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1、2.allthestudents所有学生3.newterm新学期 4.atschool在学校5.ofterm新学期的第一天 6.atschool在学校的第一天7.eachother彼此 8.alotrooms许多房间9abuilding一幢新大楼 10.howmanyclassrooms多少个教室11.imnotsure.我不能确定/我没把握。 12. Letsgoandsee.让我们去看看。13inbuilding在大楼里 14tworeadingrooms两个阅览室15letmesee.让我看看。 16letshavelook让我们去看一看。B. Look, read and learn

2、a toilet 一个厕所 a garden 一个花园a table tennis room 一个乒乓球室 a reading room 一个阅览室a swing 一个秋千 a slide 一个滑梯CAsk and answerA: Is there a in the ? B:Yes, there is./ No, there isnt. Are there any in the ? Yes, there are./ No, there arent.课堂练习:一、四会单词1、天,白天 2、所有的,全部3、房间,室 4、花5、房子,住宅 6、任何的,一些 二、重要短语1、第一天 2、新学期3、全

3、体学生 4、互相5、一幢新大楼 6、许多房间7、多少间教室 8、在这幢大楼里9、去看看(写出两种) 10、两件阅览室11、一间乒乓球室 12、让我看看13、电脑室 三、重要语法句子1、这是新学期的第一天。2、他们很高兴又互相见面了。3、有多少间教室呢?4、这幢大楼里有阅览室吗?5、我不确定,让我们去看看D. Work in pairsHow many TV rooms are there in the building? There are four.How many toilets are there in the park? There are six.How many computers

4、 are there in the computer room? There are twenty.How many teachers are there in your school? There are forty.How many doctors are there in the hospital? There are thirty.E. Read and act Is there a park near your house?B: Yes. Its a small one, but there are a lot of flowers and trees. Are there any

5、swings? Yes. And theres a slide, too. Shall we go and play there? Good idea.1.许多花和树 a lot of flowers and trees 2. 看lookat3.一个小的(这里指公园) asmallone 4.去那儿 goplay there5.在桌上 on the table 6.the new term 新学期7. 在你的房子附近 near your house 8. 我们去那儿玩,好吗?Shall we go and play there? 9.好主意 good ideaF. Look, find and

6、 say How many are there in the street? B: There are eg: How many bikes are there in the street? There are ten. How many buses are there in the street? There are two. How many cars are there in the street? There are five. How many trees are there in the street? How many students are there in the stre

7、et? There are eight.G: Listen and repeat/ei/ cake grape plate tableIn the street 在街上 on the plate 在盘子里 on the table 在桌上一、用所给词的适当形式填空1、The computer room is on (one ) floor.2、How many (swing) are there in the park?3、Are there (some) storybooks in the desk?4、They are in (class ) One .They are in (Miss

8、Li ) class.5、 (not draw) in the book.6、 (not open)the door, (open) the window,please.二、连词成句。1、near a are the park lot buildings of There 2、back the are school students atAll 3、there this many rooms in building areHow 4、go we play and thereShall 5、is table a of juice on the cartonThere 三、选择填空。( )1、It

9、 is day of the year(年)。A first B the first C a first( )2、There any water in the glass.A is B arent C isnt( )3、How many birds can you see the tree?A in B on C at( )4、LiLi and Honghong are happy each other A see B seeing C to see( )5、-Are those their books?- A No , there arent B,No they arent C Yes, t

10、here are ( )6、-Is there a dog near the tree?A All right B Yes ,there is C OK ( )7、Where are the jackets? on the bed.A Its B There are C They areUnit1词组1.第一天 the first day 2.所有学生 all the students3.在学校的第一天the first day at school 4.在学校 at school5.多少个教室 how many classrooms 6.多少(问数量) how many 7.去看看 gosee

11、 8.在你的房子附近nearyourhouse9.许多房间 arooms 10.两个阅览室 tworooms11.让我看看。 Letsee. 12.去看一看 golook 13.许多花和树 a lot of flowers and trees 14. 看 look15.一个小的(这里指公园) aone 16.去那玩 goplay there 17.在桌上 on the table 18.the new term 新学期19.the first day of the new term新学期第一天 20.each 彼此 在大楼里 22.instreet 在街上23.onplate 在盘子

12、里 24.abuilding 一幢新大楼25.goodidea 好主意句型1. Is there a computer room in the school? Yes, there is.学校里有一间电脑室吗?是的,有。2. Is there a table tennis room in your school? No, there isnt.你学校里有一间乒乓室吗?不,没有。3. Are there any songbooks in the bookcase?书架上有些音乐书吗?4. Are there any swings in the park? No, there arent.公园里有

13、秋千吗?5. How many TV rooms are there in the building?大楼里有几间电视房? 有4间。Is there ? Yes, there is./ No, there isntAre there any ?How many +名词复数+ are there? There is/are +数字. Unit1单元测试一、补全下列单词,并写出中文意思。(20分) 1、h( )se2、fl()w()r3、g()rd()n4、fl( )r5、sm()ll6、s()e7、cl()ssr()om8、n()w9、()ppl()10、d()y二、英汉短语互译。(10分) 1

14、、一个阅览室 2、在花园附近3、所有的老师4、看一看5、lookblackboard 6、inpark7、arooms 8、Goodidea.9、a10、atabletennisroom三、选择正确答案。()1、Itsterm. A:C:for 2、Thisisgreenumbrella.anthe 3、Thefloor. onin 4、Aretherecomputerrooms?someany 5、Shallweplaythere?. GoodThankyouYes,are 6、sportshallinbuilding?AreIs )7、Allstudentshappyseeeachothe

15、r.?are,/is,toare,to )8、Howbikesarestreets?There.two,twotootow,too 9、Wherejackets?bed.ItsThey10、Thereanybooksdesk. isntarent四、找出错误,并在横线上改正。1、How room areABC 2、Its on first B3、Areslidesgarden? A4、Whatcanpicture?5、Islibrary?itis. 五、连词成句。1、go、have、lets、and、look、a(.) 2、there、are、swings、any、the、in、garden(

16、?3、playing、we、on、see-saw、the、like(.)4、happy、they、to、see、each、are、other(.) 5、there、computerrooms、are、on、second、floor、the(.) 六、阅读短文,判断正误。正确的写T,错误的写F。(10分) Look at Alices bedroom. What can you see in the room? I can see a desk, a chair and a bed in the room. There is a photo on the desk. Its a photo on

17、 the desk. Its her family photo. There are three crayons on the books. There is a story-book near the pencil-box. Its name is “Monkey King”, Alice likes it very much. ( )1. There is a photo on the desk. ( )2. There are two beds in this room. ( )3. This is Alices sisters bedroom. ( )4. Alices crayons

18、 are in the desk. ( )5. There is an English book near the pencil-box. Unit2 A new houselive bedroom study large under behind door parent bathroom kitchen dining-room sitting-room world wall telephone sofa lamp mouse 课文 A. Read and sayYang Ling and her parents live in a new house now. It is near her

19、school. They like the new house very much.Yang Ling: I live in a new house now.Nancy: Is it big? Yes, it is. There are three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a study, a kitchen, a dining-room and a large sitting-room. Is there a garden? No, there isnt a garden. Whats in your bedroom? Theres a desk near my b

20、ed. On the bed, there are some dolls. Are there any pictures on the wall? No, there arent any pictures. Theres a map of the world on the wall. Is there a telephone? Yes. Its on the desk.1.herparents她的父母亲 2.livehouse住在一间新房子里3.likehouseverymuch非常喜欢新房子 4.nearschool在她学校附近5.threebedrooms三个卧室 6.alargestud

21、y一个大书房7.inbedroom在你的卧室里 8.nearmybed在我的床附近9.wall 在墙上 10.mapworld一张世界地图11.achina一幅中国地图 12.desk在书桌上13. a large sitting- room 一个大客厅 14. a dining- room 一个餐厅B. Look, read and learna bed 一张床 a sofa 一张沙发a telephone 一部电话 a lamp 一盏台灯on 在上面 in 在里面 under 在下面 behind 在后面A:Whats in/on/under/behind ? Theres a in/on/under/behind eg. A: Whats in the basket? Theres a d

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