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1、严格意义上说,石油仅仅包含原油,但是在惯用法上,它包含石油和天然气。石油和天然气主要是烃类混合物。在地球表面压力和温度条件下,轻质的碳氢化合物甲烷、乙烷、丙烷和丁烷以气体的形式出现,而重质的碳氢化合物如戊烷和重于戊烷的烃都是以液体的形式出现。然而,在地下油藏。气体或液体的比例变化取决于亚地表层条件和石油混合物的相图。An oil well produces predominantly crude oil, with some natural gas dissolved in it. Because the pressure is lower at the surface than underg

2、round, some of the gas will come out of solution and be recovered (burned) as associated gas or solution gas. A gas well produces predominately natural gas. However, because the underground temperature and pressure are higher than at the surface, the gas may contain heavier hydrocarbons such as pent

3、ane, hexane, and heptane in the gaseous state. Under surface conditions these will condense out of the gas and form natural gas condensate, often shortened to condensate. Condensate resembles gasoline in appearance and is similar in composition to some volatile light crude oil.油井主要生产原油,伴有一些天然气溶解在其中。

4、因为地表的压力低于低下的压力,一些气体将从溶液中溢出,或者以伴生气或溶解气被回收(或燃烧)。气井主要产生天然气。然而,由于地下温度和压力比地表面高一些,气体中或许含有较重的碳氢化合物,例如气态的戊烷、己烷和庚烷。在地表条件下,这些较重的碳氢化合物将会从气体中析出,形成天然气的凝聚物,经常简称为凝析油。凝析油外观上类似于汽油,组成上类似于一些挥发性的轻原油。Exercise: 汉译英任何石油产品中,都不希望硫的含量高,柴油也不例外。对于这些燃料油,人们声称硫加剧了磨损和沉积物的问题,但对其产生的后果的大小仍有争议。不过,不管对柴油要求的低硫含量有无技术上的理由对于减少空气污染这个道理是不辩自明的

5、。生成模式已经确立,炼油厂必须接受这一规定。正因为如此,许多炼油厂通常安装有粗柴油加氢脱硫的工艺装置。In any petroleum product, a high sulphur content is considered undesirable, and diesel fuels are no exception. For such fuels, sulphur is claimed to aggravate problems of wear and deposits, but the magnitude of the effect is still a matter of some c

6、ontroversy. However, whether or not there is technical justification other than that of abatement of air pollution for the low sulphur levels demanded for diesel fuels, the pattern has been established and must be accepted by the refiner. For this reason, processing units for the hydrodesulphurizati

7、on of gas oils are commonly installed in refineries.UNIT 2 Petrochemicals 石化产品Petrochemicals are generally chemical compounds derived from petroleum either by direct manufacture or by indirect manufacture as by products from the variety of processes that are during the refining of petroleum. Gasolin

8、e, kerosene, fuel oils, lubricating oils, waxes, asphalts, and the like are excluded from the definition of petrochemicals, since they are not, in the true sense, chemical compounds but are in fact intimate mixtures of hydrocarbons.石化产品通常指直接或间接从石油中提炼的化合物,这些化合物往往是石油炼制各种过程中产生的副产品。汽油、煤油、燃料油、润滑油、石蜡、沥青以及

9、诸如此类的产品不属于石化产品。因为,从严格意义上说,它们不是化合物,而是(性质相近的)烃类的混合物。The classification of materials such as petrochemicals is used to indicate the source of the chemical compounds, but it should be remembered that many common petrochemicals can be made from other sources, and the terminology is therefore a matter of

10、source identification.像“石化产品”这样的物质分类用来表明化合物的来源。但应记住,许多我们所熟知的石化产品也可以通过其它途径生产,因而这一术语只用来识别原料的来源。The manufacture of chemicals from petroleum is based on the ready response of the various compound type to basic chemical reactions, such as oxidation, halogenation, nitration, dehydrogenation, addition, pol

11、ymerization, and alkylation. The low-molecular-weigh paraffins and olefins, as found in natural gas and refinery gases, and the simple aromatic hydrocarbons have so far been of the most interest because it is these individual species that can readily be isolated and deal with. A wide range of compou

12、nds is possible, many are being manufactured, and we are now processing the stage in which a sizable group of products is being prepared from the heavier fractions of petroleum. For example, the carious reactions of petroleum heavy ends, in particular the asphaltenes, indicate that these materials m

13、ay be regarded as chemical entitied and are able to participate in numerous chemical or physical as conversions to, perhaps, more useful materials. The overall effect of these modifications is the production of materials that either afford good-grade aromatic cokes comparatively easily or the format

14、ion of bearing functional groups that may be employed as a nonfuel material.丛石油生产化学品是基于各种类型的化合物对各种基本化学反应响应迅速,如氧化反应、卤化反应、硝化反应、脱氢反应、加成反应、聚合反应和烷基化反应。迄今为止,人们最感兴趣的是从天然气和炼厂气中所得到的低分子量的链烷烃和烯烃,以及轻质芳烃,因为这些物质能够进行迅速分离和处理。大量化合物都有望达到,其中许多化合物正在生产。目前我们正在探索如何从石油的重质馏分中提炼数量可观的产品。比如石油重质馏分,尤其是沥青质的各种反应表明可以将这些物质当作化学单体,能够通

15、过各种化学反应和物理反应将其转变成更有价值的产品。这些转化的总体效果是,所生产的物质能够相对容易的用作高品质芳焦,或者能够形成带有官能团的产品,用作非燃料原料。石化工业的初始原料大概通过一到两种方法从原油中提取。这些原料物质,也许本身就存在于原油当中,因此通过物力方法加以分离,如蒸馏和溶取。同时,这些物质也可能因含量低而在炼制过程中生成了合成物。实际上,原油中一般不存在非饱和烃,几乎所有的非饱和烃都是在各种炼制过程中作为中间产品而产生的。The starting materials for the petrochemical industry are obtained from crude o

16、il in one or two general ways. They may be present in the crude oil and as such, are separated through physical methods, such as distillation or solvent extraction. On the other hand, they may be converted to synthetic during the refining operations because of lower content. In fact, unsaturated hyd

17、rocarbons, which are not usually present in crude oil, are nearby always manufactured as intermediates during the various refining processes.UNIT 3 Petroleum refining 石油炼制Petroleum refining is the separation of petroleum into fractions and the subsequent treating of these fractions to make them into

18、 petroleum products. Most petroleum products, including kerosines, fuel oils, lubrication oils, and waxes, are fractions of petroleum that have been treated to remove undesirable components. Other products, for example, gasolines, aromatic solvents, and even some asphalts, are totally or partly synt

19、hetic in that they have compositions that are impossible to achieve by direct separation of these materials from crude petroleum. They result from chemical processes that change the molecular nature of selected portions of crude petroleum; in other words, they are the products of refining or they ar

20、e refined products.石油炼制就是将石油分离成各种馏分,然后将这些馏分经过各种后续处理,制成各种石油产品。大部分石油产品,包括煤油、燃料油、润滑油和蜡,都是原油经过处理脱除不需要的成份而得到的石油馏分。其它石油产品,如汽油、芳烃溶剂、甚至包括某些沥青,则是完全或者部分合成而制成的。因为组成这些产品的物质成份无法通过直接分离原油获得,而是通过化工过程,改变原油选定产品的分子性质而获得的。换言之,它们是通过炼制得到的,或成为炼制产品。Refining petroleum is a complex series of steps by which the original crude

21、 material is eventually converted into salable products with the desired qualities and, perhaps more important, in the amounts dictated by the market.石油炼制包含一系列复杂的过程。通过这些过程,石油原料最终转化成为可销售的产品。这些产品不仅满足质量要求,而更重要的是它们在数量上符合市场需求。In fact, a refinery is essentially a group of manufacturing plants that vary in

22、 number with the variety of products produced; refinery processes must be selected and products manufactured to give a balanced operation: that is, crude oil must be converted into products according to the rate of sale of each. For example, the manufacture of products from the lower boiling portion

23、 of petroleum automatically produces a certain amount of higher boiling components. If the latter cannot be sold as, say, heavy fuel oil, they accumulate until refinery storage facilities are full. To prevent the occurrence of such a situation , the refinery must be flexible and able to change opera

24、tions as needed. This usually means more processes a cracking process to change an excess of heavy fuel oil into more gasoline with coke as the lubricating oil stocks and asphalt to accommodate the ever-changing demands of the market.实际上,炼油厂从根本上是一组生产装置,其数量根据产品的不同市场需求。炼油工艺须经选择,产品生产应该平衡:即从原油生产产品必须依据每种


26、处理设备;以及产品调和设施。In addition, a complete refining installation must include the following: all necessary non-processing facilities; adequate tankage for storing crude oil, intermediate, and finished products; a dependable source of electrical power, material-handling equipment; workshops and supplies f

27、or maintaining a continuous 24 h/day, 7 day/week operation; waste disposal and water-treating equipment; and product-blending facilities.UNIT 4 Catalytic Cracking 催化裂化Catalytic Cracking is a process for the conversion of heavy hydrocarbon fraction mainly into high-quality gasoline and fuel oil compo

28、nents, which are lighter, less viscous and thus more valuable than the feedstock.催化裂化主要是把重质轻馏分转化成优质汽油和燃料油组分的工艺,这些产品较轻,粘度较低,因而比其原料更有价值。The conversion, or cracking, predominantly takes place in the vapor phase in the presence of a catalyst. This catalyst, which is available as pellets or as a powder, has the ability to enhance the rate of cracking reactions and selectively to promote certain types of reactions. This results in product and product properties that are characteristic of the catalytic cracking proce

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