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1、Article 2 All the medical device which would like to sell and use within the territory of inspected, approved and granted with registration certificate by State Food Drug Administration.境外医疗器械由国家食品药品监督管理局审查,批准后发给医疗器械注册证书。Imported medical devices shall be inspected, approved and granted with registra

2、tion certificate by State Food Drug Administration. 台湾、香港、澳门地区医疗器械的注册,除本办法另有规定外,参照境外医疗器械办理。Taiwan, Hongkong and Macaos medical device registration shall refer to the regulation of imported medical device.医疗器械注册证书有效期4年。Medical devices certificate is valid for 4 years. 第五条医疗器械注册证书由国家食品药品监督管理局统一印制,相应内容

3、由审批注册的(食品)药品监督管理部门填写。Article 5 Medical devices registration certificate shall be pressed by State Food Drug Administration and the content shall be filled in by inspection department of food drug administration.注册号的编排方式为:Registration is arranged as the following:()1(食)药监械(2)字3第456号。其中:X (X) 1 SFDA (

4、X2) 字6号1 为注册审批部门所在地的简称:X 1 : Shortened form of registration inspection department s locus 境内第三类医疗器械、境外医疗器械以及台湾、香港、澳门地区的医疗器械为“国”字;“国” is for domestic Class III medical devices, imported medical devices and medical devices of Taiwan, Hongkong and Macao. 境内第二类医疗器械为注册审批部门所在的省、自治区、直辖市简称;境内第一类医疗器械为注册审批部门所

5、在的省、自治区、直辖市简称加所在设区的市级行政区域的简称,为1(无相应设区的市级行政区域时,仅为省、自治区、直辖市的简称); 2为注册形式(准、进、许):“准”字适用于境内医疗器械;“进”字适用于境外医疗器械;“许”字适用于台湾、香港、澳门地区的医疗器械;3为批准注册年份;4为产品管理类别;5为产品品种编码;6为注册流水号。医疗器械注册证书附有医疗器械注册登记表(见本办法附件1),与医疗器械注册证书同时使用。Medical device registration certificate is attached with medical device registration record, a

6、nd shall be used along with medical device registration certificate.第六条生产企业提出医疗器械注册申请,承担相应的法律义务,并在该申请获得批准后持有医疗器械注册证书。Manufacturers put forward medical device registration application, take relevant regal responsibility and keep medical device registration certificate after getting application approv

7、al. 办理医疗器械注册申请事务的人员应当受生产企业委托,并具有相应的专业知识,熟悉医疗器械注册管理的法律、法规、规章和技术要求。Individuals who do medical device registration application should be authorized by manufacturer, possess professional knowledge, are familiar with medical device registration administration law, regulation, rules and technical requirem

8、ent. 申请境外医疗器械注册的,境外生产企业应当在中国境内指定机构作为其代理人,代理人应当承担相应的法律责任;并且,境外生产企业应当委托中国境内具有相应资格的法人机构或者委托其在华机构承担医疗器械售后服务。When doing imported medical devices registration, the overseas manufactures shall authorize an unit to be their agent in Chinese territory and the agent should take relevant legal responsibilities

9、. Meanwhile overseas manufactures shall authorize qualified body corporate or theirs own organ located in China to do after sales service. 第七条申请注册的医疗器械,应当有适用的产品标准,可以采用国家标准、行业标准或者制定注册产品标准,但是注册产品标准不得低于国家标准或者行业标准。Article 7 Medical devices which applying for registration shall have suitable product stan

10、dard that can adopt state standard, industry standard or edit registration standard, but registration standard should not inferior to state standard or industry standard. 注册产品标准应当依据国家食品药品监督管理局规定的医疗器械标准管理要求编制。Registration standard shall be edited according to medical device standard administration re

11、gulation stipulated by state food drug supervision administration. 第八条申请第二类、第三类医疗器械注册,生产企业应当符合国家食品药品监督管理局规定的生产条件或者相关质量体系要求。Article 8 Applying for Class II and Class III medical device registration, manufacture shall comply with relevant manufacturing condition or quality system requirement stipulate

12、d by state food drug supervision administration. 第二章 医疗器械注册检测Chapter 2 Medical devices registration testing 第九条第二类、第三类医疗器械由国家食品药品监督管理局会同国家质量监督检验检疫总局认可的医疗器械检测机构进行注册检测,经检测符合适用的产品标准后,方可用于临床试验或者申请注册。Article 9 Class II and Class III medical devices shall be tested by medical device testing organization a

13、pprobated by State Food Drug Supervision Administration and State Quality Supervision Inspection and Quarantine, then can be used in clinical trial or apply for registration. 经国家食品药品监督管理局会同国家质量监督检验检疫总局认可的医疗器械检测机构(以下简称医疗器械检测机构)目录另行发布。The list of medical device testing organization approbated by State

14、 Food Drug Supervision Administration and State Quality Supervision Inspection and Quarantine (medical device testing organization for short in the following) shall be issued at another time. 第十条医疗器械检测机构应当在国家食品药品监督管理局和国家质量监督检验检疫总局认可的检测范围内,依据生产企业申报适用的产品标准(包括适用的国家标准、行业标准或者生产企业制定的注册产品标准)对申报产品进行注册检测,并出具

15、检测报告。Article 10 Medical device testing organization should do registration testing on applicant products according to available product standard including state standard, industry standard or registration product standards edited by manufacture within the specific testing range approbated by State F

16、ood Drug Supervision Administration and State Quality Supervision Inspection and Quarantine. 尚未列入各医疗器械检测机构授检范围的医疗器械,由相应的注册审批部门指定有承检能力的检测单位进行检测。For the medical device that have not been listed in testing range of all medical device testing organization should be tested by qualified testing united app

17、robated by registration inspection department. 境外医疗器械的注册检测执行境外医疗器械注册检测规定。Imported medical device registration shall perform “Imported Medical Device Registration Testing Regulation”.第十一条同一注册单元内所检测的产品应当是能够代表本注册单元内其他产品安全性和有效性的典型产品。Among one testing unit the tested product should be the typical product

18、 that can representing the safety and effectiveness of other products. 第十二条同一生产企业使用相同原材料生产的同类产品,如果生产工艺和预期用途保持不变,重新注册时,对产品的生物学评价可以不再进行生物相容性试验。For re-registration the same kind products which made of same material and manufactured by one manufacturer would not be tested for biological compatibility it

19、em during biological evaluation if manufacturing technics and intended use do not change. 同一生产企业使用已经通过生物学评价的原材料生产的同类产品,如果生产工艺保持不变,预期用途保持不变或者没有新增的潜在生物学风险,申请注册时,对产品的生物学评价可以不再进行生物相容性试验。When register the products which manufactured by one manufacturer, made of same material that have done biological eva

20、luation and do not change their manufacturing technics, intended use and have no new potential biological risk would not be tested for biological compatibility during biological evaluation. 第十三条申请第二类、第三类医疗器械注册,同时满足以下条件的,可以免予注册检测:Applying for Class II and Class III medical device registration will be

21、 exempted of doing registration testing if satisfy the following conditions:(一)所申请注册的医疗器械与本企业已经获准注册的医疗器械的基本原理,主要功能、结构,所用材料、材质,预期用途属于同一类;Applying medical device and applied medical device is same in the basic principle, main function, structure, material and intended use.(二)生产企业已经通过医疗器械生产质量管理规范检查或者已经

22、获得医疗器械质量体系认证,并且生产企业能够提供经原企业生产条件审查机构认可的检测报告;The manufacturers have passed the medical device manufacturing quality administration regulation testing or get approval of medical device quality system certification, meanwhile the manufacturers can provide the admissive testing report by inspection insti

23、tution under former manufacturing condition. (三)所申请注册的医疗器械与本企业已经获准注册并且已经通过注册检测的同类产品比较,未发生涉及安全性、有效性改变,或者虽然涉及安全性、有效性改变,但是改变部分和由其引起产品其他相关安全性、有效性变化的部分都已经通过了医疗器械检测机构检测;Comparing with approved registration medical devices , the same kind of applying medical devices do not have changes concerning safety an

24、d effectiveness areas or despite of having changes concerning safety and effectiveness areas which have been tested by medical device testing institution. (四)已经获准注册的本企业同类产品按照规定进行医疗器械不良事件监测,并且未发现严重不良事件;The same kind of approved registration medical devices have not been found adverse events in the pr

25、ocess of MDR.(五)已经获准注册的本企业同类产品1年内无(食品)药品监督管理部门产品质量监督抽查不合格记录;The same kind of approved registration medical devices have not been found ineligible records in the process of product quality selective examination by food drug supervision administration within one year. (六)境外医疗器械已经通过境外政府医疗器械主管部门的上市批准。Ov

26、erseas medical devices have got pre-market approval by overseas medical device supervision government.第十四条申请第二类、第三类医疗器械产品重新注册,同时满足以下条件的,可以免予注册检测:Applying for Class II and Class III medical device re-registration will be exempted of doing registration testing if satisfy the following conditions:(一)申请

27、重新注册的医疗器械与本企业已经获准注册的医疗器械的基本原理,主要功能、结构,所用材料、材质,预期用途属于同一类;Applying re-registration medical device and applied medical device is same in the basic principle, main function, structure, material and intended use.(三)申请重新注册的医疗器械与已经通过注册检测的原注册产品相比较,未发生涉及安全性、有效性改变,或者虽然涉及安全性、有效性改变,但是改变部分和由其引起产品其他相关安全性、有效性变化的部分

28、都已经通过了医疗器械检测机构检测;Comparing with approved registration medical devices , the same kind of applying re-registration medical devices do not have changes concerning safety and effectiveness areas or despite of having changes concerning safety and effectiveness areas which have been tested by medical dev

29、ice testing institution. (四)申请重新注册的医疗器械在原医疗器械注册证书有效期内按照规定进行医疗器械不良事件监测,并且未发现不良事件;Applying for re-registration medical devices have not been found adverse events in the process of MDR within the expiration date of the former medical device certificate.(五)原注册医疗器械1年内无(食品)药品监督管理部门产品质量监督抽查不合格记录。The former approved registration medical devices have not been found ineligible records in the process o

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