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1、dEn.紊乱。dis-表示“否定,非”之意,order表示“顺序,秩序”,所以结合起来就是“紊乱”;Condition:这里用于表示“疾病”;Overcome:用作过去分词,与原形词形相同,表示“克服”。It is important to understand what affects sleep and the importance of sleep.Affect:影响While we sleep, our bodies are inactive but our brains stay very active. Sleep affects daily functioning and phy

2、sical and mental health in many ways that researchers are just beginning to understand.Inactive:不活跃的。In-表示“否,非”的含义;active表示“活跃的”。Physical:表示“身体上的”,其反义词为mental,“精神上的”。People usually cycle through 5 phases of sleep:1.stage 1 - Drowsiness2.stage 2 - Light Sleep3.stage 3 - Deep Sleep4.stage 4 Slow-wave

3、Deep Sleep 5.Rapid eye movement, or REMDrowsiness:5drauzinisn.困倦,困乏,昏昏欲睡。Drowsy是形容词,表示“困倦的,困乏的”,-ness是名词后缀,置于形容词后;Light Sleep:浅睡眠;Deep Sleep:深睡眠;Slow-wave Deep Sleep:慢波睡眠。We spend almost 50% of our total sleep time in stage 2 sleep, about 20% in REM sleep, and the remaining 30% in the other stages.

4、Infants, however, spend nearly 1/2 of their sleep time in REM sleep.Remaining:余下的,剩下的,其余的;Infants:5infEntn.婴儿。During stage 1, or light sleep, we drift in and out of sleep and can be awakened easily. Our eyes move very slowly and muscle activity slows. Muscle contractions called hypnic myoclonia are

5、often preceded by a sensation of starting to fall. In stage 2 sleep, eye movement stops and brain waves slow.Drift:漂流,漂移;Contraction:kEn5trAkFEnn.收缩;Hypnic:hIpnIkadj.催眠的, 使瞌睡的;Myoclonia:7maiEu5klEuniEn.肌阵挛。my-或myo-表示“肌肉”之义;clonia取自clonic,表示“阵挛的”,-a用在医学英语中表示“症状,病症”之意;Sensation:sen5seiFEnn.感觉,源于sense,

6、“感觉,感官”;brain wave:脑电波。In stage 3 and 4, extremely slow brain waves appear. It is very difficult to wake someone during stages 3 and 4, which together are called deep sleep. There is no eye movement or muscle activity.Extremely:极端的。People awakened during deep sleep do not adjust immediately and ofte

7、n feel groggy and disoriented for several minutes after they wake up. Some children experience bedwetting, night terrors, or sleepwalking during deep sleep.Adjust:调整以适应;Groggy:摇摇晃晃的,头昏眼花的,东倒西歪的;Disoriented:rientIdadj.分不清方向的;构词法同disorder。Orient做及物动词,表示“确定方向”,disorient构成其反义词,表示“摸不清方向,使迷失方向”,-ed是一个形容词后

8、缀,往往用在动词或名词后;Bedwetting:尿床。Bed表示“床”,wet表示“打湿,弄湿”,结合起来就是“尿床”;-ing用在动词后,构成动名词,即“的事件或情况”;Sleepwalking:梦游。Sleep表示“睡眠”,walk表示“行走”;-ing用在动词后,构成动名词,即“的事件或情况”。During REM sleep, our breathing becomes more rapid, irregular, and shallow. Our eyes jerk rapidly in various directions, and our limb muscles become

9、temporarily paralyzed. Our heart rate increases, our bold pressure rises, and males develop penile erections. When people wake up during REM sleep, they often describe bizarre and illogical dreams.Irregular:不规则的。ir-表示“不, 非”;regular表示“规则的”;Jerk:抽动;Limb:肢体,四肢;Paralyze:5pArElaIzvt.使瘫痪, 使麻痹。paralytic7pA

10、rE5litikadj.瘫痪的n.瘫痪病人;paralysispE5rAlisisn.瘫痪, 麻痹;Penile:pi:naIladj.阴茎的;Erection:i5rekFEnn.勃起;Bizarre:bi5zB:adj.奇异的。A complete sleep cycle takes between 90-110 minutes. The first sleep cycles of the night contain short REM periods and long periods of deep sleep. As the night progresses, REM sleep in

11、creases in length while deep sleep decreases. By morning, nearly all sleep time is in stages 1, 2, and REM.Progresses:延续,持续。If REM sleep is disturbed, our bodies do not follow the normal sleep cycle the next time we doze off. Instead, we often slip directly into REM sleep and go through long periods

12、 of REM until we “catch up” on this stage of sleep.doze off:打盹。例句:Ive dozed off for about an hour.我大概小睡了一个小时。Doze也可以做名词,表示“打瞌睡”;go through:经历;catch up:弥补。The amount of sleep each person needs depends on many factors, including age. Babies generally need about 16 hours a day, while teenagers need abo

13、ut 9 hours a day.Teenager:青少年。For most adults, 7-8 hours a night appears to be the best amount of sleep, although some people may only need 5 hours or as many as 10 hours each day.A person needs more sleep if he or she has not gotten enough sleep in previous days. Lack of sleep creates a “sleep debt

14、” which is much like being overdrawn at a bank. Eventually, your body will demand that the debt be repaid!Previous:以前;Overdraw:透支。Over-表示“超过”;draw表示“取出,支取”,所以去银行取钱就可以用该词;Eventually:最终,最后。People do not successfully adapt to sleeping less than necessary. Although people can get used to a sleep-deprive

15、d schedule, their judgment, reaction time, and other functions will be impaired.adapt to:适应,习惯;deprive:剥夺。Many studies show that sleep deprivation is dangerous. Sleep-deprived people who are tested with a driving simulator or hand-eye coordination tasks perform as poorly or worse than people who are

16、 intoxicated.Deprivation:deprive的名词性形式;Simulator:模拟;hand-eye coordination:手眼协调;intoxicated:醉酒的,喝醉的。In-表示“处于/在(状态)中”,toxic表示“有毒的,中毒的”。Sleep deprivation also makes the effects of alcohol worse. A tired person who drinks will become much more impaired than someone who is well rested.Benefits优势Even thou

17、gh scientists are still learning exactly why people need sleep, studies show that sleep is necessary to survive. For example, rats normally live for 2-3 years but in studies, those deprived of REM sleep survive only about 5 weeks. Rats deprived of all sleep stages live only about 3 weeks!Survive:生存。

18、Sleep deprivation has bad effects on the immune system. Sleep is also necessary in order for the nervous system to work properly.Have effects on:对产生的影响;immune system:免疫系统;nervous system:神经系统。Too little sleep leaves us drowsy and unable to concentrate. It also leads to memory problems, clumsiness, an

19、d decreased ability to carry out math calculations.If sleep deprivation continues, hallucinations and mood swings may develop.Concentrate:集中注意力;memory problems:记忆力出现问题;clumsiness:笨拙;carry out:执行;math calculation:数学计算;hallucination:hElu:si5neiFEn n.(因为精神错乱火药无反应而产生)幻觉;mood swing:情绪波动。Swing表示“摇摆”。Deep

20、sleep in children and young adults is related to an important growth hormone. Many body cells regenerate during deep sleep. They grow and repair damage caused by stress and ultraviolet rays. This is why deep sleep may truly be “beauty sleep.”growth hormone:生长激素;regenerate:ri5dVenErit v. 新生,再生;ultrav

21、iolet ray:紫外线。Ultra-表示“极端,过度”之义;violet表示“紫罗兰,紫色的”。Sleep Disorders睡眠紊乱There are more than 70 different sleep disorders. Most of them can be managed successfully once they are diagnosed.Diagnose:5daiEnEuzv.诊断。The most common sleep disorders are:-insomnia-sleep apnea-restless legs syndrome, or RLS-narc

22、olepsyInsomnia:in5sCmniEn.失眠。In-表示“否定,非”的含义,somni-表示“睡眠”之义,-a在医学中表示“症状,病症”之义;Apnea:Ap5ni:En.呼吸暂停restless legs syndrome:不宁腿综合症,简称RLS,是一种常见的感觉运动障碍性疾病,患者在睡眠和安静时出现下肢难以名状的不适感,迫使捶打、活动双腿或下床走动以缓解症状。主要症状是小腿难以名状的异常感觉。多在夜晚睡觉时出现,午夜与凌晨3点为多发高峰,典型主诉为骨头内或肌肉深部不适感,以腓肠肌最为明显,也有酸胀感、烧灼感、蚁走感、紧箍感和撕裂感。症状最初出现在一条腿上,持续时间短不适感较轻

23、,数年后累及另一条腿,症状持续,难以忍受,有强迫性动作和不安,捶打或下床活动能暂时缓解。restless5restlisadj.得不到休息的,不平静的;syndrome 5sindrEumn.综合病症,症候群;narcolepsy:5nB:kE7lepsin.发作性睡眠症。Narco-表示“陶醉,对上瘾”的含义。Insomnia失眠A lot of people experience short-term insomnia occasionally.Occasionally:偶然地,偶尔地For short-term insomnia, doctors some times prescribe

24、 sleeping pills. Most sleeping pills stop working after several weeks of nightly use and long-term use can interfere with good sleep.sleeping pills:安眠药;interfere with:阻碍,干扰。Many people who suffer from insomnia try to solve the problem with alcohol.While alcohol does help people fall into light sleep

25、, it also keeps them from having REM and deep stages of sleep.Keepfrom (doing):阻止,妨碍。Heavy smokers often sleep very lightly and have less REM sleep. They also tend to wake up after 3 or 4 hours of sleep due to nicotine withdrawal.Nicotine:5nikEti:n, -tinn.烟碱,尼古丁;Withdrawal:wiT5drC:Eln.收回,撤退,源于动词withdraw。 Mild insomnia can often be prevented or cured by practicing good sleep habits. Researchers are experimenting with light therapy and other treatment options for more serious cases of insomnia.Mild:轻微的,severe的反义词;Cure:治疗,治愈;Therapy:5WerEpin.治疗,疗法。

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