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Have you got the Harry Potter DVDs教案Word下载.docx

1、 2.根据听到的单词辨别图片。 说:1.根据录音模仿语音语调。 2.能准确指读、认读、识读新词DVD, librarian, show, borrow. 3.能准确指读、认读、识读Have you got? Yes, we have. No, we havent. We have gotWe havent got the 句型介绍图书馆的资源并用can介绍使用规则。 读:1. 能熟读课文。 2. 能准确读出书籍的相关单词。 写:能写小短文表达可以做和不可以做某事。 玩演:1.能进行简单的角色表演。 2.能运用图片的形式介绍自己的相关书籍和自己拥有什么。 视听:1.能看懂简单的关于家庭的英文动画

2、 Harry Potter 策略 能够初步借助简单的工具书学习英语情感 1.乐于开口表达,表达中不怕犯错误。文化了解哈里波特丛书及美国国会图书馆。 例如:美国国会图书馆,是世界上最大的图书馆等。学情知识经验:已有学生对book和look之类的词已经非常熟悉 单词:已学词汇有:show, library 语法:一些基本的交际语句,如:Heres my book,Excuse me,Here you are,We will,学生也能基本掌握。本课的核心句式:有关have got的句子学生在四年级学过,基本能理解其含义,为本节课的学习奠定了一定的基础。学生能够表达有或没有某物,对have got 已

3、有了解 。新学oo字母组合发音/u/的发音规律,如book,look。会听、说、认、读DVD, librarian, show, borrow。句式有: Have you got? Yes, we have. No, we havent. We have got We havent got the 虽然have got 的句式在四年级已经学过,但由于缺乏相应的语言环境,预设学生在运用这些句式表达的时候可能会产生障碍。能够询问对方是否拥有某物,能够表达某人可以、不可以做某事。运用已学语言,介绍图书馆资源和使用规则。障碍分析 虽然have got 的句式在四年级已经学过,但由于缺乏相应的语言环境,

4、预设学生在运用这些句式表达的时候可能会产生障碍。突破措施 1.通过预习解决部分单词障碍,在导入环节、热身环节中进行单词的朗读和拼读练习。 2.通过多设置与孩子们生活实际相关的情境,如展示书本图片,用“Have you got?”,进行导入,用旧知引入新知。编写课本内容的问答,把新知单词融入到对话中。也可以设置整体的大情境“Have you got?Yes, we have/No, we havent.”等,让小组合作,用重点句型“We have gotWe havent got the ”来编写对话或者进行表格调查与他人交流各自有或没有的东西,以巩固句子的使用,训练和检测学生们的句型运用能力。

5、生活经验 大部分孩子对哈里波特比较感兴趣。 大部分孩子对哈里波特此书以及美国的国会图书馆了解的不够详细。 对英语丛书的英文名词了解不深,只知道书的汉语名。 创设情境图书馆情境,让学生了解西方文学名著。策略经验 合作学习的方法,跟读的方法,角色扮演的方法 编写对话或者进行表格调查与他人交流各自有或没有的东西学习目标1.学生能够正确听说读写四会单词DVD, librarian, show, borrow。2.学生能够流利正确有感情的朗读课文。3.学生能够在实际情境中使用We have gotWe havent got the ”来编写对话或者进行表格调查与他人交流各自有或没有的东西。4.学生能够运

6、用已学语言,介绍图书馆资源和使用规则。教学重难点重点:1.能听懂、会读、会认、会说、会写DVD, librarian, show, borrow。 2. 用We have gotWe havent got the .在实际情境中正确、流利交流自己有什么,没有什么。难点:1.英语书籍的书写格式。 2. have got 疑问否定的变化。准备点读笔、课件、奖励的卡片等。教学过程二次修改Step1 Warm-upGreet Students教师活动:Say “Hello” to students.学生活动:Say “Hi” to students.T: Hello, boys!Boys: Hello

7、! Hi, girls!Girls: Hi! Okay, boys and girls! Class begins!Ss: Stand up! Good morning, boys and girls. Good morning, Miss Li. Sit down, please!Step2 Lead-in1.Guessing Game播放PPT,Whats it?观看图片,迅速说出答案:DVD, book, ruler, pen, eraser, schoolbag, shoes. 2.师生问答:讲授have got 的用法。并引导同桌对话练习。学生掌握have got用法,并根据自己的情

8、况回答问题。Look!IvegotaDVD.HaveyouDVD?(并进行板书Have)You can answer:Yes,Ihave./No,havent.(并进行板书Yes,havent.)S:havent.ruler?havent.(根据自己的情况回答问题。有尺子的同学,举起自己手中的尺子)book?有书的同学,举起自己手中的书)Now talk with your partner.S1:Have you got.?S2: Yes,Its time to show. Very good. Lead-in播放视频Harry Potter。并导入话题。认真观看视频,并准备回答问题。Do y

9、ou like the movie Harry Potter? Who is your favorite people?Yes.Our friend Amy and Lingling like Harry Potter ,too. So they want DVDs.Step3Presentation1.初听感知课文PPT 出示问题,PPT 出示问题:并播放无字幕动画。 1.Where are Amy and Lingling ? 2.Have they got the Harry Potter DVDs?观看无字幕动画感知课文,并回答问题。Listen with the question :

10、 Lets listen to it carefully!1.Where are Amy and Lingling ?They go to the library. 2.Have they got the Harry Potter DVDs?No, they havent.But they have got Harry Potter books .Also good.3、再听探究课文1)听课文播放字幕动画,判断对错。 Read and circle “T” or “F”.1) Amy wants the Harry Potter DVDs. T F 2) The library has got

11、 the Harry Potter DVDs. T F3) The library has got the Harry Potter books. T F4) Children dont like Harry Potter in China. T F5) Amy hasnt got a library card. T F6) Amy should return the books in two weeks. T F听前先浏览问题,带问题听课文,并回答。Listen again,find T or F and tell me why.TF.The library hasnt got the Ha

12、rry Potter DVDs.They have got the Harry Potter books.S3:T.S4:F.Children like Harry Potter in China.S5:F. Amy has got a library card.S6:2)单词讲解。学习单词librarian, favourite,show。学习新单词,回答问题。his is a library.This is .She can help you find books.Read after me , librarian.(板书 library,librarian)librarian。Do yo

13、u like Harry Potter?So Harry Potter is your favourite.Read after me , favourite 。(板书,favourite )favourite.This is library card.You have the card , you can read the books at home.I will show the library card to you. Show.(板书show)Show.4.Listen and repeatNow, lets listen and repeat after the video. We

14、should pay attention to the text and pronunciation.播放电子书包,并对学生进行随机指导。跟随电子书包朗读,注重模仿朗读中的语音语调。5.Group-reading and showYou imitate it very well. Now lets practice in groups. You can choose any way that I give you.并随机指导.选择老师提供的方式进行小组合作朗读,然后展示。Step4 Practice1.Ask and answer. 教师活动:创设情境,图书馆借书。引导学生如何借书。 学生活动

15、:同桌进行问答。I want some books.They are Maths for children, The Three Little Pigs, Maliang and the Magic Paintbrush, Wolf!Wolf!, This is London.Now you are a librarian.I will ask,Excuse me, Have you got Maths for Children?Yes ,we have.Excuse me, Have you got The Three Little Pigs?No, we havent.Now, Im a

16、librarian. You can ask me.Excuse me, Have you got Maliang and the Magic Paintbrush?Yes, we have.Excuse me, Have you got Wolf!?No, we havent. Now talk with your partner.Its time to show.2.)情感教育分享关于读书的英语名言,说明读书的重要性。朗读英语名言,了解读书的重要性。Reading is good for us.Books are the food for the hungry of great mind.

17、A good book is a good friend.In Weifang, we have a big library. There are lots of books.We should go there and have a look.Step5、标注短语和重点句型1.标注短语画出本模块的重点短语,各种形式进行领读。在课本上画出短语,跟读短语。1.take a look 看一看2.on the computer 在电脑上 them to you 把它们给你看4.lots of 许多5.library card 借书卡6.give the books back 归还书7.i

18、n two weeks 在两周之内 the library 在图书馆2.标注重点句子画出本模块的重点句子,并进行领读。在课本上画出重点句子,重点掌握。1.Its a present for you. 2.Have you got the Harry Potter DVDs?3.Ill look on the computer.4.We havent got the DVDs.5.Ill show them to you.6.Youve got lots of Harry Potter books here.7.Children in China like Harry Potter,to

19、o.8.Please give the books back in two weeeks.9.Excuse me. Have you got Maths for Children? Yes, I have. No, I havent.Step6SummaryShow what students have learned on the screen.Sum up what have learned according to teachers ppt. So, boys and girls, what have we learned in this lesson?Step7HomeworkRead the text fluently and memorize the new words and new phrases.板书设计Module 3 Unit 1 Have you got the Harry Potter DVDs? 教后反思

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