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1、 first album for Jive was complete. The biggest day of young Britneys career thus far is likely Jan. 12, 1999 - the day.Baby, One More Time finally hit store shelves. After the final tallies were in, her debut had landed at the No. 1 spot on the Billboard charts. Shes planning to stay in the music w

2、orld for a long time. I want music to always be a part of my life, she told the cable channel. It will always be a part of my life, and I just want to grow as a person each time each album comes out. I want to focus on my music right now and if film or something comes up, Id go for it. But music wil

3、l always be my main priority. Just like Madonna. I respect her so much because every time, she has changed, and I just totally admire that.Conscription:Germany has conscription for male citizens. The Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germanyand several special laws are regulating these duties an

4、d the exceptions. Men are obliged to serve nine months either in the military, which they can refuse, and do alternative civilian service, or honorary service (like any volunteer) for at least six years in a civil protection organization.Families of those who were oppressed by the Nazi regime (usual

5、ly Jews) are exempt from conscription, though a small number do serve. Although the conscription is of a military nature, nowadays twice as many draftees refuse military service and serve in alternative services.Women are not part of the draft. They may join the military as volunteers or under the l

6、egal construction of a voluntary conscript.Regime: The word regime (occasionally spelled rgime, particularly in older texts) refers to a set of conditions, most often of a political nature. It may also be used synonymously with regimen, for example in the phrases exercise regime or medical regimeIn

7、politics, a regime is the form of government: the set of rules, cultural or social norms, etc. that regulate the operation of government and its interactions with society. For instance, the United States has one of the oldest regimes still active in the world, dating to the ratification of its Const

8、itution in 1789. Although modern usage often gives the term a negative connotation, like an authoritarian one, Websters definition clearly states that the word regime refers simply to a form of government. The term is also used to distinguish what is actually being enforced from what is considered l

9、egitimate. Enforcement of an unconstitutional statute would be a regime but not a law.II. Language PointsText A1. There are thousands of TV shows, magazines, health food stores and gyms all associated with health and fitness. 与健康许有关的许多电视访谈节目,杂志,健康食品店和健身馆也就应运而生。be associated with: be connected with,

10、be related to 与联系起来,与有关e.g.: Its wise for college students to associate their study with social demands. 一些大学新生把自己的学习和社会的需求联系起来的做法是很明智的。 People always associate African countries with poverty and starvation. 人们经常把非洲国家和贫穷与饥饿联系在一起。2. in their forties and fifties: when they are between 40 to 59 years o

11、ld. 3. People of this age want to protect themselves from heart attacks, cancer, and other disease. 这个年龄段的人想要预防心脏病、癌症和其他一些疾病。protect A from B: to keep A from being harmed, hurt or affected by B 保护不受的伤害(影响) The government is trying to protect small businesses in the global financial crisis. 4. Many g

12、irls will starve themselves and go to the gym for hours at a time trying desperately to make themselves thinner. 一些女孩为了瘦下来,就不顾一切地忍饥挨饿,去健身房一练好几个小时。starve: be hungry; go without food I d rather starve than steal. 我宁饿死不作贼。 Having been informed that people there are starving, the army accelerated their

13、action in order to reach the disastrous region as soon as possible. 得知人们在挨饿,军队加紧了他们的行动以便尽快到达灾区。at a time: simultaneously 一次,每次 The clever little boy uses a little box to carry the bricks, therefore, he was able to carry more bricks at a time than his friends. 聪明的小男孩用一个盒子来装砖头,这样,他每次可以比他的朋友们多搬一些砖头。5.

14、Young girls want to have a “Britney Spears look”. This look involves small waists, tight legs, and thin arms. 女孩子们都想拥有“小甜甜布兰妮”的身材,就是细腰,美腿,瘦臂。involve: to include something as a necessary part or result 包含e.g. Every day each of us makes decisions that involve taking a chance. 每天我们每个人作出的决定都包含碰运气的成分。 I

15、didnt realize putting on a play involved so much work. 我没有想到演出一场戏要做这么多的工作。6. Some girls even die from not eating enough food or taking too much medicine. 有的女孩甚至死于饥饿或是过度用药。 Die from: die because of (esp. some kind of fatal disease) 死于 e.g.: Many people died from starvation and diseases. 许多人死于饥饿和疾病。 A

16、lthough the medical team tried their best, they could not save all the people, who are dying from the virus. 尽管医疗队尽力了,他们也无法挽救所有因病毒死去的人。7 It is important for everyone to take their health seriously, but they should try to become fit slowly and not use dangerous medicines to help them do this. 每个人都应该认

17、真对待自己的健康,但是他们应该做的是循序渐进而不是依靠药物。 take their health seriously: to believe that someone or something is worth paying attention to or should be respected. No one is likely to take Laurie seriously. 恐怕没有人会把劳里当回事。Its infuriating that he never takes anything seriously. 他对任何事从来不认真,很让人恼火。8. They should also e

18、at a well balanced diet and make sure they eat enough food. make sure: to do something so that you can be certain of the result设法确保 I made sure that the rope was firmly fastened around his waist. 我检查了绳子,确保其牢牢地系在他的腰部。 Ben made sure of winning by betting on all the horses. 本对所有的马都下了注,确保能赢。9. Robbe sai

19、d that this did not mean that these soldiers are too overweight to be effective in combat or for other missions. 罗伯说这并不意味着德国军人由于超重而无法有效地参与战斗或完成其他的任务。tooto: 太以至于 The employees are too tired to go on to work for another shift. 雇员们太累了,不能再继续上下一个班次了。 The villas are too luxurious for average citizens to a

20、fford. 这些别墅对于平民来说太昂贵了,他们买不起。10. Many soldiers did not have a right perspective for their coming military life, and they were not serious about their tasks. 很多军人对自己的任务并未认真对待。have a right perspective for: have a right opinion or idea (about something) (对)有正确的看法Text B1. They should also eat a well bala

21、nced diet and make sure they eat enough food. 2. Robbe said that this did not mean that these soldiers are too overweight to be effective in combat or for other missions. 罗伯说这并不意味着德国军人由于超重而无法有效地参与战斗或完成其他的任务。3. He urged the military to consider improving the health and fitness regime undergone by the

22、 soldiers, and to raise awareness of the need for the Armys men and women to be healthy. 他强烈建议军队要改进军人的健康和保健制度,并需加强对男女官兵健康状况的关注。urge somebody to do something:undergo:awareness:4. In addition, 70% are considered to be heavy smokers. 他们中70%的人被认为有很重的烟瘾。in addition:5. Many soldiers did not have a right p

23、erspective for their coming military life, and they were not serious about their tasks. 很多军人对自己的任务并未认真对待。 With good education background, it would be much easier for the students to have a right perspective for their future career. 有良好的教育背景,学生们很容易对他们将来的职业有正确的看法。be serious about: not joking or preten

24、ding, say what one really means 认真的,非开玩笑的,非假装的 I stopped laughing when I realized Jen was serious about it. 当我意识到詹炳非开玩笑时,我就不再笑了。6.The army was, he said, “making us the laughing stock abroad where we are seen as overweight grumpy old mencompared to the British, were viewed as pathetic.” 他说,军队让“我们这些被看作是脾气暴躁的肥佬成为国外的笑柄和英国人相比,人人都觉得我们可悲。”laughing stock: someone who has done something stupid that everyone laughs at them 笑柄,笑料 He was the laughing stock of the school! 他是全校的笑料!compare: to consider two or more things, p

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