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1、1.句式:能就季节,学科,业余爱好询问他人的爱好并能就自己的爱好进行描述和阐述原因,在相应情景下灵活地运用比较级。能够正确的使用than表述两者间的比较。I like better. Because A is longer than B .A is more interesting than B. / I like best.2.正确理解并区分better, best的意思,并能在适当的情境中正确使用两个词。 doing sth的表达 good at doing 的表达。 best in 的理解和使用;I likebest和do best in.在意义上的不同。6

2、.词汇:1)掌握常用形容词比较级的变化规则。Long-loner/ big-bigger/P332)多音节形容词比较级前用more ,more interesting/interesting/difficult/useful/popular.3)学科:English, Chinese, Music, Art, PE, ME, Science, Math4)在表达中会使用词组:like better 更喜欢like best 最喜欢go skating 去滑冰make a snowman 堆雪人too cold 太冷listen to 听do best in 在某方面做的最好in life 生活

3、中popular language 流行的语言like drawing 喜欢画画二、本单元具体教学目标知识与技能目标1. 能流利地朗读课文,会表演对话;2能就季节,学科,业余爱好询问他人的爱好并能就自己的爱好进行描述并阐述原因,在相应情景下能灵活地运用比较级。能够正确的使用than表述两者间的比较。I like better. Because A is longer than B .A is more interesting than B. / I like best.3能就喜好这个话题采用多种形式的语言表达。I like.better. I likebest.I like doing. I

4、am good at I do best in My favorite4.词汇:科目:math,English,Chinese, Music, Art, PE, ME, Science,形容词和比较级:1)Long-loner/ big-bigger/P332) 多音节形容词比较级前用more ,more interesting/difficult/useful/popular.3)季节:summer autumn spring winter4) 其他:better, best, because, night, life, story, fairy tale, draw, animal5.语音

5、:or aw a-e ea ee ow th sh er igh ay 6阅读理解story time三、本单元具体课时安排:1.第一周(9月6-10),第一节课,授课内容Lesson 1 new words,listen and say, lets practice2.第一周,第二节课,授课内容Lesson 1 listen and choose, read and write ,story time3.第一周,第三节课,授课内容Lesson 2 now words,listen and say, lets practice4.第二周,第四节课,授课内容Lesson 2 listen and

6、 choose, read and write ,story time5.第二周,第五节课,授课内容Lesson 3 Now I can say, Now I know, Now I can read6.第二周,第六节课,授课内容Lesson 3 Now I can write, Now I can do Story time Lesson 1 第一课时1、教学内容 1. 课文内容: - Winter or summer, which season do you like better? - I like summer better because the days are longer th

7、an the nights. - Winter brings snow and ice. I go skating and make snowmen. I like winter better. - Its too cold in winter and too hot in summer. I like spring and autumn better.2. 功能句型: - I like summer because the days are longer than the nights.3. 词汇: 四会单词: or, better, because, night, autumn 认读:lo

8、nger, shorter , bigger, smaller, fatter, thinner2、教学目标:(一) 知识与技能目标:1. 能正确的理解课文内容,朗读课文,程度好的学生可以表演对话。2.能听懂会说对季节做比较后的偏爱的功能句,能简单表述喜爱的原因,并能在实际情景中初步学习使用。Winter or summer, which season do you like better?I like summer because the days are longer than the nights. 3.初步学习形容词的比较级:4.能听说读写 or, better, because, n

9、ight, autumn,强化划线部分的字母与字母组合的发音5.理解会读词汇:like better/go skating/make snowmen(二)过程与方法目标:1. 通过先学形容词的比较级、功能句、看主题图设置情景使学生正确的理解课文内容;通过跟读录音、角色表演、pair wok 使学生能够正确朗读课文,表演对话。2. 通过看PPT图片操练功能句型、伙伴交流、汇报展示等方法,使学生能够听懂会说对季节做比较后的偏爱的功能句,能简单表述喜爱的原因,并能在实际情景中初步学习使用。3. 通过看PPT图片、做比较,使学生初步学习、感知、理解形容词比较级。4. 四会词汇学习借助语音,拼读能力的训

10、练使学生达到听说读的程度,通过做练习Read and write巩固四会词,使学生对四会词汇做到能听说读写。5. 通过做比较、看PPT图片、听录音跟读等形式使学生理解会读词汇:like better/go skating/make snowmen。(三)情感态度价值观目标:结合课文谈论比较喜欢两个事物中哪一个方面的话题,培养学生广泛的兴趣爱好。3、教学重难点:(一)重点:1. 能听、说、读、写 or, better, because, night, autumn 四会单词。2. 能听懂、会说询问“比较喜欢两者中哪一个”的日常交际用语 or , which do you like better?

11、及回答 I like because .(2)难点:1.能够正确使用有关比较喜欢两者中哪一个及喜欢的原因的句型在实际情景中进行交际。2. 能够正确使用形容词的比较级。4、教具: PPT 录音机 单词卡 5、教学过程(1)warming up活动一 看一看,说一说活动目标:复习、巩固形容词,使学生准确掌握long, short, big, small, fat, thin, new, old, young, old 的正确运用。实施方法及师生预设语言:让学生看到图片后,用英语说出图片上的物品,然后让学生根据图片用形容词进行描述。教师利用幻灯片显示苹果图片,并问:What can you see

12、in the picture?S: I can see two apples. Apples.Ss: A red apple and a green apple.T: What is the red apple like? Its big. What is the green apple like? Its small.教师依次利用幻灯片显示书包、裤子、猫、人物图片,并问: What can you see in the picture? I can see two bags/pants/cats/men. Pencils/pants/cats/men A brown bag and a pi

13、nk bag. A blue pants and a black pants. A black cat and a white cat. A boy and a grandpa. What is the brown bag/ blue pants/ black cat/ boy like? Its old/long/fat. He is young. What is the pink bag/ black pants/ white cat/ grandpa like? Its new/short/thin. He is old.设计意图:为学习形容词比较级做学习铺垫。(二)Presentati

14、on and practice活动一:比一比,说一说。 通过看图片做比较,使学生掌握形容词比较级的用法。 教师利用幻灯片显示红苹果、绿苹果图片和单词bigger,做比较:The red apple is bigger than the green one.用PPT展示句子The red apple is bigger than the green one,学生操练显示单词smaller,学生读出单词,并根据图片和单词smaller说出句子The green apple is smaller than the red one. 教师依次利用幻灯片显示书包、裤子、猫、人物图片,请学生自己读出单词n

15、ewer, older, longer, shorter, fatter, thinner, younger, older用PPT展示句型er than .学生操练句型 The pink bag is newer than the brown bag.The brown bag is older than the pink bag.The blue pants is longer than the black pants.The black pants is shorter than the blue pants.The black cat is fatter than the white c

16、at.The white cat is thinner than the black cat.The boy is younger than the grandpa.The grandpa is older than the boy.通过看图片做比较,操练单词、句子,使学生正确掌握形容词比较级的用法和形容词比较级句式的用法,并为说明喜欢某一个事物的原因做铺垫活动二:学习功能句型帮助学生掌握功能句or , which do you like better?及回答 I like because .的运用。教师指着红苹果、绿苹果图片说:The red apple or the green apple

17、, which apple do you like better? 请学生认读better,并强调字母e, 字母组合er的发音.教师用PPT展示句子The red apple or the green apple, which apple do you like better?,学生操练这个句子教师指着红苹果说:I like the red apple better because its bigger than the green apple. 请学生认读because,并强调字母组合au的发音.教师用PPT展示句子I like the red apple better because it

18、s bigger than the green apple.,学生操练这个句子教师出示图片,学生进行pair work 操练功能句型or , which do you like better?及回答 I like because er than .让学生在真实的语境中感知、实践、运用所学功能句。活动三:学习课文把课文作为听力材料,提高学生的听、写能力。并帮助学生进一步理解所学课文。听课文一遍,注意所缺单词的发音听课文第二遍,补齐课文对话 - Winter summer, which season do you like ? - I like summer better the days are

19、 longer than the s. - Its too cold in winter and too hot in summer. I like spring and better.逐句播放课文对话录音,学生逐句跟读课文录音,模仿录音中的语音语调。分角色朗读课文对话,对朗读对话好的学生给予小笑脸的奖励,鼓励学生积极朗读。(三)Production看图转述对话内容让学生充分掌握比较级的用法,并且理解掌握本课书课文。出示主题图,转述对话内容。实施方法与师生语言预设:可根据幻灯上的提示转述:Mike summer, the days are longer than the nightsGuogu

20、o winter, Winter brings snow and ice.Lingling spring and autumn, Its too cold in winter and too hot in summer. Winter or summer, which season do they like better?(小组合作)小组练习,汇报。 Read and write 检查本课书的新单词是否掌握,以及语言的综合运用能力。1.开展pair work ,阅读书上的句子,讨论语境。T:Please read the sentences and talk about their circu

21、mstances with your partner. 2.复习本课单词,了解单词使用的语境。 Recite the new words.3.请学生各自补全句子,将单词填写在横线上。(1) Summer is more beautiful because there are flowers everywhere.(2) Do animals know the difference between day and night.(3)-Red apples or green apples, which do you like better?(4)Leaves fall off the trees

22、in autumn in Beijing.4.学生互相检查 (1) Read and translate the sentences. (2) Write and check each other. 5.朗读补全后的对话。(四)学习效果评价检测目标和意图:通过检测,检验教师是否达到了预定的教学目标,检查学生对所学知识的掌握情况。检测题:1、选择 1)Winter summer, which season do you like better? A. and B. or C. with 2). Because the days longer than the nights. A. am B. i

23、s C. are 3). Winter snow and ice. A. brings B. bring C. take 4). I go skating and make . A. snowman B. snowmans C. snowmen 5). Its cold in winter and too hot in summer. A. to B. too C. two2.连线Guoguo I like spring and fall better. Because its too cold in winter and too hot in summer.Lingling The days

24、 are longer than the nights I like summer better.Mike I can make snowmen. So I like winter.(五)Homework1抄写第1课的词汇和句型,背诵小火车里的单词 2听课文录音,朗读、背诵课文 六、板书设计Unit 1 Lesson 1or, better, because, night, autumnor , which do you like better? I like because er than .七、课后反思:Lesson 1 第二课时一、教学内容:1 Lets practice:2. . Li

25、sten and choose3. Story time2、教学目的:(一)知识与技能目标:1. 能够朗读课文,表演对话。2. 能在各种语境中表达两种事物比较后的偏爱并能表述喜爱的原因, I like because .A is than B. 3. 系统学习并强化规则形容词的比较级的构成,在不同的语境中正确使用比较级词汇:longer, shorter , bigger, smaller, fatter, thinner,拓展一些形容词的比较级词汇:colder, older, higher, nearer, clearer, younger, taller, warmer, shorter

26、, hotter, wetter, sadder, braver, safer, closer, later, nicer, busier, noisier, happier, easier, heavier4. 能正确做出听力练习Listen and choose。5. 能够借助录音和图片读懂故事,完成练习,并试着讲故事。1. 通过group work表演课文,表演好的小组给印章的形式鼓励学生朗读课文,表演对话。2. 通过看PPT图片设置情景,使学生能在各种语境中表达两种事物比较后的偏爱并能表述喜爱的原因or , which do you like better?3. 通过看PPT图片设置情景强化形容词的比较级词汇:longer, shorter , bigger, smaller, fatter, thinner;通过教师讲解、学生做书上练习使学生系统学习规则形容词比较级的构成。4. 通过请学生快速默读三个句子,初步了解句子的内容、教师播放录音,请学生做出判断、订正答案、请学生指出不同之处,并反复朗读改正后的录音,使学生能正确做出听力练习Listen and choose5.通过借助录音和图片使学生读懂故事,完成练习,借助插图使学生试着讲故事。(三)情感态度价值

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