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1、Ahorse powerBhorses powerChorse powersDhorses powers8、My father often gives me _.Amany advice Bmuch advice Ca lot of advices Da few advice9、Mary broke a _while she was washing up.Atea cupBa cup of tea Cteas cupDcup tea10、Can you give us some _about the writer?AinformationsBinformation Cpiece of info

2、rmationsDpieces information11、I had a cup of _and two pieces of_ this morning.Ateas; breadBteas; breadsCtea; breadsDtea; bread12、As is known to us all,_ travels much faster than _Alights; soundsBlight; sound Csound; lightDsounds; lights13、She told him of all her _ and _Ahope; fearBhopes; fearChopes;

3、 fearsDhope; fears14、The rising _did a lot of _to the crops.Awater; harmBwater; harmsCwaters;Dwaters;15、How far away is it from here to your school?Its about _Ahalf an hours driveBhalf hours drivesChalf an hour drives Dhalf an hour drive16、The shirt isnt mine. Its _AMrs SmithBMrs SmithCMrs SmithsDMr

4、s Smiths17、Miss Johnson is a friend of _AMarys mother BMarys mothers CMary mothers DMarys mothers18、Last week I called at my _AauntBauntsCauntsDauntes19、The beach is a _throw.AstoneBstonesCstonesDstones20、I can hardly imagine_sailing across the Atlantic Ocean in five days.APeterBPeterCPetersDPeters二

5、、提高练习1. It wont make much _ whether you agree or not.A. difficultyB. troubleC. differenceD. matter2. No one has yet succeeded in explaining the _ of how life began.A. causeB. problemC. reasonD. puzzle3. You must get there within an hour. There should be no _ in sending this information to him.A. que

6、stionC. quarrelD. delay4. I cant give you the card without Smiths _.A. agreementB. allowingC. permissionD. perfomance5. What impressed me most was that they never lost _.A. heartsB. heartC. their heartD. their hearts6. Though I spoke to him many times, he never took any _ of what I said.A. remarkB.

7、observationC. attentionD. notice7. I went to buy a _ of China Daily.A. pieceB. sheetC. lotD. copy8. Shelly had prepared carefully for her English examination so that she could be sure of passing it on her first _.A. intentionB. purposeC. attemptD. desire9. There are usually at least two _ of looking

8、 at every question.A. meansB. directionsC. viewsD. ways10. We have worked out the plan and now we must put it into _.A. factB. realityC. practiceD. deed11. She is young for the job, but on the other _, she is well trained.A. wayB. situationC. chanceD. hand12. The most important_ of his speech was th

9、at we should all work whole-heartedly for the people.A. pointB. senseC. spotD. view13. - Id like _ information about the management of your hotel, please.- Well, you could have _ word with the manager. He might be helpful.A. some; aB. an; someC. some;D. an;14. He told me he had been offered a very w

10、ell-paid _.A. businessB. serviceC. workD. position15. Each player must obey _, who is the leader of the team.A. captainB. a captainC. the captainD. captains16. It was _ that he had to ask for help.A. such big a workB. a so big jobC. a so big workD. such a big job17. He dropped the _ and broke it.A.

11、cup of coffeeB. coffees cupC. cup for coffeeD. coffee cup18. What _! Where did you get them?A. big fishB. a big fishC. a piece of big fishD. big a fish19. He left _ with my secretary that he would call again in the afternoon. He said he would keep _.A. words; his wordsB. word; his wordC. word; wordD

12、. the word;20. The new law will come into _ on the day it is passed.A. effectB. useC. serviceD. existence21. We held a party in _ of our Australian teacher, Meggi.A. prizeB. honorC. praiseD. pride22. - Tom, will you boys play soldiers outside? Theres not enough _ for you boys here.- But we can play

13、in the next _, cant we?A. places; placeB. room; roomC. rooms; spaceD. house; rooms23. - Is this bridge made of _?- Yes, it is made of 2300 huge _.A. stone; stone B. stones; stonesC. stone;D. stones; stone24. - Mum, Im going to visit my aunt. What about a week?- A week is too long. Try to be back in

14、a _ of days.A. numberB. dozenC. fewD. couple25. Mrs. Green tried hard to find a job but she had no _.A. luckB. timeC. hopeD. chance26. His daughter is always shy in _ and she never dares to make a speech to _.A. the public; the publicB. public;C. the public; publicD. public;27. Fast-food restaurants

15、 are _ to us all.A. of many helpsB. a great helpC. great helpsD. much help28. These young people are now making an active _ to beautify (美化) our city.A. partB. effortC. decisionD. plan29. - What you like may not be what I like.- Yes, one mans meal is another mans _.A. poisonB. medicineC. mealD. food

16、30. He said that two _ would come to our school the next day.A. woman scientistB. women scientistC. woman scientistsD. women scientists31. My _ all _ hard for the people.A. family; work B. family; worksC. families; workD. families; works32. Dr. Jones ordered _ for the laboratory.A. two equipmentsB.

17、two pieces of equipmentsC. two pieces of equipmentD. two equipment pieces33. - Where have you been?- Ive been to_.A. the TurnersB. the TurnersC. Mr. TurnersD. the Turners34. Many children have to see the films for_A. grown-upB. growns-upC. grown-upsD. growns-ups35. I told about some of the terrible

18、_ I had had in the war.A. experienceB. experiencesC. experiencingD. experienced things36. The table is only _ high.A. two-footB. two footC. two-feetD. two feet37. These days I employed two _ in my house.A. man-servantsB. men-servantC. man-servantD. men-servants38. That s_.A. James and Charles father

19、B. James and Charless fatherC. Jamess and CharlesD. Jamess and Charles father39. _ is published daily.A. TimeB. TimesC. The TimeD. The Times40. There are many _ in big _.A. ladies driver; citysB. lady drivers; citiesC. ladies drivers, citiesD. ladies driver; city参考答案:一、1、B2、A3、Cstomach(胃)虽是“ch”结尾,但其

20、发音为k,所以加“s”,不用加“es”。4、C5、Aroof, chief, gulf, belief等词的复数形式,直接加“s”。6、C 7、A名词作定语一般不用复数。8、B9、A根据句意,打破的应是杯子,而不是茶;名词作定语表类别不用加“s”。10、B11、D12、B13、C14、C15、A16、D根据上句,此处应是史密斯太太的衬衫。17、D18、C19、Da stones throw是固定短语,意为“近在咫尺”。20、B此句中Peter作动名词sailing的所有格,本应用Peters,但因其在动词后作宾语,所以可用宾格,因此B为正确答案。二、120: CADCBDDCDCDAADCDD

21、ABA2140: BBCDABBBADACDCBDABDB第二章 代词1. Which of the two dictionaries will you borrow ?Ill borrow _ , for the different uses.A.all B.bothC.eitherD.neither2._ of them knew about the plan because it was kept a secret.A.EachB.Any C.No oneD.None3.We couldnt eat in a restaurant because _ of us had _ money

22、on us.A.all ;noB.any ;C.none ; one ;any4.They were all very tired ,but _ of them would stop to take a rest.A.neitherB.noneC.someD.any 5.There is a No.2 trolleybus and a No.24 bus ;_ will take you there.A.bothB.either C.all6.As we were asleep ,_ of us heard the sound. A.both7. Which of the fiv

23、e may I use ? Oh , _. A.any oneB.anyone C.anything D.nothing8.Are the two answers correct ?No ,_ one is B.both are not C.neither isD.either is not 9.I asked him for some oil ,but he hadnt_. A.any D.anything10.You have three English dictionaries ,but I have only two _.A.onesB.

24、不填C.the oneD.the ones11.I have a colour TV set.I want to sell B.the oneC.thatD.it12.This film is not so good as _ we saw last 13._ of us must go there and help him out.A.One or otherB.One by one C.One or the other D.One or another14.We all felt _ to be the highest praise.A.itB.thatC.that one D.the one 15.Havent you read _ English

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