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高考英语二轮复习专题江苏专用语法 专题13 代词Word文档格式.docx

1、1The research group produced two reports based on the survey,but _ contained any useful suggestions.(2015福建,21)Aall BnoneCeither Dneither2When shall I call,in the morning or afternoon?_.Ill be in all day.(2014江西,32)AAny BNoneCNeither DEither 3Although Rosemary had suffered from a serious illness for

2、 years,she lost _ of her enthusiasm for life.(2013陕西,22)Asome BneitherCnone Dall4Its an eitheror situationwe can buy a new car this year or we can go on holiday but we cant do_.(2013新课标全国,14)Aothers BeitherCanother Dboth1none表示三者或三者以上都不;neither表示两者都不。2all表示三者或三者以上都;both表示两者都。3any表示三者或三者以上中任何一个;eithe

3、r表示两者中任何一个。考点3one,that,it,those的区别1The quality of education in this small school is better than _ in some larger schools.(2015天津,2)Athat BoneCit Dthis2Half of _ surveyed in 16 countries say they go first to their closest friend to share their deepest wishes and darkest fears.(2013浙江,11)Athese BsomeC

4、ones Dthose3New technologies have made _ possible to turn out new products faster and at a lower cost.(2012四川,2)Athat BthisCone Dit4If youre buying todays paper from the stand,could you get _ for me?(2012辽宁,28)Aone BsuchCthis Dthat1it所代替的是前面提到过的同一事物,而one所代替的是同类事物中的“一个”,onea/an名词,它可以用来代替可数名词单数,其复数形式是

5、ones。I cant find my pen.Do you see it?我找不到我的钢笔了。你看见它了吗?I need a bike but I have no money to buy one.我需要一辆自行车,可我没钱买。2thatthe名词,它既可代替可数名词,也可代替不可数名词,它所代替的也是同类事物。His behavior was not that of gentleman.他的行为不是正人君子的行为。3those替代上文中提到的复数名词,既可指人,也可指物,those指人时,后须跟定语。Those who break the law will be punished.那些违反

6、法律的人会受到惩罚。考点4it的用法1How would you like _ if you were watching your favorite TV program and someone came into the room and just shut it off without asking you?(2015浙江,12)Athem Bone Cthose Dit2Whos that at the door?_ is the milkman.(2014大纲全国,25)AHe BIt CThis DThat3Susan made _ clear to me that she wish

7、ed to make a new life for herself.(2014山东,4)Athat Bthis Cit Dher4An average of just 18.75 cm of rain fell last year,making _ the driest year since California became a state in 1850.(2014浙江,3)Aeach Bit Cthis Done1it作形式主语或形式宾语代替不定式、动名词或从句。Its no use arguing with him.与他争辩是没有用的。2注意下列句型中的it(1)It is时间段sin

8、ce.自从以来多久了(2)It was时间段before过去时多久以后才(3)It will be时间段before一般现在时多久之后才能(4)It wont be long before.不久就(5)It is/was被强调部分that.(6)It is (high) time thatshould do/一般过去时到了的时候了(7)It be (just) like do.像某人做某事的风格(8)It bethe序数词timethat.这是某人第几次做(9)I dislike it when.我讨厌考点5another,(the) other,(the) others的区别1T

9、o warm himself,the sailor sat in front of the fire rubbing one bare foot against _.(2015陕西,13)Aanother Bthe otherCother Deither2In some countries,people eat with chopsticks,while in_,knives and forks.(2014Aanother BothersCboth Dall3Recycling is one way to protect the environment;reusing is _.(2013重庆

10、,31)Cone another Done1other作前置定语,修饰单数或复数名词。Ill come again some other day.我改日再来。2another用于泛指三者以上的不定数目中的“另一个”,所修饰名词前不加冠词。I dont want this one.Please give me another.我不想要这一个,请给我另一个。3the other表示两者中的“另一个”或两部分中的“另一部分”,是特指。She has two children.One is a boy;the other is a girl.她有两个孩子,一个是男孩,另一个是女孩。4others用作代

11、词,泛指“其他人”或“其他物”。Some say yes,and others say no.有人说对,有人说不对。5the others指整体中除去一部分后,剩余的全部。There are fiftyfive students in our class.Thirty of us are girls;the others are boys.我们班有五十五个学生,三十个是女生,其余的是男生。考点6复合不定代词1The meeting will be held in September,but _ knows the date for sure.(2015重庆,2)Aeverybody Bnobo

12、dyCanybody Dsomebody2I think Mrs.Stark could be _ between 50 and 60 years of age.(2014大纲全国,28) Aanywhere BanybodyCanyhow Danything3Good families are much to all their members,but _ to none.(2014江苏,34)Asomething BanythingCeverything Dnothing4You can ask anyone for help._ here is willing to lend you a

13、 hand.(2014安徽,24)AOne BNo oneCEveryone DSomeone5A smile costs _,but gives much.(2014重庆,1)Aanything BsomethingCnothing Deverythingsome类复合不定代词主要用于肯定句中,any类复合不定代词主要用于否定句、疑问句和条件句中。当some类复合不定代词用于否定句、疑问句和条件句时,表示希望得到肯定回答。any类复合不定代词用于肯定句时,表示“任何”之意。由one和body构成的不定代词可以互换使用。解题方法方法1明确指代法在解答代词题目时,我们应首先分析前后文,明确代词所

14、指代的对象,从而避免误判。具体说来应从以下几方面考虑:1)代词指代的是人还是物;2)代词指代的是可数名词还是不可数名词;3)代词指代的是特指还是泛指概念;4)代词指代的概念是表示两者之间还是三者或三者以上;5)代词所表示的是肯定还是否定概念。(1)The cost of renting a house in central Xian is higher than _ in any other area of the city.Athat Bthis Cit Done答案A解析本题考查的是代词的指代用法。句意为:西安市中心的房租比这个城市内其他地段的房租都贵。首先将此句改为:The cost o

15、f renting a house in central Xian is higher than the cost in any other area of the city.,然后考虑用that代替特指的不可数名词the cost。(2)The fact that she was foreign made _difficult for her to get a job in that country.Aso Bmuch Cthat Dit答案D解析考查it的用法。她是外国人的事实使得她在那个国家很难找到工作。句中for her to get a job in that country是动词不

16、定式的复合结构作made的宾语,difficult是宾语补足语,此处要用it作形式宾语,其他词没有这种用法。方法2理清逻辑法理清逻辑法主要是通过分析上下文所蕴涵的逻辑关系来做出正确判断。具体说来应从以下方面去考虑:1)代词所表示的范围;2)代词表示的是全部否定还是部分否定。(1)If our parents do everything for us children,we wont learn to depend on _.Athemselves BthemCus Dourselves解析本题考查代词。如果我们的父母为我们这些孩子做了所有的一切,我们就学不会独立。由句意和句中的we可排除A、B

17、两项;空格处用反身代词作宾语与主语保持一致。(2)You are a team star!Working with _ is really your cup of tea.Aboth BeitherCothers Dthe other答案C解析句意为:你是一个有团队精神的人,与别人合作对你来说太容易了。others其他人;the other两者中的另外一个;both两者都;either(两者之中)任一的。A、B、D三项均不符合句意。提醒:完成作业强化练(十三)二轮专题强化练强化练(十三)强化练(十三)代词(建议用时:12分钟)1_ can help but be fascinated by t

18、he world into which he is taken by the science fiction.(2015泰州二模,22)ANobody BAnybodyCSomebody DEverybody2Each misfortune you come across will carry with _ the seed of tomorrows good luck.So hang on until you succeed.(2015苏锡常镇一模,23)Aone BsomeCthat Dit3Everyone doesnt agree to the plan.Some support it

19、 while Im one of _ opposed to it.(2015江苏启东中学调研,21)Athose who BwhoCthose Dthat4A new study suggests that yelling at children may have consequences that are beyond _ of beating them.(2014苏锡常镇一模,27)Aones Bthese5It goes beyond doubt that Australia is a sporting nation,_ you can feel their enthusiasm abo

20、ut sport.(2014镇江零模,23)Aone where Bthe one whereCone that Dthe one that6The key to a happy,healthy marriage is choosing _ who is a lot like you.Anobody BeveryoneCnone Dsomeone7Various solutions have been provided for us to solve the problem.We can choose _ to start with.Ait Bthat Ceach Done8Almost 90

21、% of the most popular video games contain violence,and _ of it is extremely violent.Anothing BmuchCnone Dmany9We needed a new cupboard for the kitchen.So Peter made _ from some wood.Ait BoneChimself Danother10_ person is not prepared for this examination,for example,Zhang Gong and Wang Lin havent fi

22、nished reviewing their lessons.AEach BEveryCAll DNone11Some friends tried to settle the quarrel between Mr.and Mrs.Brown without hurting the feeling of _,but failed.Anone BeitherCboth Dneither12The Greens bought a new house but _ will need a lot of work before they can move in.Athey BitCone Dwhich13

23、Id love to find a satisfactory job upon graduation from college,_ which combines interest and a good salary.Aone BitCthe one Dthat14Change can be scary,but its during transformations that some of the best opportunities present _.Cthose Dthemselves15The Greens shop has been broken into three times in

24、 the last two years,_ resulting in their great loss.Aeach BeveryCany Deither16I have made _ a rule that I buy a copy of English Square every month.Aone BthatCthis Dit17Could you tell me how to get to Heping Street?Heping Street?_ is where the shopping centre is.ASuch BThere CThat DThis18_ comes as n

25、o surprise that San Francisco wins the honor as the fittest city in the US for its steep hills and fresh food.AIt BThat CThis DWhat19I havent read _ of his books,but judging from the one I have read I think hes a very promising writer.Aany Bnone Cboth Deither20Look at the price of that bike!It is pr

26、actically the same as _ of a new motorcycle.Aone Bthis Cit Dthat学生用书答案精析考点11D考查代词。Niki总是有很多想法,但是据我所知,没有一个想法有用。nothing什么都没有,没有东西;no one指人,故选项B错误;neither两者都不,语意不符;none既可指人,也可指物,故此题选D。2B句意为:我哥哥想买一块好表,可是那家商店里没有。本题强调在那家商店里没有一块我哥哥想买的那种好手表,强调数量。nothing指物,但不强调数量;none既可指人,也可指物,还可以强调数量;no one指人;neither指两者都不。考点21D句意为:这个研究组发布了以这个调查为基础的两个报道,但是都没有有用的建议。根据题干中的two reports和but可知,此处表示“两者都不”,所以用neither。2D考查代词。我什么时候打电话过来,早晨还是下午?都可以,我一直都在。根据

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