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1、项目总用地面积约34.5公顷,包括广州文化馆和岭南大观园。项目主要研究广州文化馆、岭南大观园与海珠湖公园景观的融和;滨水岸线的利用和处理。The “One Museum and One Garden” project is located innorth of Haizhu wetland,adjacent to acres of orchards on the east. It serves as an importantspot in the southern section of the new city axis in Guangzhou.The scope covers an are

2、a of 34.5 hectares, which including Guangzhou Cultural Museum and Lingnan Prospect Garden. The project will advancenew urban development for the Guangzhou Cultural Museum, Lingnan Prospect Garden and Haizhu Lake. 中轴鸟瞰 Birds-eye view of axis项目挑战Project Challenges位于广州新的城市中轴线南端的“一馆一园”项目,它将不只是珠江新城国际化大都市

3、中轴线的简单延伸,更不会是对传统文化和符号的简单复制。如何运用一种岭南园林建筑的现代语汇,打造一个具有创意的、体现“百粤精萃,岭南风情”的群众文化活动空间,将是本项目最大的特色和挑战。The “One Museum and One Garden”project is not just a simple extension of the Zhujiang New Town cosmopolitan axis, nor a simple duplicate ofthe traditional culture and symbols. The biggest challenge was to cre

4、ate a grand cultural space that embodies the essence of Lingnan culture withmodern and innovative approaches. 中轴景观花渡廊带 Axial flower galley总体规划Overall planning设计中总体规划结构强调以下四大理念:The overall planning features 4 concepts as below:1、 轴线延展 Extension of Axis 城市中轴线的延伸打造,解决城市与公园的交通和视线联系,也形成了岭南大观园与海珠湖环湖公园的串联。

5、Extend the city axis and build connections between the urban area and the park, which in turn connects the Lingnan Prospect Garden with theHaizhu Lake.2、东西连结 Connection between the east and the west利用“岭南花渡景观廊带”连结公园的东西两区, 加上六大景观节点的布置,将形成更加连续和富有空间节奏感的大观园景观界面。Connecting the east and west sides of the p

6、ark are six decorative Lingnan Flower Galleries.It will generate a continuous sense of space andrhythmic garden view.3、聚心合围 Encirclement建筑与景观形成聚落式布局,各建筑向心布置,形成三大以庭院花园为中心的建筑功能区。There is a central garden, surrounded by three sub garden, forming 3 architectural function areas.4、水陆联系 Connection between

7、the water and land设计采用了整体地形的起伏抬升,加上拥有可持续性发展生态建筑技术理念的榕树装置,使游客既可以鸟瞰整个花园,又可以远眺中心海珠湖的景色,从而加强了园区各个建筑组群与海珠湖之间视觉的联系。The garden was designed with an overall uplifting terrain, with decorative art installations of Banyan trees which embody with the sustainabledevelopment and eco-construction concept. Visitor

8、s can have a birds-eye view of the entire garden and overlooking the center of Haizhu Lake.The design strengthens the visual connection between the sub-gardens and the Haizhu Lake. 轴线延展 Extension of axis 东西连结 Connection between the east and the west 聚心合围 Encirclement 水陆联系 Connection between the wate

9、r and land 一馆一园分析图 “One Museum and One Garden” analysis graphics设计理念Design Concept筑景榕荟Architecture, Landscape, Banyan, Flourish of Plants公共文化中心:设计的态度筑景Public Cultural Center: Design Approach - Architecture and Landscape公共文化中心作为整个项目中最重要的建筑,建筑面积18000平方米,一个集公益演出、培训、展览、创作、研究、交流、非物质文化遗产保护于一体的设施现代、功能齐备、服务

10、多元的文化馆。The Public Cultural Center isthe most important building in the whole project, which has a gross area of 18,000 sqm. It is designed multifunctionallywith the facilities to accommodate public performance, training, exhibition, creation, research, communication and reservation of cultural herit

11、age. 公共文化中心与广州之路图片展览馆鸟瞰 Birds eye view of museum在海珠湖公园里置入大型的公共建筑,我们的态度不是彰显建筑体量的壮阔雄伟,而是采用极其谦逊的姿态把新建筑融入到海珠湖公园的生态景观环境当中。Given the scale of the Public Cultural Center, the design carefully assimilated into the site in a way to create harmony with the existing ecologicalenvironment. 公共文化中心建筑西 Public cult

12、ural center-West公共文化中心的设计充分结合广州的气候特点,大胆采用岭南绿化植物作为立面造型的一部分,使得建筑与绿化共生一体,形成了岭南建筑新的表现方式。建筑内部采用岭南园林式布局,以敞廊的方式把高低错落的空间串联起来,丰富了游园的趣味性,也形成了多层岭南园林特有的复合关系。室内的空间始终围绕着庭院展开活动,可开可合,与景相融。教室和小演讲厅既可完全向自然开放,又可完全封闭成为小型演出和讲演的场地。而半下沉的小剧场空间则可通过两侧的庭院与地面相联,绿化则融入建筑的各个角落,从下沉庭院到地面,从内庭到外立面,无处不在。Considering the climate in Guang

13、zhou, we boldly adopted Lingnan green plants as part of the faade, integrated this withthe design,to demonstratethe interpretation of Lingnan architecture. The internal garden connects scattered spaces with galleries - the layout not only makes viewing adelightful experience but also forms a unique

14、multi-layer featured garden. The internal space layout is designed in a way that has the flexibilitytoopen or confine space as needed. The semi-underground small theatre connects the ground with courtyards on both sides, the landscape seeminglyintegrated into the surroundings.公共文化中心前方群众文化活动广场 Front

15、of public cultural center-public square为了最大限度的提供市民共享的绿色生态活动场地,设计中把不需要直接采光并且体量较大的剧场空间以亲土建筑的形式半下沉布置,剧场的上部形成了与群众活动广场相连的坡地景观,为市民提供多功能的户外活动场地。The design utilizes the site orientation and building functionality to position the semi underground theatre, with a carefully designed landscape tomaximize the pu

16、blic open space for outdoor activities.公共文化中心入口 Entrance of public cultural center公共文化中心东部鸟瞰 Birds eye view of east of public cultural center 公共文化中心内部庭院(敞廊)Inner courtyard of public cultural center (open corridor) 文化中心下层庭院内部回廊 corridor of underground courtyard 文化中心-中庭低点(日景)Bottom of central courtyar

17、d (daytime) 文化中心报告厅 Auditorium of public cultural center 文化中心剖面图 Section of public cultural center岭南八大园Lingnan Prospect Garden八大园是汇聚了众多岭南文化的园林建筑群,东区主要设置了广府园、广绣园、曲艺园与翰墨园等四大园。西区设置了曲水观景园、飘香百果园、潮汕民俗园、客家风韵园。八大园建筑设计尊重并提炼岭南文化特质,并结合现状环境要素、对建筑与园林的创新性和溯源性等进行逐一回应。Lingnan Prospect Garden is a group of Lingnan c

18、ultural gardens, with Guangfu Feature Garden, Guangxiu Grace Garden, Lingnan Quyi Garden andLingnan Calligraphy Garden on the east and Qushui sightseeing Garden, Fragrant Fruits Garden, Chaoshan Folk Custom Garden and Hakka CharmGarden on the west.The complex reflects and respects Lingnan cultural t

19、raits, responding to the originality of Lingnan garden design. 八大园东区主入口 Main entrance at east of lingnan prospect garden我们抽取了岭南建筑文化中最为突出的镬耳墙元素进行抽象的演变,并将其引入到内部的展览空间,屋顶的高低变化能适应不同类型的展览需要。在这种语境下,这些岭南建筑的元素不仅是建筑外观的一个特征,还能使人们在内部功能使用的同时感受其独有的空间特色。The design introduces the most prominent element of Lingnan a

20、rchitecture - Pan Ear Wall as an additional feature into exhibition space. The featureof Pan Ear Wall forms the exhibition space, accommodating the varying heights of the exhibition space. The design showcases this traditional elementnot only an exterior statement, but also an internal feature. 岭南八大

21、园概念设计 Concept design of lingnan prospect garden设计以这一元素为基调,根据不同的功能进行空间演变。构成了门楼,展览、传习和演出等虚实变幻的空间。同时,大部分建筑通过土坡抬起,主要的展览空间都放置至二层,底层架空,形成了以传统岭南建筑骑楼为原型的公共空间,一方面适应了岭南地区潮湿炎热的气候,达到通风遮阳的效果。另一方面,底层架空有利于营造公共空间,通过景观在建筑底部的介入渗透,为市民创造出一个个舒适的绿色共享空间。By using the traditional Pan Ear Wall element as a basic design langu

22、age, this forms functional spaces derived from Lingnan architecture called“Qi Lou”, the design creates a sustainable yet highly functional public space. 东区四大园结构分析 Structural analysis of four gardens in the east西区四大园与文艺中心按统一的风格进行设计,以中央花园为中心形成聚心合围之势,同时各建筑错落布局,形成朝向湖面的良好景观视野。景观设计则结合现状水系与岭南园林水文化特色,强调建筑与水

23、环境的互动与交流,再现岭南水乡风情。The design of the Four Gardens in the west corresponds with the Art Center, the layout maximizes the viewing corridor, emphasizes the interactionwith Haizhu lake and recreates Lingnan Landscape Garden. 八大园-东区立面 Lingnan prospect garden-east elevation 八大园-东区剖面 Lingnan prospect garden

24、-east section榕树装置The Banyan Art Installation榕树装置的规划与设计是超越公园尺度、结合广州的城市发展形象考虑的。我们力求打造一组专属于广州的文化地标,以岭南大榕树为设计灵感的艺术装置不仅是集生态节能、空中观景、休闲聚会、步行游览、科普教育、以及灯光艺术等多重体验于一体的多功能城市艺术装置,还将为广州树立一个展示绿色生态、低碳节能技术的城市建设新范本!The Banyan Art Installation is a special feature of the project. The large scale of the device is consi

25、dered to accommodate the future developmentof Guangzhou. The idea is to create a cultural identity for Guangzhou. The design of the device has adoptedsustainable technology.榕树装置全景 Full view of banyan art installation整个榕树装置是一个立体岭南植物园。其绿化体系主要分为核心筒绿化、平台绿化、种植箱绿化与支架绿化四个层次。作为园内最高的观景点,为人们提供鸟瞰整个园区和远眺海珠湖的最佳视

26、角。The Banyan Art Installation is a 3 dimensional Lingnan Botanical Garden. It is comprised of four tiers of planting systems a central core, aplatform system, a vertical system and a projected system. This installation is at the highest point of the graden, therefore its peak point providesa spectacular viewing platform over entire garden and Haizhu Lake. 方案构思 Planning 榕树装置 Banyan art installation 统分析 Complete analysis 榕树装置剖面 Section of banyan art installation

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