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1、6 _My eyes are big.My ears are big.7 Hurry up! Don”t be late _ school. Atoo Bfor8 _ is my grandma.HesShes9 朋友来了,你要用果汁招待他,你会_Can I have some juice?Have some juice, please!Here you are!10下午放学了,你与老师告别时应该说:( )A. Yes, sir.B. Goodbye!11Look my lovely Bin Con12Peter: Mom. _Mom: Nice to meet you,

2、Mike.Mike: Nice to meet you, too.Im Peter.This is Mike.13What is the date today? _.AIts WednesdayBIts September the tenth14Are you warm _ cool?A. or B. to C. and15_peachpear二、想一想,填一填(填空题)16Complete the sentences.(连词成句,注意大小写)1.want I and potatoes meat some_2.dinner a they big have17看图选择正确的句子填空。1. _2.

3、3._4.That is cold. This is warm. That is cool. Ouch! It is hot.18根据Linda的家谱,从方框中选择合适的单词完成后面的题目。mother, father, sister, family, brother(1)Mike is Lindas _. (2)Julia is Tom(3)May is Linda(4)Tom is May(5)This is Linda19读一读,分一分。把下列所给单词按要求分类。(只填序号)学习用品:_身体部位:各种颜色:20看图,根据首字母提示及课文内容将单词补充完整。Mary is a g_. He

4、r hair is r_ and her e_ are blue. She has t_ hands and t_ legs.Danny has t_ hairs. His eyes are b_. He has two g_ hands. He has e_ fingers and two l_.21将下列单词补充完整并写出汉语意思。1. b _ _ k( ) 2. d _ _ k( ) 3. n _ m _( )4. b _ y( ) 5. g _ rl( ) 6. p _ n( )7. ch _ _ r( ) 8. p _ n _ il( ) 9. sc _ _ _ l( )10. t

5、_ _ ch _r( ) 11. t _ o( ) 12. f _ _ r( )22选择合适的单词写在横线上。1.I a blue ball.(have,has)2.Its black white. (to,and) 3. Here are. (you, your)4. All (right,great )5. Lets a kite.(guess,fly)23读一读,选择正确的单词写在相应的位置上。_ _ _24_your bag.25根据图意,写出相应的单词。This is my fathers father. Hes my _.三、手牵手,找朋友(连线题)26连线题,将图片与所对应的单词

6、连接起来。27英汉对应连线。1. bus driver A 医生2. worker B 警察3. teacher C 工人4. doctor D 公车司机5. policeman E 教师28请选出短语的意思,并连线。1. Touch your nose. A 黑色,黑色,起立。2. Clap your hands. B 拍拍你的手。3. Shake your body. C 让我看你的橡皮。4. Wave your arms. D 粉红色,粉红色,坐下。5. Show me your eraser. E 摇动你的身体。6. Pink, pink, sit down. F 挥动你的胳膊。7.

7、Black, black, stand up. G 摸摸你的鼻子。29连线,给小动物们找到自己喜爱的食物。(1) Acarrot(2) Bpeach(3) Cfish(4) Dmeat30图文连线。1. How many eggs? A Five.2. How many plates? B One.3. How many pencil boxes? C 四、我是翻译家(英汉互译)31根据中文意思,写出英文单词。1.触摸 _2.眼睛 _3.手 _4.和;并且 _5.头发 _6.弄干净 _7.鼻子 _8.耳朵 _9.脚(复数)_32翻译下列句子。1.它是一只猫。_ 2.看这只狗。3.它在货车里面。

8、4.这是什么?5.这只熊猫很胖。_33翻译下列的句子.1. Open the door._2. Pick up sticks.3. Dont be late._4. Good bye.5. See you later!_34补全单词1. st_ _ 星星2. te_ _her 老师3. moth_ _ 妈妈4. fa_ _er 爸爸5. b_ _ther 弟弟6. sis_ _r 姐姐35单词拼写1.年老的_2.年轻的_3.面条_4.猴子_5.号码_五、我是小法官(判断题)36根据汉语意思,判断下列单词搭配是否正确,用“”或“”表示(1)一顶白色的鸭舌帽 a white cap( )(2)一件

9、红色的短裙 a red skirt( )(3)什么颜色 what colour( )(4)一件黑色的T恤衫 a balck cap( )(5)早上好,李老师。 Good afternoon, Miss Li.( )37选择与图片相对应的句子,在前面的括号内打“”。1.( ) A. Im Amy. ( ) B. Im Lingling. 2.( ) A. I am Daming. ( ) B. I am Sam. 3.( ) A. Hello, Lingling. ( ) B. Byebye.4.( ) A. Goodbye. ( ) B. Im Amy.38读句子,选择恰当的图片,将其序号圈起

10、来。1. I have a blue crayon.A. B. 2. This is an orange pencil.3. Look! I have a green bag.A. B.4. This is a brown ruler.5. I have a white book.6. I have a blue eraser.A 39阅读下面的对话,然后判断正()误()。Mike and John: Happy birthday to you, Sarah!Sarah: Thank you. How old are you? Im nine. Here you are, two bags a

11、nd some dolls(玩具娃娃) Thank you. How many dolls?John: Four dolls. Lets eat the cake. Great!( )1.Today (今天)is Sarahs birthday.( )2.Sarah is ten.( )3.Sarah has(有) three bags.( )4. Mike and John give(给) Sarah five dolls.( )5.Sarah, Mike and John will(将要) eat the cake.六、阅读理解40Tom doesnt like(不喜欢) _( )Aegg

12、s Bbread Ccake41阅读理解。Hello! Im MikeIm ten l have a sister. Her name is KateShe is nineI like cats and dogs . She doesnt like themShe likes birdsBut we both(都)like bananas根据短文内容,选择正确答案。( )1._ has a sisterA . Mike BKate( )2. Mike is _.A .ten B .nine( )3. Kate is _A. ten Bnine( )4. Mike likes _.Acats and dogs Bcats and birds( )5Kate and Mike both like _Aoranges Bbananas

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