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1、2 periodsPeriod 11. Students can read the new words.3. Students can listen and number them. 1. Magic box:2. Work in pairs.3. Listen and number.1. The pronunciation of the words.2. Lets talk about the dialogue.Pictures, tape, recorder Step 1. Greetings:The teacher and students greet each other. T: He

2、llo, boys and girls!Ss: Hello, Miss Yang! Nice to see you again! Nice to see you, too!Step 2. Work in pairs.The teacher asks: Hows the weather today? S1: Its warm. T: Look at the pictures. Ss look at them and read together:wash my face, ride a bike, do housework, dig a hole and so on. Then ask stude

3、nts: What are you doing? Ss: Im planting trees. We are playing badminton. Then students ask and answer into pairs. Step 3. Listen and practiceThe teacher shows pictures. Ss look at them and follow the teacher: draw a picture, read a book, play the piano, clean the blackboard, clean the classroom, wa

4、it for a classmate. Then ask students to read the words. The teacher points to a picture: What is he doing? He is reading a book. Then points to another picture: What is she doing? S2: She is drawing a picture. Then ask students to practice the sentences into pairs.Step 4. Listen and numberThe teach

5、er plays the tape. Students listen to the tape and number them. What class are you in? Im in Class 7, Grade 6. What are you doing? Im waiting for my teacher. What class are you in? Im in Class 1, Grade 2. What is he doing? He is cleaning the classroom. Step 5. Play a gameStudents look at the two cir

6、cles. Ask them to act as Betty or Simon. The partner choose the other. T: Tick three pictures in your balloon. Ask your partners questions. For example: Im flying a kite. Step 6. Homework1) Read the words and recite them.2) Listen to the text and read it. Summary:Period 21. Students can talk about t

7、he text.2. Students can act as the roles in the text.3. Students can read and tick the words.2. Look, read and tick the words.3. Read and write.2. Students can understand the meaning of “ first name” and “ family name”.The teacher comes to the class, and say “Hello” to the students. Hello! Miss Yang

8、!Then the students sing the song together. Step 2. Revision:The teacher shows pictures, students look at them and read them. We can review the words phrases. Then practice them into groups. At last ask students to make sentences like this: Im doing housework. Were cleaning the classroom. Step 3. Let

9、s talk:Students look at page 2 and listen to the tape. Then students read after the teacher. T shows questions: 1) Whats the name of the new student? 2) Who is talking to him? 3) What class is WangTing in? Students answer them one by one. Ask students to act as the dialogue. Then listen to the tape

10、again and choose the correct answers.Step 4. Look, read and tick the word that matches the picture.Students look at the picture and choose right word. Then read words. Fill in the blanks with the paired words in the box. 1) Birds fly in the sky. 2) My sister is very shy. 3) Try not to cry. 4) Some p

11、ies fell on my tie. Step 5 Read and writeLook at the pictures and read the story. Students can understand the meaning of “ first name” and “ family name”. Then answer the question: What is the boys first name and family name? The boys first name is Sam, and his family name is Smith. At last students

12、 can write an article about himself. 1. Recite the text.2. Finish an article about yourself.Lesson 2 What a Nice Schoolteaching building,art room,music room,computer room,teachers romm, library,toilet,playground.4. Listen and sing. teaching building,art room,music room,computer room,teachers room, l

13、ibrary,toilet,playground.4.Students can say the sentence:Where is the ? Its .5. 5. Listen and sing.2. Listen and practise the new words.3. Everybody can learn to introduce school and other things.3. Complete the sentences. . :teaching building,art room,music room,computer room,teachers room, library

14、,toilet,playground.3. Complete the sentences. Hello, Miss Zhang!Step 2. Review ordinal numbers .The teacher draw a teaching building and write down some numbers.(让学生认读是第几层) Step 3. Listen and practise(老师把每层楼写上各楼层的用途进行新词教学,如:art room,music room,computer room,teachers romm, library,toilet,playground a

15、nd so on. teaching building,art room,music room,computer room,teachers room, library,toilet,playground. Then ask students to read the words. Where is the art room? Its on the fifth floor. Then points to another picture: Its on the fourth floor. Then ask students to practice the sentences into pairs.

16、Step 4. Complete the sentences:Look at right picture and fill in the blank.(P7)Step 5. Listen and sing.First:Listen the song:The Children on a Bus.Second:Read the words of song.Third:Sing after the tape.Fourth:Match and sing.3. Students can read and recite the words.1. Lets talk. 2. Look, read and s

17、ay the words.1. The correct use of prepositions.2. Letters pronunciation:-oa-,-oe,-ow,o. 3, Teaching aids: Pictures, tape, recorder Miss Zhang!The teacher shows pictures, students look at them and read them. We can review the words phrases. Then pratice them into groups. At last ask students to make

18、 sentences like this: Its on the fifth floor. (1)Students look at page 6 and listen to the tape. Then students read after the teacher. T shows questions: 1) What are the boy and the girl talking about?2) Where are they now?3) Who is the new pupil?4)What is the girl?Students answer them one by one. A

19、sk students to act as the dialogue. Then listen to the tape again and choose the correct answers.(2)Act the text.Step 4. Wordss pronunciation.-oa/u/ oe/u/ ow /u/ o/u/boat doe row gocoat hoe snow nogoat toe yellow yoyoStudents look at the picture and say the Chinese means. Step 5 Read ,write and say.

20、Look at the pictures and read the story. Students can fill in the black. Then answer the question: 1)What is the title of the text?2) Draw a picture of your school and then introduce it briefly.2. Introduce your school for your friend.Lesson 3 Happy Teachers Day 教学内容:花类单词flowers, sunflowers, carnati

21、ons, lilies, roses。教学目标:1、教学花卉类单词,要求发音准确,知道中文大意。2、基本了解I like句型。3、了解教师节的相关情况,进上步培养学生尊师的美德。教学重点、难点:1、 本课单词及其正确发音。2、 能应用喜欢某物的表达法“I like”3、 教师节的相关情况。教具准备:鲜花类单词卡片,ppt课件。教学过程:一、 导入1、 师生互相问候、介绍。2、 出示9月10日图片,让学生回答出教师节。3、 并听、唱歌曲Happy Teachers Day4、 引导学生给老师送什么礼品,引导出给教师送花。二、 新授1、 教学flowers。A、 出示图片,提问:What are

22、these?引导出flowers.B、 教师教读。C、 分组别练读。D、 老师再次教读,并带“上I like ”句型。E、 让学生也跟着练习句型。F、 学会后,老师再提问:Do you like flowers? 引导学生用Yes 或 No 回答。2、 教学sunflowers carnations lilies roses 用同样方法。三、 练习1、 教师出示卡片,让学生练读。抽个别学生读。并让学生把卡片帖到对应的单词上边。2、 完成ppt 上面听力练习。四、 拓展1、 复习I like 句型,可用以前学过的单词。2、 提问:What flowers do you like ? 让学生回答。3、 画上自己喜欢的花送给老师。五、 小结1、 本课学过的5个单词。2、 了解I like 句型。六、把自己制作的卡片送给老师。 Lesson 4 Paying a visit第一课时 教案设计1、词汇:掌握房间类单词living roo

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