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1、宾语从句的处理:这里需要结合一个结构:To wonder ifarent 这个结构是可以翻译为否认也可以翻译为肯定的,多翻译为肯定。状语的处理:in the same way that a small part of us hoped getting “ the Rachel might make us look just a little bit like Jennifer Aniston.这种方式就好似:我们中有一小局部人会觉得,要是成为瑞秋单身妈妈就有可能使我们看上去有点像使得我们看上去有点像詹尼弗安尼斯顿了。参考译文: 有趣的是可以思考一下,我们每周看到的无忧无虑,幸福诱人的为人父母的

2、形象会不会从一种微小的,无意识的方面加剧我们对于现实生活的不满。我们中有一小局部人会觉得,要是成为瑞秋单身妈妈就有可能使我们看上去有点像有点像詹尼弗安尼斯顿了。2、Were Fabric Tourre merely an ordinary defendant in a case brought by the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC), it would be time to forget his name. But on august 1st a jury in a Manhattan federal court found him liab

3、le on six counts of securities fraud-including one of “aiding and abetting his former employer, Goldman Sachs. This means that a jury has found that the worlds most successful investment bank has done something wrong-and that the case may be far from over.词汇突破:Security and Exchange Commission (SEC)

4、美国证监会 federal court 联邦法庭 found sb liable on 认为为而负责 counts of securities fraud 股票账户造假 aiding and abetting 帮助和支持 Goldman Sachs 高盛公司著名投资银行 Jury 陪审团 Fraud造假句子讲解:第一句:虚拟语气,省略了if 引起倒装,补全之后是: If Fabric Tourre were merely an ordinary defendant如果法布里克.图尔是一个由证监会发起的诉讼案件中的普通被告, 那么是时候忘记他的名字了。 第二句:第二句和第一句之间构成转折关系。但

5、是8月1日,曼哈顿联邦法庭的陪审团发现他应该为六个股票账户的造假负责,包括一个为了帮助其前雇主高盛公司的账户。 第三句:和第二句构成递进;这就意味着陪审团发现了这个世界上最成功的投资银行做错事了,这个案子还远没有结束。3、Galileos greatest glory was that in 1609 he was the first person to turn the newly invented telescope on the heavens to prove that the planets revolve around the sun rather than around the

6、earth. Galileos greatest glory was that 主句主干 he was the first person to prove that 从句主干 the planets revolve around the sun (从句主干to turn the newly invented telescope on the heavens to prove that 定语 turn .on. to prove(目的状语. rather than around the earth我们很熟悉的rather than做状语中文到英文,如果表语较短的时候没有必要遵守英文中的主系表结构

7、:他是第一个人,就直接翻译为:“他第一个就可以了。 He is the one who invented the telephone.可以翻译为:他创造了 = 他是创造 的那个人。伽利略最大的辉煌就是在1609年的时候,他第一个将新创造的望远镜对准了天空,去证明了行星是围绕着太阳而不是地球转动的。附上一个句子:Sometimes one pays most for the things one gets for nothing.有时候不费钱的来的东西反而最贵主句:sometimes one pays most for the things定语从句省略了that:(that) one gets

8、for nothing that 指代前面的things做宾语 ; 完整就是:one gets the things for nothing 直接翻译就是:有时候,一个人为不费任何代价而得来的东西支付了最多;转译:4、In a speech delivered at Knox College in Illinois, Barack Obama launched his final campaign: a campaign to revive the American Dream. The speech, less eloquent and windier than the best of Ob

9、amas, told Americans a clear story and called on them to support a clear direction. The White House promises that this will be the beginning of a campaign, not a one-off statement for the record. Obama finally called out the faction of Republicans that stands in the way of progress.词汇突破: windier废话连篇

10、;心情紧张的 eloquent 流畅,雄辩 faction 派系斗争 stands in the way of progress 阻碍进步 one-off 一次性的 例句:It was just a one-off; it wont happen again. 下不为例5、We dont know if this pledge will be fulfilled, or if the initiative will be swamped in the cesspool of budget negotiations, Republican obstruction and presidential

11、 concessions that will descend once more on Washington in the fall. But the initiative has the potential of drawing clear distinctions with the Republican right, and offering Americans a clear choice. Given that, it is worth understanding the scope - and the limits - of the presidents vision.pledge

12、承诺 obstruction 阻挡 concession 妥协 Given that 基于此 cesspool of budget negotiations 预算谈判的泥沼 scope - and the limits - of the presidents vision 总统视野有多远,有什么局限 draw clear distinctions 做明确的区分例句:We must draw a clear distinction between right and wrong. swamp 淹没;使漂浮;使陷入困难;去除 They will usually be swamped by forc

13、es working in the opposite direction. 它们常会被在相反方向起作用的力量所盖没。6、When a little-known senator named Barack Obama gave a speech at Knox College in Illinois in 2005, he ripped into then-president George Bushs policies as “Social Darwinism that left workers jobless and families unable to afford college or he

14、alth insurance. Mr. Bushs ideas were at odds, he claimed, with the “decent wages, benefits and public schools that had created a “massive middle class. 1.ripinto 责骂 The candidate ripped into his opponent mercilessly. 这名候选人无情地抨击他的对手。 2.At odds with 与不一致; 与不和This action is greatly at odds with his pre

15、vious attitude. 这一行动与他以往的态度大相径庭。2005年,奥巴马还是一个不知名的议员,他在伊利诺伊州诺克斯学院发表的演讲,他将时任总统乔治布什总统的政策批判成为“社会达尔文主义这样的政策使得工人失业,家庭无法承当孩子的教育费用,付不起医疗保险。他表示布什总统的理念和“体面的工资,福利和公立学校,这些造就可观数量的中产阶级的理念是不一致的。7、Since then Mr Obama has repeatedly returned to this theme. He nearly always describes his policies as being good for th

16、e middle class. Nonetheless, when he returned to Knox Collegeon July 24th, he admitted that, four years into his presidency, the middle class may be worse off.在那之后的奥巴马常常会提及这些问题。他几乎一直把他的政策描述为对中产阶级大有裨益的。然而,7月24日,当他再次来到诺克斯学院时,他成认,他任职总统的四年可能使中产阶级过的更糟糕。Wages are stagnant because the recovery has been slo

17、w. Globalization and technology allow foreigners and machines to compete for jobs once done by Americans. But this week Mr. Obama focused the blame on his political adversaries and their “endless parade of distractions, political posturing and phony scandals.stagnant停滞 phony 虚假的 political adversarie

18、s 政治对手 a parade of 一系列 posturing 故作姿态;装腔作势;装模作样 She says the President may just be posturing. 她说总统也许只是在做样子而已。由于经济复苏缓慢所以薪资停滞不涨。全球化和技术进步给外国人和机器提供时机来竞争原本由美国人来完成的工作。但在本周,奥巴马总统将矛头指向政治对手,指责共和党不断的使政府分神、故作政治姿态和捏造虚假丑闻。8、Its aim was less to drum up support for specific bills than, as one official put it, to l

19、ift the conversation to a higher level. That is away from touchy topics like the Internal Revenue Services misdeeds and the National Security Agencys snooping.drum up 招揽,征集,鼓吹,争取The government has managed to drum up some support for the idea. 政府设法征集到对这一想法的支持。less +否认 than + 肯定 touchy需要小心对待的;棘手的Inter

20、nal Revenue Services misdeeds 国家税务局丑闻National Security Agencys snooping. 国家平安局窃听丑闻像一位官员所说,奥巴马总统演讲并不是设法争取获得民众对具体提案的支持,而是:“将对话提到一个更高的层次。而这样就避开了如美国国税局丑闻和国家平安局窃听丑闻等棘手的议题。9、The immigration bill taken up this week by the Senate judiciary committee, says Jeff Sessions, one of its members, is like a “macker

21、el in the sunshinethe longer its out there, the worse it smells. To lengthen its spell in the sun, he and other opponents are hindering it with amendments. Meanwhile the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think-tank, has released a report claiming that provisions giving Americas 11m-odd illegal imm

22、igrants a chance to become citizens would cost America $6.3 trillion over the next 50 years. So far, the bipartisan alliance behind the bill appears to be holding. But the debate is revealing how delicate that coalition is, and how long and hard a fight it faces.taken up 受理 coalition联合合作 the Senate

23、judiciary committee 美国参议院司法委员会 mackerel 鲭鱼 spell 时间段 amendments 修正案 a conservative think-tank保守派的智库 provisions 条款 bipartisan 两党的 alliance 联盟 11m-odd 大约1100百万 trillion 万亿 holding 活动或行动暂时用作维持现状的第一句主干:The immigration bill is like a “mackerel in the sunshinethe longer its out there, the worse it smells

24、其他成分:says Jeff Sessions 主谓做插入语 one of its members jeff sessions 的同位语 taken up this week by the Senate judiciary committee 定语美国参议院司法委员会本周受理了移民法案,委员会成员之一杰夫塞欣斯(Jeff Sessions)说,法案就像“太阳底下的鲭鱼,放得越久越难闻。第二句主干:he and other opponents are hindering it with amendments.状语:To lengthen its spell in the sun,参考译文:为了让

25、这条“鱼在太阳底下放得久一些,他和其他反对者用修正案来阻碍这个法案。第三句主干: the Heritage Foundation has released a report claiming that provisions giving Americas 11m-odd illegal immigrants a chance to become citizens would cost America $6.3 trillion over the next 50 years.报告声称:微观分析:宾语从句中的主干:provisions would cost America $6.3 trillio

26、n over the next 50 years. provisions的定语: giving Americas 11m-odd illegal immigrants a chance to become citizens同时,保守派智库传统基金会(Heritage Foundation)发布报告称:有关让美国1100万非法移民转为公民的条款,在未来五十年将花费美国6.3万亿美元。第四句主干: So far, the bipartisan alliance behind the bill appears to be holding. 目前为止,两党在法案上的联合看起来依旧如故。第五句主干:Bu

27、t the debate is revealing how delicate that coalition is, and how long and hard a fight it faces.但是争执却也揭示了联合会是多么的脆弱,他们将要面对的斗争又将是多么的持久和艰难。10、With the extension of democratic rights in the first half of the nineteenth century and the ensuing decline of the Federalist establishment, a new conception of

28、 education began to emerge. Federalist establishment联邦体制Ensuing 紧接的,接踵而至的But as to what happened there after, that will be disclosed in the ensuing chapter. 欲知后事如何,且听下回分解。a new conception of education began to emerge.With the extension of democratic rights in the first half of the nineteenth century and the ensuing decline of the Federalist establishment状语随着19世纪上半叶民主权利的扩展和接踵而至的联邦体制的衰退,一种新的教育观念开始浮现出来。11、Education was no longer a confirmation of a pre-existing status, but an in

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