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1、 A.hope B.want C.expect D.wish8.It is strange _ he didnt come to attend the party last night. A.that B.why C./ D.while9._ it raned,the postman would still deliver newspapers and letters to us. hard B.however hardly C.No matter how hard hardly10.There are endless arguments against things

2、such _ smoking. A.which B.that D.of11.Mary doesnt watch TV in the evening,and _. A.neither I do B.nor do I C.I also dont D.Idont too12.It was for the reason _ the smiths moved to a small vilage from Paris. A.which B.why C.that D.how13.Do remember how the teacher will tell you to reach the schoo

3、l,_ you willget lost when you return. A.and B.but D.otherwise14.In the darkness there wasnt a single person _ she could turn for help. A.that B.who C.from whom whom15.John lives in the house _ opens to the south. A.which window B.whose window C.the window of it D.window of which16.The girl

4、 _the famous singer is singing on the stage is from our school. A.together with who B.together with her C.together with whom D.together with which 17.Listen!Do you hear _? A.whats the matter with the machine B.what the matter is with the machine C.what wrong is with the machine D.what is the machine

5、 wrong with18.Under the treee in the yard _ ,talking with a lot of young people. A.did an old man sit B.did sit an old man old man sat D.sat an old man19.Who do you know the boy is _ is playing the piano on the stage now? A.that B.which C.who 20.You must try to hold the pen _ I do. A.alike

6、 B.that D.which21.Not only _basketball but also he is intrested in football. A.did he like B.he likes C.he liked D.does he like22._ he is tired out,he still keeps working on the project now. A.While long as D.since23.I dont believe it _ you say so. A.even though c.since D.like24.

7、_ is very natual,man cant live without air or water. A.what B.which C.that D.as25.Only when he was past forty _ his wish of becoming an actor. A.then he realized B.did he realize C.he could realize D.he begain to realize26._,and you will achieve you goal. A.Not give up B.Not giving up C.Dont give up

8、 D.If you dont give up27._ was in the 1960s _ my father graduated from the university. A.That.that B.When.that C.It.when D.It.that28.Neither Peter nor Tom and I _ in favor of the view. A.are C.was D.am29.Once a week _he together with his classmates go to the park. A.does D.are30.Where

9、 is the boy _ you have bought the dictionary from the bookstore? A Whom whom C.who D.for whom31.David and I _ along the riverside yesterday afternoon _ suddenlyan urgent shout came from behind. A.walked.when B.were walking.when C.are D.were walking.as32.We went to a place of intrest

10、last Sunday _ used to be a wasteland 10years ago. A.Where which C.Which that33._ enters the house witout permision shall be fined. A.No matter who B.Who C.Whoever D.Those who34._ most of the students pay attention to is _they will be free atthe weekend. A.that.what B.which.what C.What.if D

11、.What.whether35.There is no doubt _ our team will win the match tonight. A.that B.what C.whether D.if36.We will have to finish the job _. A.However it takes long B.No matter how it takes long C.However long takes it D.No matter how long it takes37.Not having seen Linda for years,I found she isnt the

12、 girl _she used to be when she was in her young age. A.what B.that C.which D.as38._ ,he is always ready to help others when they need help. A.A child though he is B.As he is a child C.Child as he is D.A child as he is39._ either he or his parents _ English? A.Do.speak B.Does .speak C.Are .speaking D

13、.Did .spoke40._ that none of us can work it out. A.So difficult the problem is B.Such difficult a problem is it C.So difficult a problem is this D.Such a difficult problem it is41.Xiao Hua is the only one of the students in our class who _ America. A.have been to B.have gone to C.has been to D.had b

14、een to42.Mary speaks Chinese _,if not _ Kate. fluently fluently.more fluently as fluently.more fluently than fluently.more fluently than43.We wouldnt go there for the picnic dinner _ tomorrow afternoon. A.if it will rain B.if it rains C.If it was to rain D.should it r

15、ain44.With no method _ in time if you dont follow the designers advice. you finish the project can finish theproject can finish the project D.can you finish the project 45._ you have made your mind,you,in my opinion,should not change it. A.Now that B.Though C.After D.Before46。They o

16、ught to have come to help you yesterday morning,_they were about to leave their house the manager stopped them. A.and B.but D.or47.Never before _my deskmate and I _such a instructive lecture. A.did.attend B.had .attended D.have.attended48._at the railway station_the train left. A.Ha

17、rdly did we arrive.when B.No sooner had we arrived.when C.Hardly had we arrived.than D.No sooner had we arrived.than49.Such people _ own their cars must be rich. A.what B.which C.whom D.as50.What do you think it was_made the audience burst into so big laughter? A.that B.which C.why D.what(答案:1-5 ADB

18、BB 6-10 DDACC11-15 BCDDB 16-20 CBDAC 21-25 DAADB 26-30CDAAD 31-35 BCCDA 36-40 dacbc 41-45 CCDDA 46-50 BDDDA )二.作文常用句型(一)记叙文 doing . when suddenly .eg.That morning all of us were waiting for the bus at the gate of our schoolwhen suddenly it started to rain cats and dogs.那天早晨我们大家正在学校门口等公交车,这时突

19、然下起了倾盆大雨。2.On seing/hearing that,.eg.On hearing that,we all couldnt help turning around to have a look and findout what on earth had hapened.一听到这声音,我们所有的人不由得转过身去瞧瞧到底发生了什么事情。 soon as./hardly.when./no soon as wwe arrived at the farm,we began to work with the farmers. Hardly had w

20、e arrived at the farm when we began to work with the farmers. No sooner had we arrrived at the farm than we began to work with the farmers. 我们一到达那个农场就开始和农民们一起劳动起来了。4.What attracted /surprised/moved us most was that .eg.What attracted us most was that there were a lot of golden crops and green vegeta

21、bles on the farm.最吸引我们眼球的是农场里长满了金灿灿的庄稼和绿油油的蔬菜。5.Tired as we were,.eg.Tired as we were/Although we were tired,we felt happy because we had an un-forgetable experience during the trip.尽管我们很累,我们却感到非常高兴,因为这次旅行给我们留下了难忘的经历。6.before.,.eg.Before we left,we organised a farewell party with the foreign visitor

22、s andwe enjoyed ourselves very much during the party.离别前,我们和外国游客一起举行了告别晚会,期间我们玩得非常愉快。7.some.some.while were divided into three groups.Some were digging the holes,some were plan-ting trees,while others were carrying water to water the trees we had planted.我们分成三组,有的挖树坑,有的植树,还有的运水浇灌我们刚刚栽上的

23、小树。8.without hesitation/a word,.eg.Without hesitation/a word,he jumped into the water as quickly as he could to save the child.他毫不犹豫地跳入水中竭尽全力去救那落水的儿童。(二)议论文1.There was /We held a heated discussion on how to do.last held a heated discussion on how to perform physical exercise after schoo

24、lat the class meeting yesterday afternoon.昨天下午班会上我们就如何开展课外体育锻炼进行了热烈的讨论。2.some of .think that.because.,while of the students think that senior high students should take physical ex-ercise after class because they believe progress or success depends on physicalhealth,while the others ha

25、ve different opinions.In their opinion,they shouldntspend time in training,for they have too little time and they have to do lots of homework either in or out of class every day.有的学生认为,高三学生应当进行课外体育锻炼,因为他们相信进步或成功依赖于健康的身体;而另一些则认为他们不必花时间参加课后体育锻炼,因为他们时间太少了,每天不得不应付课内外大量的作业。3.There is no doubt that .eg.There is no doubt that it is necessary that we should take possitive and ef-fective actions to prevent our environment from being poluted.毫无疑问,我们采取积极有效的措施制止环境污染是十分必要的。4.As is known to all,./It is well known everyone knows,smoking is harmful to health.众所周知,吸烟有害健康。 17:37 2012-5-3

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