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1、The majority of salespeople today use a combination of approaches. They want to be liked, they want to be credible, they want to close, and they want to meet the needs of their customers. But for most salespeople, this amalgamation has resulted in a quasi-consultative approach at best. While quasi-c

2、onsultative salespeople identify customer needs and are productive, they fall short of what they could accomplish. Salespeople who are at the consultative end of the continuum create efficient but robust dialogues with their customers that enable them to connect and learn more with each conversation

3、. The dialogues are active, with balanced exchanges between the salesperson and the customer. What they do looks easy and sounds like common sense, but it is far from simple and it is not common practice. The line between quasi-consultative selling and consultative selling is fine, but if all other

4、factors are basically equal, the line means the difference between winning business or losing to a competitor. It can be the difference between being viewed as a technical specialist and being a trusted advisor. With relatively equal competitors, it is the sales talk of the salesperson or sales team

5、 that makes the differ-ence between winning and losing business. Here are ways you can create a robust dialogue: Assess your sales talk: How interactive are your sales dialogues? What is your give/get ratio?Commit to do something different: Ask more probing questions. Stop thinking in terms of educa

6、ting customers: Think more about educating yourself about your customers. Top performers treat preparation differently. They are always preparingbefore and after each customer meeting. How do you prepare? Do you think to yourselfwhat does my customer need, what can I position that will make it easy

7、for my customer to say yes? Do you let ideas percolate in your mind so you can be creative and proactive?Having a preparation strategy will shorten your preparation time and increase the impact. As you prepare, follow these three steps:* Begin with strategic preparation. Think about your longer-term

8、 relationship objectives and then set your short-term immediate objective for the call. Make sure your objective is measurable, is achievable, and has a time frame so you can maintain momentum, assess the outcome of your call, and accelerate your close. Visualize the flow of your call and build in t

9、ime for the customer to talk. * Next, do customer preparation. Think about your customer誷 objectives, situation, needs, and decision criteria. * Finally, focus on your product/technical preparation. Use your range of products and capabilities to meet your customer誷 needs. Plan the questions you will

10、 ask, anticipate objections, and customize your materials. Most salespeople prepare backwards. They start with product/technical preparation. Beginning with strategic preparation will help you save time by letting you target your efforts and remain customer-focused. To help you in your preparation,

11、stay up to date on industry and company news. Leverage your team for ideas. Review your customer files so that you can build on any information you already have and avoid unnecessary repetition. Prepare the materials you think you will need and tailor whatever you plan to give to the customer to mak

12、e sure it applies to the customer. As you visualize your agenda for the call, make sure you remain customer-focused. Prior to the call, whenever possible, get customer input on your agenda. But even when you get input, always check your agenda to get the feedback you need to get buy-in, make adjust-

13、ments, and go forward. Here are tips to help you prepare:Prepare for all customer calls: Set a measurable objective with a time frame for each call to help you maintain momentum and accelerate your close. Tailor all material: Show your customer your focus is on his or her needs. Visualize your call:

14、 Plan the flow of your call and build in time for the customer to talk. Top performers often say that their sales dialogues feel more like brainstorming with their customers than 襰elling.* These are the six critical skills that are fundamental to making their dialogues so fluid and productive:* Pres

15、encecommunicating energy, conviction, and interest when speaking and listening * Relatingbuilding rapport, using acknowledg- ment, and expressing empathy to connect with customers * Questioningcreating a logical questioning strategy and effectively using probing skills to uncover needs * Listeningun

16、derstanding what the customer communicates in words, tone, and body language * Positioningpersuasively demonstrating value and application to the customer by customizing your product knowledge to the needs of the customer * Checkingeliciting feedback on what you have said to gauge customer understan

17、ding and agreement These skills are the tools of selling. The sharper the skills, the more effective the salesperson. A weakness in any one of the skills puts a cap on effectiveness. For example, if the salesperson can誸 establish rapport with the customer, it is unlikely the customer will open up in

18、 answering questions. If the salesperson is a poor listener, answers lose their value. And without an understanding of customer needs, it誷 almost impossible to connect capabilities to customer needs. Dialogue selling requires product knowledge and technical expertise, but equal to these is customer

19、knowledge and skill. In dialogue selling, the salesperson becomes a resource person who, because he or she fully understands that particular customer誷 specific needs, can meet the needs that relate to his or her product and also cross-sell and meet the customer誷 broader spectrum of needs. To succeed

20、 in dialogue selling, you must master the six critical skills. Here are ways you can sharpen these skills:Assess your six critical skills: presence, relating, questioning, listening, positioning, checking. Force-rank the skills. Identify your strengths and areas for improvement. Work on one skill at

21、 a time to get it to the next level. Commit to self-critique: At the end of each call, critique your skills as well as the content of the meeting. Ask for feedback: Elicit feedback from your customers and colleagues. The opening of the call sets the tone. There are four important things to accomplis

22、h as you open: establish rapport with the customer, clarify the purpose of the meeting, set the focus on the customer, and bridge to needs. Where you are in the sales cycle determines the emphasis on each. But even in the quickest follow-up telephone call, the best salespeople fully leverage their o

23、penings. Don誸 skimp on building rapport. Take the time as you prepare to plan your rapport while staying alert to cues for spontaneous rapport, such as photos or other, more personal signals. Be sensitive to customers who are not open to rapport at that moment. After you have established rapport, st

24、ate the purpose of your call from your customer誷 perspective. Briefly bullet the key items of your agenda and check with the customer that the agenda meets his or her expectations. While your objective is the measurable action step you want to achieve, your purpose answers the all-important question

25、, 襑hat誷 in it for the customer?* Aim for your objective, but position your purpose as you open to engage and gain the interest of the customer. Consider the following two openings:Opening 1: You state your objective: 褺ill, John said you might be interested in the new things we are doing in research

26、with ., so I誱 here to talk with you about our .* The spotlight is on you and you are moving to discuss product. Opening 2: You state your purpose: 褺ill, thanks for taking the time to meet with me . (rapport). I know how busy you are and I appreciate the time. John said you are doing some interesting

27、 things in . I誺e given thought to that and looked at your new Web site, which looks great. I誨 like to learn more about what you are doing in . and then explore how we might . (briefly bullet your agenda). How does that sound?* The spotlight is on the customer and you are positioned to identify needs

28、. Opening 1 is headed toward a generic product discussion, while Opening 2 is leading to an interactive dialogue to understand the customer誷 objective and needs before you cover your capabilities or ideas. During the meeting, get credit for your preparation. Leverage that you are prepared by positioning the homework you have done to increase your credibility (as in Opening 2). Many salespeople are self-focused as they open, which actually hurts not only rapport but also the relationship. The customer-focused salesperson realizes the importance of an opening tha

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