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1、19版高考英语一轮复习分餐化素养积累第三周讲义第三周周一一、背表达词汇写作有米下锅1artist nC 艺术家;画家2as conj. 当时候;一面 一面;随着;因为;尽 管;如;按照3ash nU 灰4ashamed adj. 感到惭愧或羞愧的5aside adv. 在旁边;到旁边6ask v. 问,询问;请求,要求;邀请7asleep adj. 睡着的,熟睡的8aspect n. 方面;方向9astronaut n. 宇航员10athlete n. 运动员11attach v. 系上;缚上;连接;重视;依恋12attack vt.& n. 攻击,袭击13attempt vt. 试图,尝试1

2、4attention n. 注意,关心15attitude n. 态度,看法16audience n. 观众,听众17August n. 八月18aunt n. 伯母;舅母;婶;姑;姨19Asia n. 亚洲Asian adj. 亚洲的,亚洲人的n. 亚洲人20astonish v. 使惊讶astonished adj. 感到惊讶的astonishing adj. 令人惊讶的astonishment n. 惊讶;惊异二、记阅读词汇读文不再生涩1awake v(awoke, awoken) & adj. 唤醒;醒着的2available adj. 可获得的3average adj. 平均的;普通

3、的;正常的n. 平均数;平均水平4avoid v. 避免,躲开,逃避5awesome adj. 使人惊惧的6awful adj. 可怕的,糟透的7awkward adj. 不灵活的,使人难堪的8bachelor n. 未婚男子;学士9bacon n. 咸猪肉;熏猪肉10bacterium (pl.bacteria) n 细菌11badminton n. 羽毛球运动12baggage n. 行李13bake v. 烤;烘(面包)14bakery n. 面包店15balcony n. 阳台;楼座16ball n. 球;舞会17ballet n. 芭蕾舞18balloon n. 气球19ballpo

4、int ballpoint pen n. 圆珠笔20bamboo n. 竹;竹子三、背常用短语读写高人一截1fall asleep 入睡fast/sound asleep 睡得很熟2attach great importance to education 高度重视教育be attached to 附属于;依恋3make an attempt to do sth. 试图做某事4draw/catch/attract ones attention 吸引某人的注意力pay attention to 注意5have/take a positive attitude to life 对生活采取积极的态度6

5、as .as 像那样;同一样as to 至于,关于as for 至于,就而言7to ones astonishment 令某人惊讶的是8at the cost of 以为代价9on average 平均;一般地10aside from 除了还四、背写作佳句考场顺手就写学校生活(七)学习1(2014四川高考书面表达)I spent a whole year reviewing all the subjects carefully until I thought I was fully prepared.我花费了一整年的时间认真复习所有的课程,直到我认为我做好了充分的准备。2Faced with

6、so many new things to learn, I was at a loss what to do.面对这么多要学的新东西,我不知道该做什么。3In order to leave school with no regrets, Ill make the best of my limited time to go over my lessons.为了离开学校时没有遗憾,我将充分利用有限的时间复习功课。4Only when you devote yourself to it can you enjoy the real pleasure of learning.只有当你真正投入的时候,

7、你才能体会到学习的真正乐趣。5What really matters is whether you can concentrate on your lessons.真正重要的是你能否全神贯注于你的功课。五、练语基小题巩固今日所学.根据提示填空1Im trying to lose weight because Im so ashamed (感到羞愧的) of my shape.2As the average (平均的) age of the population increases, there are more and more old people to care for.3If only

8、you were more careful! The traffic accident could have been avoided (避免)4To our astonishment,_he was not astonished at the astonishing news.(astonish)5As_for_the_winner (关于获胜者) of the game, the two boys made a bet.6Eventually, he succeeded at_the_cost_of_his_health (以身体健康为代价).补全句子1更重要的是,我们应对生活采取积极的态

9、度,这有助于我们勇敢地面对困难和挑战。More importantly, we should take_a_positive_attitude_towards_life,_which can help us face difficulties and challenges bravely.2给我印象最深的是,美国中学对学生的实践能力非常重视。What strikes me most is that American middle schools attach_great_importance_to_students ability of practice.3我们应该注意小细节,这保证我们最终能

10、成功。We should_pay_attention_to_small_details,_which can guarantee us to succeed in the end.第三周周三一、背表达词汇写作有米下锅1author n 作者,作家2autumn n. 秋天,秋季3award n. 奖品,奖励vt. 授予;判定4away adv. 离开;远离5Australia n. 澳洲;澳大利亚Australian adj. 澳洲的,澳大利亚人的n. 澳大利亚人6aware adj. 知道的;意识到的awareness n. 认识;意识7backward(s) adv. 向后8bad adj

11、. (比较级worse,最高级worst) 坏的;有害的;严重的9badly adv. 差,拙劣地10bag n. 书包;提包;袋子11baggage n. 行李12banana n. 香蕉13bank n. 岸,堤;银行14bargain n. (经讨价还价之后) 成交的商品;廉价货v. 讨价还价;讲条件15basket n. 篮子16baby n. 婴儿17back adv. 回(原处);向后adj. 后面的n. 背后,后部;背18balance n. 天平;均衡;平衡vt. 平衡;权衡balanced adj. 均衡的19base n. 根据地;基地;基础v. 以为基础basic adj

12、. 基础的basically adv. 基本上20bath n. 洗澡;浴缸,澡盆;浴室bathe v. 给洗澡;洗,浸,泡二、记阅读词汇读文不再生涩1ban n. 禁令v. 禁止;取缔2bandage n. 绷带3bang int. 砰4bar n. 长条;(长方)块,棒, 横梁;酒吧5barbecue n. 户外烧烤6barber n (为男人理发的)理发师7barbershop n. 理发店8bare adj. 裸露的9barrier n. 障碍(物),屏障10baseball n. 棒球11basement n. 地下室12bat n. (棒球、板球的)球棒;蝙蝠13bathroom

13、n. 浴室,盥洗室14bathtub n. 浴盆15battery n. 电池16battle n. 战斗;战役17battleground (battlefield) n. 战场18bay n. 湾;海湾19beam n. 光线;梁;平衡木20bean n. 豆,豆科植物三、背常用短语读写高人一截1be/become aware of 对知道、明白;意识到2raise awareness for 提高的意识3be based on 以为基础4back and forth 来回地;反复地5from bad to worse 每况愈下6badly off 贫困的;境况不好的7keep a bal

14、ance between work and relaxation 工作和娱乐相平衡8lose ones balance 失去平衡9a real bargain 便宜货10ban sb. from doing sth. 禁止某人做某事四、背写作佳句考场顺手就写中国传统文化(一)诗歌1(2017全国卷书面表达)As a matter of fact, I am very fond of Tang Poems. I am sure it is worthwhile to learn the poems written in the Tang Dynasty with you.事实上,我非常喜欢唐诗。我确信与你一起学习唐诗是很值得的。2Knowing that you are interested in the Ancient Poetry Recitation Contest which was organized by our school, I am very ple

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