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1、(1) Whats your favorite subject?My favorite subject is .(2) Why do you like .?Because its . 3. 谈论喜欢的学科并表述理由。 共享预案 个性调整 教学过程 Step 1 GreetingsGreet the students as usual.Step 2 presentation1. 写出至少6个关于学科的词。2. 搜集文中出现的形容词。3. 通过预习,讨论你能填写下列句子吗?(1) 你最喜爱的科目是什么? Whats your_ _?(2) 我最喜爱的科目是科学。 My favorite subje

2、ct _ _.(3) 你为什么喜欢音乐? _ do you _ music?(4) 因为它有趣。 _ its _.(5) 她最喜爱的科目是什么? Whats _ favorite subject?(6) 他为什么喜欢体育? Why does _ like _?Step 3 Practise1. Watch a short video of different subjects and get the students to say what they are.2. Show the pictures of different subjects and practice the dialogue

3、s:Step 4 Pair work 1. Get the students to practice the dialogue in pairs.2. 询问最喜欢的事情,用favorit。3. 最喜欢的,除了favorite,我们还可用短语like . best。What subject do you like best? 你最喜欢的是什么学科?Why do you like English best? 为什么你最喜欢英语?Step 5: PracticeWork on 1a Match the words with the pictures.看图示写出学生们在上什么课。 _ _ _ _Ste

4、p 6: ListeningWork on 1b Listen and circle the subjects you hear in 1a.Work on 2a Listen and put the conversation in order.Work on 2b Listen and match the subjects you hear with the description.Step 7: Group workWork in groups and practice the dialogue like this:A: Whats your favorite subject?B: Sci

5、ence. Why do you like science? Because its interesting.Step 8: Writing看下面的课程表填空123456Monday数学语文英语音乐历史地理Tuesday微机政治Wednesday科学生物美术体育My favourite day is _, because I have _.I like _.I think its _.板书设计Whats your/his/her name? Your/His/Her name isWhats=what is Im=I am names=name is教学反思:学科科目是学生熟悉又感兴趣的话题,

6、学生感到有话可说,教学活动能顺利开展,学生也能积极参加到活动中去。第 二 课时一、知识与技能teacher、who、Mr.、on Monday。2. 掌握句型:(1) Whats your/his/her favorite subject?My/Her/His favorite subject is .(2) Who is your art teacher ?My art teacher is .3. 谈论喜欢的学科并表述理由。学习what、why、who引导的特殊疑问句。二、过程与方法本课主要采用迁移法、发现法,引导学生自主探究,强化学习效果。 三、情感态度与价值观通过互相询问和谈论彼此所喜

7、欢的学科,可以增进同学之间的了解和友情并培养学生热爱学习、热爱科学的思想和良好的学习、生活习惯。 教学过程 Step 1: GreetingsStep 2: RevisionShow some pictures of different subjects and get the students to practice the dialogue in pairs: My favorite subject is . Why do you like it? Because its .Step 3 Presentation搜集材料(询问你的父母、祖父母,他们最喜欢的食物、城市、歌曲、节日、电视节目、

8、运动、电影等等),并填写下表。motherfathergrandfathergrandmotherfavorite foodfavorite cityfavorite songfavorite festivalfavorite TV showfavorite sportfavorite movieStep 4: Pair work Work in pairs and practice the dialogue like this: Whats your fathers favorite food? His favorite food is . Guess gameShow some pictu

9、res of teachers with their faces covered and get the students to guess who he/she is.Show the pictures of teachers and get the students to practice the dialogue: My favorite subject is music. Why do you like music? Because its fun. Whos your music teacher? Ms/Mr. . Survey调查组内同学对于科目的喜好及原因,制成表格。NameFa

10、vorite subjectCauseABCDWork in groups and ask and answer like this: Who likes math? Eric does. Why does he like it? Because .Step 9:Work on 3a Fill in the blanks with what, who or why.Work on 3b Write questions for the answers.Work on 3c Interview three classmates and complete the chart. Then tell y

11、our group about the results.Step 10: Homework用68句话写出你的朋友最喜欢的科目、食物、运动,并说明原因。Homework句型转换1. My favorite subject is biology. (对划线部分提问)_2. My math teacher is Miss Yu. (对划线部分提问)3. I have lunch at twelve oclock. (对划线部分提问)4. I have English on Wednesday. (变成否定句)5. Bai Jie likes history very much. (变成一般疑问句)

12、参考答案:1. Whats your favorite subject?2. Who is your math teacher?3. When do you have lunch?4. I dont have English on Wednesday. 5. Does Bai Jie like history very much?教学反思:虽然初中生掌握的英语词汇不多,也要让他们经常练习写作。可以先写得短一些,以后再逐步加长。写作能力也是要一点一点培养的。第 三 课时 Section B 1a-2cMonday、Tuesday、Wednesday、Thursday、Friday、biology

13、、free。(1) Whats Kens favorite subject?Her favorite subject is .(2) Why does he like .?Because its (3) When do you have math?I have math on Monday.3. 复习“谈论偏爱”和“询问喜欢的学科并给出理由”的语言结构,学会合理地安排自己的作息时间。Step 1. GreetingsGreet the students as usualStep 2. Presentation1. 复习、总结学科名词、星期名词和性质形容词。2. 准备一分钟演讲,介绍自己喜欢某一

14、学科的理由Step 3 Practice1. 一分钟演讲,让学生介绍自己喜欢某一学科的理由2. 展示标有星期的日历,学习星期的表达:Today is Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday/Sunday. What day is it Today? Its Monday/. 然后跟读,并了解顺序。在大屏幕上展示课程表,让学生根据此表问答。Whats your favorite subject?My favorite subject is math.When do you have math?I have math on Monday,

15、 Wednesday and Friday. Game 让学生自己制作一份理想的课程表,再练习上列对话。Work on 1a Match the words on the left with their opposites on the right.Work on 1b Listen and check the words you hear in 1a.Work on 1c Listen again. Circle the classes David talks about on this schedule.Work on 1d Talk about Davids favorite subje

16、ct with your partner. Then talk about your favorite subject.Work on 2a What do you think of these subjects? Write a description for each one.在学习了表示学科的名词之后,教师可组织学生给自己和班上制作一个英文课程表,一来是丰富学习生活,美化教室环境,二来也可巩固所学的词汇。Homework: 单项选择( ) 1. Ken and Lindas favourite subject _ P.E.A. areB. is C. am( ) 2. They some

17、times _ work very late.A. goB. goes toC. go to( ) 3. What _ you do after supper?A. doesB. doC. is( ) 4. I like my music teacher. Hes _.A. funnyB. relaxingC. boring( ) 5. He usually has a shower _ he goes to bed.A. beforeB. afterC. when( ) 6. We have math _ Monday.A. inB. onC. at( ) 7. He likes scien

18、ce _its very interesting.A. and B. soC. because( ) 8. Every day I can play computer games _ one hour.A. onB. for( ) 9. All my classes finish _ 4:00 p.m.( ) 10. Whats _ favourite subject?A. KenB. Ken isC. Kens1. B 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. A 6. B 7. C 8. B 9. C 10. C教学反思如果每节课老师们都能非常精心地设计,能把知识融入到各种活动中, 就能使学生在

19、轻松、愉快中学会知识,同时学会应用知识,一举两得。第 四 课时Section B 3a-3c1. 复习句型: I have math on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Whats Kens favorite subject?Why does he like science?2. 复习“谈论偏爱”和“询问喜欢的学科并给出理由”的语言结构,学会合理地安排自己的作息时间。1. 为自己安排一个理想的课程表;整理一下学校所开展的活动。2. 和同学讨论并翻译词组或填写句子。(1) 下课后_(2) 上数学课 _(3) 在8:00_(4) 我喜欢我的音乐老师。I like my

20、 _ _.(5) 音乐是令人放松的。Music _ _.(6) 我的最后一堂课是在2:00钟。My _ class is _ 2:00.(7) 自然科学难但是很有趣。Science is _ but _.2. (1)after class (2)have math (3)at 8:00 (4)music teacher (5)is relaxing (6)last, at (7)difficult, interestingStep 3: ReadingWork on 2b Read the following letter. Underline the subjects Yu Mei like

21、s. Circle the subjects she doesnt like.Complete Yu Meis schedule with the information in 2b.Work on 3a Number these parts of an e-mail message 1-3.Work on 3b Fill in the schedule below for your class on Friday. Exercises1. 选词填空(1) _ is your favorite teacher?(2) _ is it? Its eight oclock. (3) _ does

22、he usually watch TV? On Saturday and Sunday.(4) _ is his favorite subject? Its P.E.(5) _ are your classmates? They are in the classroom.(6) _ do you like math? Because its difficult but interesting.2. 汉译英(1) 今天是星期四,我们有生物课。Its_today. And we have_.(2) 她最喜欢的学科是什么?是历史。Whats her favorite_? Its_.(3) 午饭后,他们上音乐课。After_, they have_.(4) 星期五下午2:00至4:00她上体操课。She has_from two to four_Friday afternoon.(5) 我们的老师在非常有趣,他使我们非常开心。Our teacher is very_and he makes us very_.1. (1)Who (2)What time (3)When (4)What (5)Where (6)Why2. (1)Thursday, biology (2)subject, history (3)lunch, mucic

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