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冀教版英语七年级下 全册教案Word格式.docx

1、 May I ? Yes, you may. No, you may not.5总结拓展总结本课重点短语和句型,要求学生记住谚语, “One is never too old to learn.” 告诫学生“学无止境,积极进取”。6随堂测试测试本课内容,结束本课。Lesson 2 May I Invite Danny and Jenny?1复习1). 采用小组表演形式复习Lesson 12)复习打电话的日常用语。 A: Hello! 喂! B: Hello!This is Ann speaking. Whos that?喂!我是安,你是谁?2导入新课请一名学生来当记者,采访李明:Journal

2、ist: I know you want to go on a trip to Beijing. Who are you going with?Li Ming : I want Danny and Jenny to come on our trip to Beijing Does your mother agree with you?Li Ming: Im not sure. / I dont know.3听、读、操练学生听一遍录音,回答教师的问题。 “Does Li Mings mother want to talk to Mrs. Smith?再放两遍录音,学生跟读。两人一组进行练习。4讲

3、解本课内容1) 教师讲解情态动词can的用法: can + 动词原型Jenny can come. She can sing English songs. 2) leave 与leave for 辨析We will leave Shanghai at 9:00.我们将在9点离开上海。 They leave for Shanghai at 9: 他们在9点向上海出发。 3)arrive When do you arrive in Beijing? 你们什么时候到达北京? They will arrive at the hospital before six oclock. 他们将在6点前到达医院

4、。5打电话表演 四人小组表演对话。要求动作表情到位 ( 李明和詹尼的动作必须符合情节,并且要表现出迫不及待的心情 )。评出最佳表演小组。6总结拓展 总结本课重点短语和句型。7随堂测试 请试着翻译下列词组,看谁写得又快又准。 1. 我们的旅行 2. 与格林夫人交谈 3. 去旅行 4. 在加拿大居住5. 到达上海 6. 向天津出发Lesson 3 How Far Is Beijing?1. 复习-导入新课教师出示一小男孩数数字的图片。教师:Look at the picture. Whats the boy doing?帮助学生回答:He is counting. countCan you cou

5、nt from one to one hundred?抽取几个学生进行速诵数字的比赛。one, two, three, fourCan you count from one hundred to one thousand? Can you count from one thousand to ten thousand?2 听,读数词。放第一部分的录音,学生跟读三遍,教师纠正不正确的发音。如: thousand。 让学生反复练习。3. 数词读写比赛。4. 四人小组用阿拉伯数字写出20个数词,请一位同学做评委,掌握好其他三人读完数字所需的时间, 评出获胜者。 教师在幻灯片上出示一系列数词, 各小组

6、评出的获胜者在班级进行决赛,评出速读冠军。5. 教师在幻灯片上出示一系列数词, 全体学生用英语写出数词, 看谁写得又快有准确。6听录音,找数词 教师放第二部分的录音,学生找出对话中出现的数词。 找三位同学回答所听到的数词。其他学生齐读数词,然后随录音模仿。教师讲解距离的表达方法:How far is it from your home to school?Its two kilometres.How far is it from China to Canada?About eight thousand five hundred kilometres.7小组操练句型 教师给出关键词,学生两人一组

7、进行练习。1) Shijiazhuang Qinghuangdao 600 kilometres2) home factory 5 kilometres8总结拓展Lesson 4 How Can We Go to Beijing?1导入新课教师播放一段飞机、公共汽车、火车的视频片断,播放同时教师介绍:An airplane is fast.A bus is slow.A train is faster than a bus but slower than an airplane.2听录音,学新词教师出示飞机、公共汽车、火车的图片,学生边看图片,边听课本录音第一部分,掌握新词 airplane,

8、 fast. slow的读音。3讲解形容词的比较级1) 教师出示自行车和公共汽车的图片,说:A bike is slower than a bus. A bus is faster than a bike.2) 出示公共汽车和火车的图片,说:A bus is slower than a train.A train is faster than a bus. 教师讲解比较级的构成形式:A +is +形容词的比较级+than+ B.3) 学生运用教师出示的交通工具图片进行模仿操练。4听,读, 说教师提问:How can Li Ming go to Beijing?学生听一遍录音后,找到问题的答案。

9、学生跟读录音两遍,两人小组进行练习。5. let sb do sth 句型操练 Lets go to Beijing by plane. Lets sing a song. Lets take a train. 6唱歌。 教师讲解歌词,学生唱歌,巩固复习本课的重点句型。7总结拓展总结本课重点短语和句型。8随堂测试Lesson 5 Leaving and arriving 请两组同学表演 Lesson 4 , Part2。We have known Jenny and Danny will come to China. They will go on a trip to Beijing. Now

10、 I have some questions to ask you.Show flash cards, ask the students to answer the questions.1) When do they leave Canada?2 ) When do they arrive in China?3)When do they leave for Beijing?4)When do they arrive in Beijing?3听,读,说教师放两遍第一部分的录音,学生找到问题的答案。学生以两人为小组,问答幻灯片上的问题。教师要求学生正确运用介词in, on ,at。4介绍本课新内容

11、1)教师出示写信、购物、天安门广场、故宫的图片,教学词组:write home, go shopping, go to Tananmen Square, go to the Palace Museum.2) 生以四人小组为单位,拿出课前准备好的台历,听录音,读单词,掌握星期名称Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.5根据表格内容,谈论旅行计划。Suppose we will have a three-day holiday. Heres what we want to do! Look at the pla

12、n of our trip. DayActivitiesFriday do homework watch TV Saturday go to the Great Wall go to the Palace MuseumSunday the Museum of Natural History (自然博物馆)go shoppingLesson 6 Li Ming Packs His Suitcase1. 查作业,导入新课教师预先向学生布置作业,让学生从家中带来一些水果。 Ask some students:1) How many apples do you have?2) How many pea

13、rs do you have? 3) How many oranges do you have?2教师讲解How many + 可数名词复数+do you have?教师出示服装类图片,利用图片上的服装,如:hat, sweater, gloves, coat, socks, trousers 进行操练. 教学新单词clothes, jacket.How many hats do you have? Two.How many coats do you have? One.How many jackets do you have? Three.学生需注意:socks, trousers How

14、many pairs of socks do you have? I have one pair of socks.3操练句型 How many apples do you have?B: I have three. How many pens do you have?A: You need more pens, too!4听,读,表演 教师放第一部分录音三遍,学生跟读录音,两人一组自由练习对话。让三组学生到前面表演。5活动:打点行囊 四人小组为单位,模拟表演。要求旅行前准备食品、饮料和服装。6唱歌 教师总结归纳指示代词,this, that, these, those. 学生做动作,复习身体

15、部位名称。Lesson 7 Buying Train Tickets1复习-导入新课 让学生复习指示代词,教师出示火车站和一张火车票的图片。教学新词:train station, ticket。学生练习:This is a train station. These are tickets.2听,读,表演 学生听第一部分的录音,跟读录音。然后两人一组表演,要求学生动作表演到位。3教师讲解 教师讲解询问价格的日常用语。How much is the book?Its 10 yuan. How much for a ticket from Shijiazhuang to Beijing?Forty

16、yuan.4语法精讲-祈使句1)教师做跑、跳的动作。学习表示动作的动词run, jump.2)否定祈使句: Dont run. Dont jump on the train.3) 肯定祈使句:Sit down, please. Stand up, please.5三人小组表演。学生以三人小组为单位,表演课本第二部分,要求语言、表情、动作到位。师生评出最佳表演小组。6做游戏将全班学生分成两大组,做如下游戏。Stand upSit down and Show us oneLook upLook down andShow us twoReach upReach down andShow us thr

17、eeJump upJump down and Show us fourPoint upPoint down and Show us five Lesson 8 What do you know?1. 复习本单元的单词和词组1)两个学生在前面做动作,其他学生看动作,猜单词 eat, talk, count, walk, jump, run, sing, stand, sit等。猜词组:go shopping, sit down, stand up.2)英汉互译有关星期名称的单词Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sund

18、ay 3)介词填空练习 4)重点句型复习3读写数词比赛4能力展示四人小组讨论如下问题,制成表格。1)Can you say something about Beijing?2)How can you go to Beijing?3)What do you usually do before a trip? 学生总结本单元重点短语和句型。6随堂测试 三活动教室 1活动活动1、制作数字卡片学生以四人小组为单位,分工制作数字卡片,要求正面写阿拉伯数字,背面写英文。小组成员间利用卡片进行英汉互译,并与其他小组进行交流。活动2、制订旅游计划小组成员分别谈论自己的旅游计划,出行方式,日程安排。活动3、做游

19、戏将全班同学分成两组,一组说表示动作的祁使句,另一组做动作。然后交换。比一比哪组指令明确,动作整齐。2快乐体验1)分组讨论对暑假旅游的畅想,然后记录下自己的想法并与同学交流座谈。2)你曾经去过什么旅游景点?将你的旅游照片带到学校或发送到好朋友的邮箱,与他们共享美好的回忆。3) 用英语打电话邀请朋友一起出游,设计你们的旅游目的地、商量出行方式和日程安排。Lesson 9: Getting on the TrainTeaching Aims:1 words: get, get on, very, stop, onto, ready, stand, where, see, first, man, e

20、xcuse, pardon, move, problem2sentences: Jenny and Mrs. Li are getting on the train.Dont jump onto the train!You are in my seat.What did that man say?You have to move.Teaching Resources: audiotape, cards, picturesLanguage Points: get on, jump onto, in my seat, have to You have to move.Teaching Proced

21、ures:Step 1: Greeting.Step 2 Revise Unit 1It is about eight thousand five hundred kilometers.May I go on a trip to Beijing?Yes, you may./No, you may not.I want to go to the Great Wall.Let us take a train. Step 3 Presentation1.Ask the students to discuss the questions:Do you argue with your friends?

22、Why?Do you have a friend who gets very excited? Who?2. Play the tape and get the students to answer the question:Why is Jenny angry with Danny?3. Teach the new words and expressions:get on, jump onto, ready, beside, run onto, in the first/my seat, pardon, have to, moveWrite them on the blackboard.4.

23、Explain the language points.Step 4 Play the tape again and get the students to read after the tape.Step 5 Work in pairs. Ask the students to practice the dialogue.Step 6 present the dialogue.Step 7 Homework.1 Finish off the activity book.2. Recite the dialogue in this lesson.3. Preview Lesson 10.Les

24、son 10Class opening2. Duty report.3. Ask several volunteers to act out the dialogue in Lesson 9.4. Sing “The trip song.”5. Sing “I walked to zoo.”Look out of , point to.There is/are-Can you see -?Step1:Demonstrate there be with real objects.Teacher: (holding a book) There is a book.(Holding two book

25、s) There are two books.Step2: DrillTeacher Three books.Students: There are three books. Many people. There are many people. I see a woman with a sheep. Can you see them?Step3:Practice Books closed! Ask this question: What do Danny and Jenny see outside? Play the audiotape. Check the answers. Play th

26、e audiotape again as the students follow in their student books. Ask volunteers to read the dialogue. Ask volunteers to present the dialogue.Class closing Finish off the activity book. Sing the song “Whos drawing.” Practice the dialogue in this lesson. Preview Lesson11.Lesson 11: Dannys New Friend1words: farm, suddenly, hear, voice, ah, scare, meet, course, of course, lot, a lot of, interest, hope, enjoy, well He hear

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