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1、D8. Chinook salmon (奇努克鲑) hatch (孵化) in freshwater rivers but _ out to the Ocean. Amigration B. migrant C. migrate D. migratoryC9. As responsible adults, we must _ all the consequences of our actions, even the unintended ones.Alive with B. rely on C. serve up D. save for10. He believes that the ends

2、 justify the means, therefore he will _ anything that might help him achieve fame.A. marvel at B. grasp at C. aim at D. rejoice at 11. I couldnt help _ everything in this miraculous land.A. marveling at B. grasping at C. aiming at D. sniffing at12. Some of our educational traditions _ seeking wisdom

3、. 13. Parents always heartily _ the achievements of their children, be they big or small.A. marvel at B. grasp at C. aim at D. rejoice at14. Her sons luggage was not only _ hand-made clothes but also her profound maternal love.A. quivered with B. endowed with C. packed with D. paled with15. He is pr

4、oved to be a man of integrity, with his actions always _ his words.A. consisting with B. consist in C. consist of D. consist with16. He was at a loss and his lips were _ suppressed ecstasy at the arrival of this unexpected prize.A.quiveringwith B.gossipingwith C.consistingwith D.packingwith答案: A17.

5、These projects encourage youth entrepreneurship and the young leaders willbe _ organizational and managerial experience for the future.18. When feeling a snake crawling across her feet, the hostess managed to keep calm and make the snake crawl out of the hall, though her face _ terror.19. In a healt

6、hy and harmonious marriage, the husband and wife usually _ each other.A. associate with B. compromise with C. communicate with D. combine with B20. Genes are always _ environmental factors to influence the development of children.A. associated with B. compromised with C. communicated with D. combine

7、d with D21. An extraordinary university tends to appeal to students by offering a challenging and _ environment. A. stimulate B. stimulation C. stimulating D. stimuli C22. Their failure to reply to our letter seems to _ a lack of interest in our proposal.A. implication B. imply C. implying D. implie

8、d23. Van Goghs works of old men were done with _ and understanding.A. compassionate B. compassion C. compass D. compassions24. The increase in knowledge is forcing people to _ in different areas. A. special B. specialization C. specialize D. specialist25. Theres a chance that your body may _ the tra

9、nsplant.A. rejection B. refuse C. refusal D. reject26. When boundaries between countries are not clearly _, there are usually diplomatic disputes. A. definition B. defined C. definite D. infinite27. Analysts say that _ such technology is feasible in the foreseeable future.A. utilize B. utilized C. u

10、tilizing D. utilization28. The test could be _ in determining NASAs next-generation space vehicles.A. influence B. influential C. impact D. effect29. Airlines have been advised to equip the pilots with gloves and face masks _ an emergency.A. in terms of B. incaseof C. inhonor of D. in consideration

11、of30. We should measure volunteer activities _ spirits, instead of materialsA. in terms of B. in honor of C. in case of D. in consideration of31. The actions of reducing its workforce were taken _ uncertainties associated with the economic environment.32. Occurring every four years _ Apollo, the Pyt

12、hian Games were second only to the Olympics in importance.33. We still remember the bitter cold of last winter. _, this December is much warmer.A. By definition B. By accident C. By turns D. By contrast34. This turnaround is the biggest in nearly three decades and it didnt happen _.A. by definition

13、B. by accident C. by turns D. by contrast35. Adolescents, _, are still maturing, which means proper psychological counseling is needed in such a sensitive phase.36. Insilencetheywalkeddownthestairs, obsessedwithhope,despairandfear _.A. bydefinition B. byaccident C. byturns D. bycontrast37. It has be

14、en believed that cowboys _ a simpler way of life and freedom without restraint.A. weep for B. blame for c. strive for D. stand for38. We can acknowledge that oppression will always be with us, and still _ justice.39. “I would rather have my people laugh at my economies (节俭) than _ my extravagance (奢

15、侈),” said Oscar II, the Swedish king.40. Now that the new school fell down, it was crucial to make out whether faulty design or poor construction was to _ the collapse (坍塌).A. blame for B. weep for c. strive for D. stand for41. Gas has become so cheap that it can be _ coal as an electricity-generati

16、ng fuel. A. wept for B. substituted for C. strived for D. groped for42. The newly-elected President was _ his support of clean, green and renewable energy.A. wept for B. groped for C. strived for D. applauded for43. Greater GDP growth also would hardly _ the massive losses in lives and national weal

17、th.A. blame for B. weep for c. compensate for D. stand for44. A companys success is likely to be affected by how much the accompany _ the feedback it has gathered. A. imposes on B. acts on C. relies on D. decides on45. She was accountable to (对负责) no one and was no longer _ by anyone.A. imposed on B

18、. acted on C. relied on D. decided on46. Environmentalists have long said the world should _ preventing climate change, not adapting to it.A. feed on B. concentrate on C. comment on D. impose on47. Numerous forces have been _ physicians (内科医生) to make them change their practice behaviors.48. He spar

19、ed no efforts in _ his promise to rescue the dying company.A. fulfill B. fulfillment C. fulfilling D. fulfilled49. The designers decided to preserve their_ identities.A. distinct B. distinction C. distinctness D.distinctly50. Obesity drastically _ among the wealthy and newly-born middle class.A. eme

20、rgence B. emerges C. emerging D. emergent51. Smallboysusuallylike _ solders, andsmallgirlsatnursesormothers. A. playingout B. playat C. playingat D. playout52. What really counts is not your ideal, but your determination to _ your ideal.A. actout B. acton C. actas D. actfor53. Theforest _ adefenseag

21、ainstdesertdust.54. Its highly advisable that a patient listen to a doctors words and _ them.55. Thetwogovernmentsshouldseekpeace_ dialoguesinsteadwars.A. forB. outC. afterD. though56. Animals are neither inferior nor _ humans; we are only different species.A. available to B. indispensable to C. sup

22、erior to D. prior to57. It is universally acknowledged that energy conservation is _ sustainable development.58. Advice-giving can be _ both the regulators and the regulated.A. available to B. indispensable to C. beneficial to D. prior to59. The solitude of the sea had made him keenly _ every sight,

23、 sound and touch.A. sensitive to B. indispensable to C. beneficial to D. prior to60. An advantageous thing for modern people lies in the fact that the opportunities _ people in such an era are incomparable.61. Once people start to be _ of the leaders character and ability, they are no longer following. A. suspect B. suspicious C. suspicion D. suspected62. For lucky oval-shaped faces, dif

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