twentieth century. There are now many branches of psychology and it is no longer limited to clinical (cold; without feelings) work and the analysis of dreams. 从二十世纪早期开始,整个心理学领域都在发展和扩展。现在有许多心理学分支,它不再局限于临床(冷;没有感情的工作和对梦的分析。5. Men and women wit

8、h training in psychology now work in many different careers ranging from therapists to advertising agents. The findings of psychological research are used help the victims of family violence, to design aptitude tests(性向测验),to carry out efficiency studies in the workplace, to develop educational stra

9、tegies, to conduct political campaigns, and to predict consumer spending. In fact, there id hardly any aspect of modern society that has not been influenced in some way by research in the field of psychology.有心理学训练的男男女女现在从事着许多不同的职业,从心理治疗师到广告代理。心理学研究的结果有助于使用家庭暴力的受害者,设计能力测试(性向测验),执行效率研究在工作场所,发展教育策略,进行

10、政治活动,预测消费者支出。事实上,在现代社会中,几乎没有任何方面,在心理学领域的研究中并没有受到某些方面的影响。II. Preparation1Describing the pictures on page 32.描述第32页的图片Picture 1: The patient looks sad. He is coming out of the hospital, carrying a test report in his hand. Judging from the black cloud hanging over the hospital, the drooping flowers and

11、 trees, and the report with the word “Cancer” on it, we can assume that he has had a series of tests.图1:病人看起来很伤心。他从医院出来,手里拿着一份化验报告。从悬挂在医院上空的黑云,垂下的鲜花和树木,以及“癌症”一词的报告,我们可以推测他已经做了一系列的测试。Picture 2: The man is lying in bed. The doctor has obviously prescribed all kinds of medicine because there bottles of

12、 pills on the table beside the bed. There is also a piece of paper with the word “will” written on it. The man is also depressed that he has written his will because he thinks he is going to die.图二:男人躺在床上。医生显然开了各种各样的药,因为在床边的桌子上放了几瓶药。还有一张纸条,上面写着“will”。这个人也很沮丧,因为他认为自己会死,所以写了遗嘱。Picture3: The man appear

13、s extremely happy. The sun is shining over the hospital. The flowers and trees are upright. The doctor has told the man that he does not have cancer after all. (The report he is carrying has an “X” through the word “cancer”.) On seeing this result, he cant believe his eyes.图片3:这个人看起来非常高兴。阳光普照医院。花和树都

14、是直立的。医生告诉那个人他根本没有癌症。(他携带的报告有“X”字通过“癌症”一词。)看到这个结果,他简直不敢相信自己的眼睛。Picture 4: The sun is shining, the trees are full of fruit and the hospital has disappeared. The man is happy. He appears to be singing or whistling. He takes a racket and heads off to play tennis. He is healthy and energetic again. 图四:阳光

15、灿烂,树上满是水果,医院也不见了。的人是幸福的。他似乎在唱歌或吹口哨。他拿起球拍,就去打网球。他又健康又精力充沛。2. Getting to know your classmates 了解你的同学Possible reasons for the beliefs and feelings Those who love shopping may have a lot of money to spend and take delight in doing shopping .Sometimes they have a sense of accomplishment after shopping is

16、 done. In other cases, when people are in low spirits, they tend to do a lot of shopping.爱购物的人可能会有很多钱花,乐于做购物。有时他们在购物后会有成就感。在其他情况下,当人们情绪低落时,他们往往会去购物。 Some people dont eat beef because of their religion. For example, Hindus do not eat beef. Others do not eat beef because of their family habits.有些人不吃牛肉

17、,因为他们的宗教。例如,印度教徒不吃牛肉。其他人不吃牛肉是因为他们的家庭习惯。 Bus service in some places is very poor. Buses are usually crowed and dirty. That is why people dont like to ride on a bus and when they are on a bus, they will get sick. The result will probably be that they hate riding on a bus even more.巴士服务在一些地方非常贫穷。公共汽车通常

18、拥挤不堪。这就是为什么人们不喜欢乘坐公共汽车,当他们乘公共汽车时,他们会生病。结果可能是他们更讨厌乘坐公共汽车。 Those who love to talk to themselves are often timid and reserved(shy). They express their own feeling by doing so. Some people do so because they are not sure of themselves. They can practice talking to others in imagination, i.e. by imaginin

19、g that they are facing other people and talking with them.喜欢跟自己的人往往是胆小,保留(害羞)。他们这样做表达了自己的感情。有些人这样做是因为他们不确定自己。他们可以在想象中练习与他人交谈,也就是说,想象他们面对着其他人,与他们交谈。 Some people are terrified of snakes because some snakes are very poisonous. Other people hate them because they are ugly and disgusting.一些人害怕蛇,因为蛇毒性很大。其

20、他人讨厌他们,因为他们丑陋又恶心。 People sometimes associate violence and ghosts with darkness. In the darkness, people usually feel lonely and helpless.人们有时把暴力和鬼魂与黑暗。在黑暗中,人们通常感到孤独和无助。 Some people think they are too fat when compared with those slim people around them. In most parts of the world, people are worried

21、 when they gain weight and try every means to keep thin. Everyone hopes to be good-looking or beautiful and follow the trend.有些人认为他们太胖相比,那些苗条的周围的人。在世界上的大部分地区,人们在增重的时候都很担心,并且想尽一切办法保持苗条。每个人都希望自己长得好看或漂亮,并追随潮流。 Those who hold on to their money as long as possible are usually very thrifty. They are afrai

22、d that if they spend all their money, they will have nothing to rely on. With as much money as they can save, they can at least have a sense of security.那些坚持他们的钱尽可能长时间通常很节俭。他们害怕如果他们把钱花光了,就没有什么可依靠的了。只要他们能省钱,他们至少可以有安全感。 People who hate queuing are impatient. They think it is a waste of time to spend t

23、heir precious time queuing.讨厌排队的人不耐烦。他们认为花宝贵的时间排队是浪费时间。 People believe in ghosts if they have heard many ghost stories. Some people who have dreamed of ghosts may believe in them.人相信鬼魂如果他们听过很多鬼故事。有些梦见鬼魂的人可能相信他们。 These people believe that everyone has a certain fate. It is fate that determine everyth

24、ing in their life. They are anxious to find out what their future will be like. So they go to a fortune teller in order to know their future in advance.这些人相信每个人都有一个特定的命运。命运决定了他们生活中的一切。他们急于想知道他们的未来会是什么样子。所以他们去找算命师来提前了解他们的未来。III. Pre-Reading Activities课前阅读活动Directions: Discuss the following questions

25、in pairsIf you have any health problems , do you always go to the doctor? If so, what do you expect from the doctor?两组讨论下列问题如果你有任何健康问题,你总是去看医生吗?如果是这样的话,你对医生的期望是什么?Possible answer:If I have health problems, I will go to the doctor. I want the doctor to examine me, to diagnose the problem, to write a

26、prescription or to tell me if there is anything I should do or avoid. If it is necessary, the doctor will give me some tests. Above all, I always expect that the doctor will tell me that I will get better quickly.如果我有健康问题,我会去看医生。我希望医生检查我,诊断问题,开处方,或者告诉我是否有什么我应该做或避免的。如果有必要,医生会给我做一些检查。最重要的是,我总是希望医生能告诉我

27、,我很快就会好起来的。IV. In-Class Reading Activities 1. The students are supposed to finish the in-class reading passage within 14 minutes. 2. Language points 1) to come away with sth: to leave a place with sthe.g. We came away with an uneasy feeling that all was not well with marriage.To come away from sth:

28、to become detached from sth(脱落)The light switch came away from the wall.2)all a sick person needs is someall that ( that is omitted): what(the verb must be single)e.g. All I can say is that we are extremely sorry. (subject)All that he lacked was training. (subject)He thought over all that his parent

29、s had said (object)Do not all you can; spend not all you have; believe not all you hear; and tell not all you know. (obj.)Is that all you want to say? (predictive)Thats all there is to be said. (predictive)3)some assurance that (appositive clause) (fact, opinion, notion, suggestion, proposal, thought, news, truth, report, idea, rumor, hope, belief, doubt, proof)e.g. I have no idea that you were here.They ma

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