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1、13. He_(争论) with John about which to choose.14. If you give her a _(话题),she can talk for a long time.15. After having a good breakfast, he went to play the _(钢琴).16. The beautiful girl dancing on_(舞台) is her daughter.17. Im also interested in_(摄影) because it allows me to record the beautiful moments

2、 in my life.18. We had a heated_(讨论) on whether or not to accept the offer.19. I have _(订阅) to China Daily for several years.20. Jack_(毕业) in physics from Stanford University last week.21. He was very_(害怕的) to look down from the top floor of the building.22. They _(认为) it was better to stay where th

3、ey were.23. She was_(失望的) at the disappointing result.24. We have over 30 beautiful designs to _(选择) from.25. I havent had an_(机会) to think about this yet.26. I always faint at the_(看见) of blood.Unit 2 Exploring English1. I need to buy some bread and_(火腿) to make sandwiches.2. The water is very clea

4、r and plenty of fish are _(看得见的).3. His writing is so_(令人困惑的) that it is difficult to make out what he wants to express.4. Each of us is _(独特的) and there is no one else in the world who is the same with you.5. Do you get up as soon as your_(闹钟) clock goes off in the early morning?6. This experiment

5、was_(无害的) to the animals.7. Your facial expression can_(反映) your real feelings.8. You should be responsible for your_(行为).9. On seeing this wonderful_(偶像), everyone present let out a cry of surprise.10. Qualities are full of imagination and_(创造力).11._(地铁) is an electric railway which runs below the

6、surface of the ground.12. To be on the safe side, we should fill up the tank now, because we might run out of _(汽油) on the way.13._(如今),conputers play an important role in our daily life.14. The publishers hope to get the new_(版本) out before Christmas.15. We can guess the meaning of a new word from

7、the _(语境).16. You must enlarge your_(词汇量) if you want to learn English well.17. No one knows for certain the _(起源) of the custom.18. All the students in my class think it is a _(相当) difficult question.19. At Christmas, we often_(交换) gifts with our friends and family members.20. If the problem is not

8、 properly handled, it may have _(消极的) effects on them.21. Please_(提醒) me to take my homework in case i forget it.22. No, Im not a student. Im a doctor,_(实际上)23. A_(青蛙) can live both on land and in water.24. They ran_(向前) to welcome her.25. Dont offer_(评论) if you cannot understand the real meaning.26

9、. Peppa Pig has to put on her_(靴子) to jump in the mud.Unit 3 Family matters1. We all know that smoking is bad for our_(身体的) health.2. We cant judge a person by his or her_(外表).3. The only difference between us is the colour of our_(皮肤).4. My daily activities include swimming and _(慢跑).5. Taking exer

10、cise is one way of keeping_(苗条的).6. An_(运动员) is a person who competes in sports such as running and jumping.7. When it was my turn, I tried to stay calm and walked on to the_(舞台) with a big smile.8. Xu Haifeng is the first Chinese player to win the gold_(奖牌) in the Olympic Games.9. It is generally b

11、elieved that people with hign Eqs are open to new ideas and have_(积极的) attitude towards life.10. There is no doubt that the_(媒体) such as television, and radio, play an important part in influencing peoples opinions.11. The tow men turned to watch the horses going round the _(跑道).12._(尽管) applying fo

12、r hundreds of jobs, he is still out of work.13. The museum is open daily_( 在整个期间) the year.14. The news was so_(想不到的) that I caught my breath from shock.15. Doctor Bethune spent his_(全部的) life in China as a doctor.16. He felt the needed to _(集中) more on his career.17. The time is _(靠近) when we must

13、think about buying a new house.18. Children should show_(尊敬) for their teachers.19. The school_(发布) a statement about its plans to the press.20. I said hello to her, but she_(忽视) me completely!21. Do they _(庆祝) the Spring Festival in that counrty?22. He has _(道歉) for not being able to meet you.23. H

14、e _(瞄准) his gun at the target, fired and missed it.24. He was so excited that he could hardly_(控制) himself.Unit 4 Friends forever1. We_(往往会) to get cold winters and warm, dry summers in this part of the country.2. She seems to find it difficult to form_(有意义的) relationship.3. Recent _(进步) in medical

15、science mean that this illness can now be cured.4. They have just returned from_(遥远的) places.5. I was actually on time, which is _(不平常的) for me.6. Health problems can be_(显著地) reduced by careful diet.7. How can we_(保持) control of spending?8. His large income_(使可能) him to live in comfort.9. The lette

16、rs that people wrote after his death gave me a lot of_(安慰).10. My mother always gets a bit_(焦虑的) if we dont arrive home on time.11. The_(质量) of the paper isnt very good.12. He is a good teacher, but he doesnt have much_(耐心) with the slower pupils.13. Jay had always tended to keep his girlfriend at a

17、 _(距离).14. He got up and_(拖) his chair towards the table.15. Wanting other friends doesnt mean you dont love your_(伙伴,搭档)16. She still_(通信) with the American friends she met in Majorca nine years ago.17. We met him at the _(约定的) time outside the courtroom.18. You should be _(羞愧的) of yourself for tel

18、ling such lies.19. Animals in zoos are not in their natural_(环境).20. She greeted them by their first names in a _(熟悉的) way.Unit 5 Into the wild1.We must stop him from seeing her_(以某种方法).2. Where would be the best_(位置) for the lights?3._(最终), she got a job and mover to London.4. Share prices_(暴跌) to

19、an all-time low yesterday.5. Heat gradually_(破坏) vitamin C.6. A lot of poisonous waste water comes from that_(化学的) factory.7. This interesting and charming_(生物) is unique to Sichuan.8. Lets think of a situation where this_(习语) can be used.9. He is as busy as a _(蜜蜂) once in a while.10. The explanati

20、on in this dictionary is_(简洁的) and to be the point.11. Breathing such polluted air is the _(相等物) of smoking ten cigarettes a day.12. Only the manager has the_(权力) to sign cheques.13. Theres no simple_(解决办法) to this problem.14. The most_(令人吃惊的) thing about nature is its variety.15. _(不幸地),no one took

21、 my message seriously.16. Unlike so many of his comrades, he_(幸存) the war.17. Did you_(偶然碰到) anyone in the building?18. Fitness has now become an important_(要素) in our lives.19. Development of the area would endanger_(野生生物).20._(平均的) earnings are around $ 20,000 per annum.21. He walked up the garden

22、_(小道) towards the front door.22. The_(鹰) is a symbol of strength and courage.23. Dont_(凝视) at people its impolite!24. Adam pressed a_(按钮) and waited for the life.25. In China, the Chinese character is so _(美妙的).26. The animals are_(捕捉) in nets and sold to local zoos.27. His public_(形象) is very diffe

23、rent from the real person.Unit 1 答案1. embarrassed 2. impression 3. breathe 4.pressure 5.panicked 6. challenges 7.organized 8. engine 9. campus 10. explore 11. band 12. drama 13. argued 14. topic 15. piano 16. stage 17. photography 18. debate 19.subscribed 20. graduated 21. frightened 22. figured 23.

24、 disappointed 24. select 25. opportunity 26. sightUnit 2 答案1. ham 2. visible 3. confusing 4. unique 5. alarm 6.harmless 7. reflect 8. behavior 9. sculpture 10. creativity. 11.Subway 12.gas/petrol 13. Nowadays 14. version 15. context 16. vocabulary 17. origin 18. rather 19. exchange 20. negative 21.

25、remind 22. actually 23. frog 24. forward 25. comments 26. bootsUnit 3 答案1. physical 2. appearance 3. skin 4. jogging 5. slim 6.athlete 7. stage 8. medal 9. positive 10. media 11. track 12. Despite 13. throughout 14. unexpected 15. entire 16. focus 17. approaching 18. respect 19. issued 20. ignored 2

26、1. observe 22. apologized 23. aimed 24. containUnit 4答案1. tend 2. meaningful 3. advances 4. faraway 5. unusual 6. significantly 7.maintain 8. enabled/enables fort 10. anxious 11.quality 12. patience 13. distance 14. dragged 15. partner 16. corresponds 17. appointed 18. ashamed 19. surroundings 20. f

27、amiliarUnit 5 答案1. somehow 2. position 3. Eventually 4. crashed 5.destroys 6. chemical 7. creature 8. idio 9. bee 10.concise 11. equivalent 12. authority 13. solution 14. amazing 15. Unfortunately 16. survived 17. encounter 18. element 19. wildlife 20. Average 21 path 22. eagle 23. stare 24. button 25. magical 26. captured 27. image

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