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1、老刊物的老格言- 重新裁剪。你的XZ-1的一千万像素给你足够的空间可以裁剪出视觉上最强大的图像。DOF depth-of-field .post on Dpreview by sderdiarianAt the long end of its zoom, the XZ-1 has an aperture with a diameter of 9.6mm at 112mm equivalent, which compares favorably to the 9.8mm maximum aperture at the 83mm equivalent of a typical APS-C 18-5

2、5 F3.5-5.6 kit lens. It means the XZ-1 should give at least as blurred a background and do so at something much closer to the traditional portrait focal length. Furthermore it means the XZ-1 should give greater control over depth-of-field than a Micro Four Thirds kit lens, since they tend to offer 7

3、.5mm at 84mm equivalent.关于XZ-1的景深 (镜头)在长焦端112毫米等效焦距, XZ-1具有9.6mm大的光圈,优于在等效83毫米时最大9.8mm光圈的典型APS-C 18-55 F3.5-5.6套装镜头。这表示XZ-1至少能给出背景虚化,而且某些方面更接近传统的肖像焦段。此外,它意味着对景深而言XZ-1能提供比4/3套头更大的控制,因为他们往往提供的是7.5mm光圈在等效84毫米焦距时。 = = 先插入一些信息XZ-1 battery 电池It seems the Olympus LI-50B battery (3.7V, 925mAh, 3.5Wh) is man

4、ufactured by Sony and identical to the Pentax D-LI92 and Ricoh DB-100 batteries. This means you could get an original charger also from Pentax or Ricoh to charge the original battery for your Olympus XZ-1.这看起来是奥林巴斯LI-50B电池(3.7V,925mAh,3.5Wh),是由Sony制造的,和宾得D-LI92,理光DB-100电池是相同的。这意味着你可以为你的xz-1从宾得和理光得到一

5、个原装充电器(或电池)。=Heres a little-known Secret - locking focus WITHOUT locking exposure. focus lock: normally, you hold the shutter button halfway down and wait til you see the little green box and then take the picture. The green box means that the XZ-1 has locked both focus and exposure on that spot. Bu

6、t waht if you want to lock the focus on the spot, but get the exposure somewhere else?鲜为人知的秘密- 对焦锁定而曝光不锁定。通常情况下,你半按快门按钮,并等待看到绿色的小方块,然后拍摄照片。绿色框表示XZ-1在该点对焦和曝光均锁定,但如果你想锁定该点对焦,而参照别处曝光?s how. Use the back-wheel left arrow to put the focus box in the center of the screen (always best with spot focus). The

7、n - you can put the XZ-1 on SCN Underwater-Wide and then press the down arrow on the back wheel, and it will lock the focus on whatevers in the center of the screen. With the focus locked, you can move the camera and get an exposure from somewhere else in the scene. The focus lock will hold until yo

8、u turn off the camera. or until you press the down arrow again to release the focus lock. 这里告诉如何做。使用在背面的左箭头,使对焦框在屏幕的中心(点对焦总是最好的),然后- 你可以把XZ -1 设置SCN水下-广角,然后按向下箭头,这将对屏幕中心的任何东西锁定对焦。聚焦锁定时,您可以移动相机从其它地方得到曝光参数。对焦锁定将一直直到您关闭相机.或者你再次按向下箭头,释放对焦锁定。(SCN的2种水下模式均可)另一种方法,好像更通用,可以试试。Separate focus and exposure lock

9、 .post on Dpreview by lensblade分别对焦及曝光锁定.。.post on Dpreview by lensbladeTry this for a simple and usable way to get separate focus and exposure lock on your Olympus XZ-1:尝试这个简单实用的方式来获得独立的对焦和曝光锁定,在Olympus XZ-1上Go into the AF setting, select AF and press OK to confirm it. This is to make sure pressing

10、 OK next time will bring up the AF menu.Now suppose you need to focus on a point to your left, take the exposure from a scene to your right, and then take a picture of the view straight in front of you. First, focus on the point to your left and get the focus confirmation signal, then lift off the s

11、hutter button and press OK. The AF setting menu will appear. Select MF (just go left from AF), this will disable any further automatic focusing. Now point the camera at the scene you want to take the exposure from, depress the shutter half way and hold it. This will lock in temporarily the exposure

12、you want. Finally compose the shot and press the shutter fully.Press OK again to select AF (just go right from MF) and re-enable normal focusing.进入AF设置,选择自动对焦,然后按OK确认退出。(这是为了确保下次按下OK键可直接进入AF菜单。 )现在,假设你朝正前方拍摄,需要对左侧物体对焦,而对右侧物体锁定曝光。 首先,对着你左边需要对焦的物体,半按快门并获得确认信号,然后抬起快门按钮并按OK,AF设置菜单会出现,选择MF(只要从AF向左),这将禁用任

13、何自动对焦(镜头不再动)。 现在,将相机向右对准要曝光的场景,半按下快门并保持,以暂时锁定你想要的曝光。 最后将相机朝向正前方,进行构图并完全按下快门按钮完成拍摄。(注:第一步松开快门后,是否会跑焦不清楚。但是可以理解为开始就采用MF手动对焦,这个是专家。: )然后按以上操作。)完成后按下“确定”重新选择AF(从MF向右),启用正常自动对焦。=Beanbag :字面是豆子袋,是指一种便携支架,后文多次提到:开始不知道是什么,网上搜了一个,如下图, Setting the camera相机设定Suggestions for new XZ-1 owners -给新的XZ-1主人的建议Start w

14、ith Program mode instead of i Auto, Aperture, Shutter, or Manual.从编程模式开始,而不是全自动,光圈优先,快门优先,或“手动”On the screen menu that you see after pressing the back OK button -按背面的“OK”按钮,你会看到屏幕上的菜单1. Select Auto-ISO. The XZ-1 will try really, really hard not to go over ISO 200 - and that extra stop, from, say ISO

15、 100 to 200, will give you super low-light pictures, with a camera-set shutter speed fast enough to handhold.1。选择自动ISO。XZ-1将真地真地努力尝试不超过ISO 200 而这个特意的停止,指ISO 100到200不再高,会给你带来极好的低光照片通过相机设定的足够快的足以把稳的快门速度,。2. Next, going down the menu, select 1 Vivid. Then press the little Menu button on the back. Go to

16、 Picture Mode, select Vivid. Press the right arrow key, and set Contrast to +1, Sharpness 0, Saturation +1, Gradation - Normal. Important: do NOT set Gradation to Auto, or some other stuff will stop working.2。接下来,菜单向下,选择1,鲜艳。然后按背后的小“Menu”按钮,图片模式,选择鲜艳。按下右箭头键,并设置对比度+1,锐利度0,饱和度+1,渐变-正常。重要提示:不要设置渐变为“Aut

17、o”(自动),一些其他的东西就会停止工作。3. Next, select white balance - Underwater (the fish icon). On the back-button Menu, go to WB, press the OK button to select the fish icon, then press the right-arrow. Leave A (amber) at 0, in the middle. but set G (green) to -1. Between this and the Vivid setting above, youll g

18、et beautiful pictures, indoor and out, daytime, twilight, and in the dark.3。下一步,选择白平衡-水下(鱼图标)。在后退到WB,按“OK确定”按钮,选择鱼图标,然后按下右箭头。使A(琥珀色)为0,在中间. 但设G(绿色)为-1。 通过这个与上述的鲜艳设置,你会得到美丽的图画,无论室内和室外,白天,晨夕,在黑暗中。4. Further down, select LF + Raw as your picture type. This will make both a JPG and a RAW image. In most

19、instances, the JPG will be great. but the RAW backup lets you rescue any image where the JPG isnt good.4。再往下,选择“LF +RAW”作为您的图片类型。这将获得JPG和RAW图像。在大多数情况下,JPG将是极好的 . 但RAW备份可以让你挽救不良的图像,当JPG不够好时。5. Further down, select Spot Focus, instead of ESP or Ctr-Weighted. After selecting spot, go out of the menu. T

20、hen, press the left-arrow key and make sure the green focus square is in the center of the screen. Leave it there! The XZ-1 will now start behaving normally. The Spot setting will always look in a small area in the dead center of the screen, like where you naturally point the camera. Imagine that yo

21、u are taking a picture of a sunset. Point the XZ-1 at the sky, to the left of the sun. Press the shutter button lightly - it will lock focus and exposure with a beep. If you dont like the preview image on the LCD, move the camera up or down, and try another preview. The screen lets you see right awa

22、y what you will get!5。再往下,选择点对焦,而不是ESP或中心加权。选择点后,退出菜单,按左箭头键,确认绿色对焦框在屏幕中心。让它在那里!XZ-1现在将开始正常运作。点对焦标识将总是显示在屏幕正当中一个小区域,如你镜头直指的地方。想象一下,你正在拍摄日落的图片。将XZ-1指向太阳左边的天空。半按快门按钮 - 这将锁定对焦和曝光并伴有提示声。如果你不喜欢在液晶显示屏上预览图像,向上或向下移动相机,并尝试另一个预览。该屏幕可以让你马上看到你会得到什么!6. Lastly, further down, select AF instead of Macro or Super-Mac

23、ro. At the cameras startup wide-angle lens setting, everythings sharp from about 2 to infinity - like for almost every photo you will take. But play around with Super-Macro. fantastic closeups. Just dont forget to put it back on AF!6。最后,再向下,选择AF自动对焦,而不是微距或超微距。相机启动广角镜头设定,约2英寸至无穷远,一切都清晰- 就像你将要拍的几乎每一张照

24、片。但是玩超微距. 不可思议的特写。只是不要忘记把它设置回AF!Thats about it. Now after you set the camera, write these settings down on a piece of paper in case something gets unset, and forget all about it - time to start taking pictures! From here on out, trust your eye and your camera. Think pictures, not camera settings.就这样

25、了。现在,在你设置完相机,将这些设置写入一张纸,以防万一丢失设置而忘记了- 是时候开始拍照了!从现在开始,相信你的眼睛和你的相机。思考画面,而非设置。Before you go, get two SD cards, and three spare batteries. You will get about 200 -250 pictures per battery charge. so three charged batteries should be all you need, who knows what kind of electricity they have over there.

26、You can carry the XZ-1 in a shirt pocket, with a spare battery in your other shirt pocket.出发之前,弄两个SD卡和三个备用电池。每个电池可以拍200 -250图片. 三个充电的电池应该是你所够用的,谁知道他们有什么样的电力。你可以随身携带XZ-1在一个衬衣口袋里,一个备用电池在你的另一个衬衣口袋里。Night photography - if youre on the move, forget the tripod or monopod. Learn to balance the camera on a

27、fence, a railing, or braced against a pole. Or, carry a small beanbag in your pants pocket. Use the cameras 12-sec self-timer to take a good sharp picture of anything that isnt moving too much.夜景拍摄- 如果你在旅途中,忘记了三脚架或独脚架。要学会平衡相机在篱笆上、栏杆上,或靠在柱子上。或者在你的裤子口袋里,随身携带一个小的beanbag支架,支撑相机使用自拍功能来获得清晰的照片,可以拍摄任何不太动的事

28、物。, Sunset - point the spot focus to the sky at the left or right of the setting sun; watch the LCD screen til you see the effect you like.日落- 朝向夕阳的左侧或右侧的天空对焦,观看液晶屏直到你看到你喜欢的效果Water reflections - spot focus off the reflection in the water, not the sky.水的反射-点对焦离开水的反射,而不是天空。Portraits - heres an excepti

29、on to Program mode. Go to A Aperture instead. Turn the lens ring til it says 1.8 Put the lens at full telephoto. Stand about 6 feet away from the subject. The background behind the person should be nicely blurred. Now, if you are doing this in bright daylight, there may be too much light for the XZ-1 to handle. So go into the OK button menu, and change ND Off to on. The built-in Neutral Density filter lets you take pictures at wide open lens settings in bright daylight.肖像- 这里有一个例外程序模式。选A,光圈优先。转动镜头环,直到光圈1.8,调到长焦端。站在大约6

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