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1、5.Heres a present for you.这是(送)给你的礼物。6.-Whats this/that -Its a rabbit. -这个/那个是什么 -这个/那个是 一只兔子。s the cat In the hat. 猫在哪里就在帽子里。3.单元练习( ) 1. Whats this A. Its an orange. B. Its a orange.( ) : Lets buy a present for : What about a doll 回答应说:_ idea. B. Yes ( ) 3. 祝别人生日快乐,应说_. birthday! Children Day! ( )

2、 4. 当你送别人礼物时应回说::_ is a present for you!. B. Thank you. C. My name is Amy.Unit 2 Ability(能力)can(能,会)swim(游泳)draw(画画)run(跑步)skate(滑冰)dance(跳舞)sing(唱歌)1. Im a can/ cant swim.我是一只小狗。我会/不会游泳。 can ride a bike,too.我也会骑自行车。 you skate -Yes,I can./No,I cant. -你会溜冰吗 -会的,我会。/不,我不会。( ) 1. Can you ride a bike A.

3、 Yes, I can. B. Yes, I am.( ) 2. Can you skate A. No, I can. B. No, I cant.Unit 3 Food(食物)like(喜欢)rice(米饭)Hamburger(汉堡)noodles(面条)ice cream(冰激凌)grape(葡萄)sweet(甜的)jump(跳) are food.它们是食物。 like grapes. They are sweet.我喜欢(吃)葡萄。它们是甜的。 dont like grapes. They are not sweet. 我不喜欢(吃)葡萄。它们不是甜的。( ) 1. 问别人你喜欢葡萄

4、吗应说_.A、Do you like hamburgers B、Do you like grapes C、I like carrots.( ) 2. 我不喜欢香蕉,应说_.A、I dont like apple. B、I dont like grapes. C、I dont like banana.Unit 4 Time(时间)eleven(十一)twelve(十二)early(早的)late(迟的,晚的)oclock(点钟)home(家)story(故事)sorry(对不起)so many(如此多)go home(回家)s early,s play.现在还早,丽丽。让我们玩一会儿吧。s th

5、e time in LondonIts five oclock.伦敦现在几点了现在五点。( ) 1.你问别人几点钟时, 应说: _.A. Its three oclock . B. what is the time now C. How are you Unit 5 Parts of the Body(身体部位)face(脸)eye(眼睛)nose(鼻子)mouth(嘴巴)ear(耳朵)hand(手)arm(手臂)head(头)leg(腿)foot(脚)then(然后)touch(触摸)honey(蜂蜜) draw a nose and a mouth.然后画一个鼻子和一个嘴巴。 your f

6、ace.触摸你的脸。 your hands.拍手。Unit 6 Clothes (1)(衣服)put on(穿上)T-shirt(T恤衫)big(大的)small(小的)wear(穿)size(号码)too(太,也)want(想要)sports shoes(运动鞋) on your T-shirts.穿上你们的T恤。 size do you wear Size S.你穿多大号的衣服小号。s too big/small.这件衣服太大了/太小了。 want my sports shoes,too.我也想要一双运动鞋。 is wearing a T-shirt today今天有谁穿T恤( ) siz

7、e do you wear A. Size XL. B. Thank you.( ) 2. Now put on your _. A. sport shoes B. sports shoesUnit 7 Clothes (2)(衣服)shirt(衬衫)whose(谁的)sweater(毛衣)skirt(裙子)hat(帽子)jacket(夹克衫)beautiful(漂亮,美丽) shirt is this -Its Yang Mings . -这个是谁的衬衫 -这是杨明的衬衫。 you are.给你。 sweater is beautiful.你的毛衣很漂亮。 like your skirt,J

8、ulia.我很喜欢你的裙子,茱莉亚。( ) 1. Whose skirt is this A. Its Miss Gaos. B. Its Mr. Wangs.( ) 2. Whose sweater is this A. Its Sally. B. Its Sallys.( ) 3. Whose jacket is this A. Its Wang Taos. B. Its Wang Taos.( ) 4. Here you are. A. OK. B. Thank you.( ) 5. How are you A. Im fine. B. Im nine.( ) 6. You shirt

9、is beautiful. A. OK. B. Thank you.( ) 7. I like your sweater. Its beautiful. A. OK. B. Thank you.Unit 8 Childrens Day(儿童节)kid(小孩)child(儿童)day(日,天)park(公园)boat(船,划船)fly(飞)ready(准备好)fun(乐趣)Childrens Day(儿童节)play football(踢足球)fly a kite(放风筝)go to the park(去公园)in the park(在公园)s go to the park. Great!让我们

10、去公园吧。好极了! Childrens Day!儿童节快乐! is he/she doing He/She is playing football.他/她正在做什么他/她正在踢足球。4.Have fun.玩得开心!( ) 1. Happy Childrens Day! A. OK. B. Thank you.( ) 2. I can play_ in the park. A. kite B. football( ) 3. Lets go to the park. A. Great. B. Thank you.( ) 4. What is Sally doing A. She is runing

11、. B. She is running.三年级英语下期末复习练习一、写出下列动词的-ing形式。1. draw _ 2. run_ 3. skate_ 4. swim_ 5. ride_ 6. fly_ 7. boat_ 8. play_二、将下列字母按大小写对应关系连线。V w C dW m D cM v R rN y E fY n F e三、根据汉语意思选择正确的单词抄在四线格上。1. T恤衫shirt T-shirt 2. 足球 football basketball 3. 小的 smallbig4. 十一 seven eleven 5. 眼睛 eye ear 6.小学生 pupilpa

12、rk四、找出不同类的单词。( ) 1. A. dog B. duck C. fly( ) 2. A. child B. swim C. play( ) 3. A. cake B. grape C. skirt( ) 4. A. skirt B. nose C. sweater( ) 5. A. draw B. foot C. leg ( ) 6. A. seven B. three C. card( ) 7. A. New Years Day B. London C. Childrens Day( ) 8. A. London B. time C. Beijing( ) 9. A. ruler

13、 B. pencil-box C. rabbit( ) 10. A. sports shoes B. pink C. black五、根据问句选答句,将序号填入提前的括号内。( )Whose sweater is this A. Size L.( )What size do you wear B. Yes . h( )What is Ben doing C. Its Sallys.( )Are you ready D. He is flying a kite.六、看图,根据情景判断图片与句子是否相符,相符的画“”,不符的画“ ”。1.( )Touch your mouth.2.( )What about a pencil-boxGood idea.3.( )Lets go to the park.4.( )Whats the timeIts twelve oclock.5.( )Whats this Its a duck.七、重新写下列的句子,注意大小写和标点符号,并括号中写出汉语意思。whatyoudo ( )_2.aletsfacedraw 3.thisiswhoseshirt ( )4.canplayifootballtheinpark 5.arewhatthekidsdong

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