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最新译林牛津初一英语下册7B Unit 8 Pets 单元教案文档格式.docx

1、Step2:展示目标 见导学案Step3:课堂导学与互动 任务一:导入 Free talkDo you like animals?What animals do you know?任务二:呈现两人一组谈一谈你所喜爱的宠物,可运用以下句型: What is this? Do you like it? Why or why not?任务三:Ask and answerWhat is your favourite pet? Why (not)?I really like -. Because-.What about-?I like /dont like them. 任务四:Make sentence

2、s任务五:Finish Part B on Page 93.任务六:DiscussWhat animal do you want to keep as a pet? Why?任务七:Comic stripsListen and answer1. Is Hobo a good pet?2. What does Eddie want Hobo to do?任务八:Watch and answer1. Is Hobo happy? Why?2. Why does Eddie want to get a new pet?3. What can we learn from this conversati

3、on?Practice reading the dialogue.Act it out. Step4:总结提升 Step5:当堂反馈见导学案Step6:课后拓展见导学案Step7:布置作业1. Copy new words and phrases.2. Recite the dialogue再备教学反思Unit 8 Pets -Reading 1 第二课时 1. 知识目标: 重点单词: poem, wide, hide, build,stick, camp, bark, till, end, hunt,bite,fight,trouble,bubble, gentle, touch,rhyme

4、, care 重点短语: run after a ball, with eyes open wide, look after, till the end, need a gentle touch, look around for, take car of 重点句子: She isnt any trouble. My dog is the cleverest animal of all. 2. 技能目标: 学习宠物诗 让我们能更加了解宠物,能运用新词汇来谈论宠物。 3情感目标:通过学习让我们能够更好地与人类的朋友-动物,友好相处!学习宠物诗,能运用新词汇来谈论宠物。What animals do

5、 you know we can use as pets?Listen and answer: What can the dog do?Finish Part B1 on Page 95.Finish Part B2 on Page 95.Listen to the tape and answer: Why does the writer like goldfish?Listen and repeat: My Goldfish Q:Does a goldfish chase another fish? Does a goldfish hide? Does a goldfish bark? Do

6、es a goldfish fight? Does a goldfish bite? Does a goldfish need a bed?Does a goldfish miaow?Does a goldfish need a rabbit hutch?Finish Part B3 on Page 96.Finish Part B4 on Page 96.Twinkle twinkle little starTwinkle, twinkle, little star,How I wonder what you are.Up above the world so high,Like a dia

7、mond in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle little star,How I wonder what you are. 总结提升用不少于5句话来描述一下你自己的宠物。或者上网搜索一些有关宠物的诗歌,下节课在课堂与同学们进行交流。_1.Copy new words and phrases.2.Recite the dialogueUnit 8 Pets -Reading 2第三课时读懂并理解课文内容,完成相关练习。让学生学会并能运用描述宠物的用语。A game: Say the following sentences one by one.T: A dogS1: He

8、doesnt just run after a ball.S2: He hunts when I hide.S3: He does wonderful tricks,S4: He builds me camps out of sticks.S5: Hed never bark or bite.S6: He doesnt like to fight. A goldfish She doesnt need a bed.t bark,t miaow, She Just bubbles, bubbles, bubbles.Fill in the blanks.My dog is the clevere

9、st animal of all.He doesnt just _ after a ball.With eyes open wide,He _ when I hide.He does wonderful _,Builds me _ out of sticks.Hed never _ or bite.And he doesnt like to _.My dog is my very best friend.And Ill look after him till the _ Language points翻译句子1. 虽然林女士很穷,她仍然把那个男孩照顾得很好。2. 我奶奶的猫喜欢追着球跑。3.

10、鱼睡觉的时候眼睛仍然睁得大大的吗?4. 如果你想有所得就该为之战斗到底。5. 下雨了,我们不得不中止了足球赛。_Unit 8 Pets -Grammar 第四课时1知识目标:a.学习词汇:anywhere, repeat, agree b.学习词组:Make nice sounds, get tired, sleep anywhere, repeat my words, come back home, all the timec.学习句型:Goldfish are easy to look after. I dont agree.Theres nothing wrong with keepin

11、g a snake if you like.2. 技能目标:能用形容词来描述人和物。能掌握形容词作定语和表语时的位置。能掌握不定代词的用法。养成有礼貌地回答问题的良好习惯。能掌握不定代词的用法。 1. What is it? 2. What colour is it? 3. What do you think of it?What other adjectives can we use to describe parrots?Where do we put an adjective?形容词用于修饰名词或代词, 表示人或事物的性质、 状态和特征。形容词的用法及位置adj 作定语1. 前置定语A

12、lovely rabbit, a lazy mouse2. 后置定语:1)修饰不定代词:something, anything, nothing, everythingNothing unusual, anything interesting2) 某些a-开首的形容词:afraid, alike, alive, alone, asleep, awake, He is the only man alive.( ) It is said that there is _ in todays newspaper. A. nothing interesting B. interesting nothin

13、g C. nothing of interesting D. no interesting anything多个形容词作定语排序adj. 作表语1) 用在be之后.They are happy to do the homework. 2) 相当于be 的动词之后:appear, seem, come, cook, die, fall, keep, look, smell, taste, sound, feel, go, get, grow, become, turnKeep calm, go hungry, fall asleep, come true,3) 只用作表语的形容词:well, i

14、ll, fond, glad, likely, ready, sorry, sureHe is likely to see me today.This is a possible answer.The boy is ill/sick.The sick boy is lying in bed.adj 作宾补You keep the classroom clean.Leave me alone, please.练习形容词的比较等级1. 肯定 as (adv.) adj. / adv. 原级 as (conj.)2. 否定 not as (so) adj. / adv. 原级 as3. 倍数 倍数

15、as adj. / adv. 原级 asFinish Part A1,A2 on Page 97.复合不定代词something(某事,重要的人或事物), anything(什么事物,任何事物,无论什么事物), nothing(没有东西,什么也没有,不重要的人或事)everything(一切事,最重要的事), someone =somebody(某 / 有人,重要的人);anyone =anybody(任何人,无论谁);no one=nobody(没有人,) everyone =everybody (每个人,所有人);它们还与别有词构成很多习语,如Its nothing. (不用谢,不必在意)

16、,anybody else(别人)等等。Finish the exercises on Page 98.Unit 8 Pets - Integrated skills第五课时重点单词: weigh, talk, noise putin the sun, pick them up with your hands, once a day, grow up to be, weigh up to, make some noise, a talk on ,重点句子: how do you look after your pets? 听取细节获得具体信息并能用已获得的信息完成对话询问最喜爱的动物并做出回应

17、,陈述观点。能听懂录音内容,并能从听力材料中找出金鱼的具体特征。学会询问最喜爱的动物并能用英语谈论他们最喜欢的宠物。Multi-media projector, PowerPoint, Exercise paper Lead-inWhich is your favourite pet ? Can you tell me why ?I like my_ because _.Would you like to have a goldfish as your pet?任务二: Discussion:How to look after a fantail goldfish?1. Can you put

18、 a goldfish in the sun?2. Is a goldfish heavy?3. Does a goldfish weigh several kilograms?4. Does it need clean water?5. Can you pick them up with your hands?6. Does it need special fish food?7. Is it difficult to look after a goldfish?8. Is a goldfish very expensive?Listen and finish Part A1 on Page

19、 99.Read and finish Part A2 on Page 99.Read again and finish Part A3 on Page 100.Listen and answer :How do they look after their pets?Act out the dialogue1. 学生跟录音朗读。 分角色对话。学生两人一组,用自己的语言替换对话中的画线部分,完成自己的对话。2. 学生对话表演。DiscussionA: Which is your favourite pet?B: I really like tropical fish. Why do you li

20、ke your pet? Because they are colourful and there are many different kinds of them . How do you look after them? I feed them special fish food once a day. 总结提升exercisesUnit 8 Pets - Study skills第六课时1.了解因特网,能利用因特网查找信息。2.能使用搜索工具,通过关键词查找所需信息。能使用搜索工具,通过关键词查找所需信息。Lead in Say: Im so worried. My rabbit has

21、 refused to eat anything for several days. I want to know whats wrong with it. Who can I turn to for help?Something about the InternetThere are millions of websites on the Internet. Theres a lot of information on the websites. People all over the world like using the Internet. There are lots of information on it. We can use the search engine to look for information.How to use search engine Say: Search engines help us find information quickly and easily. Type in a keyword or some keywords and the search engine will give you a list of relevant websites to look at.Finish the exer

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