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1、两位曾经的芭蕾舞演员随后沦落风尘。当幸福重新降临时,她深感自己无力抓住,最终悲剧收场。这部由詹姆斯威尔执导的影片,描写老式的女性悲剧,故事动人,但导演手法与演员的表演成绩都不太均衡,成绩远逊于后来重拍的版本。Waterloo Bridge The story tells of an officer(Mei.Clark)met a ballet dancer(Doris.Lloyd decoration),two people like one,ready to get married.But the night before the wedding,officer received a com

2、mand on the front,ballerina also because to get married and was ballet.Her friends because of the ballet theater before the maintenance of her with unemployment.Wars in between,they go around to find a suitable job,when they were forced to live at the end of hills and rivers,suddenly received an off

3、icer from the front from the news,saying that his mother would come to have a look of his future wife.Originally thought that life had a favorable turn,but while she was waiting for the future mother-in-law,but accidentally in the newspaper to see officers killed in action news.Strong stimulation fo

4、r her future mother-in-law very rude in front of her anger,she left alone,fainted in the restaurant.Two former ballet dancer then sink into professions not socially respectable.When happiness again,she was his inability to catch,final tragedy.This by James.Will directed the film,describing the old f

5、emale tragedy,moving the story,but the director practices and actors performance results are not balanced,performance far less than later remade version.出生于音乐世家的安妮特 凯勒曼与父亲相依为命,但安妮特却违背父愿,从小就喜欢游泳。长大后数次参赛均获奖。后在父亲的劝诫下,父女俩前往伦敦学习音乐、舞蹈、途中邂逅杰来 苏里文,两人一见钟情。安在伦敦求学不成,在杰米的邀请下,于泰晤士河进行巴拉松长泳表演,轰动一时。后来,他们到美国纽约谋求发展。纽

6、约竞技场的老板阿尔伯特暗恋安妮特,燕建议她表演水上芭蕾,为此,杰与安发生分歧而分手。安的表演却大获成功,成了著名的水上芭蕾表演家。此时,杰米参加了飞行表演失败,而准备与阿伯特结婚的安却在拍摄电影中发生了意外 主要叙述作曲家史蒂夫因与美丽多情的卡罗琳认识以后,准备结婚,但他的经纪人乔治怕这样会影响他的“水上盛典”的写曲,所以雇用女演员玛丽娅而达到阻止他们结婚的目的。史蒂夫没办法只好完成“水上盛典”,最后二人消除误会,重归于好。经纪人乔治送写流行音乐的作曲家史蒂夫去加州,为他筹办的“水上盛典”写曲。在加州,史蒂夫爱上了美丽多情的大学游泳课老师卡罗琳,二人准备结婚,但遭到了唱片公司主管的反对,乔治怕

7、这样会影响他的“水上盛典的写曲,所以雇用女演员玛丽娅假冒史蒂夫的妻子,带着三个假冒的孩子来到婚礼上大闹,以达到阻止他们结婚的目的。卡罗琳一气之下出走了,史蒂夫得知卡罗琳任教的学院虽是女子学院,但章程规定也招男生,于是便报名入学。卡罗琳与院长齐心协力,千方百计的给史蒂夫记过以使其除名经历种种艰辛后,史蒂夫没办法只好完成“水上盛典,并要乔治找卡罗琳来主演。最后二人消除误会,重归于好。Born in a family of musicians Annette Keller man and the father,but Annette was against his will,like swimmin

8、g.After growing up,several entries are winning.After his father s advice,the father and daughter went to London to study music,dance,the way encounter kit to Su Liven,two people fall in love at first sight.An studying in London,not a,at Jamies invitation,to Thames River to parathion Long Beach show,

9、create a great sensation.Later,they went to the United States of New York to seek development.The New York arena boss Albert has a crush on Annette,Yen suggested that she perform water ballet,therefore,Jack and Ann differences occurred while breaking up.On the performance was a great success,and bec

10、ame famous water ballet performers.At this time,Jamie attended the air show for failure,and Abbott was married to a film in an accident has happened.The main narrative composer Steve with beautiful amorous Caroline know,ready to get married,but his agent George fear it will affect his Water Festival

11、 song writing,so hiring actress Maria to prevent them from getting married to.Steve had no choice but to complete the Water Festival,the last two people to eliminate the misunderstanding,.Agent George sent write pop music composer Steve to go to California,as he prepared the water Festival song writ

12、ing.In California,Steve fell in love with the beautiful amorous university swimming teacher Caroline,two people to get married,but was a record company executive opposition,George is afraid it will affect his Water Festival the song writing,so hiring actress Maria is Steves wife,with three counterfe

13、it children came to the wedding so,in order to achieve the purpose of prevent them from getting married.Caroline angrily away,Steve learns that Caroline taught at the college is a college for women,but the statute also enroll boys,then enroll.Caroline and Dean make concerted efforts,make every attem

14、pt to give Steve a to make it out.Experience all kinds of hardships,Steve had no choice but to complete the Water Festival,to find George and Caroline to star.The last two people to eliminate the misunderstanding,.某国王室的安妮公主作为王位继承人将出访欧洲的各大城市,消息传出,引起了极大的轰动。欧洲之行的最后一站是罗马,安妮公主很想尽情地饱览一下当地的优 美风光,可侍从们以公主身份高

15、贵、不宜在黎民百姓面前抛头露面为由拒绝了,并给她注射了镇静剂,公主假装睡着了,待侍从们出去后,她偷偷越窗溜了出来。然而没逛多久,医生给她注射的镇静剂就发生了效力,她在广场附近喷水池边的一条长椅上迷迷糊糊地睡着了。这时,美国新闻社的穷记者乔 布莱德里恰好经过这里,以为这是一个在狂欢中被灌醉的少女,就租了一辆出租车想把她送回家,可是公主睡得特别沉,怎么也叫不醒,无奈,乔只好把她带回了自己的住所。第二天,报纸上的特别公告使乔意识到他带回的少女就是安妮公主,于是他欣喜若狂,打算写一篇关于公主内幕的独家报道。公主醒后发现了陌生的乔,乔连忙解释,公主才安心了。她向乔借了一些钱,然后告别了他,又到罗马大街上

16、闲逛了。乔连忙给他的摄影师朋友欧文打电话,同时跟踪公主,在西班牙广场上佯装和她偶遇,便自告奋勇地要为公主做导游,骑着摩托车带着她游览罗马城,同时,欧文也驾驶着小汽车跟在他们后面,拍下了许多珍贵的镜头,而这一切,公主浑然不觉。公主的失踪引起了人们的惊慌,国王秘密派出了许多便衣四处寻找公主的下落。乔带领公主来到水上舞厅参加舞会时被便衣警察发现了,他们请公主和他们回去,而公主坚决不肯,警察们要强行绑架她回去,乔和欧文同他们厮打起来,而任性调皮的公主也大打出手,十分开心。趁着混乱,乔带着公主逃之夭夭 一天过去了,公主终于要回宫了,可此时她和乔发现彼此间擦出了爱的火花,坠入了情网。怎奈公主毕竟是公主,平

17、民终究是平民,两人只能依依惜别。乔抛弃功成名就之良机,将照片送予公主留念,在深情的四目对望中,公主轻轻地对乔说了声再见.A Royal Princess Anne as the heir to the throne will visit to Europe each are big city,the message comes out,caused a great sensation.European tour last station is Rome,Princess Anne would like to have some local advantages and beautiful sc

18、enery,can the attendants to Princess identity,not in front of the noble common people refused to show ones face in public,and she was sedated,Princess pretended to be asleep,when they went out,she stole the window sneak out.However,no going long,the doctor gave her an injection to the sedative effec

19、t occurs,she in the square near the water pool on a bench drifted off to sleep.At this time,the United States news service of the poor reporter Joe Bradley happened to pass here,think this is one of the carnival was drunk girl,they hired a taxi to take her home,but the princess slept very heavy,coul

20、dnt wake,helpless,Joe had to take her back to her residence.The very next day,the newspaper announcement make Joe realize him back to the girl is princess Anne,so he tread,plans to write an article about Princess insider exclusive report.The princess awoke to discover a strange Joe,Joe explained,she

21、 relieved.She told Joe lent some money,and then said goodbye to him,went to the Rome Avenue around.Joe quickly to his photographer friend Erwin call,while keeping track of the princess,in the Spanish Square on her and pretend to meet,they offer oneself to be tour guides for the princess,riding a mot

22、orcycle with her visit to Rome City,at the same time,Erwin was driving a car behind them,took many precious lens,and this in all,the princess unaware.Princess of the missing people panic,the king sent many of plain clothes looking for the whereabouts of the princess.Joe led the princess to dance dis

23、co water by plainclothes police discovered,they invited the princess and they returned,and Princess resolutely refused,the police have to forcibly kidnap her back,Joe and Erwin with their tussle,and willful naughty princess also strike violently,very happy.Taking advantage of the confusion,Joe took

24、the princess decamp.One day later,the princess finally going back to the palace,but now she and Joe found each other to wipe out the spark of love,fall in love.But princess is Princess after all,civilians are civilians,two people can only be distressed at parting.Joe abandoned the opportunity to ach

25、ieve success and win recognition,photos sent to Princess Pictures,affectionately at four head at,Princess gently to Joe said goodbye.1945年夏天,美国本部黑手党柯里昂家族首领,“教父”维托 柯里昂为小女儿康妮举行了盛大的婚礼。“教父”有三个儿子:暴躁好色的长子桑尼,懦弱的次子弗雷德和刚从二战战场回来的小儿子迈克。其中桑尼是“教父”的得力助手;而迈克虽然精明能干,却对家族的“事业”没什么兴趣。“教父”是黑手党首领,常干违法的勾当。但同时他也是许多弱小平民的保 护

26、神,深得人们爱戴。他还有一个准则就是决不贩毒害人。为此他拒绝了毒枭索洛佐的要求,并因此激化了与纽约其它几个黑手党家族的矛盾。圣诞前夕,索洛佐劫持了“教父”的养子、家族参谋顾问汤姆 黑根,并派人暗杀“教父”。这是教父一生中遭遇的第二次袭击.第一袭击在电影中只用几句话就草草带过,而在小说中却是这样叙述的:一个小刺客抱着必死的决心冲进教父的房子并向教父投出了炸弹,教父因此受了伤而那刺客也被乱枪打死.“教父”中枪入院。索洛佐要汤姆哈根设法使桑尼同意毒品买卖,重新谈判。桑尼有勇无谋,他发誓报仇,却无计可施。迈克去医院探望父亲,却发现医院里没有一个人,原来是警方亦和索洛佐串通一气,把医院的保镖全部赶走。于

27、是在医院里展开了一段惊心动魄的斗争,最终保住了他父亲的性命。各家族间的火并一触即发。索洛佐和警长要求和迈克谈判。因此迈克趁机想出计划杀掉索洛佐和警长。在一家小餐馆内,迈克用事先藏在厕所内的手枪击毙了索洛佐和警长。迈克逃到了西西里,在那里他娶了美丽的阿波罗妮亚为妻,过着田园诗般的生活。而此时,纽约各个黑手党家族间的仇杀却越来越激烈。桑尼也被康妮的丈夫卡洛出卖,在高速公路收费站被巴西尼家族的人枪杀。“教父”伤愈复出,安排各家族间的和解。听到噩耗的迈克也受到了袭击。被收 买的保镖法布里奇奥在迈克的车上装了炸弹。迈克虽幸免于难,却痛失爱妻。迈克于 1951年回到了纽约,并和前女友凯结了婚。日益衰老的“

28、教父”将家族首领的位置传给了迈克。在“教父”病故之后,迈克开始了酝酿已久的复仇。他派人刺杀了另两个敌对家族的首领,并杀死了谋害他前妻的法布里奇奥。同时他也命人杀死了卡洛,为桑尼报了仇。仇敌尽数剪除。康妮因为丈夫被杀而冲进了家门,疯狂地厮打迈克。迈克冷峻地命医生把康妮带走,让旁人认为她得了精神病。他已经成了新一代的“教父”迈克 柯里昂。The summer of 1945,the United States Department of the Carlene family Mafia leader,Godfather Vito Carlene,for her young daughter Con

29、nie held a grand wedding.The godfather has three sons:hot-tempered Randy was the eldest son of Sonny,the second son of Fred and coward just returned from World War IIs younger son Mike.One of Sonnys Godfather right-hand man;and although Mike know a thing or two,but the familys career no interest in.The godfather is the Mafia leader,often doing illegal things.But at the same time he is also many small Civilian Conservation For God,won the people love and respect.He is also a criterion is not drug harm.He rejected the kingpin Solloz

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