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1、abuse=ab+use vt. 滥用abrupt=ab+rupt adj. 突然的abstract=abs+tract adj. 抽象的 n. 摘要abundant=ab+und(bound束缚)+ant adj. 丰富的3. anti =against, opposite to (与pro-相反)anti-abortionist n. 反堕胎者anti-communist adj. 反共的anti-Japanese adj. the War 抗日战争anti-social young men 反社会的年轻人4. bene = good, wellbenefit=bene+fit(=fact

2、=do)做好事vt. 有益于beneficial adj. 有益的benevolent=bene+vol(wish)+ent adj. 慈善的bonus n. 奖金,红利(英语中的better, best 与此词根有关)5. bi = double, two 成双的,两个的bicycle=bi+cycle(圈) n. 双轮车自行车bilingual=bi+lingua(language语言) adj. 双语的bimonthly=bi+month+ly adj. 双月的 n. 双月刊biweekly=bi+week+ly adj. 双周的 n. 双周刊6. dua, duo = double,

3、twodouble adj. 双重的, v. 使加倍doubt=be of two minds(二心不定) vt., n. 怀疑dozen=do(du)+zen(ten)=2+10=12 n. 一打 dual=du+al(形容词词尾) adj. 二重的, 两层的 She has dual nationality. 双重国籍duel n. 决斗duet n. 二重唱,二重奏 They played a duet.7. twi = twotwice adj. 两次twilight=light between day and night n. 清晨; 黄昏twin n. 双生子twist=两股绳子绞

4、在一起 v. 扭曲,缠卷8. tri = three triangle n. 三角tribe n. 部落tricycle n. 三轮车triple v. 使成三倍 n. 三倍的 The production tripled.9. qua, quadr = fourquarter 一小时的四分之一 = 一刻钟quartet n. 四重奏quarterly n. 季刊10. circum = around, round aboutcircle n. 圆圈 circulate vi. 流通circular adj. 循环的circuit n. 一圈,一周;电路 circumstance=circum

5、+stan(to stand)+ce(名词词尾) n. 环境,情况11. com, con, col = together, withcombat=com+bat(to beat打)彼此对打v. 战斗combine=com+bine(two) vt. 结合,联合communicate=com+muni(to change)+cate v. 交流compose=com+pose(to put) 放在一起 v. 组成collaboration=col+labor+at(动词词尾)+ion共同劳动n. 合作collect=col+lect(to gather集合) vt. 收集concentrate

6、=con+centr(中心)+ate(动词词尾)v. 集中,专心conclude=con+clued(to close) 一起关闭v.下结论 cf. include=in+clude v. 包括在内 exclude=ex+clude v.排除在外conflict=con+flict(to strike打)互相打 vi. 冲突,矛盾conjunction=con+junc(to join)+tion 结合起来 n. 连接词;结合,巧合consent=con+sent(to feel感觉) 共同的感觉 vi. 同意convoy=con+voy(way) 同走一条路n.护航,随行 cf. conve

7、y=con+vey(way)归于同道 vt. 传达correct=cor+rect(right正确)vt. 改正;adj.正确的12. contra,contro, counter = against 反对,相反contradict=contra+dict(to speakdictation) v. 反驳,否认contrary=conra+ary(形容词词尾) adj. 相反的contrast=contra+st(to stand) v. 对照,对比counterpart=counter+part n. 相对的人或物encounter=en(使得)+counter 使相遇vt. 遇到13. d

8、e = down, downward 往下,分离,否定,彻底debate=de(down)+bate(to beat) 打倒辩论deceive=de(away)+ceive(to take) 拿走v. 欺骗decide=de(off)+cide(to cut) 割开v. 决断,决定declare=de(thoroughly)+(clear)v. 宣言,断言decrease=de(down)+crease(to make) v. 下降,减产 cf. increase=in(up)+crease v. 增加,增产deform=de(away)+form v. 使残废depart=de(away)+

9、part v. 离开depict=de(thoroughly)+pict(to paint) v. 描画14. dis = apart, away 分离,除去,剥夺,反对,否定disable=dis+able v.使丧失能力,使残废disagree=dis(not)+agree v. 不同意disapprove=dis(not)+ap+prove v. 不赞成discourage=dis(apart剥夺)+courage v. 使沮丧,使气馁disperse=dis(away)+sperse(to scatter分散) v. 驱散dispose=dis(apart)+pose(to place

10、) v. 处置display=dis(apart)+play(to fold折叠) v. 将折叠起来的东西展开来使能看到展示,阵列distinguish=dis(away)+tinguish v. 区别,区分distant=dis(away)+stan(to stand)+t adj. 远距离的 15. en = in, into, on, at, near 在内使进入某种状态,使成为enact vt. 使成为法律制定法律enclose vt. 围绕,包围,把纳入encourage vt. 使有勇气鼓励enjoy vt. 使高兴,享受enlarge vt. 使扩大enrich vt. 使富有e

11、mpower vt. 使有力16. ex = out of 向外的,彻底的exact=ex+act adj. 精确的example=ex+ample(to take) n. 例子exceed=ex+ceed(to go) v. 超出,超越excel=ex+cel(to rise) v. 胜过,卓尔不群 excellent adj. 优秀的,excellence 优秀exchange=ex+change v. 相互交换,交流exit=ex+it(to go) n. 出口expand=ex+pand(to spread) v. 扩展expect=ex+spect(to look) v. 期望,预料

12、expire=ex+spire(to breathe) v. 吐气,期满educate=e+ducate(to lead导出) v. 教导,教育elect=e+lect(to select) v. 选举eliminate=e+limi(to limit限制)+nate(动词词尾)v. 去除,消除17. extra =beyond 超出extracurricular activities 课外活动extraordinary adj. 非同寻常的extremely adv. 非常地,极端地18. fore, for = before 以前,之前, 前面的forearm n. 前臂,小臂foreca

13、st v. 预报forefather n. 祖先,前辈forefinger n. 食指forefront n. 前线foregoing adj. 前文叙述的foreground n. 前景forehead n. 前额foremost adv. 首先forerunner n. 先驱foresee v. 预见,预知foretell v. 预言;预测foreword n. 序言forward adv. 向前地 n. 前锋 v. 转寄19. hemi = half 半个的hemicycle n. 半圆hemisphere=hemi+sphere(球体) n. 半球20. homo = same 相同的

14、homogeneous adj. 成分一致的 (如国内学生班级) cf. heterogeneous 成分混杂的(如国际班)homograph n. 同形异义词homophone n. 同音词homosexual adj. 同性恋的21. hetero = different 不同种类的heterosexual adj. 异性恋的22. in, il, im, ir =in, into, on 内在的,进入某种状态的income n. 收入include= in+clude(close关闭) v. 包括在内increase= in+crease(to grow) n. 增加 cf. decre

15、ase 降低,减少indoor adj. games 室内运动inflation=in+flate(to blow吹气) n. 向内吹气使膨胀通货膨胀 influence=in+fluence(to flow流动) n. 向内流动使受影响inject=in+ject(to throw 投掷) v. 向内注射打针insert=in+sert(to join 加入) v. 嵌入,插入inspect=in+spec(to look) v. 向内看视察involve=in+volve(to roll旋转) v. 卷入其中implement=in+ple(to fill装满)+ment v. 充满其中实

16、施 n. farm implements农具 cf. musical instruments 乐器 family appliances 家用电器import=im+port(to carry) v., n. 带进去进口impose=im(on, upon)+pose(to place放置) v. 置于其上强加23. in, il, ir = not, negative 否定inappropriate=in+appropriate合适的 adj. 不合适的,不恰当的inconvenient=in+convenient adj. 不方便的infinite=in+finite有限的adj. 无限的2

17、4. inter, intel, = between, among 两者间的interaction=inter+action n. 互动interchange=inter+change v. 交换interconnected adj. 彼此相互联系的internet n. 互联网interpret=inter+pret(=prec=price) 在两者之间确定价值阐释,翻译internship n. 实习intern n. 实习生intervene=internet+vene(to come) vt. 介于两者之间干预, 调停 intervene between two quarrelling

18、 students interfere=inter+fere(to strike打)彼此对打 vt. 干涉 Never interfere between husband and affairs 国际事务interpersonal relations 人际关系interstate fair 州际集市25. intra, intro = within, inward 内部的(与 extra- 相反)intra-school reform 学校内部的改革introspect=intro+spect 向内看内省introverted=intro+vert(to

19、turn)+ed adj.内向的 cf. extroverted adj. 外向的 26. macro =large大的,long长的macroeconomics n. 宏观经济学macro-listening 综合技能听力训练27. micro =small小的microeconomics n. 微观经济学micro-listening n. 微技能听力下训练microbiology n.microphone=micro+phone(sound) n.使声音由小变大 n. 扩音器,麦克风microscope n. 显微镜microwave n.Microsoft28. mal, male =

20、badly, ill坏的(与bene- 相反)malicious=mal+cious adj. 恶意的,蓄意的malfunction=mal+function n. 机能不全,故障malnutrition=mal+nutrition n. 营养不良maltreat=mal+treat vt. 虐待29. mis =wrongly, badly, ill错误地misbehave=mis+behave v. 行为不端misleading=mis+lead+ing adj. 误导的mistake n. misunderstand v.30. mono =single, alone单独的,单个的mon

21、ocycle=mono+cycle n. 独轮车monologue=mono+logue n. 独白monolingual=mono+lingual n. 只会说一种语言的monopolize=mono+pol(to sell)+ize 独家贩卖垄断31. multi =many, much多的multicolor n. 多种颜色multicultural adj. 多元文化的multilingual adj. 会多种语言的multimedia teaching n. 多媒体教学multifunction classroom n. 多功能教室32. ne =negative, not 否定ne

22、verneither nornone=not one, not anay=no33. non =not 否定non-profit organization 非营利组织non-government organization 非政府组织non-lineal formula 非线性方程34. neo =new新的neoclassicism n. 新古典主义neocolonialism n. 新殖民主义35. out =beyond超出outgrow vt. 比长得更大、更快或更长等 The boy has outgrown his coat.长高了衣服穿不下outrun vt. 比跑得快The ra

23、bbit outran the tortoise. 兔子比乌龟跑得快 outline n. 轮廓,概要 注意: 一些动词短语倒过来可构成与原意相似的复合名词或形容词,如:outbreak n. 爆发 break out 爆发outcome n. 结果 come out 出现outcry n. 叫喊;抗议 cry out 高声呼叫outlet n. 出口 let out 放出outlook n. 展望 look out 小心;警戒output n. 产出 put out 出产outspoken adj. 直言不讳的 speak out 呼吁36. over = above, across, be

24、yond在之上,跨过;覆盖,超越,胜过;过度,太过overpass (Amr. E.) n. 立交桥(overbridge Brit. E.)cf. bypass n. 外环线overact v. 动作过度overcome v. 克服overcrowded adj. 过度拥挤的overeat v. 吃得太多overestimate v. 对估计过高overloaded adj. 超载overlook v. 看漏;俯视;监视oversee v. 监督;overturn v. 推翻overwhelm v. 使淹没 他因为父亲去世悲痛至极。He was overwhelmed by the deat

25、h of his father.overwhelming adj. 势不可挡的, 压倒一切的; 巨大的 an electoral victory 压倒性胜选The candy looked overwhelmingly desirable to the kids.37. under =beneath在下面;不够的,不足的underdeveloped countries 不发达国家underestimate v. 低估undergo v. 遭受,经历undergraduate n. 本科生under-documented adj. 记录不充分的underemployment n. 就业不充分 c

26、f. unemployment n. 失业undertake v. 从事,担任38. para =beside, against, contrary旁边的,相对应的paragraph n. 段落parallel adj. 平行的;v. 平行39. per =through, thoroughly全面地,完全地perceive=per(thoroughly)+ceive(to take) 全身心感受 v.知觉 perfect=per+fect(=fact=make做)彻底做好adj.完美的perform=per+form(to provide提供)全面供给 v.实行,履行permanent=pe

27、r+man(to remain)+ent一直存在的 adj. 永久的,耐久的permit=per+mit(to send发送)通行无阻v. 许可persist=per+sist(to stand站)一直站着v. 坚持不懈persuade=per+suade(to advise劝说)彻底地劝告v.说服40. pre =before事前,事先predict=pre+dict(to say) v. 预言,预知preview=pre+view v. 预习preface=pre+face(to speak) n. 前言prefer=pre+fer(to carry)先拿到前面 v. 偏好;宁愿要 prejudice=pre

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