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1、3mask Acomrade Bmake Cplant Ddisaster4exhibition Ahorrible Bholiday Chonest Dhuman5exist Aexpect Bexplain Cexample DExchange第二节:单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。6Dont yourself to the sun for too longYou11 get sunburnedAexpose Bshow C1ead D1ink 7It is getting lateI ari

2、a afraid I must be off now !AGo slowly BSo long CStay longer DAll right8Janet spent money there were no tomorrow Aeven though Beven if Cas though Donly if 9Your son bought a new MP4 last week ?ThatS his third one in just two monthsAm I right?AHad he BHas he CDid he DDoes he10Is Sara coming? NoShe sh

3、ould have let HS know earlier, but she has been very busy recentlyAto be sure Bto be exact Cto be honest Dto be fair11Then that the war was over Athe news came Bcame the news Cdid the news come Ddid come the news12Have you ever had a case someone accused your journalists of going the wrong end of th

4、e stick?Athat Bwhich Cwhere Dwhen13“Once people think you are a liar,its hard ,110 matter what you11 say“father warned his son Afor you to make yourself believe Bfor you to make yourself believed Cof you to make yourself believing Dof you to make yourself believe1 4If better use is of your spare tim

5、e,you11make great progress in it Aspent Bmade Ctaken Dthought15In crowded places like railway stations and airportsyou take care of your luggage Amust Bmay Cwill Dear16This sentence is difficult to understandCan you make of it?Asense Bknowledge Cidea Dunderstanding17Think hard and you wont have the

6、puzzleyou Apuzzling Bpuzzle Cto puzzle Dpuzzled18This morningI spent the whole day repairing the earThe work waseasy Anothing but Bsomething but Canything but Dall but19What is that noise? OhI forgot to tell you that the new machine Awas tested Bwill be tested Cis being tested Dhas been tested20 “It

7、 is not what you know but who you know that ,if you want to find a job in this company”he said angrily Adepends Bcounts Crelies Dattracts第三节:完形填空(共20小题,每小题15分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从2l一40各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 An old man who lived in a small back street of my hometown had to tolerate

8、the nuisance of boys playing football and making a lot of noise outside his house at night One evening when the boys were particularly 21 ,he went out to talk to themHe explained that he had just retired and was 22 when he could see or hear boys playing his 23 game,footballHe would 24 give them ¥25

9、each week to play in the street at nightThe boys got 25 ,for they could hardly believe 26 they were being paid to do something they 27 The first two weeks had passedthe boys came to the old mans house, and went away 28 with their 25 yuanThe third week when they came back, 29 ,the old man said he had

10、nt had much money 30 himself and sent them away with only 15 yuanThe fourth weekthe mail said he had not yet received his 31 from the government and gave them only 10 yuanThe boys were very disappointedbut there was 32 much that they could do about it At the 33 of the fifth weekthe boys came back an

11、d 34 at the old mans door,waiting for their 35 Slowly,the door opened and the old man appearedHe 36 that he could not afford to pay them 25 yuan 37 he had promised,but said he would give them five yuan each week without 38 This was really too much for the boys“You expect us to play seven days a week

12、 for merelyfive yuan!”they yelled“ 39 !” They 40 away and never played on the street again21Ahot Bnoisy Ctroublesome Dnaughty22Ahappiest Bexcited Cencouraged Dbored23Ainteresting Bamusing Cacceptable Dfavorite24Amore ever Btherefore Cwillingly Dforever25Ashouted Bcried Cthrilled Dsmiled26Ahow Bwhen

13、Cthat Dwhat27Aexpected Benjoyed Cadmired Drespected28Ahappily Bthankfully Cgratefully Dtearfully29Abut Bin addition Chowever Dbesides30Aearned Bsaved Cremained Dleft31Apaycheck Binsurance Cfood ticket Dsalary32Anot Bno Cso Dvery33Afinal Bend Cstart Dbeginning34Akicked Bhit Cbeat Dknocked35Arewards B

14、award Ccheck Dwages36Aexpressed Bapologized Cstated Dexpected37Aas B1ike Cwhen Dthough38A fail Bhesitation Cjoke Dquestion39ANo way BNo possible CNo problem DNo play40Awalked Bstormed Cbroke Dbacked第二部分:阅读理解(共25小题。第一节每小题2分,第二节每小题1分;满分45分)第一节:阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A The best wa

15、y to explain how the stock(股票) market works is to imagine that you get together with four of your friends and form a company to produce a soda with a new taste,which you are going to sell in a pressurized bottleYou find that you need $ 600 for the expenses involved in starting the businessOne of you

16、 contributes $200;a second,only $50;a third,$150;a fourth $100;and the fifth,also $100In order to be fair to everyone,you decide that each of you will be given sheets of papers on which it is stated that every sheet of paper represents $10 of the present value of the companyThis means that there wil

17、l be 60 sheets of paper togetherThe person who contributed $200 will receive 20 of these sheets,while the one who gave$50 will get 5 If you give $100,then you will receive 10 of these sheetsEach sheet,which is called a stock certificate,actually indicates that you own 1 share of stock in the company

18、Therefore,you now own 10 shares in the companyTo own a share means that you are a part owner of the company Imagine now that when people find the so data sty they want to drink more and more of itIn fact,business is so good that the originally worth $10 each are now worth$30That means that your 10 s

19、hares have jumped in value to $30If you want to sell some or all of these shares to anyone else,the price will be $30 per share4lThis passage is mainly about Aa description of how to set up a soda company Ban illustration of the operation of the stock market Can explanation of how to share the profi

20、t of a company Dan example to show what a company is42If the company loses money,the person who contribute money Awill get back exactly the same amount of money he contributed Bwill be given fewer shares of profit Cwill lose all the money they contributed Dwill not be able to sell the stocks they ow

21、n43Which of the following statements is TRUE of the stock market? AThe stock holder must sell his shares at the original price, BThe stock owner call sell his shares at any price he likes CThe stock owner must sell his shares at a lower price DThe stock holder can sell his shares at the price of its

22、 present value44Who would be most interested in reading this passage? ACompany directors BStock market managers CThose who want to buy stock shares DThose who have made a profit in stock marketsB Five people are at our table,including myselfIve already learnt a great deal about them in the short tim

23、e weve been at seaalthough we rarely meet except at mealtimes First of all,theres Dr StoneHes a man of about sixtyfive,with gray hair and a friendlyfaceHe gave up his work a short while ago and is now traveling round the world before here tires to some quiet country villageAs a young man,he served f

24、or many years as a doctor in the Army and visited many countriesHes told us a great deal about the city to which we are going Then theres“Grandmother“I call her that because her name escapes meIn spite of being a grandmother,she looks remarkably young,not more than fiftyShes on her way to visit a da

25、ughter who went to Australia some years agoNaturally she is very excited at the thought of seeing her again,and her three grandchildren,whom she has never seen Then theres a mapI dont care for very muchan engineer by the name of BarlowHe has been on leave in England and is now returning to his work

26、in Singapore The other person who sits at our table is MrsHuntIve found out hardly anything about her Shes extremely quiet and rarely talks,except to consult the doctor about childrens various illnessesShe,s on her way to join her husband in India45What can we know about MrStone? AHe is a doctor in

27、the Army now BHe is going to give up his work CHe knows a lot about the city the author is going to DHe has been retired for many years46The writer calls the second person“Grandmother”because Ashe looks old Bshe has three daughters Cbe respects her Dbe cant think of her name47The underlined phrase“o

28、n leave”(in Paragraph 4)means“ ” Aabout to go Bon vacation C1eaving Dat home48_ lives in IndiaAThe doctor BGrandmother CMrsHunt DMrHuntC The Chinese Antarctica expedition returned to Shanghai last Friday following a month living on the iceIt was the first time Chinese scientists had visited the Amer

29、y Ice Shelfthe longest ice shelf in the worldThe team collected ice samples and data on temperatures,which tire necessary for research on global warningSo far,about 27 countries have visited Antarctica for scientific researchAlthough the living conditions are very hard,many scientists have to stay there for long periods of timeSo,how do they manage their lives on the ice? During the summerthe

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