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1、拖13. _v.点头14. _n.背包;旅行包15._ n.街区16._prep.在上面 adv.向上面17. _ n.机场18. _prep.&conj.到; 直到19._n.工作日20._n.市场;集市21._ v.宣布;宣告22. _ v.取消;终止答案:1.rather 2.pale 3.nor 4.palace 5.grey 6.1emon 7.shoulder 8.goal 9.kick 10.besides 11.courage12.pull 13.nod 14.backpack 15.block 16.above 17.airport 18.till 19.weekday 20

2、.market 2l.announce 22.cancel 孟迎典度2 词性转换1.1.power(n.)_(adj.)有权势的;有影响力的 _(n.)银行家3.exam(n.) _(v.)(仔细地)检查;检验4.wealth(n.) _(adj.)富有的fort(n.) _(adj.)使人舒服地; 舒适地_(adj.)使人不舒服地; 不舒适地 _(n.)军官;官员7.lady(n.) _(pl.)女士;夫人 _(过去式)_(过去分词)_(现在分词)迫使;驾驶;开(车);驱赶_(n.)司机9.weigh(v.) _(n.)重量;

3、分量10.nod(v.) _(过去式)_(过去分词)_(现在分词)点头11.disappoint(v.) _(n.)失望;沮丧;扫兴_(adj.)失望的;沮丧的;失意的_(adj.)令人失望的;令人沮丧的*be disappointed about对感到失望12.expect(v.) _(adj.)期待的;预期的;期望中的_(adj.)出乎意料的;始料不及的13.sleep(n) _(过去式/过去分词) 睡觉_(adj.) 困倦的; 瞌睡的_(adj.) 睡着的_(v.) 睡过头;睡得太久 _(n.)工作者;工人15.burn (v.) _(过去式/过去分词) _(现在分

4、词) 着火;燃烧_(adj.) 着火的; 燃烧的burn into ones mind在某人心中留下深刻印象burn with a desire强烈希望 _(adj.)活着的;有生气的_(adj.) 生气勃勃的; (色彩)鲜艳的 _(n.)发现;发觉18.appear(v.) _(n.)外貌;外观;出现_(反义词)消失;不见appear to be好像是, 仿佛19. fool(v.&n.)_ (adj)愚蠢的;荒谬的(近义词:stupid)20. west(n.&adv.&adj) _(adj.) 向西的;西部的East or west,h

5、ome is best.金窝银窝,不如自家的狗窝。1. powerful 2.banker 3.examine4.wealthy fortable;uncomfortable; comfortably 6. officer 7.ladies 8.drove; driven; driving; driver 9.weight 10.nodded; nodding 11. disappointment; disappointed; disappointing 12.expected; unexpected 13.slept; sleepy; asleep; oversleep 14.worker1

6、5.burned/ burnt; burning; burning 16.alive; lively 17.discovery 18.appearance; disappear 19.foolish 20.western三重点短语动词短语1. _控制某人的体重2._使人发疯/发狂3._取代某人的位置4._开某人的玩笑5._用尽;耗尽6. _捎(某人)一程7._留心;注意8._使某人失望9._开除某人10._走过11._交还12._召来;叫来13. _赶到;露面14. _取回15. _赶走;离去16. _分享友谊17. _忽略;不提及;不包括18. _齐心协力;通力合作19. _(闹钟)发出响声

7、20._盯着;凝视21._卖光22._ 减肥名词短语23._首相;大臣24._柠檬汁25. _生活目标26._篮球教练27. _化妆舞会28. _苹果派29. _重大发现形容词短语30. _对某人苛刻;对某人要求严厉介词短语31. _成为某人的朋友32. _共同33. _同意34. _与成一排35. _不相信36. _到的时候37. _而不是38. _起初;开始时39. _使某人惊讶的是;出乎某人40. _正打算/即将做某事1.control ones weight sb.crazy/mad 3.take ones position jokes on sb,5.r

8、un out of 7.give sb.a lift 7.keep eyes on 8.let sb.down 9.kick 10.walk through 11.hand back in up 14.get back away16.share friendship 17.leave out 18.pull together 19.go off 20, stare at21.sellout 22.lose weight minister 24.lemon juice goal 26.basketb

9、all coach 27.costume party pie 29.great discovery hard on friends with common agreement line with disbelief the time 37.rather than start with ones surprise about to do四写作佳句写人叙事:1. To start with,it was cloudy and grey,and clo

10、udy days make me upset.开始时,天空乌云密布, 而且多云天让我觉得烦躁。2. He had let his whole team down.他让整个团队都失望了。3. The next day,Peter went to soccer practice with courage rather than fear in his heart.第二天, 彼得带着勇气去练球,而不是心生忍惧。4. By the time I got up,my brother had already gotten in the shower.在我起床之前, 我弟弟已经在淋浴了。5. Luckily

11、,Carls dad saw me on the street and gave me a lift in his car.幸运的是,卡尔的父亲在街上看见了我,用车载了我一程。6.Many people ran to their local supermarkets to buy as much spaghetti as they could.很多人跑到他们当地的超市买尽可能多的意大利面。7. The more I get to know Julie,the more I realize that we have a lot in common.我越了解朱莉, 越觉得我们有很多共同之处。8.

12、Neither medicine nor rest can help him.药物和休息都对他不起作用。9. I was about to go up when I decided to get a coffee first.当我正准备上去的时候决定先买杯咖啡。观点建议:10. But whatever it was,dont be too hard on yourself. 但是不管发生了什么,不要太难为自己了。11. The other half is learning how to communicate with your teammates and learning from you

13、r mistakes.另一方面是学会如何与你的队友沟通并且从你的错误中吸取教训。12. But I think if we continue to pull together,were going to win the next one.但我觉得,只要我们坚持齐心协力,下次一定会赢。文化习俗:13. April Fools Day is a celebration that takes place in different countries around the world.愚人节是发生在世界上不同国家的庆祝活动。1核心词汇攻关1. Its dangerous to d_a car afte

14、r you get drunk.2. The next day,Peter went to soccer practice with c_rather than fear in his heart. 3. Lynn hurried to the a_in order not to miss the flight.4. Eating less and doing more exercise is the best way to lose w_.5. If you are faraway from your parents for a long time,you will m_them.6. Bo

15、b o_for nearly an hour yesterday morning,so he missed the first class.7. I hope youll stay here for the night. Its raining hard. B_,it is very dark outside.8. Henry got up late this morning because he stayed up to watch the football match t_late at night.9. Muscle is regarded as the symbol of p_, ma

16、ny people exercise for it.10. Tinas father used to be a b_, but now he doesnt work in the bank.11. There will be an_(examine) next week in our school,so I must review from now on.12. Although he is just a_(work) in a factory,he has donated most of his saving to the poor in the city.13. We reached an

17、_(agree) that the lights should be turned off at10p.m.14. The famous poet described her childhood as a time of wonder and_(discover) .15. After she had overcome her shyness,she became very_(friend) .16. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy,_(wealth) and wise.17. Bob Dylan,as one of the

18、 greatest_(sing) ,won the Noble Prize in Literature 2016.18. It is raining cats and dogs_(sudden) outside. We have to stay at home.19. It seemed that every on chad their own problems,and no one was_(true) happy.20.I made a_(decide) to have a talk with my English teacher after school.21. _(unexpected

19、),my classmate Li Ming has been admitted by a famous senior school.22. Two police_(officer) helped me when my car broke down on my way to the airport.23. It made him feel _(embarrass) because he knocked at the wrong door when he visited his friend.24.You should be careful not to ask _(western) about

20、 their personal information.25.I promise what I said just now is_(believe) .I dont have any reason to cheat you.26. I felt_(comfortable) when I noticed that the people at the next table were watching me.27.My fight has_(cancel) already because of the rainstorm,so I have to take a train to go home.28

21、.Leonardo is liked by us not only for his handsome_(appear) but also for his spirit of never giving up.29.Dont be _(disappoint) when you fail. All you need to do is to learn something from your failure and pursue success 2.courage 3.airport 4.weight 5.miss 6.overslept 7.Besides 8.till 9.power 10.banker11.examination12.worker 13.agreement 14. discovery 15.friendly 16.wealthy 17.singers 18.suddenly 19.truly20.decision 21.Unexpectedly 22.officers 23.embarressed 24.westerners 25.believable 26.uncomfortable 27.been canceled 28.appearance 29.disappointed

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