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四年级英语UNIT3 A Lets spell 教学设计.docx

1、四年级英语UNIT3 A Lets spell 教学设计四年级英语UNIT3 A Lets spell 教学设计一、 教学目标 1. 学生能够感知并归纳o-e在单词中的发音规则。 2. 能读出符合o-e发音规则的单词。 3. 能根据单词的读音拼写符号o-e发音规则的单词。 二、 教学重难点 重点:能归纳出o-e的发音规则,并根据o-e的发音规则拼写单词。 难点:o/o-e在单词中的发音区别 三、 教学用具 课件、单词卡、小奖品 四、 教学过程 课前交流 T: Hello, boys and girls, Im your new teacher of this class. First, let

2、 me introduce myself to you: My name is. you can call me Miss Liu. I like watching TV、reading books and singing. Do you like singing? Ss: Yes T: Look here, what are they?字母表Yes, they are letters, so lets enjoy a phonics song , if you can sing , please follow it and clap your hands follow me , Ok? Ss

3、: Ok. phonics song T: Great, you sang so well! Clap for yourself! Now lets play a game : the name is “I say you say”, I say A A A, You say “”“”“”,Understand ? T:You try Ss: (学生问老师) (师故意不会,答错,然后学生拍下手) T:You can do like this with your partner. OK? Go (手势同桌间) T: Wow, you are so clever. I like all of yo

4、u so much! I think we will be happy this class,yes? Now, Class begins! Step1 Warm up. T: You are so clever! So I want to give you another game :“Sharp Eyes”. Please open your big eyes and remember what do you see? Are you ready? Go! ppt快速呈现box、dog、body、 orange T: Ok, who can tell me “what did you se

5、e? Please speak them in English and in order.” Ss: box、dog、body、orange在生说的过程中逐步呈现图片及单词 T: Look at these words, what do they have in common? Ss:都含有O. T: Yes, They all contain the letter O. 出示O的卡片? Lets read together,ok? Ss: OK. T: So o says: 引导生总结O的发音。Very good! T: Step2 presentation T: You are so cl

6、ever! So I need you help. My friend gave me a picture,but dont know what is it? Can you help me? Guess:“Whats this?” Ss: Nose. Y: Its a nose. Nose、 nose.生读(读两遍之后在黑板上贴词卡)Whose nose is it? Its yours? Ss: No. T: Where is your nose?(生指) T: Can you guess: whose nose is it? Its Mr Jones. Mr Jones 、Mr Jone

7、s. 生读(读两遍之后在黑板上贴词卡) Today Mr Jones is going to meet his friend Bobby. He wants to invite Bobby to drink Coke. Coke Coke. 生读读两遍之后在黑板上贴词卡) But he forget when will they meet? How does Mr Jones do? Ah, dont worry , lets look at his note. Note note. 生读 (读两遍之后在黑板上贴词卡) T:Look at these word : what do they h

8、ave in common? Ss: o-e T: Right. There are the same letters o-e in these words.(出示o-e词卡) T: Now, listen to the tape,and tell me what does the letters say? T: So, o-e says. T:So lets have a challenge: Can you read this word? 【cote cope code/mote dote pote】 Look,read after me please.cote cope code(有节奏

9、感读)mote dote pote Wow,You did a good job. Step3 Practice and production T: Oh, look, its2:00 .Its time to meet Bobby. Yes? So ,Mr Jones is preparing to meet Bobby. But just now, he became sad, why? Because he received a note from Bobby. Lets have a look what did Bobby say? (读便条)Oh, no! Lets help Mr

10、Jones to look his friend,ok ? Lets go to the first task! The first task: Lets chant o e练习 1.Listen to the chant and find out which sound do you hear the most T: which sound do you hear the most ? Ss: T: SUPER! Lets chant together,ok? Ss:Good The second task: Find their home【o/oe 形的练习】 T: Please help

11、 the words to find their home with your partner in your group. T: If your group has finished,plaese hand up. Go to the blackboard and Show your work ok? 你能说说为什么这样选吗? Ss: T: Great!Your group can get two flowers.Other groups,are you right? If you are right, you can get one flower. NOW, lets go to the

12、third task! The third task: Read, listen and ticko/oe 音、形练习 1. Read the words by yourself 2. T;First, read the words by yourself,Ready?OK,now listen. T:The first one who can tell me your answer? Ss: 3. Listen to the tape and circle The fourth task: Listen, circle and write【o/o e音形义】 1. Listen to the

13、 tape and just circle the letters Look at your book of this part and show me your pen. The first time only circle. 2. Listen again and write the words This time listen and write .Have you got everything rihgt. Lets check师板书 Step4 Summary T: Boys and girls, look here pleases. Today we have learnd som

14、e words with o e, and o e says., some words with o, and o says.(边说边贴房顶)We can make a chant like this: 小o见了词尾e,开心地大叫u uu将这句话贴在小房子下面 小o没了词尾e,伤心地哭泣 Are you clear? T: Please take out of the paper and finish the excises as quickly as you can.练习题 T: Boys and girls ,Im so happy to have class with you, now homework for the chant 3 times. 2.Do excercise book P . thank you! Bye!

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