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1、11A few days after the interview I received a letter _ (offer) me admission to the university.答案与解析offeringoffer和其逻辑主语a letter之间是主谓关系,所以要用现在分词作定语表主动,相当于which offered。句意:面试后的几天,我收到了这所大学录取我的信。12_ (seat) himself by a table, the gentleman asked the waiter for a cup of coffee politely.答案与解析Seating句意:这位绅士

2、在桌旁坐好后,礼貌地向服务生要了一杯咖啡。seat为及物动词,表示“使(自己)就座”,其逻辑主语为主句的主语the gentleman,所以用现在分词形式作时间状语。13Auckland is a most exciting city with people of many different cultures _ (live) there.答案与解析living句意:奥克兰是一个很令人兴奋的城市,许多不同文化的人生活在那里。people和live之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,故用现在分词形式作宾语补足语。即:with复合结构:withn.doing。14He got up late and hur

3、ried to his office, _ (leave) the breakfast untouched.答案与解析leaving现在分词作结果状语。15He glanced over at her, _ (note) that though she was tiny, she seemed very well put together.答案与解析noting现在分词短语noting .在此作伴随状语,其逻辑主语是句子的主语he,与he之间存在主谓关系,且其动作与glance所表示的动作同时发生。16He sent me an email, _ (hope) to get further i

4、nformation.答案与解析hoping句子主语与hope之间存在逻辑上的主谓关系,故应用现在分词hoping。现在分词短语hoping to get further information在此作状语。17_ (stand) in a long queue, we waited for the store to open to buy a new iPad.答案与解析Standing句意:我们站在长长的队伍中等商店开门了买新款iPad。逻辑主语we与动词stand之间为主谓关系,故用现在分词短语作伴随状语。18The old man, _ (work) abroad for twenty

5、years, is on the way back to his motherland.答案与解析having worked此处应用现在分词作状语,又根据后面on the way back的提示可知, work这一动作已经结束,所以应使用现在分词的完成式。.完形填空It was a dark day, one of depression, sorrow and anger. As I climbed out of the _1_, after witnessing my time in the 100 yard freestyle, I did not feel like speaking t

6、o anyone. I saw the bright smiles of swimmers who had just _2_ a best time. _3_, I had failed. Or at least that is what I thought at the time.I was lying on my cool bed when an idea _4_ my head. Success is the _5_ to go from failure to failure without _6_ your enthusiasm. At practice the next day, I

7、 told my swimming teammates about my goal time and they all either laughed or replied with a _7_ similar response like, “You cant do it” or “Probably not”. Believe it or not, these are the responses that made my goal _8_. Finally came the day when I had to _9_ to myself and others that with _10_ the

8、re is no limit to your achievements.With the starting gun _11_, I dove with perfect form into the pool. I felt the cool water running _12_ my back. I swam like a fish, bouncing off each _13_ at the wall as if it was a spring board. On the _14_ turn, I came back to the wall with every piece of streng

9、th I had. I _15_ the final wall with my fingertips and knew that I had swum the _16_ race.I had done it! I had achieved my best time! Joy filled my _17_ like water does a cup. I saw the _18_ on all of my friends faces as I _19_ out of the pool: their jaws dropped to the ground. I began to laugh and

10、gave them thumbs up.I have _20_ in life that having belief in yourself opens all gates. Never forget that anything the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve.1A. pond B. sea C. pool D. bed2A. made B. achieved C. reached D. realized3A. Otherwise B. However C. Besides D. In addition4A. occurred

11、B. broke C. stuck D. hit5A. opportunity B. action C. cause D. ability6A. keeping B. losing C. reducing D. decreasing7A. somehow B. somewhat C. anyhow D. however8A. available B. reasonable C. reliable D. achievable9A. promise B. provide C. present D. prove10A. consideration B. impression C. belief D.

12、 desire11A. setting out B. going off C. breaking out D. getting off12A. through B. above C. across D. to13A. turn B. jump C. struggle D. shoot14A. next B. previous C. very D. last15A. pushed B. reached C. got D. touched16A. whole B. perfect C. first D. best17A. heart B. head C. mind D. face18A. expr

13、essions B. emotions C. feelings D. responses19A. ran B. climbed C. stood D. jumped20A. acquired B. dreamed C. learned Dremembered答案与解析1C根据下文“I told my swimming teammates about my goal time”可知作者是在游泳,所以应该是作者爬出游泳池。故选择C项。2Bmake“制造”;achieve“达到,完成”;reach“够到,延伸”;realize“实现,意识到”。我看见达到最好时刻的泳游者脸上的微笑。故选择B项。3Bo

14、therwise“否则”;however“可是”,表示转折;besides“此外”;in addition“另外”。根据上文看见的是胜利者的脸上的微笑,下文是转折,作者失败了,故选择B项。4Dan idea occurred to me“一个想法出现在我的脑海里”;break“打破”;stick“粘住”;hit“打击”。一个想法突然出现在脑海里,故选择D项。5D成功就是在多次失败中而没有失去这种热情的能力。opportunity“机会”;action“行动”;cause“原因”;ability“能力”。将四个选项带入本句分析,D最符合语境。6Blose ones enthusiasm“某人失去

15、热情”。7B第二天在练习时,我告诉我的队友我的目标游泳时间,他们有着相似的回答:笑或者说:“你不行”。somehow“不知怎么地”;somewhat“有点”;anyhow“无论如何”;anywhere“任何地方”。根据下文的意思选择B项。8D信不信由你,正是这些回答使我达到了我的目标。available“有效的,可得到的”;reasonable“合理的”;reliable“可靠的,可信赖的”;achievable“可达到的”。根据最后一段I had achieved my best time!故选择D项。9D向我自己和他人证明的那一天终于来了。promise“答应、许诺”;provide“提供

16、”;present“呈现”;prove“证明”。根据上下文的意思。10C带着这样的信念:没有什么能限制你的成功。consideration“考虑”;impression“印象”;belief“信念”;desire“想要、渴望”。C最符合语境。11B随着发令枪发射。setting out“启程”;going off“发射”;breaking out“爆发”;getting off“下车”。结合句意选择B项。12C我感到凉水从我的背上流过。through“穿过”,指立体穿过;above“在上面”;across“横穿”,指从表面穿过;to“到”。13A我像鱼儿一样游着,在转弯的泳池墙上弹出去,就好像

17、踏到弹簧板一样。故选择A项。14D在最后的转弯处,我拼尽全力游回到泳池墙边。结合前文判断是最后一圈时,故选择D项。15D我用我的脚尖触摸终点墙。pushed“推”;reached“到达”;got“得到”;touched“触摸”。结合语境选择D项。16B我知道我游出了完美的比赛。作者的表现完美无缺,故选择B项。17A快乐充满了我的心就像水充满了水杯一样。根据后半句选择heart。意为:心里充满欢乐,故选择A项。18A当我爬出泳池时,我看到所有朋友脸上的表情。expressions“表情”;emotions“情绪”;feelings“感情”;responses“回应”。facial express

18、ions是面部表情,故选择A项。19B当我爬出泳池时选择B最符合语境。20C我认识到在生活中相信自己就会开启所有的大门。acquired“取得、捕获”;dreamed“梦想”;learned“认识到”;remembered“记得”。这是作者通过这件事所认识到的道理。.阅读理解I am Desiree Jenks from the United States of America. I am 15 and in ninth grade at the International School of Beijing.My father works for American Culture and E

19、ducation Centre in Beijing. He brought my family here one year ago. In China, Im living in a little foreign teenage world. Our school has students from different countries in the world but no Chinese students.After school, I sometimes take a walk with my friends. These kids are also from different p

20、arts of the world. On weekends, I also see them. Although I enjoy my life, I sometimes feel unhappy because I dont have any local (当地的) friends.My father tries to get me out of my world and make some Chinese friends. He wants to help me understand the culture and the way people live in Beijing as mu

21、ch as possible. He says the local people have a lot to teach me. I know he is probably right and I need to learn basic Chinese.My father used to take me to English corner at Wangfujing Street. It was interesting for me because I talked to people of different ages. They were all interested in what I

22、had said. It was a wonderful experience. In return they told me interesting stories about China.Another place I like to go to on Friday nights is Sanweishuwu. This is a beautiful tea house. Jazz music is played on Friday nights and Chinese classical (古典的) music on Saturdays. I love to listen to my f

23、ather playing jazz with his friends.So, in the end, with lots of efforts from my dad, I am trying to enjoy the different cultures of the two countries. I think I will make more Chinese friends.1Which of the following is TRUE about the writer?A. The writer comes from the United States.B. The writer c

24、omes to China to learn Chinese.C. The writer is now studying in a college in Beijing.D. The writer can speak Chinese very well.答案与解析A根据本文的第一句话我们可以知道,本文作者来自美国。2Why are there no Chinese students in the writers school?A. Because Chinese children dont like foreign children.B. Because it is a school for

25、children from foreign countries.C. Because this school is too expensive for Chinese students.D. Because Chinese children cant speak English with them.答案与解析B根据本文第二段我们可以知道,作者所在的学校是中国政府为在华工作的外国人士的子女开办的一所学校。所以在这所学校里,有来自世界各地的学生,唯独没有中国学生。3Sometimes the writer feels unhappy because _.A. he has too much hom

26、ework to do every dayB. he can only stay with his parents every dayC. he has no local friends to play withD. he is too fat to eat hamburgers答案与解析C根据第三段的最后一句话可以知道,作者有时不高兴,是因为他没有本地的朋友。4What does his father want him to do?A. His father wants him to learn Chinese well.B. His father wants him to do well

27、at school.C. His father wants him to know about Chinese culture.D. His father wants him to live happily with his friends.答案与解析C根据第四段的内容可以知道,作者的父亲要作者了解中国文化和中国人民。5The writer likes to go to Sanweishuwu because _ .A. he enjoys drinking tea with his father in the tea houseB. he likes to listen to his father playing jazz with his friendsC. he can relax himself in the tea house on weekendsD. he can meet Chinese people of different ages there答案与解析B根据第六段的内容可以知道,作者喜欢去“三味书屋”,是因为在这个地方他可以听到父亲和朋友们一起弹奏音乐。

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