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1、漫不经心的casual18. 翻译translation(v.) translate19. 习语,成语,惯用语idiom20. 克gram21. 扫描;细看;浏览scan22. 优雅地elegantly优雅的;雅致的elegant23. 电池battery24. 四轮马车carriage25. 冰箱refrigerator26. 拒绝,拒收;不予考虑reject27. 紧密的;紧的tight28. 有根据的;(法律上)有效的valid29. 拨(电话号码)dial30. 肤浅的,浅薄的;浅的shallow31. 稳定的;稳重的stable32. 垃圾箱dustbin1. 与保持联系keep i

2、n touch with与取得联系get in touch with(动作)与失去联系lose touch with(状态)与失去联系be out of touch with2. 坚持原则stick to ones principle(s)违背某人的原则be against one原则上;大体上in principle依据原则on principle3. 推迟做某事delay doing sth.毫不耽搁,立即without delay4. 彩色的in colour5. 20%的学生20 per cent of the students很大/很小比例的a large/small percent

3、age of6. 上发条wind sth. up蜿蜒曲折wind ones way to7. 储存in storage准备给某人in store for sb.8. 申请专利apply for a patent9. 怀疑be sceptical of/about.10. 一家保险公司an insurance company11. 显而易见obviouslyIts obvious that12. 获得均衡的全面的发展achieve balanced and allaround development13. 电子装置electronic devices电气设备electrical equipmen

4、t电风扇an electric fan关掉电turn/cut off electricity14. 适合be suitable for15. 投票支持某人vote for sb.投票反对vote against16. 反对(做)be against opposed to doingoppose doingobject to doing17. 决不in no caseby no meanson/under no conditionat no timeunder/in no circumstanceson no account18. 不仅而且not merely. but alson

5、ot only/just. but also19. 某人做某事是典型的Its typical of sb. to do sth.20. (手机)短信text message21. 为作出牺牲make sacrifices for.牺牲健康sacrifice ones health以牺牲at the sacrifice of22. 额外for good measure采取措施做take measures/steps to do按某人尺寸做make sth. to ones own measure23. 使某人摆脱rid sb. of某人摆脱sb. get/be rid of.24. 上市come

6、 onto the market25. 在某种程度上to some/a certain degreeto some/a certain extent获得博士学位receive/get/obtain a doctors degree26. 未必not necessarily1.直到1938年第一个彩色电视节目才播出。It_was not until 1938 that the first colour TV programme was broadcast.2. 然而,大多数人仍然受益于卫星电视。However,most people still benefit_from satellite TV

7、.3.花了50年66%的美国家庭才拥有了它。It took 50 years before 66 per cent of American households had it.4.然后他们投票决定是否接受它。They then vote on whether_they_will_accept_it5.因为阿曼门诺派教徒重视彼此面对面交流,所以他们反对在住宅里装电话。Since the Amish value_seeing_each_other face to face,they oppose_having_telephones in their houses.6. 例如,无论在什么情况下,当电

8、话铃声响起时,为了接电话,一切都得停下来。For example,no_matter_what_the_circumstances,when the phone rings,everything stops so that the call can be answered.7. 同时,真正的关系往往被牺牲了,每当电话铃声响起时,个人拥有的任何宁静都会被打破。Meanwhile,real relationships are often sacrificed,and whatever_personal_peace_one_has is destroyed whenever the phone ri

9、ngs.8. 也许我们应该摆脱现代技术,回归到更为简单的时代。Maybe we should rid_ourselves_of modern technology and return to simpler times.用所给提示翻译下列句子:1. 我认为女性不应该为了家庭而牺牲独立性。(sacrifice)_2. 很显然,定期运动是健康生活的重要组成部分。(component)3. 在这样的情况下,他开始怀疑自己的判断。(circumstance)4. 他投票赞成这一决定只是因为他没有其他的选择。(merely)5. 经过认真考虑,我们最终还是拒绝了他在会上提出的建议。(reject)【答案

10、】1. I dont think that women should sacrifice their independence for their family.2. Its obvious that regular exercise is a key component of a healthy life.3. Under such circumstances,he began to be skeptical about his own judgment.4. He voted for the decision merely because he had no other choices/a

11、lternatives.5. After careful consideration,we eventually rejected his suggestion put forward at the meeting. available,accessible available意为“(物)可得到的,可利用的;(人)有空的”;accessible意为“(物)可进入的,可接近的;易理解的;(人)易相处的”。用available和accessible填空:This is a town _ by rail.TV sets are _ in any department stores.【答案】acces

12、sibleavailable enough,adequate,ample enough,常用词,除了表示足以满足需要的外,还含有数量很多使人感到心满意足之意;enough还可以作副词,来修饰形容词,但必须放在形容词的后面;adequate表示数量或质量上能满足某一不太高的要求,还可指能力、才能、资格等符合要求;ample表示数量上能满足某种需求外,且有余,即绰绰有余。用enough,adequate和ample填空:His knowledge of Japanese is _ for the job although he is not fluent in the language.Her m

13、other gave her a big sum of money,which was _ for the expense for travel and accommodation.She is not old _ to go to school.【答案】adequateampleenough It was not until 1938 that the first colour TV programme was broadcast. until和not until的区别:until意为“直到”,表示某一种行为一直持续到某一时间。用在肯定句中,句子的谓语动词必须是可延续性的;not. unti

14、l意为“直到才”,表示直到某一时间某一行为才发生。 另外,not until 既可以用于强调句中,也可以放在句首,此时句子要采用部分倒装。完成下列句子:直到他完成工作他才回家。He _ until he finished his work.Not until _.It was not until _.The shop _(将会一直关门)until further notice.【答案】didnt go home;he finished his work did he go home;he finished his work that he went homewill be closed The

15、y then vote on whether they will accept it. if和whether引导宾语从句时通常可以互换。if引导条件状语从句,意为“假如;如果”。用if和whether填空:He hasnt decided _ to go or stay.It remains to be seen _ this idea can be put into practice._ we are successful or not,we can be sure that we did our best.Id be grateful _ you would keep it a secre

16、t.【答案】whetherwhetherWhetherif It took 50 years before 66 per cent of American households had it. before可用作介词、副词和连词,用作连词有多种不同的含义。翻译下列句子:Three months went by before we knew it.He had nearly knocked me down before he saw me.He had rushed out before I could thank him.I would shoot myself before I apolog

17、ize to him.It was some time before I realized the truth.It was not long before the police came.You should write it down before you forget it.【答案】不知不觉三个月过去了。直到他差点撞倒我他才看见我。我还没来得及谢他他已冲出去了。我宁愿开枪射击自己也不愿向他道歉。过了一段时间我才意识到真相。没过多久警察就来了。趁你没有忘记你应该把它写下来。 Since the Amish value seeing each other face to face,they

18、oppose having telephones in their houses. value可用作名词和动词。a book of valuea valuable book一本有价值的书value lifetreasure life珍惜生命value the house at给房子估价为valuableinvaluablepriceless无价的,珍贵的values价值观念;社会准则Most people know _(良好教育的重要性)Sports can _(很有好处),especially to people who work with their brains most of the

19、day.We should _(珍惜我们所拥有的)and try our best to overcome any difficulty in life.【答案】the value of good educationbe of great valuevalue what we haveWith the patent of the telephone in 1876,people could now have a conversation with each other over a long distance. Many engineers foresaw that _(发送电信号是可能的)

20、through the atmosphere _(不依靠) telephone wires. Some _(重要突破) in the development of radio were made by Nikola Tesla in 1891. However,his work had many drawbacks. _(直到1906) adaptations were made so that radio could relay conversation and music. Most people _(有机会使用) a radio receiver by the late 1920s an

21、d early 1930s. Eventually,radio became the primary _(获得新闻和娱乐的手段)【答案】it was possible to send electrical signals;without relying on;important breakthroughs;It was not until 1906 that;had access to;means of getting news and entertainmentUnit 2Fit for life1. 针,针头;指针needle2. 医生,内科医师physician外科医生surgeon3.

22、 革命;旋转revolution4. 橱柜cupboard5. 柜台;计数器;反驳;抵消counter6. 咀嚼,嚼碎;咬chew7. 酸,酸的acid8. 药片;匾tablet9. 畅销的bestselling10. 循环;传播circulate11. 不正常的,反常的abnormal12. 13. 应用;申请;涂抹application(v.) apply14. 批准,通过;赞成,同意approval(v.) approve15. 疾病;恶心,呕吐sickness16. 症状symptom17. 流血,失血bleed(bledbled)(n.) blood18. 合理的;明智的reason

23、able19. 结果,后果outcome20. 鼓掌;称赞applaud(n.) applause21. 安排;约定;布置arrangement(n.&v.) arrange22. 钝的;迟钝的;枯燥的dull23. 剑sword24. 锋利的;尖的;急转向的;尖刻的;敏锐的sharp25. 复杂的;建筑群complex26. 心跳heartbeat27. 手腕wrist28. 器官;管风琴;机构organ29. 理论,学说theory理论的theoretical30. 现象phenomenon(pl.)phenomena1. 打开;开发;开业;倾诉open up2. 在药店at the ch

24、emists3. 手术室operating theatre给某人动手术operate on sb.perform an operation on sb.操作电脑operate a computer4. 拥有possess sth.take possession ofbe in possession of被拥有in the possession of5. 对是极为重要的be vital to/for.某人做某事是极为重要的It is vital that sb. (should) do sth.6. 充分发挥某人的潜力realize ones full potential潜在的危险potential dangers7. 心脏病发作have a heart attack死于心脏病die of heart disease8. 阻止某人做block sb. from doing一大块冰a block of ice两个街区two blocks9. 血糖blood sugar10. 测试,试验;参加选拔try out在上试验某物try sth. out on11. 不能做be unable to do12. 采取有效的措施take effectiv

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