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1、.单项填空1Although difficult, she finished the job on time, so I think that she certainly deserved_Abeing praised Bto be praisedCto praise Dhaving praised解析:选B考查deserve的用法。句意:尽管困难,她还是按时完成了工作,因此我认为她是值得表扬的。need, want, require和deserve后跟动名词作宾语,用主动形式表示被动含义,相当于不定式的被动式,即deserve doing sth. deserve to be done。2(

2、2010全国卷)My mother opened the drawer to_ the knives and spoons.Aput away Bput upCput on Dput together选A考查put的短语。我母亲拉开抽屉把餐刀和汤匙收起来。put away“将收起来”,符合语境。put up“举起,搭建,张贴”;put on“穿上,戴上”;put together“组装”。3The play_ next month aims mainly to reflect the local culture.Aproduced Bbeing producedCto be produced

3、Dhaving been produced选C考查不定式作定语。由时间状语next month可知此处应用不定式作后置定语;加之produce与the play之间为动宾关系,所以不定式用被动形式。4Its no use_ the text by heart without understanding it.Alearning BlearnCbeing learned Dto be learned选A考查句型。Its no use doing sth.固定句型,表示“做是无用的”。5Now more and more Chinese senior students are applying _

4、 admission _ American universities through SAT.Afor; for Bto; toCfor; to Dto; for选C考查介词辨析。越来越多的中国高中生通过SAT测试申请进入美国的大学。apply for“申请”; admission to“进入”。6How did you_ watching the performance?Aplan BconsiderCthink Dfeel选D考查句型。你觉得观看这场演出怎么样?“How do/did you feel doing sth.?”表示“你觉得做怎么样?”,为固定句型。7Its more use

5、ful to learn modern languages,_ English and German, than Latin.Asuch as Bfor exampleCthat is to say Dnamely选A考查插入语。学习英语和德语等现代语言比学习拉丁语更为有用。such as为介词词组,列举同类人或事物中的几个例子;for example用来举例说明某一论点或情况,一般只举同类人或物中的“一个”为例;that is to say“也就是说”作插入语;namely列举事例的全部。8_ always so cold to me?ADo you think why he isBWhy

6、you think is heCWhy do you think he isDDo you think why is he选C考查插入语。本句为混合疑问句,即特殊疑问词一般疑问句式的插入语陈述语序的句子。故C项切题。9Dont replace your computer just because there are better or fancy ones on the market. Wait_ it breaks down.Abefore BifCuntil Dwhen选C考查时间状语从句。until表示“直到”,符合语境,until在此引导时间状语从句。10After he _ the

7、golf club, he _ a number of competitions and won a lot of medals.Atook part in; took part inBjoined; joinedCjoined; joined inDjoined;选D考查同义词辨析。加入高尔夫俱乐部后,他参加了很多比赛并赢得了许多奖章。第一个空用joined表示“加入并成为其中一员”;第二个空用took part in表示“参加比赛并发挥积极作用”。江苏、安徽专用.完形填空On the night of the play, Albert waited at the hall early an

8、d he was already made up and dressed in his policemans uniform long before the end of the first act. He certainly looked the_1_ all right, he thought as he admired himself in the mirror. He even_2_ if he should go out into the street to see what_3_ he made on the people there. Just for a joke, of co

9、urse.Then he was seized with a sudden_4_ of stage fright. How could he_5_ all those people in the audience? He put his head in his hands and tried to remember his_6_. He had only a very small part, but his_7_ was a complete blank.A knock on the door made him _8_. He felt very alarmed. He was _9_ to

10、go on stage in the second act. Had he missed the entrance and ruined the _10_ for everybody? But it was only the producer, who noticed what a _11_ he was in. She_12_ he should go and stand near the stage and watch the play and follow his script at the same time. It was a good way of getting over his

11、_13_ ,she said. She was_14_. It seemed to work._15_, the more he watched the play, the more he became _16_ in it, so that he began to feel himself part of it.At last the moment came for him to go on stage. But_17_ the producer was by his side again. This time she looked_18_ as she placed a hand on h

12、is arm to hold him back. “Is anything the matter?” he asked. “Im afraid you are going to be_19_ ,” she said. “They jumped three pages of the script and have _20_ your part out completely.”语篇解读:艾尔伯特在一部剧中饰演一个小角色,他异常紧张,制片人注意到了这一切,她鼓励艾尔伯特边观看演出边背台词,他终于平静了下来。但当轮到艾尔伯特上场时,制片人告诉他演员们跳过了他饰演的角色。艾尔伯特的心情又会如何?1A.w

13、ay BactCperformance Dpart选D艾尔伯特欣赏着镜子中的自己,感觉他扮演的“角色”很好。2A.thought BdreamedCwondered Dknew选Cwonder“想知道”。他甚至想知道他穿着警服在街上会是什么样子。3A.attempt BimpressionCeffort Ddecision选B会给人们留下什么印象。4A.attack BideaCarrival Dimagination选A一阵对舞台的恐惧感突然袭来。5A.face BrememberCrecognize Dsee选A因为紧张而感到不能面对那么多的观众。6A.duty BlinesCrole D

14、story选Bline“台词”。他两手抱头,尽力回忆台词。7A.image BheartCmind Drole选C尽管只饰演一个小角色,但他还是紧张得脑子里一片空白。8A.look into Bturn awayCturn up Dlook up选Dlook up“仰望,抬头看”。look into“观察,窥视,浏览”;turn away“避开,走开,转过脸”;turn up“出现,出来,开大”。因为双手抱头在回忆台词,听到敲门声,所以抬起头来看。9A.anxious BsureCabout Ddue选Dbe due to do“预定要做某事”。be about to“正要做某事”。从语境看,

15、爱尔伯特在第二幕出场。10A.chance BstageCplay Dfilm选C他担心因自己忘了出场而毁掉整个演出。11A.mood BstateCmess Dstyle选Bstate“状态”。制片人了解艾尔伯特所处的状态。12A.suggested BorderedCinsisted Drecommended选A制片人提出建议。13A.nervousness BlazinessCtiredness Deagerness选A这是他克服紧张心理的好办法。14A.bright BrightCwrong Dclever选B制片人的建议是正确的。15A.Above all BIn allCIn fa

16、ct DAfter all选Cin fact“事实上”。above all“首先,尤其是”;in all“总共,合计”;after all“毕竟,终究”。16A.interested BlostCstuck Dactive选Bbe lost in“沉迷于中”,此处指艾尔伯特已经融入戏中了。17A.suddenly BcarefullyCgradually Dquickly选A制片人又一次出现在他面前,这次很突然。18A.excited BworriedCsurprised Dbored选B制片人感到担心,因为台上的演员把有艾尔伯特饰演的角色的那部分戏跳过去了。19A.shocked Bexci

17、tedCdisappointed Dimpressed选C制片人担心艾尔伯特会因为没有出场而感到沮丧。20A.cut BpulledCpicked Dmissed选Dmiss out“错过,遗漏”。cut out“切断,删除”,pick out“挑选出”;pull out“拔出,抽出,撤离”。此处应注意干扰性最强的cut out,意为“(有意地)删掉,省掉”。.阅读理解Music comes in many forms; most countries have a style of their own. Poland has its folks. Hungary has its czardas

18、. Argentina is famous for the tango. The U. S. A. is known for jazz, the type of music that has gained worldwide popularity.Jazz is an American contribution to popular music. While classical music follows formal European tradition,jazz is rather a free form. It is full of energy, expressing, the moo

19、ds, interests, and emotions of the people. It is breaking and exciting with a modern sound. In the 1920s jazz sounded like America. And so it does today.The origins (起源) of the music are as interesting as the music itself. Jazz was invented by American Negroes,or blacks, as they are called today, wh

20、o were brought to the southern states as slaves. They were sold to farm owners and forced to work long hours in the cotton and tobacco fields. This work was hard and life was short. When a Negro died his friends and relatives would gather and carry the body to have a ceremony before they buried him.

21、There was always a band with them. On the way to the ceremony the band played slowly, solemn music suitable for the situation. But on the way home the mood changed. Spirits lifted. Everyone was happy. Death had removed one of their members, but the living were glad to be alive. The band played happy

22、 music. This music made everyone want to dance. It was an early form of jazz.Music has always been important in Negro life. The black, who were brought to American from West Africa,had a rich musical tradition. In the fields, they made up work songs. Singing made the hard work go faster. And when th

23、ey got to Christianity, they made lovely spirituals, which have become an everlasting part of American music.本文主要讲了世界各国不同的音乐及爵士乐的起源。1From the passage,we can see that jazz_Ais a kind of African musicBstarted from Africa but is popular in AmericaCwas started by blacks working in AfricaDwas started by

24、blacks in America选D由第三段第二句“Jazz was invented by American Negroes, or blacks .”可知,爵士乐是由美国黑人发明的。2Jazz is a kind of music_Aalmost the same as classical musicBquite different from classical musicCpopular only in AmericaDquite different from Africa music选B由第二段第二句“While classical music follows formal Euro

25、pean tradition, jazz is rather a free form.”可知爵士乐与古典乐是不同的。3Generally speaking, jazz is mostly a kind of_AAmerican musicBAfrican musicCclassical musicDpopular music played at funerals (葬礼)选A因为爵士乐是由美国黑人发明的,所以说爵士乐是一种美国音乐。4Usually we may feel _ moods when we listen to jazz music.Asad and sorryBtiring and hard workingCexciting and happyDlonely and sad选C由第四段倒数二、三句“The band played happy music. This music made everyone want to dance.”可推出C项是正确的。5Jazz will always be connected with_AAmerican blacksBslavery in the Untied StatesCmodern timesDquick development of music选A爵士乐是由美国黑人发明的,所以说爵

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