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本文(专题07 短文填空含答案解析天津市5年中考1年模拟英语试题分项汇编Word文档格式.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

专题07 短文填空含答案解析天津市5年中考1年模拟英语试题分项汇编Word文档格式.docx

1、62(d)own63(j)ourneys64(p)leased65(w)orking【解析】56句意:在那个时候,汽油和其他燃料相比是昂贵的。根据“petrol prices dropped”可知之前是很昂贵的。故填(e)xpensive。57当汽油价格下降和新技术的发展,电动汽车不再流行。此处表示当某事发生的时候,另一件事发生了,用when引导时间状语从句。故填(W)hen。58相反,汽油汽车变得更受欢迎,因为它们可以不停车行驶更长的距离。根据“because they could travel longer distances without stopping”可知此处讲到汽油汽车的优势,

2、应是变的受欢迎了,popular受欢迎的,形容词作表语。故填(p)opular。59他们需要更多的燃料,而这导致了更多的空气污染。根据“more air pollution”及首字母c可知此处表示引起更多污染,cause引起,再由“needed”可知用一般过去时。故填(c)aused。60他们也不担心汽油汽车的使用量。“didnt worry about”与前面重复,由此推出是也不担心,either也,用于否定句末尾。故填(e)ither。61解决这个问题的一种方法是“混合”汽车,一种部分依靠汽油,部分依靠电力的汽车。根据“solving the problem”可知讲解决问题的方法,结合首字

3、母m可知用method表示“方法”,One后接其单数形式。故填(m)ethod。62混合动力汽车在2000年代开始流行,当时汽油价格上涨,混合动力汽车的价格下降。根据“Hybrid cars became popular in the 2000s”可知混合汽车的价格应是下降了,go down下降。故填(d)own。63这使得电动汽车在长途旅行中不那么有用。根据“The problem, however, is that car batteries need to be recharged.”可知电动汽车需要在充电,不适合长途旅行,journey旅行,long前没有不定冠词或其他限定词,用复数形

4、式journeys。故填(j)ourneys。64很多人都不满意。根据“That makes electric cars not so useful for long journeys.”可知人们是对电动汽车不能用于长途旅行这一现象不满意。be pleased with对感到满意。故填(p)leased。65政府和汽车制造商正在合作开发安全、便宜、有用的电动汽车。根据“to develop safe, cheap, and useful electric cars.”可知政府和汽车制造厂是一起工作,work工作,are后接现在分词构成现在进行时。故填(w)orking。二、2020年 Have

5、 you ever heard the saying, “Home, sweet home? This is just another way of saying that its n56 to be home! A lot of the people and things we love are at home.What do you like about being at home?What do you like best about being at home? Maybe you like to play with your brothers and sisters. Maybe y

6、ou e57 staying with your mum and dad. Maybe you have a pet you like to play with. Spending time with your family is one thing that makes being at home special.Your bedroom is a58 thing that makes home special. Your toys, your books, and your favourite things are in your bedroom. Consider what you li

7、ke best about your room. Is it how it looks? Is it your comfortable b59 that you sleep on? Maybe you like to have a q60 place to read a book or to think about your day.Mealtime can be a special time at home. Families sit around the table to eat the food Mum or Dad has prepared. Its a time to share i

8、nteresting s61 about your day.How do you help at home?There are a lot of things to do to make home a special place. Who does the chores (家庭杂务) l62 cleaning, cooking, and yardwork (庭院劳动) at your house? When families work t63 to do the chores, it makes them easier and more fun for everyone. Maybe you

9、can h64 lay the dinner table or clear the places. Maybe you can pull weeds (草) out of the flower garden. Maybe you can water the vegetable garden or the houseplants. Think about what you can do, so that w65 you come home every day, you can say, “Home, sweet home!”56nice 57enjoy 58another 59bed 60qui

10、et61stories 62like 63together 64help 65when这只是另一种方式说回家很好!根据句意理解及前句Have you ever heard the saying, “Home, sweet home”?可知,这里表达的是“回家真好”,空格表示的是“好的”,在句中作表语,所以用形容词nice,故答案为nice。也许你喜欢和爸爸妈妈呆在一起。根据句意理解及前句Maybe you like to play with your brothers and sisters.可知,这里表达的是“喜欢”,英语是enjoy,前句用的是一般现在时,所以这里也用一般现在时,主语是第二

11、人称,所以动词用原形,故答案为enjoy。你的卧室是另一个让家变得特别的东西。根据句意理解及前句Spending time with your family is one thing that makes being at home special.可知,这里表达的是“另一个”,英语是another,表示不确定数目的另一个,故答案为another。这是你在上面睡的舒适的床吗?根据句意理解及空格后that you sleep on可知,这里说的是“床”,英语是bed,而这里指的是“你睡觉的床”,所以应该用单数形式,故答案为bed。也许你喜欢有一个安静的地方看书或思考你的一天。根据句意理解及后句t

12、o read a book or to think about your day可知,这里表达的是“安静的”,英语是quiet,在句中修饰的是空格后面的名词place,故答案为quiet。现在是分享你一天中有趣故事的时候了。根据句意理解及空格前的share interesting以及空格后的about your day可知,这里指的是“故事”,英语是story,是一个可数名词,所以这里应该用复数形式,表示很多有趣的故事,故答案为stories。你家里的家务活是谁干的,比如打扫卫生、做饭和庭院劳动?根据句意理解及空格后面的cleaning, cooking, and yardwork可知,空格后

13、面是举例家务,所以这里表达的是“像,比如”,英语是介词like,故答案为like。当一家人一起做家务时根据句意理解及后句it makes them easier and more fun for everyone.可知,这里表达的是“一起工作”,英语是work together,所以空格缺的是“一起”,故答案为together。也许你可以帮忙摆好餐桌或者清洁一下。根据句意理解及后句lay the dinner table or clear the places可知,这里表达的是“帮助”,英语是help,而空格前有情态动词can,所以这里应该用动词原形,故答案为help。想想你能做些什么,这样当

14、你每天回家时,你可以说,“家,温馨的家!根据句意理解可知,这里是一个含有时间状语从句的复合句,所以空格缺的是时间状语从句的连词,表示的是“当时”,所以空格应该用when来引导,故答案为when。三、2019年八、综合填空(本大题共1小题,每小题10分,共10分)根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整每空限填一词43(10分)The villagers in Mhangeni, Africa faced a very big challenge(挑战)They didnt have a school for their kids Then the village elder th

15、ought of an (1)i He said that there was an old, abandoned (废弃的)farmhouse It could be changed into classrooms after cleaning and furnishing(装设备)it All the villagers were (2)p with his suggestion and started the project immediately The parents repaired the broken walls Some villagers (3)d the house in

16、to three classrooms by using pieces of wood The others helped make desks and chairs for the students Still, there was much more work to do But the rains were coming They had to (4)s working for the school as it was now the best time for them to plant So the children of Mhangeni decided to finish the

17、 house by (5)t They had to hurry as summer had ended and other schools had already opened They didnt want to delay(耽搁) their studies Every day they were busy with cutting the grass and clearing the bushes(灌木) The news about the project (6)s and many people knew it Two teachers who worked for the cou

18、ntrys Department of Education arrived to help out and two foreign visitors were also touched (感动) by the childrens (7)a They donated money for them to buy textbooks and stationery After 10 days of hard work, the new school was (8)r The kids were very happy but a bit worriedthey were behind in their

19、studies Besides(除之外)this, they also faced many (9)d There were not enough classrooms to hold all the students And two or three students had to share one book However, the children are happy to study in school(10)e in their new school which they helped to build Though their school might not be modern

20、, their dream of having a school near their homes has come true1【答案】idea【解析】考查名词;分析语境,此处表示:村子里的老者想出来一个主意i开头的单词,idea意见,想法符合语境故答案为:idea 2【答案】pleased【解析】考查形容词;所有的村民对他的建议很满意,并开始开始了这个工厂p开头的单词,pleased满意的,be pleased with对满意符合语境故答案为:pleased3【答案】divided【解析】考查动词;有一些村民用一些木板把房子分成几个教室d开头的单词,divide分开,divideinto把分

21、成符合语境根据语境,需要使用一般过去时,divide的过去式为divided故答案为:divided4【答案】 stop他们不得不停止工作,因为现在对他们来说,是最好的种植的时间s开头,stop停止,stop doing停止做符合语境had to后面接动词原形故答案为:stop5【答案】themselves【解析】考查反身代词;所以,Mhangeni的孩子们决定自己完成这个房子,themselves他们自己,符合语境故答案为:themselves6【答案】spread此处意思为:关于这个项目的消息传播出去,很多人都知道它了s开头,spread传播,符合语境根据语境,此处需要用一般过去时,spr

22、ead的过去式是spread故答案为:spread7【答案】 actions而且,两个外国游客也被孩子们的行动感动了a开头的词,action行动,可数名词,此处表示孩子们的行动,用可数名词的复数形式故答案为:actions8【答案】 ready经过10天的努力工作后,新学校已经准备好了r开头的词,ready准备好的符合语境故答案为:ready9【答案】 difficulties除此之外,他们还面临了很多困难d开头,difficulty困难,可数名词,前面有many,此处需要用名词复数形式difficulty的复数形式是difficulties故答案为:difficulties10 【答案】es

23、pecially【解析】考查副词;然而,孩子们很开心在学校里学习尤其是在他们帮助建的新学校里e开头的词,especially尤其符合语境故答案为:especially四、2018年八、综合填空根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整。每空限填一词。How do we know the time? A clock, a watch or a cell phone can help us. However many years ago there were no clocks and knowing the time was not so easy. Over the centuri

24、es people have developed different w_56_of telling the time.About 5,500 years ago, the Egyptians i_57_the sun clock. This was a tall stone structure. Its shadow (影子)showed the movement of the s_58_they were able to determine(测定)midday.About 3,500 years ago,the Egyptians made a sundial. It was smalle

25、r than the sun clock and could measure (测量)the time for half a day. On c_59_days or at night it was impossible to tell the time with a sun clock or a sundial.Water clocks were the f_60_clocks not to use the sun. The idea is simple. Water flows(流动) from one container(容器)to another. When the water reaches a certain l _61_ it moves a lever (控制杆)and this shows the hours. The Egyptians used water clocks about 3,400 years ago. These clocks were popular in the Middle East and China but they f_62_o keep accurate(

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