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1、he is short . he is thin .He is short and thin .(1) my T-shirt is big .my T-shirt is blue .(2) she is tall . she is fat .(3) her cap is red .her cap is yellow .(4) mike is tall . mike is thin.三、 课后作业仿照例句组合句子that boy ? who sWhos that boy ?(1) my sister .thats(2) is tall your mum and thin .(3) that wh

2、o is woman ?(4) your is that cousin?Unite 2 this is our house .Bedroom,house,kitchen,sitting roomBathroom,between,dining room ,next to .This is Where is ?My family .介绍你的房子1、理解并掌握有关房间的名词2、能在所创设的情境中谈论有关房间的话题This is my mother .This is my father .Where is my brother?He is in the bath .I think !That is o

3、ur grandmother.Thats our grandfather .Thats their dog .Look at its big mouth and teeth!2、 组合下列句子their bedroom ,thats Thats their bedroom .1) the house ,in ,hes .2) in the dining room ,shes .3) max ,where is ?4) is ,this ,itting room .1、 读新单词2、 做单词卡片并配上四线格Unite 3 Get off the bed !Bed,chair,computer,d

4、esk,lampPoster ,shelf,door,wall.There is Is there ?There is my ball .询问有没有某物 1、在图片或课件的帮助下理解并掌握有关家具的词汇2、能对相关家具有初步的认识3、能在所创设的情境或联想猜物、猜职业竞赛等游戏环节中与同伴谈论有关家具的话题.二、课堂练习1、按要求回答下列问题1)is there a bed in the room ? (肯定回答)2)is there a window in the room ?( 否定回答)3) is there a chair behind the table ?4) is there a

5、 lamp on the shelf ? ( 否定回答)2、把下列句子改成否定句1)theres a window in the bedroom .2)there is a bed between the table and the door3)there is a desk in the bedroom.4)there is a lamp on the table .三、课后作业将下列句子改成疑问句theres a window in the bedroom . Is there a window in the bedroom ?1) there is a bed between the t

6、able and the door2) there is a desk in the bedroom.3) there is a lamp on the table .4) there is a frog on the bed .unite 4 Its time for lunch !Morning,afternoon,evening,nightBreakfast,lunch,supper,eleven,twelveWhat time is it ? It is time for询问时间 1、在图片或课件的帮助下理解并掌握有关时间的词汇2、使学生对时间有一定的概念1、用where,what,w

7、ho填空。1)_is mum ? in the kitchen .2) _ time is it ? it is one oclock .3)_is on the table ? a chop and salad .4)_is that boy ? its sam .2、连线Its evening its time for breakfastIts night its time for supperIts morning its time for lunchIts noon its time for bed 三 课后作业1、读生词2、编对话并表演出来展示给家人欣赏Unite 5 thats T

8、eds puppet .Boat, game,puppet,puzzle,skate-board Skipping rope ,spaceship,footballWhose is it ? It is /询问某物是谁的1、用whos /whose 填空1)_that ? its dad .2)_computer is it ? its dads .3)_that boy ? its Tommy .4)_boat is it ? its Tommys .2、读一读It isnt Fayes .It isnt SamsWhose skateboard is it ?I think its Jan

9、s .1、组合些列句子Skipping rope,it is , whose ? Whose skipping rope it is ?1)Boat, whose ,it ,is .2) football, it is ,whose ?3)whose puppet ,is it ?2、做生词卡片并配上四线格,看谁的卡片做得最好!Unite 6 this is my uncles farm .Bird,chicken,donkey,duckFarm,goat,horse,lamb,sheepBull,cow. Are these ? Yes ,they are ./no ,they arent

10、.On the farm 能说出动物的名称1、诵读歌谣On the farm Birds ,chickens,ducks . Birds, chickens,ducks . Donkeys,horses . Goats,cows and bulls . Sheep and lambs . On the farm.2、 例句写句子。例句1) Those cows . are Those are cows .2)those ducks ? are Are those ducks ?1) are goats ? these 2) bulls.big are those3) eggs ? those

11、are 4) Are lambs . these little 按要求回答下列问题1) are those duck eggs ?(肯定回答)2) are those sheep ?(否定回答)3) are those bulls ?4) are those goats ? (否定回答)unite 7 what super food !Box,cherry,dish,food,fork,Glass, knife ,sandwich ,strawberryWhat are those ? They are One potato ! two potatoes!询问某物是什么 1、在图片或课件的帮助

12、下理解并掌握有关食物及餐具的词汇2、激发学生对生活的热爱1、将下列歌谣补充完整并大声朗诵One potato!two potatoes !Three potato_! Four !Five potato_! Six potato_!Seven potato_!More !2、 将下列的名词归类到对应的餐具Cherries glasses boxes lamps peaches sausagesGoats potatoes Tomatoes apples ducks 1) forks :2) knifes:3) dishes:仿照例句写句子those ? what are What are th

13、ose ?1) potato whose it ? is 2) the food ?is where 3) these ? are what 4) old how Pop is ?unite 8 they are Dads shoes!Dress,jacket,jeans,shoeSkirt,sock,trousersCoat scarf Whose are they ? They are询问某物是谁的. 1、在图片或课件的帮助下理解并掌握有关服装的词汇2、能在所创设的情境或联想猜物、猜职业竞赛等游戏环节中与同伴谈论服装的话题。1、把下列词变成复数形式1)coat _ 2) dress _ 3

14、) scarf _ 4)shoe_5)jesn_ 6)sock_2、补充下列歌谣并大声的朗读出来。They are your mothers .They are your sistersThey are their skirt_.They are your fathersThey are your brothersThey are their T-shirt_.1、仿照例句写句子my sisters are the jeans . The jeans are my sisters .1) they are jacket . my dads 2) skirts ?whose the red ar

15、e 3) trousers my dads are those4) the blue whose are shoes ?2、做生词卡片3、编对话Unite 9 they are happy dogsClean,dirty,dry,wetHappy,unhappy,hungry,thirstyCold,hot,new,old . Are you + 形容词? Yes,we are./no,we arent .Are you happy ,boys and girls?用形容词形容人或者物的状态 1、在图片或课件的帮助下理解并掌握形容词与名词的区别2、能在所创设的情境中用恰当的形容词来描绘事物1、

16、读一读Are you happy boys and girls ?Yes,we are .we are happy boys and girlsare you dirty boys and girlsno ,we arent .we are clean boys and girls .2 仿照例句写句子the horses are hungry .the horses are thirsty. The horses are hungry and thirsty .1) their horses are big .their horses are tall .2) the girl is wet

17、 . the girl is cold .3) were dirty .were unhappy .2、编对话Unite 10 what pretty flowers !Countryside field, flower,Hill,river,town,tree,Bus,road,shop. Are there ? Yes,there are /no ,there arent.There are shops in my town 向他人询问及提供某地有没有某物的信息 1、在图片中指认山川河流,马路汽车等的单词2、在现实生活中碰到对应的物体能马上联想到相应的英文单词There are shops

18、 in my town .There are houses in my town .There are shops and houses in my town .2 组合下列句子。trees there are the house. In front of There are trees in front of the house.1) on there are the hills .sheep 2)in there arent buses the countryside . 3)this town ?are there in big shops 4)roads in there are ou

19、r town 1) are there fields behind my aunts house ?2) are there trees in front of the house ?3) are there houses next to my aunts house ?4) are there shops in the town ?unite 11 nineteen bones in the house!Thirteen,fourteen,fifteen,Sixteen,seventeen,eighteen,nineteenTwenty ,twenty-one . 10+10= 20 Ten

20、 and ten is twenty .能熟练的用英文数数 1、掌握13到21的英文数字2、掌握加法在英文中的读法1、用what / where/who/whose填空1)_ is jack ? he is at school .2)_ time is it ? its nine oclock.3)_school bag is next to a chair ? jacks school bag .4)_is that in front of the door ? its jacks teacher .2、将下列句子修改正确并加上标点符号。例:wheres jacks school bag W

21、heres jacks school bag ?1) how many rulers are there 2) whos boy with the school bag 3) what colour is jacks school bag 4) wheres jacks teacher把下列算术式子写成英文式子1)18+2=20 2)10+4=143)7+8=15 4)6+7=135)10+8=18 6)10+11=21Unite 12 hide behind the bush !Bush,catch,drink,eat,hide,Jump,run,sit down ,stand upShou

22、t,sing,song ,throw . Dont !要求别人做或者不要做某事 1、了解什么是祈使句2、能在具体的情景中用英文有礼貌的要求别人做某事1、仿照例句写下学校的规则eat in the class Dont eat in the class !1) shout !2) write on you desk !3) throw your books !4) drink in class !5) run !2 改写下列句子please dont sing Please dont sing !1) please eat your lunch 2) throw the ball for the

23、 dog 3) dont jump on your bed 4) dont write on mikes book 5) drink your water jeeny用英文列出更多学校或家里的规章制度Unite 13 I can dance !Draw,dance,listen,play football,play the piano ,play tennis ,play the violinRead, write Can you ? Yes, I can /no ,I cant .告诉别人你会什么 1、向别人介绍自己2、能在具体的情景中突出自己的特点1、根据自己的信息回答下列问题1)whats your name ?My name is _ .2) how old are you ?Im _.4) Can you read english ?_I ca

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