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1、C. to read books; watch TV D. read books; to watch TV( )2. Theres with your sons ears. So dont worry about him.A. nothing serious B. something serious C. serious nothing D. anything serious( )3. The pair of trousers _very nice. A. look like B. looks C. looks like D. look 4. There isnt anyone in the

2、dining room now.(同义句) There in the dining room now.5. Mrs Brown is so old that she could do nothing. (同义句) Mrs Brown is old to do 一 填空Hobo:Which one do you prefer _,blue or pink,Eddie?Eddie:I_wear blue _pink.I am he dog. Pink is a _color.Really? Im afraid I cant agree with you sometimes. You see,the

3、re is _pink.(after Eddie wearing the blue one)look,blue_on you!But its a girls blouse!Oh,Hobo!二 首字母填空1 You cant cross the road until the traffic light turns g_2 Look at the b_sky and the w_clouds!What a fine day!3 I like the p_flower called forget-me-not.4 Whats wrong with him? His face is turning w

4、_5 The colour of y_is often used for warning.6 The grassland in the neighbours garden is always g_than that in our own.7 R_is often used in Chinese wedding ceremony.8 In fact,a w_lie is not a bad one.9 Many people like b_coffee without any sugar or milk in it.10.It is said that b_ tea is good for la

5、dies.三翻译下列短语1black tea_ 2. white list_ hand_ Monday_9A Unit2 (Period2)达标检测一. 根据句意和首字母填空。1. Blue can make us feel c_ and p_. 2. Green can make us feel e_, because it represents life.3. I like to use yellow stationary when I study for exam, because its the colou

6、r of w_.4. Bob is too weak, he needs too much p_ training. 二根据课文内容填空 moodscoloursrepresentscalm coloursBlue is good for the _ and body. And it represents _.White is the colour of _.You should wear white when you feel _.warm coloursThese colours give you a happy and _feeling. Orange represents _. It

7、can bring you _ and _ you up.Yellow can remind you a _, _ day. It is also the colour of _.energetic coloursGreen can give you _ because it represents _ and _. It is also the colour of _ and the colour of money and _.strong Red represents _ and it is the colour of _ and _ feeling.三选择。( )1. -Bob, what

8、 about going out for a picnic? - Sorry, Id rather _ than go out. A. to stay at home B. stayed at home C. stay at home D. to staying at home( )2. - Theres _ wrong with my watch. It can work well. A. anything B. nothing C. something D. everything( )3. Listen to me carefully. Dont _ the window.A. look

9、out B. take out C. look out of D. take outside of( )4. -Why dont you read todays newspaper? - Because theres _ in it. A. nothing interesting B. anything interesting C. interesting something D. interesting anything( )5. Can you describe the moods of people by_the colours they choose to wear. A. looki

10、ng B. seeing C. judging D. looking at一选择题( )1. “I am feeling blue.” means I am _. A. sad B. relaxed C. happy D. unhappiness( )2. Do you have any difficulties _ the work in two days? A. to finish B. finishes C. finished D. finishing( )3 When I saw the photo, it _ me of the wonderful trip in Nanjing.

11、A. called B. asked C. recommended D. reminded( )4. Joe looked _ when he was seen watching TV in the sofa. A. happily B. relaxed C. exciting D. sadly二. 翻译1这个颜色创造了和谐感。_.2白色是纯洁的颜色。3他们宁愿用像黄色和橘色那样的颜色。4.老师应当公平地对待每个学生Teachers should _to each of their students.5看来他很难作出决定It seems that he _6.他今天心情不好He is _tod

12、ay7.蓝色代表悲伤。Blue_8.住在寒冷地区的人更喜欢用能给他们带来温和而舒适感受的颜色People live in the cold climates _use warm colours which can bring them warm and _.三 选词填空cheer up take action make a decision pay attention to argue with creative enough1.“Would you please _the red words on the blackboard?”said the teacher.2.Its impolite

13、 to _with others.3.Is your monitor_to think of this wonderful idea?4.The girl is feeling a little bit blue today.Lets go to her and _.5.I found it difficult to _only by myself.I should talk about it with my parents or teachers first9Aunit2(Period3)达标检测一完成下面这封信Complete her email.Dear Raymond:Did you

14、know that colours can affect our _? Did you know whatthe different colours _? For example, _ can help you feel relaxed. However, it can also mean _.I prefer warm colours such as orange. Orange can bring you _ and _ if you are sad.Do you like green? Green can give you _; it also represents _._ can he

15、lp you when you are having difficulty making a decision.What is your favourite colour? Write back soon.Yours Millie二 选择( )1. Green represents and nature. When you feel weak, you can wear green.A. sadness B. purity C. joy D. energy ( ) 2. I think Lily should wear more because she worries a lot and of

16、ten gets stressed. A. yellow B. white C. orange D. green( ) 3. Mum, can I have to eat? Im hungry. Sorry, there is in the fridge. You can go downstairs to buy . A. anything; nothing; something B. something; none; anything C. something; something D. anything; something( ) 4. Id rather than . A. read b

17、ooks; C. to read books;( ) 5. Daniel prefers playing computer games . A. to shop. B. to shopping C. than shop D. than shopping( ) 6. I think not difficult English every morning. A. that; keep reading B. its; keep reading C. that; to keep read D. it; to keep reading( ) 7. The students were all tired,

18、 but of them stopped _ a rest. A. no one; to have B. all; having C. none; to have D. nobody; having ( ) 8. Daniel was a bad mood and didnt talk to . A. on; something B. with; anybody C. in; anybody D. in; somebody三完成句子(8)1 屋里有人吗?我可以进来吗? Is there in the room? May I come in?2. 他似乎在看什么重要的东西。 He to be r

19、eading something important.3. 我女儿想把她的房间漆成粉红色,因为这是她最喜欢的颜色。 My daughter wants to her room pink because its her favourite colour.4. 我表哥18岁上大学了。My cousin went to when he was eighteen years old.一 用所给词的正确形式填空1.Do you know about colours ? (有趣的事)2.His grandpa him too much when he was alive .(影响)3.If the wal

20、ls in a room (plant )blue ,it can create the feeling of harmony.4.The boys always does everything quickly while he is a little _(patient)5.Would he mind _(do) some extra work?6.Youd better have a good rest if you feel _(stress)7.Green colour can make you feel_(energy)8.Which colour represents new li

21、fe and _(grow)?9._(live) in the country is better for your health than in the city.10.Do you have any difficulty _(solve) the problem within ten days?二句型转换1There is nothing wrong with the old man(一般疑问句)_2The orange sweater looks strange on you.(提问)3.Green can give you energy as it represents new lif

22、e and growth.(提问)4Colours can change our moods.(同义句)三翻译1 我想蓝色是最能代表她的颜色的(the colour that)-_2.那个8岁的男孩似乎对他自己很满意(It seemes that)_ 3.星期天我宁愿帮妈妈干点家务活也不愿看太多的电视(would ratherthan) _4.我宁愿多吃药也不愿动手术。(preferto)_5.真奇怪教室里看不见一个人(Its sothat)9A Unit2(Period5)达标检测一. 选择合适的词填空1. I _ (would/could) rather go swimming than

23、_ (to go/go) shopping.2. Id rather _ (eat/to eat) Chinese food _ (to/than) Japanese food.3. Many men prefer blue _ (than/to) red.4. I prefer _ (listening/to listen) to music to playing computer games.5. Bob prefers _ (to send/ sending) e-mails to _ (write/ writing) letters.二. 选择题( )1. He would rather _in Sunshine Town than _in Moonlight Town.A. go shopping; shop B. sh

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