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1、其余选项均不符合句意。答语句意为:哦,抱歉,办公室里太吵了以致于我都静不下心来写东西。4I really admire the people full of_.Im always tired.Youd better take more exercise.Apower BstrengthCforce Denergy答案D解析上句句意为:我很羡慕那些充满活力的人,我总是很累。考查名词。full of energy充满活力。power权力,能力,电力;strength体力;force武力。5I_have watched that movieitll give me horrible dreams.

2、(2010山东,25)Ashouldnt BneedntCcouldnt Dmustnt我本不应该看那部电影它会给我带来噩梦。由破折号后的内容来判断,其前内容为“不该做某事而做了”。shouldnt have done sth.本来不该做某事却做了;neednt have done sth.本来不必做某事却做了;couldnt have done sth.为否定推测,表示“不可能做过某事”。6Once_, Jo devoted her life to looking after children and being a fulltime homemaker. (2012上海春招)Ahaving

3、 married Bbeing marriedCmarrying Dmarried解析考查非谓语动词的用法。此处相当于once she was married。7You all like your English teacher?Yeah, she devotes herself_to teaching and it earns her a good reputation.Aoriginally BextremelyCobviously Dentirely解析副词词义辨析。是的,她把一生都献给了教育,这为她赢得了好名声。entirely 全部地,完全地;originally 起初地,原来地;e

4、xtremely极端地;obviously显然地。8Film has a much shorter history, especially when_such art forms as music and painting. (2012新课标全国,32)Ahaving compared toBcomparing toCcompare toDcompared to解析句子的主语是film,它和compare之间是被动关系,所以要用被动形式。因此只能选D项。“when compared to.”相当于when引导的状语从句的省略,补全后为:when it is compared to.。句意为:电

5、影的历史短得多,尤其是它与诸如音乐、绘画等艺术形式相比较时。9The police officers in our city work hard_the rest of us can live a safe life.(2011上海,37)Ain case Bas ifCin order that Donly if解析考查状语从句。为了我们能过上安全的生活,我们城市的警察工作很努力。in case以免,(以防)万一;as if好像;in order that为了;only if只有。由句意可知选C。10People should use public transport instead of

6、their own private cars._.The roads are too crowded as it is.AAll right BExactlyCThats OK DFine答案B解析考查交际用语。人们应停止使用私家车而用公交车。正是,像现在这样的道路太拥挤了。exactly 可用于应答,意思是“正是,一点也不错”。11I dont know about you,but Im sick and tired of this weather._.I cant stand all this rain. (2012山东,31)AI dont care BIts hard to sayCS

7、o am I DI hope so我不知道你怎么样,不过我对这样的天气厌烦透了。我也是。我受不了整天阴雨连绵。由题干中的关键信息“I cant stand all this rain.”可知答话者对前一个人对天气的抱怨持相同的看法,故选C项,相当于:Im also sick and tired of this weather.。A项表示“我不在乎”;B项表示“很难说”;D项表示“我希望如此”,均不符合语境。12The police_the stolen jewelry and returned it to the owner.Asearched BhuntedCinvented Drecove

8、red警察找回了被偷的珠宝并归还物主。recover找回,符合题意。13Look! The telephone is broken.Someone damaged it_purpose.That may be right.But perhaps it was broken_accident.Aon;by Bby;byCon;on Dby;on解析on purpose 故意地;by accident偶然,意外地。14After the accident,we are_concerned with the safety of school buses than we used to be.(201

9、2Alittle BlessCmuch Dmore解析考查比较级的用法。意外事故之后,我们比过去更加关心校车的安全。15The story that follows_two famous characters of the Rocky Mountain gold rush days.Aconcerns BstatesCproclaims Drelates解析concern意为“涉及,与有关”。下面这个故事涉及落基山淘金时期的两位名人。relate后面须跟有介词to。.完形填空Several years ago,Hurricane Katrina brought death and destru

10、ction to Mississippi and Louisiana.Humans as well as animals were_1_the terrible storms.Around 600,000 animals were_2_or left by their owners during the hurricane.A little pony(矮马) named Molly was one of the animals_3_.After three weeks,neighbors_4_her and moved her to a safe place._5_,beyond expect

11、ation,for the pony,her good luck turned_6_the worse.While the new owner was away,a dog_7_Molly and her injury was_8_.Mollys right front leg needed to be amputated(截肢)One day,doctors_9_Mollys leg just below the knee.Everyone believed the_10_would give her a fighting chance.For her to live without a f

12、ront leg,Molly needed a(n)_11_leg.A doctor who makes manmade limbs(假肢) for humans_12_one for Molly.The pony loved it and even began “asking” for it by holding out her_13_limb.Now,Molly has not only a new leg but also a new_14_.The pony goes to childrens hospitals,nursing homes and other places where

13、_15_need encouragement.The little pony that_16_terrible injuries brings hope to others facing their own_17_.And she has even_18_a new book called Molly the Pony._19_the doctor made Mollys artificial leg,he cut a smiling face into the bottom of the “hoof”Now she leaves_20_everywhere she goes!1A.worry

14、ing about Bthinking ofCsuffering from Dfighting against解析人类、动物都遭受到这可怕的暴风雨的袭击。suffer from遭受。2A.killed BdrivenCsaved Dsold解析约60万只动物也因此而丧生或遭遗弃。kill杀死;drive驱赶;save挽救;sell卖。leave在此句中是“遗弃”的意思。3A.injured BfrightenedCabused Dabandoned解析联系上句中的“left”可知,Molly就是被遗弃的动物之一。injure伤害;frighten使惊吓;abuse虐待;abandon遗弃,抛弃

15、。4A.visited BrescuedCrode Daccepted解析三周后,邻居们把她救了,并将其安置在一个安全的地方。rescue营救。5A.Anyhow BBesidesCHowever DTherefore解析然而,出人意料的是,Molly的好运开始变坏。6A.on BwithCin Dfor解析联系下句Molly被狗咬伤可知答案。for the worse朝坏的方面。7A.attacked BdiscoveredCattracted Ddisturbed解析Molly被一只狗袭击了,受了重伤。attack袭击;discover发现;attract吸引;disturb干扰,影响。8

16、A.sudden BseriousClight Dcurable解析由下一句“Mollys right front leg needed to be amputated(截肢)”可知,Molly的伤势很严重。sudden突然的;serious严重的;light轻的;curable可治疗的。9A.examined BfastenedCremoved Dmeasured解析医生将Molly膝盖以下的部分截掉了。examine检查;fasten扎牢;remove移走,去除;measure测量。 BprojectCmessage Dsupport解析联系上文Molly被截肢可知,

17、大家都认为经过这次手术,Molly的生存机会很渺茫。surgery外科手术;project项目;message信息;support支持。11A.healthy BautomaticCperfect Dartificial解析联系最后一段中的“.the doctor made Mollys artificial leg.”可知,Molly需要一条假肢。artificial人造的,假的。12A.bought BdesignedCfound Dclaimed解析一个做人体假肢的医生特意为Molly设计了一条假腿。buy买;design设计;find找到;claim宣称。13A.strong Bfle

18、xibleCgood Ddamaged解析Molly很喜欢这个假肢,甚至举起它的伤腿要求使用。strong强壮的;flexible灵活的;good好的;damaged受伤的。14A.friend BownerCcareer Dinterest解析由该段后半部分的叙述可知,Molly不仅装了假肢,而且有了一份新的职业:给人们安慰和鼓励。career职业。15A.people BpatientsCchildren Dvictims解析Molly去那些人们需要鼓励的地方。16A.faced BovercameCbore Dforgot解析克服了巨大伤痛的Molly给其他面临挑战的人们带来了希望。ov

19、ercome克服;bear忍受,此处主要强调Molly克服了伤痛而不是忍受伤痛,故选B。17A.fortunes BinjuriesCchoices Dchallenges解析参见上题解析。fortune运气;injury伤痛;choice选择;challenge挑战。challenge比injury的范围要广,故D项正确。18A.received BinfluencedCinspired Dcreated解析Molly的事迹不但鼓励了身处困境的人们,也激发了以她为主题的创作灵感。receive接受;influence影响;inspire激发;create创造。19A.When BAlthou

20、ghCIf DUntil解析医生给Molly做假肢的时候还在马蹄底部刻了一张笑脸。20A.shadows BstoriesCtracks Dsmiles解析联系上句可知,Molly所到之处都留下了笑容。shadow影子;story故事;track足迹,踪迹;smile笑容。.阅读理解If you struggle to spend more than a few moments away from your computer then a new invention could be for you.Thats because a pair of Dutch inventors have de

21、veloped a set of jeans that give a whole new meaning to the phrase “laptop”The jeans,known as Beauty and the Geek,come with a fully functional keyboard,a mouse and speakers integrated into the upper leg of the fabric(织物) and are the idea of design company Nieuwe Heren,run by Erik de Nijs and Tim Smi

22、t.The two Dutch handmade the trousers themselves and they are designed to give a user ease of movement while still being in control of the computer.“Theyre not that heavy,” de Nijs told WebProNews.“With the flexible keyboard,small speakers,and a small mouse,they are only a little heavier than your r

23、egular jeans.”He added,“The idea was that you could log in to your computer and control it without sitting in a closed environment behind your desk.”The jeans are of a modern style and have a back pocket that has been specially designed to cover the mouse,which uses an elastic wire to stay attached.

24、They stay connected to the laptop via wireless technology in a USB device and are expected to sell at around 250if they ever make it onto the market.De Nijs added,“The whole project is too complex and we dont have enough money right now to get it ready for the market.”1The jeans have these devices E

25、XCEPT _.Aa keyboard Ba mouseCspeakers Da screen解析细节理解题。根据文章第三段的“.a fully functional keyboard,a mouse and speakers.”可知D项为正确答案。2Whats the purpose of designing the jeans?ATo make users move freely while controlling the computer.BTo make jeans fashionable.CTo control it sitting in a closed environment.D

26、To see well.根据文章第四段“.they are designed to give a user ease of movement while still being in control of the computer.”可知,设计的初衷是为了让用户在控制电脑操作的同时还能自由活动。3We can conclude from the passage that _.Athe kind of jeans should be made by handBthe jeans have been sold at around 250Cthe mouse doesnt use a wireDthe project is too difficult and the inventors a

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