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本文(天津高考英语专题一语法知识第12讲介词与介词短语优选习题Word下载.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、 face of relation to答案D通过对比我们周围的环境来确定我们的位置是我们生存的一项重要技能。结合句意可知,这里用in relation to“相对某事物而言”。in contrast to与相比;in defense of保卫,为辩护;in face of面对。5.When you drive through the Redwood Forests in California,you will be trees that are over 1,000 years old.(2017天津,12)A.among B.againstC.behind D.below

2、当你驾车穿过加利福尼亚的红杉林时,你会置身在那些树龄超过1 000年的树木之间。among在当中,为所围绕,符合语境。against以为背景,衬托;behind在后面;below在下面。6.We offer an excellent education to our students.,we expect students to work hard.(2017天津,13)A.On average B.At bestC.In return D.After all答案C我们向学生提供优质的教育,同时也希望学生努力学习。in return作为报酬,作为回报,符合语境。on average平均来看;a

3、t best充其量,至多;after all毕竟,终究。7.Many people who live along the coast make a living fishing industry.(2017北京,35) B.inC.on D.by很多住在海边的人们靠渔业为生。“在行业”用介词in。此题容易忽视fishing后的名词industry,以为是靠捕鱼这种方式而错选D项。8.The dictionary is :many words have been added to the language since it was published.(2016天津,2)A.out of

4、 control B.out of dateC.out of sight D.out of reach解析考查“out of名词”型介词短语辨析。这部词典过时了:自从它出版以来,这门语言已增添了许多单词。out of date过时,符合语境。out of control失控;out of sight看不见;out of reach够不着。9.Many of the things we now benefit from would not be around Thomas Edison.(2015江苏,34)A.thanks to B.regardless ofC.aside from D.bu

5、t for如果没有托马斯爱迪生的话,我们现在所受益的许多东西是不会出现的。thanks to幸亏,由于;regardless of不管,不顾;aside from除了,除以外;but for要不是,如果没有的话。由句意知选D项。诊断报告考向对应题号我的薄弱环节1常见介词的用法3,5,72介词短语辨析1,2,4,6,8,9解题方法1.汉语对照法在高考试题中,考查的介词有一大部分是表示方位、范围的,这就涉及到一些表示方位的介词,这时可以根据其汉语意思来解答此类试题。2.固定短语法关于介词的固定搭配,在解答试题时,要注意从句子中找出中心词汇,也就是这个词和选项中的词能够构成一个固定搭配,符合句子意思

6、,这样问题就会很快被解决。如第7题。3.利用置入法解决介词短语的相关题目关于介词短语的相关题目,一般采用将介词短语置入句子,并进行逐一翻译的方法。解决此类题目的关键就是平时多积累相关知识,然后读懂题干的含义。考点1语境词义辨析1.The study suggests that the cultures we grow up influence the basic processes by which we see the world around us.(2016浙江,7)A.on D.about该项研究表明,我们成长的文化环境会影响我们看我们周围的世界的基本过程。in t

7、he cultures在的文化中,为固定搭配,故选B。2.Have you ever heard of the trees that are homes animals both on land and sea?浙江,3)A.about C.with D.over你听说过是海陆两栖动物栖息地的树吗?be home to为固定搭配,意为“是的栖息地,是的家园”。考点归纳常用介词如in,on,for,with,against,of,beyond,out of,across等含义较多,应全面掌握。(1)against有“违背,违逆;反对;对不利;倚;靠;碰撞;预防;衬托”之意。An agr

8、eement seems to be impossible because the majority of the committee members are against it.看来意见达成一致是不可能了,因为大多数委员会成员都反对。(2)beyond可表示“范围,限度”,意为“超出,为所不及”。常用短语:beyond words/description/imagination/belief/ones reach/ones control “无法用语言形容/无法用语言描述/难以想象/不能相信/够不着/管不了”。To be acknowledged as the first to recei

9、ve this honor is beyond expression in words for me.被选为第一位接受此殊荣的人,我实在无法用语言表达自己的感受。(3)by可表示“程度或增减的幅度”,还可作“按;以计;依据”讲。As far as I know,workers are generally paid by the month.据我所知,工人们的工资通常按月来付。(4)for有“就而言;从来看;达,计;为”之意。The biggest concern for most of us is the quality of public education.我们大多数人最关心的是大众教育的

10、质量问题。(5)off有“在离不远处;在沿海的海面”之意。The Well Hotel stands in a quiet place off the main road at the far end of the lake.威尔旅馆坐落于湖尽头的主干道附近一个非常安静的地方。(6)across有“横跨”之意。It can run across water for a distance of several meters,avoiding getting wet by rapidly hitting the waters surface with its feet.它可以在水面上跑数米的距离,

11、通过用脚快速拍打水面避免弄湿全身。(7)on/upon有“刚就;一就”之意,后接名词或动词-ing形式。Upon hearing the funny story,everyone burst into laughter.一听到这个滑稽的故事,大家都哈哈大笑起来。(8)over可表示时间,意为“在期间;直到结束”。Im sorry I didnt phone you,but Ive been very busy over the past couple of weeks.很抱歉我没有给您打电话,但是在过去的两周里我一直很忙。考点2介词短语辨析1.That young man is honest,

12、cooperative,always there when you need his help.,hes reliable.(2016浙江,6)A.Or else B.In shortC.By the way D.For one thing那个年轻人诚实而且善于合作,总是在你需要帮助的时候出现。总之,他是可靠的。or else否则,要不然;in short总之,简言之;by the way顺便说一下;for one thing一方面。 根据句意可知答案为B。2.This meeting room is a non-smoking area.I would like to warn you th

13、at if you smoked here you would be fined.(2015湖北,30) advance total general这个会议室是“无烟区”。我想提前提醒你,如果你在这里吸烟,你将会被罚款。根据题干中that引导的宾语从句可知,说话者是在“提前”告诉对方这一事实,所以选择in advance。in detail详细地;in total总共;in general一般来说。1.几组常见的介词短语(1)out of名词out of question毫无疑问;out of the question不可能;out of or

14、der次序颠倒;out of place不合适;out of pity出于同情;out of curiosity出于好奇(2)in名词 in power掌权;in good condition状态良好;in despair绝望地;in public/secret公开地/秘密地;in tears哭泣;in good/bad repair保养得好/不好;in charge负责,掌管;in a hurry 匆忙;in anger生气;in trouble有困难 (3)in名词介词in case of以防万一;in honor of为了纪念;in favor of支持;in memory of为了纪念

15、;in charge of负责;in terms of从角度;in need of需要;in praise of表扬;in view of鉴于;in response to对的答复或反应(4)under名词under control受控;under attack遭到攻击;under way在进行中;under discussion在讨论;under consideration在讨论/考虑中(5)at名词at work在工作;at play在玩耍;at dinner在吃饭;at ease轻松,自由自在;at war 在打仗 (6)on名词on fire着火;on purpose故意地;on du

16、ty值日;on the phone在打电话;on leave在休假;on holiday在度假;on a walk在散步;on the rise/fall上升/下降;on sale出售;on show/exhibition展出;on business 出差;on ones way to在去的路上;on a visit/trip/tour出行(7)to ones情感名词to ones surprise令某人惊讶的是;to ones joy使某人高兴的是;to ones disappointment令某人失望的是;to ones delight使某人高兴的是2.注意下列短语中介词的用法for no

17、thing不花钱,免费come across the room穿过房间feel like doing sth. 想要做某事get paid by the week按周获得报酬be particular about.对苛求、挑剔with satisfaction满意地be second to none不输于任何人;不比任何东西差on ones own独自地in great quantity大量地,大批量in great demand需求量很大take a turn for the better正朝更好的方向发展keep an eye on照看,照料with the help of在的帮助下und

18、er the leadership of在的领导下the article in the newspaper报纸上的文章a bird in the tree树上的鸟apples on the tree树上的苹果tickets for the concert音乐会的票in the direction of朝着的方向from the direction of从的方向set an example to sb. 给某人树立榜样3.下列短语中to 为介词belong to属于date back to追溯到look forward to盼望;期望be addicted to沉溺于be accustomed

19、to习惯于be/get used to doing.习惯于做 be devoted to.致力于 stick to坚持1.It is known that theory is based on practice and serves practice.(2018河北区二模) need turn place解析in need在危难中,在危急中;in return作为报答/回报;in turn依次,转而,轮流地,反过来;in place在合适的位置,适当的。众所周知,理论以实践为基础,反过来又为实践服务。故选C。2.It was warm and

20、nice that evening.I stayed awake until eleven in order to have a good look at the moon by myself.(2018河东区一模)A.on average B.on purposeC.on business D.on time解析on average平均起来;on business出差;on time按时,准时。为了能亲自好好地看一看月亮,我特地(故意地)保持清醒到11点。由句意可知答案选B。3.Bob is kind,hard-working and intelligent;,I cant speak to

21、o highly of him.河北区一模) a result a the way D.on the contrary解析as a result结果,因此;in a word总之,一句话;by the way顺便说一句;on the contrary(与此)相反,正相反。鲍伯是一个善良、勤奋并且聪明的人;总之,我再怎么高地评价他都不为过。4.It seems a little ugly to me. ,I think its rather beautiful.(2017红桥区二模)A.In other words B.On the other handC.O

22、n the contrary D.In a nutshell这对我来说有点难看。恰恰相反,我觉得它相当漂亮。on the contrary(与此)相反,正相反,符合句意。in other words换句话说;on the other hand另一方面;in a nutshell简而言之。5.Simply raise your hand,and a taxi appears .(2017天津十二所重点中学二模) no time one no time D.for the time being只要你招招手,出租车就会立即出现。in no time马上,立即,符合

23、句意。at no time从未;at one time曾经,一度;for the time being暂时。6.Your attitude life determines how happy or unhappy you are.(2017北京海淀区一模)A.towards B.withC.on D.for你对生活的态度决定你有多快乐或不快乐。attitude to/towards对的态度。7.With the development of economy,our income has increased 10% in less than a year.北京海淀区二模)A.for C

24、.on D.at随着经济的发展,我们的收入在不到一年的时间里增长了10%。by表示数量的增减程度,符合句意。for为了;on在某方面;at(用于速度、比率等)以,达。8.The debate here will be limited in two main respects, the time available.和平区一模) view of return addition to comparison with鉴于可用的时间,这里的辩论将限定在两个主要方面。in view of鉴于,由于,符合句意。in addition to除之外(还有);in c

25、omparison with与相比较。9.Hopefully,the new method will be effective,helping students to get their career plans hand willC.on trial D.on track希望这种新方法能有效地帮助学生们实现他们的职业生涯规划。on track步入正轨,做法对头,符合句意。at hand在手边,在附近;at will任意,随意;on trial受审,在试验/测试中。10.Bless your heart,I know you didnt break the vase .D

26、ont cry!南开区一模)A.on purpose accidentC.on business mistake解析on purpose故意地;by accident偶然地;by mistake弄错。由语境“我知道你不是故意的”知A项正确。专题强化练(十二).单项填空1. the security challenges in the northern part of Nigeria,many Chinese citizens still do business there and have built strong relationships with the locals.(2018天津一中3月考)A.In spite of B.On account ofC.In case of D.For lack of解析in spite of尽管,虽然;on account of由于,因为;in case of万一;f

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