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1、我是在一个又闷又热的下午遇到他的b. 屏住呼吸的 The children are breathless as they watch the tightrope act.孩子们在看走绳索表演时呼吸都屏住了。circumstancec n. 环境,状况,事件(通常用复数) Circumstances forced us to change our plans.客观情况迫使我们改变了计划。The circumstances of this case are unusual这件案子的情况很不寻常。 Under the circumstances, he felt unable to accept t

2、he job.在这种情况下, 他觉得无法接受这项工作。Under no circumstances should you lend him any money.你无论如何都不该把钱借给他。重要词组in/under no circumstances “决不;无论如何也不”Under no circumstances will China be the first to use nuclear weapons.中国决不首先使用核武器。She wont give up in any circumstances. 在任何情况下她都不会屈服。inunder the circumstances “在这种情

3、况下;因为这种情况”。Its amazing that they did so well under the circumstances.In exceptional circumstances students may take exams at other times.如遇特殊情况,学生可在其他的时段考试。aliveadj “活着的;活泼的”。形容词作伴随状语,说明状态,而不是方式。As soon as the king died, the queen was buried alive.皇帝一死,皇后就被活埋。Make sure that he is captured alive.一定要捉

4、活他。类例:1).Suddenly he fell on the ground dead.突然,他倒地而死。2).He went to bed, cold and hungry他上床睡觉时觉得又冷又饿。tearc n. 泪滴 My wife burst into tears when she heard the bad news.vt. (在某物上)撕、扯、划、刺(洞或裂口);强行使某人离开某人;撕开,撕碎,撤掉She tore her skirt on the nail.She tore the child from its fathers arms. Do tear yourself aw

5、ay from the television and come out for a walk.Dont pull the pages so hard or they will tear.别那么使劲扯书页, 那会撕破的。This cloth tears easily. ( 注意:当强调主语的特性时,不用被动)这布料容易撕破。hold on (口)等一下;坚持住;抓住或握住某人(某物)Hold on a minute while I get my breath back. They managed to hold on until help arrived.I dont think I can h

6、old on much longer.He held on (to the rock) to stop himself slipping.These nuts(螺母) and bolts(螺栓) hold the wheels on. stick:n. 棍, 棒, 条状物;呆头呆脑,不善交际的人v. 插于, 刺入, 粘;忍受;The old man could not walk without a stick.He is a regular stick.他是个十足的木头人The key stuck in the lock.This glue doesnt stick very well. (注

7、意:描述注意特性时不用被动)I cant stick it any more.重要词组:stick to “坚持”be/get stick to “陷入;遭遇了困境”stick ones neck out to do “做有风险的事”He sticks to his own opinion.The bus was stuck in the mud.He got stuck in traffic for an hour and missed the train. When I was in trouble, Paul was the only one who would stick his ne

8、ck out to help me.当我遇到麻烦时,只有保罗会冒风险来帮助我。must have+过去分词表示对过去事情的猜测,而且是很有把握的猜测,但只用于肯定句。He looked great. He must have enjoyed his holiday.他看上去气色很好,他一定是度过了一个开心的假期。My coat isnt there. Someone must have taken it by mistake.我的外套不在那儿,准是有人拿错了。urgenta. 急迫的, 紧要的, 紧急的Theyve made an urgent request for internationa

9、l aid.他们紧急请求国际援助。It is urgent that food and clothing (should) be sent to the sufferers. 急需将食物和衣服送给灾民。(注意:It is urgent that后的句子用should +v. should 可以省)vitala. 与生命有关的,维持生命所必须的(作定语); (对某事的存在、成功或运作)极重要的,必不可少的精力充沛的;有活力的The heart performs a vital bodily function.心脏起著维持生命的重要作用。The government saw the introdu

10、ction of new technology as vital.政府认为引进新技术至关重要。The leaders vital and cheerful manner filled his men with courage.指挥官朝气蓬勃和欢欣愉悦的神态使士兵们勇气倍增。注意It is vital that we move quickly.Shes a very vital sort of person. 她是个精力旺盛的人give way to“让位,让道;妥协,屈服;转为“ Cloudy mornings give way to clear evenings.【谚】早晨云遮日,晚上星满天

11、。Mrs. Jones didnt give way to fears during the flood.洪水来临时琼斯太太并没有害怕。Dont give way to grief despair. Dilly kept asking his mother if he could go to the movies and she finally gave way.If he is given way to, he will only make further demands.要是我们向他妥协,那他就会提出更多的要求。As winter gave way to spring, the days

12、began to lengthen.冬天过去, 春天来到。白天越来越了。set out“清楚而详细地解释或描绘; 认真着手(做某事); 出发;陈列或摆设“ The reasons for my decision are set out in my report. 逐项列出 He set out his plans for the department in his report详细陈述 When we set out on this project, we knew it would be successful. After a short rest, we set out again.Ple

13、ase set out the chairs for the meeting in rows of ten.词语联想set about (sth) 着手(某项工作)set back妨碍,阻碍set down把放下来set in(气候,季节等)开始set off 动身,出发;发射set up竖起;创立rank:n. 等级, 排, 阶级 v. 排列, 归类于, 列于 (不用于进行时)He is above me in rank. 他的级别比我高。a painter of the first /top rank 第一流的画家people of all ranks and classes 各阶层各阶级

14、的人This tennis player ranked third in the world.这位网球运动员排名世界第三。A general ranks a captain.将军的级别比上尉高。I rank her among the countrys best writers.我认为她可属于全国最优秀作家行列。I rank her achievement very highly.我对她的成就评价很高。Where/How do you rank Karpov as a chess player?你把卡尔波夫列为哪一级的棋手?Does he rank among/with the failure

15、s?他可以算作失败的那一类人吗?contributev. “捐助; 导致;有助于;投稿;贡献; ”(经常和介词to 相连)Each worker contributed $1 to the Red Cross(红十字会). Does smoking contribute to lung cancer?Honesty and hard work contribute to success and happiness. Her work has contributed enormously to our understanding of this difficult subject. She as

16、ked him to contribute a biweekly article on European affairs. She has contributed several poems to literary magazines. Would it be presumptuous of me to ask you to contribute?可否冒昧请求你出一份力?boomn. “繁荣; 盛行” v. “ 发出深沉、有回想的声音;用深沉的嗓音说话; 处于经济发展时期”The oil market is enjoying a boom.石油市场欣欣向荣。He made his pile d

17、uring the property boom.在房地产生意兴隆期间他发了大财。We could hear the enemy guns booming away in the distance.我们能听到远处敌人的大炮轰隆声。The headmasters voice boomed out across the playground.校长翁生翁气的声音传遍操场。The computer industry is booming.计算机业繁荣起来。booming adj 景气好的Technology is a booming sector of the economy.技术是一个迅速发展的经济部

18、门。swear (sworesworn)v. 发誓,宣誓,咒骂swear to do “发誓做某事”swear that +句子 swear to secrecy “(使人)发誓保密”They swore to carry out their duties faithfully.他们发誓要忠实履行自己的职责。I swear by Almighty God that I will tell the truth.我对万能的上帝发誓我要说真话。I swore her to secrecy about what I had told her.我要她起誓对我告诉她的事保守秘密。The President

19、 has to be sworn in publicly.总统必须当众宣誓就职。Has the jury been sworn (ie officially appointed by taking an oath)?陪审团宣誓了吗She bumped her head in the doorway and swore loudly.她的头撞到门框上, 大骂了一声.advocatev. “主张, 提倡” 后面常街名词或动名词。They advocated the use of force.他们提倡要动用武力。I advocate a policy of gradual reform.我拥护逐步改

20、革的政策。He advocated, though he did not practice, the no-drinking policy. 他主张禁酒,虽然他自己并不实行。He advocates reducing military spending.他主张削减军费开支。Do you advocate banning cars in the city centre?你支持禁止汽车在市中心通行这一主张吗?standv. “自己付钱向某人提供;经受住;忍受, 使(液体)保持静止不动;静置,沉淀”Let me stand you a dinner.让我请你一顿饭。This work will ha

21、rdly stand close examination.这种作品很难经得起认真的检验。He cant stand hot weather. 受不住Let the words stand. 不要改动这些字。Leave the water to stand overnight.让水沉淀Stand the mixture for inutes and see what happens.将混合溶液静置。give off“排出; 散发出; 发出(光,热,气味等)”The gas give off an unpleasant smell.这种气体散发出一种难闻的气味。The engine gives o

22、ff smoke and steam.发动机发出烟气和水蒸气。When wine is fermented it gives off bubbles of gas.酒发酵时会放出气泡。As motor vehicles burn fuel, they give off carbon monoxide as a waste.在汽车燃烧燃料时, 产生废气一氧化碳。remains复数形式的名词,“剩余物;遗迹;遗体,残骸”。the remains of a meal 残羹剩饭the remains of an army 残兵败将human remains 人的尸体The remains of the

23、 supper were taken away.His mortal remains are buried in the churchyard.After the wheat crop has been gathered, many farmers burn the remains and plough the ashinto the soil, so as to enrich it.小麦收割完成后,农夫们把剩余物烧掉,然后用犁把灰埋入地里,使土地更肥沃。die down“逐渐减弱、降低、察觉不到” The wind died down风势渐渐弱了下来。The excitement soon

24、died down那股兴奋劲儿渐渐冷了下来。die away 减弱(以至察觉不到;淡化 (注意:die down和die away有时可以互换)die off (有生命的群体)一个接一个地死去die out (家族,种族,习俗,观念等)完全消失;绝种cautionn. “小心, 慎重, 警示 ” v. “警告”He told us to proceed with caution.他告诉我们要谨慎行事You should exercise extreme caution when driving in fog.在雾中开车要极为小心。I must caution you against the d

25、anger.We were cautioned not to drive too fast.人家提醒我们车不要开得太快。I would caution against undue optimism.我奉劝不要过于乐观。perseverevi “坚持;忍耐”, 后面常接in或with。He persevered in his studies.他孜孜不倦地学习。She persevered with her piano lessons.她持之以恒地努力学钢琴。The police will persevere with their efforts to investigate the crime.

26、警方会尽全力将这起犯罪案件调查到底。repay“回报, 报答; 偿还” 常用短语repay sb. for sth. repay sb. with / by doing sth. When do you think you will be able to repay us?I couldnt find a way of repaying the familys kindness我不知该如何报答这一家人的好意。Well never be able to repay you for everything youve done for us.我们永远也无法报答你为我们所做的一切。She tried to be a good teacher, and the students rep

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