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贵阳专版中考英语总复习 第1部分 教材知识梳理篇 八下 Units 56精讲检测Word格式文档下载.docx



3、爱上;喜欢上_fall_in_love_14.结婚_get_married_15.乱糟糟;一团糟 _in_a_mess_16.全世界_all_over_the_world_ 17.迷路 _get/be_lost_ 18.不要紧;没关系 _never_mind_ 19.把某人带到 _lead_sb.to_ 句型再现(含情景交际)1.(询问过去正在做什么)“昨晚八点你正在干什么?”“我正在洗澡。”_What_were_you_doing_ at eight last night?I _was_taking_a_shower_.2.外面没有光亮,感觉就像半夜一样。_With_no_light_out

4、side_,it felt like midnight.3.本的爸爸正在拿几块木板盖住窗户,同时他妈妈在确认手电筒和收音机都能正常使用。Bens dad was putting pieces of wood over the windows while his mom _was_making_sure_ the flashlights and radio were working.4.他和家人来到外面,发现社区一片狼藉。He went outside with his family and _found_the_neighborhood_in_a_mess_.5.她记得当时(自己)正在距离两座

5、塔楼不远的办公室工作。She _remembers_working_ in her office near the two towers.6.我如此害怕,以至于从那以后我几乎不能清晰地思考。I was _so_scared_ that I could hardly _think_clearly after that.7.但是不把山移开,愚公还能做什么呢?But what could Yu Gong do _instead_of_moving_the mountains?8.但是如果他不能把尾巴藏起来,他就不能把自己变成人。But _unless_ he can hide his tail,he

6、 cannot _turn_himself_into_ a man.9.有一年天气太干旱,以至于粮食颗粒不长。One year,the weather was _so_dry_that_ no food would grow.10.你们一醒来就必须和你爸爸去森林里。_As_soon_as_you_wake_up_,you must go to the forest with your father.11.学校篮球比赛开始的时候,凯特还在来学校的路上。 When the school basketball competition started,Kate was still _making_he

7、r_way_to school.12.绝大多数美国人还记得纽约世贸中心被恐怖分子撞毁时他们正在做什么。 Most Americans remember what they were doing _when_ the World Trade Center in New York _was_taken_down_by terrorists.13.大约到了凌晨三点风才逐渐平息下来,他也终于睡着了。He finally fell asleep when the wind _was_dying_down_at around 3:00 am.语法1.过去进行时(含when与while)(详见第二编P128

8、)2.unless 引导的条件状语从句(详见第二编P143) soon as 引导的时间状语从句(详见第二编P142)4.sothat引导的结果状语从句(详见第二编P143)话题Unit 5 Unforgettable events(难忘的事情)Unit 6 Legends and stories(传说和故事)素材包描述难忘的事情或经历:1.I will never forget the time when I got a gift from my mother.2.For a long time,there was one thing that I would never forge

9、t.3.There is always something unforgettable in my life,especially the friendship between my friends and me.4.The time I spent with my grandparents in the countryside is unforgettable.5.School life is unforgettable,which is kept in my mind all the time.6.There is no doubt that our middle school life

10、is colorful.表达自己的感受:1.This experience made me grow up.I have learnt a lot from it.2.I find that helping others can bring us more happiness.3.It made me understand giving is receiving.4.The three years school life taught me a lot and I will remember it forever.5.Thanks to the teachers and classmates,

11、I enjoyed a meaningful school life.贵阳中考重难点突破辨析sleep,sleeping,sleepy与asleep (教材八下P35)【满分点拨】词汇词性含义例句sleep动词或名词睡觉;入睡Last night I slept very well.我昨天晚上睡得很好。(动词) I have a good sleep.我好好睡了一觉。(名词)sleeping形容词睡着的;熟睡的;用于睡觉的(作定语)The sleeping baby is so cute.这个睡着的孩子真可爱。Please take a sleeping bag with you.请随身携带一

12、个睡袋。sleepy困倦的;瞌睡的She is always sleepy.她总是想睡觉。I feel very sleepy now.我现在昏昏欲睡。asleep睡着的(作表语)The children have been asleep.孩子们已经睡着了。He was too tired and fell asleep at once.他太累了,立刻就睡着了。用sleep,sleeping,sleepy与asleep填空。1(热点题)He stayed up all night to watch the 2018 FIFA World Cup,so he felt _sleepy_ in t

13、he daytime.2(原创题)He needs to take _sleeping_ pills(药丸) to go to _sleep_3(2018临沂中考改编)Jimmy could not _sleep_ at first.He finally fell _asleep_ when the rainstorm stopped at midnight.pick up的用法(教材八下P34)接电话I called you last night,but you didnt pick up.我昨晚给你打电话了,但是你没接。捡起;拾起Jack picked up a wallet just n

14、ow.杰克刚刚捡到了一个钱包。(开车)接人Ill pick you up at five.我五点钟来接你。接收(信号、声音、图像等)We were able to pick up the BBC World Service.我们能收到英国广播公司国际频道。( A )Lucy,whats on the playground?Oh,its Lilys school uniform.Could you please help her to_?Apick it up Bput it on Cgive it outremind的用法(教材八下P42)remind sb.of sth.提醒某人某事I wa

15、nt to remind you of the rules for school parties.关于学校晚会,有几个规定我想提醒你们。remind do sth.提醒某人做某事Please remind me to post the letter on the way to school.请提醒我在上学的路上把信寄了。remind sb.(that)从句,提醒某人The teacher reminds students that they should obey school rules.老师提醒学生们要遵守校规。( B )1.(原创题)These photos _ me _ m

16、y beautiful college life.Athink;of Bremind;of Cwake;up( A )2.(新信息题)Please remind me _ The Readers II on TV at 8 pm.on Saturday.Ato watch BwatchCwatching( C )3.(2018安徽中考改编)Im afraid I might forget to buy the bread after work.Dont worry.I will _ you then.AnoticeBallowCremindmarry的用法(教材八下P44)词汇意义及用法mar

17、ry sb.娶某人;嫁给某人be/get married(系表结构)“结婚;已婚”,表示某人是否结婚,而不涉及结婚的对象be/get married to sb.与某人结婚(介词只能用to,不能用with)have/has been married (to sb.)已经(与某人)结婚,表示状态,后跟“for时间段”【温馨提示】词组be married和get married,前者表示状态,可以和表示一段时间的时间状语连用并使用现在完成时;后者表示动作,为瞬间动词,不可以和表示一段时间的时间状语连用,不能使用现在完成时。如:We have been married for two years.W

18、e got married two years ago.我们已经结婚两年了。( B )1.(原创题)Huang Lei _ Sun Li in 2004.They _ for fourteen years.Amarried;marriedBmarried;have been marriedChas married;( C )2.(2019预测)Is Mary _?Yes,she_ Bob for one year.Amarrying;was married withgot married toCmarried;has been married to辨析sound,noise与voice (教材

19、八下P47)用法sound声音;响声大自然的任何声音At midnight he heard a strange sound.半夜里他听到一种奇怪的声音。Light travels much faster than sound.光传播的速度比声音快得多。noise噪音;喧闹声常指不悦耳、不和谐的嘈杂声Dont make any noise!别吵闹!The noise woke me up!噪音吵醒了我!voice嗓音一般指人的声音The girl has a beautiful voice.那个女孩嗓音很美。They are talking in a low voice.他们正小声交谈。sou

20、nd,noise,voice1(新信息题)I was amazed by Han Xues _voice_ in the program The Sound(声临其境)2The _sound_ of the wind woke me up at midnight.3(原创题)I never heard any _noise_ from the children,but I often heard the parents shouting angrily at the kids.辨析nobody与none (教材八下P45)nobodyno onenone只能指人,不能指物;两者之后均不可接表示

21、范围的of短语既可指人也可指物;且其后通常要接表示范围的of短语用作主语时,谓语动词用单数none用作主语时,若指不可数名词,谓语动词只能用单数;若指可数名词,则谓语动词可用单数(较正式)也可用复数(用于非正式文体)强调“谁都没有”强调数量“一个都没有”因为none否定的是一种数量,所以在回答how many或how much的提问时,通常用none;而在回答who的提问时,通常用no one或nobody。( C )1.(2018临沂中考改编)We couldnt buy anything because _ of the shops were open.Aall Bboth Cnone(

22、A )2.(2018重庆中考A卷改编)Sometimes when youre a teenager,you feel as if youre all alone and theres _ you can talk to.A nobody Bnothing Cnone随堂知识巩固单项选择。( B )1.Beth has a beautiful _.Listen!She is singing beautifully.【考点】Asound Bvoice Cnoise( C )2.(2018定西中考改编)She _ an English magazine when I came in.Areads

23、Bhas read Cwas reading( A )3.(2018重庆中考B卷改编)It rained _ yesterday.I had to stay at home.Aheavily Bquietly Chardly( C )4.(2018哈尔滨中考)What were you and your father doing at 7:00 yesterday evening?I was doing my homework_ my father was reading newspapers.Awhen Bas soon as Cwhile( A )5.What do you think o

24、f the movie Youth(芳华)?It is moving and it _ my grandma _ the life in the countryside.【考点】Areminds;of Blets;downCwakes;( A )6.(2019预测)Who lives with your grandmother?_.She lives alone.I often go to see her.【考点】ANobody BSomebodyCAnybody( A )7.(贵阳模拟)Cheer up,boys and girls.We should learn to be _ enoug

25、h to take on challenges!Abrave Bstrict Csmart( A )8.(2018贵港平南县二模改编)The boy kept doing his homework for 4 hours last night.Yes.He was so tired that he _ quickly.【考点】Afell asleep Bfell down Cfell over( C )9.(北部湾期中测试改编)When I got home,the rain began to beat heavily _ the windows.Aon Bfor Cagainst( C )1

26、0.(2016贵阳中考)Elephants have good memories.They can walk for a long time and never_Aget worried Bget mad Cget lost高频话题写作指导难忘的经历话题解读“难忘的经历”属于中学英语课程标准中第24个话题故事与诗歌,是以“曾经发生过的令人难忘的事情”为主题的书面表达。从命题角度上来看:主要是谈论过去的经历,可以是一件事情、一次活动或一段时间内经常发生的事情,这些经历往往就发生在我们平时的生活中。所以此类作文通常从以下两个角度命题:1和学生学校生活相关的难忘的事情或经历(如2015黔南中考,介绍

27、你参加英语俱乐部活动的经历和感受);2和学生日常生活相关的经历(如2014铜仁中考,讲述自己在妈妈生日时为她做炒饭的过程和感受)。从作文类型上来看:属于记叙文类型的书面表达。我们要根据事件展开叙述,突出重点,以体现我们的情感和思想,从而使主题得以升华。核心词汇和句型1词汇 at that moment 就在那时 suddenly/all of a sudden 突然 for a long time 很长时间 during the vacation 在放假期间 an unusual experience 一次不同寻常的经历 develop friendship 建立友谊 have communication with 与进行交流 on ones way home/to在回家/去某地的路上 believe in 信任in a competition 在一次比赛中a singing competition 一场歌唱比赛a speech contest 一场演讲比赛feel nervous

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