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1、3What are the speakers mainly talking about?AThe mans sister. BA film.CAn actor.4Whats the possible relationship between the speakers?gCvVYbsvjaAReceptionist and guest. BTeacher and student.gCvVYbsvjaCNeighbors.5Where does the conversation most probably take place?AIn an office. BIn a restaurant.CAt

2、 home.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分听第6段对话,回答第6至7题。6What can we know about the womans watch?AIt runs ten minutes fast every day.BIt runs ten minutes slow every day.CIt keeps very good time.7How does the man deal with his watch?APutting it back ten minutes.BPutting it ahead ten minutes.CThrowing it away.听

3、第7段对话,回答第8至10题。8Where are the speakers?AIn a travel agency. BIn a hotel.CIn a library.9What does the man want to know?ALibrary rules. BHotel service. CTour information.gCvVYbsvja10How many days ahead does the man need to book?A2 days. B3 days. C4 days.听第8段对话,回答第11至13题。11How long did Mary have to sta

4、y in bed?AFor two days. BFor three days. CFor four days.gCvVYbsvja12Why have so many people caught cold?AIt is too cold in winter.BThe flu has spread over many states.CThe weather often changes suddenly.13What can we know about the man?AHe doesnt like wearing sweaters.BHe will buy a present for his

5、sister.CHe bought a sweater at a high price.听第9段对话,回答第14至16题。14Why does the man look unhappy this morning?AHe failed in a test yesterday.BHe is worrying about his fathers health.CHe missed about 30 minutes of a program.15What was the immediate cause of the power failure?AHis mothers use of the washi

6、ng machine.BHis fathers turning on the microwave oven.CLong hours of using two airconditioners.16What will the man probably do tonight?AAsk his neighbor to check the power.BTake part in a basketball final.CWatch a ball game on TV.听第10段独白,回答第17至20题。17.What is the aim of the program?ATo keep the train

7、ees in shape.BTo enrich the trainees life.CTo develop leadership skills.18Which of the following will the trainees be doing during the program?AAttending lectures on management.BPreparing reports for the company.CMaking plans for the company.19How long will the program last?AFor 8 days. BFor 12 days

8、. CFor 20 days.20If people want to join the program,what should they do after the meeting?ATake a pretest. BPay for the program.CSign on a piece of paper.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分第一节语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分21George spent two hours picking just_right clothes to wear when he met the head of the law firm,

9、since he knew that first impressions are_most lasting.gCvVYbsvjaAa;/ Bthe;a Cthe;the D/;the22As a developing country,China needs to introduce_science and technology from the_countries.gCvVYbsvjaAadvancing;developed Badvanced;developedCadvancing;developing Dadvanced;developing23Toward the end of the

10、meeting,Sally finally_her ideas about the problem.gCvVYbsvjaAput off Bput away Cput out Dput forward24David was so_of the speakers_lecture that he began to play games on his cell phone.gCvVYbsvjaAtired;boring Btiring;boredCtired;bored Dtiring;boring25It was not until I left home_I realized that I lo

11、cked my keys inside it.gCvVYbsvjaAwhen Bwhere Cthat Dbefore26_cigarettes go up in price,many people try to give up smoking.gCvVYbsvjaAWhen every time BAt every timeCIf every time DEvery time27As a wildlife photographer,Dakota Fanning is_to many dangers.gCvVYbsvjaAshowed Bprevented Cexposed Dselected

12、gCvVYbsvja28I often confuse Dave with Nathan.Really?But they dont look_.Alively Balive Clikely Dalike29It is still too early to draw the_that Ryan broke into the store.We need more evidence.gCvVYbsvjaAtheory Bconstruction Cdescription DconclusiongCvVYbsvja30His father seldom has a chat with him in h

13、is spare time;_.gCvVYbsvjaAnor does his mother Bso his mother doesCneither his mother does Dso does his mothergCvVYbsvja31They all believe the facts rather than his words,dont they?Yes.What he has explained doesnt make_.Asense Bfun Cuse Dmeaning32Because of a disagreement,more than 30 members_to for

14、m a new club.gCvVYbsvjaAbroke out Bbroke awayCbroke up Dbroke down33Herbert is going to fail to get the job,because he has no_experience.gCvVYbsvjaAefficient Bprevious Coriginal Dunusual34Knowing Mike has entered for the examination I passed last year,I strongly demand_the book.gCvVYbsvjaAreading Bh

15、im to readChe read Dto read35In general,if_according to the directions,this kind of machine isnt as dangerous as reported.gCvVYbsvjaAbeing operated BoperatingCit operating Doperated第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分I will never forget the two impressive things that happened last winter.One of my classmates

16、 and I were_36_our project work late one night on my universitys campus far from home.Since there was_37_in the forecast,I had worn a winter_38_to school that day with a raincoat in my bag.gCvVYbsvjaThroughout our work on the project,I could_39_that my friend was tired from a very long day working.A

17、s we stepped outside to begin the_40_walk home hand in hand,I_41_she was shivering (颤抖The temperature had dropped to the low thirties (Fahrenheit and she_42_had a sweater on.I_43_offered her my warm jacket.She accepted it and asked what I_44_wear then.I told her I had another one and pretended that

18、my_45_was a jacket.She said later that she_46_the next morning and the first thing on her mind was feeling moved about my_47_of the jacket.gCvVYbsvjaCoincidentally (碰巧,the next day I went to an openair play and I was freezing_48_I didnt expect it to be so_49_.A person who I hardly_50_insisted that I

19、 wear his jacket.I was_51_touched by this warm gesture.He was so matteroffact (讲究实际的 about me_52_his coat,too:he simply took it off and handed it to me saying that I should_53_it.I used to think that this vast universe was a cold_54_.It turns out that even when the temperature drops low,the people n

20、ever_55_to warm each others hearts.gCvVYbsvja36A.starting Bdestroying Cshowing DdoinggCvVYbsvja37A.rain Bfog Csnow Dcloud38A.suit Bjacket Ccap Dmask39A.think Bguess Csee Dcheck40A.easy Bshort Csafe Dlong41A.heard Bbelieved Cnoticed Dexpected42A.bravely Bnearly Conly Dusually43A.suddenly Bimmediately

21、 Cmadly Dcalmly44A.would Bcould Cshould Dmight45A.blouse Bsweater Cdress Draincoat46A.ran away Bwoke up Cfell ill Dgot Bsize Ccolor Doffer48 Athough Buntil Csince Dif49A.warm Bcold Csunny Ddark50A.knew Bmattered Cloved Dblamed51A.deeply Bwrongly Cfinally Dfirmly52A.envying Bwatching Cho

22、lding DwearinggCvVYbsvja53A.keep Bbuy Cborrow Dthrow54A.environment Bplace Cwind DsituationgCvVYbsvja55A.allow Brefuse Chelp Dstop第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分AEcuador is located in the western corner at the top of the South American continent.Ecuador,the smallest country in South America,is named aft

23、er the Equator (赤道,the imaginary line around the Earth that splits the country in two.Most of the country is in the Southern Hemisphere (半球Ecuador is about the size of Colorado and is bordered by the South American countries Colombia and Peru.The Galapagos Islands,596 miles west of the mainland of E

24、cuador,are part of Ecuador and are home to many unique birds and plants.The Costa,or coastal plain region,is where many of the worlds bananas are grown.The Sierra is also made up of farmland.The Oriente is east of the Andes and is rich in oil.gCvVYbsvjaEcuador is considered to be one of the most div

25、erse (多样的 areas of the world.There are some 25,000 plant species and over 1,600 known bird species.Ecuador has nine national parks,including the Galapagos Islands.These 18 islands are home to some of the most amazing creatures,This is where Charles Darwin noticed the diversity of species and began t

26、o study evolution.gCvVYbsvjaEcuador was part of the Inca Empire until the Spanish arrived and claimed the country as a Spanish colony.For three hundred years the Spanish controlled Ecuador.In 1822,Ecuador became independent of Spain.gCvVYbsvjaAbout 10 percent of Ecuadors population is of European or

27、igin.About 25 percent of the population belongs to native cultures and the rest is of mostly mixed ethnicity (混合民族Many of the native people are farmers and only grow enough food for their family.gCvVYbsvja56The passage mainly talks about_.Athe geography,nature,history and population of EcuadorgCvVYb

28、svjaBthe natural environment and economy of EcuadorCthe geography,climate and plant species of EcuadorgCvVYbsvjaDthe nature,history and agriculture of Ecuador57According to Paragraph 1,Ecuador_.Ais split by the Equator in the middleBis smaller than Colombia and PeruCis named after a very famous personDhas a lot of things in common with Colorado58What can we know from the passage?AEcuador is mainly made up of farmland.BMany special birds and plants can be seen in Ecuador.gCvVYbsvjaCEcuador is the largest producer of bananas arou

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