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人教pep版学年六年级上册英语Unit 3 第一课时说课稿Word文档格式.docx

1、第四课时 B Lets try Lets talk第五课时 B Read and write Tips for pronunciation第六课时 B Lets check Lets wrap it up Story time第一课时教学目标:1 能够听说读写本课时主要单词或词组:visit, film, see a film, trip, take a trip,supermarket, evening, tonight, tomorrow, next week2 能够听说认读句子:What are you going to do today ? Im going to 并能在实际情景中正确

2、使用3 会唱歌曲What are you going to do ?教学重难点:重点:学习单词或词组visit, film, see a film, trip, take a trip,supermarket, evening, tonight, tomorrow, next week,学习句子: Im going to 难点:识记单词supermarket教学准备:单词词卡;挂图;VCD;录音机;磁带教学过程:一 热身1 师生问好2 Sing the song :How do you get there ?二 复习1活动:我演你说教师事先在纸条上写下一些动作词或词组,如:dance,sing

3、,swim, cook, watch TV,read a book, wash my clothes, clean the vegetables, draw pictures, do some kung fu.每组派上一名表演能力比较强的学生,抽取纸条,并将纸条内容用肢体语言表现出来给同组的学生猜,规定时间内哪组猜中数量多就获胜。三 新课呈现1 教学单词:visit, film, 词组visit my grandparents, see a film(1)教学单词:visit和词组visit my grandparentsT:Today Im going to have three Engli

4、sh classes. After school Im going to do some shopping . Tonight Im going to visit my grandparents,they are very old .板书visit my grandparents,带读并拼读记忆单词。(2)教学单词: film和see a film教师出示一张电影票说:Tomorrow Im going to see a film .板书:see a film,拼读记忆film,然后教师将电影票传给一位学生说see a film ,这位同学将电影票继续传给下一位学生,边传也要边说:see a

5、film2 教学单词:trip, supermarket和词组:take a trip ,go to the supermarket(1)教学单词:trip 词组take a trip教师背上背包,对学生说:Im going to take a trip with my family on Saturday.Im going to see the mountains and flowers.板书:take a trip 拼读记忆trip(2)教学单词:supermarket和词组go to the supermarket教师出示超市的图片问:Whats this ?学生回答后教师说:Yes,

6、it is a supermarket .We can buy many things in it .板书:supermarket,告诉学生这是一个多音节的单词,引导学生分音节记忆单词教师出示超市的购物袋说:Lets go to the supermarket.板书:go to the supermarket,然后边传购物袋边说词组:go to the supermarket3 教学单词:evening, tonight, tomorrow和词组next week(1)教学单词evening, tonight教师先拿出一个红色的圆纸片代表太阳,先由低到高,再由高到低缓慢地移动太阳,边移动边说:

7、morning, noon, afternoon .然后师拿出一个月牙形的白纸片代表月亮,边移动边说evening,night .板书:evening, night .告诉学生:evening往往指下班后进入天黑及以后的一段时间,即可以举行大型公众party或活动的时段。而night 往往是深夜以后的个人或家庭活动时段。提醒学生night不能用this night, 而是tonight .tomorrow和词组:next weekToday is Monday. Tomorrow is Tuesday.板书:tomorrow,让学生说说词义,全班拼读tomorrow.教师板书:week,让学生

8、湿度单词,告诉学生week是周的意思,补充板书成:next week,让学生试读词组,并说说意思。4 教学句子:What ate you going to do today ?Im going to visit my grandparents.What are you going to do ?S:Im going to sing English songs .What are you going to do ?.板书:5 教学A Lets learn(1)教师播放Lets learn 的课文视频,学生整体感知课文内容(2)教师再次播放课文视频,每句后暂停,学生跟读四 巩固与拓展1 教学Let

9、s sing:What are you going to do ?2 教学A Make a plan学生利用书上的表格,独立指定周末计划,然后两人一组进行对话。五 家庭作业1 听录音,跟读对话2 用今天学的句型,向家人,朋友介绍周末计划3 完成配套练习板书设计visit my grandparents see a film take a trip go to the supermarketthis morning this afternoon this evening tonight tomorrow next weekIm going to 教学反思第二课时教学目标1 复习单词或词组:2 能

10、听说读写句子:What are you going to do tomorrow? Im going to have an art lesson .Were going to draw some pictures in Renmin Park.3 能听说认读单词:lesson和句子:Sounds great !Have a good time ! I have to do my homework now.教学重难点学习句子What are you going to do tomorrow?掌握一般将来时的句式特点并能正确运用教学准备单词卡;教学过程1 师生问候1 复习单词或词组visit, f

11、ilm, see a film, trip, take a trip,supermarket, evening, tonight, tomorrow, next week2 活动:我演你猜教师事先写好一些活动类的词组,如see a film, trip, take a trip, go to the supermarket.每组派上一名擅长表演的同学,这名同学要将所看到的词组通过肢体语言传达给同组的同学,由同组的其他同学根据他的表演猜词组,在规定时间内猜对词组多的组获胜1 教学句子: Im going to have an art lesson .lesson教师指着班级的课程表介绍说:Wer

12、e going to have a Chinese lesson, an English lesson and a maths lesson .板书:lesson,带读单词(2)教学句子:Im going to have an art lesson.T;Today is Friday.Im going to have a Yoga lesson tomorrow. What are you going to do tomorrow ?师板书句型,生回答:(3)活动:My weekend活动方式:学生两人一组,采用问答的方式谈谈周末的计划2 教学A Lets try(1)教师让学生翻开课本,读一

13、读A Lets try 中呈现的两个问句及其选项(2)教师播放Lets try的录音,学生听完录音后圈出正确的选项(3)全班校对答案3 教学A Lets talk(1)教师播放A Lets talk 的视频,要求学生带着问题看视频:Where is Sarah going to go tomorrow ? What is she going to do there ?视频播放完后,让学生来回答这两个问题。Were going to draw some pictures in Renmin Park .(2)教师再次播放视频,在各句暂停,让学生跟读,说说句子的意思。(3)播放Lets talk

14、的视频,将声音关闭,全班分成两组为视频配音。1游戏:Amy,Amy,what are you going to do on the weekend ?教师请十个学生围成圈,每人持一张动词短语卡片蹲在地上,一名学生站在圈中扮演Amy,游戏开始时,全班同学说:Amy, Amy what are you going to do on the weekend ?Amy一边做动作边说:Im going to visit the Great Wall.这时手持”the Great Wall”卡片的同学必须起来并重复:Im going to visit the Great Wall.没有站起来就算输,则要充

15、当Amy的角色2 活动:Talk about your and your friends weekend plan2 完成配套练习3 用英文跟家人谈谈周末打算 What are you going to do tomorrow ? Im going to have an art lesson. Were going to draw some pictures in Renmin Park.第三课时1 能听说读写单词和词组:dictionary, comic book ,word, word book, postcard.2 能听说认读句子:Where are we going ? To the

16、 bookstore. Im going to buy a new comic book .并能在实际情境中正确使用能听说读写单词和词组:dictionary的发音和拼读课件;图片和词卡;Say the chant:Im going to buy a book.Im going to take a look.Im going to bake a cakeIm going to walk near a lake.We are going to take a trip.Im going outside to play.Im going to have a good day.连环问答教师指明一位学生

17、,让他用”What are you going to do ?”来发问,随后其他同学与他一起发问,请出的同学边问边环绕教室走,老师突然喊“stop”这位学生停在哪一位同学的座位旁边,那位同学就要起来回答:“Im going to ”接着交换角色由回答问题的同学绕着教室继续发问。3 活动:Weekend plan1 词组:word book 和comic book(1)词组:word bookIm going to buy some books .Where am I going ? To the bookstore.Wow,so many books .Some Chinese books,s

18、ome art books接着出示一本单词书说:There are many words in it ,its very useful for learning English.Its a word book.板书单词,根据读音规则拼读记忆word book.(2)词组:comic book师出示一本连环画册给学生看,说There are many pictures in it .Its comic.So we call it “comic book”.板书单词,教读comic book,引导学生拼读并记忆comic book2 单词:dictionary(1)师出示一本英语字典,介绍说:Th

19、is book is very thick.You dont know a word can read it .This is a dictionary.板书单词,引导学生先分音节读,然后再用升降调读单词。(2)分音节拼读记忆单词dictionary3 单词:postcard师出示一张明信片,介绍说:This is a postcard .There is a beautiful picture in it. To a new place ,we can send some postcards to our friends.板书单词,拼读记忆单词4 活动:Riddle教师说谜面,学生来猜谜底(

20、1) There are many pictures in this book.Children very like it .What is it ?(2) When New Years Day is coming ,we often send them to our friends. What are they?(3) What never asks questions but gets a lot of answers ?5 教学Lets learn(1)教师出示挂图,播放课文录音,全班静听,理解课文(2)学生打开书,教师播放Lets learn的录音,学生逐句跟读1 Role-play学

21、生四人一组,一人扮书店售货员,其他三人扮演书店的顾客进行对话,最后请上几组学生到台前表演2活动:My books学生自己撰写一则小文,谈谈有哪些书,最喜欢的书,想写的书然后请一些学生上台交流撰写的短文1 听录音,跟读单词3 用英文为家长介绍家中图书的类别dictionary comic book word book postcard第四课时1 能听说认读单词:space, travel, half, price2 能听说读写句子:Where are you going ? Were going to the cinema. When are you going ?并能在实际的情境中运用能听说读

22、写句子:正确使用特殊疑问词when, what, where单词卡片;磁带;VCD1师生问好1 活动:记忆力大比拼教师快速出示六张图片,让学生在最短的时间里记住这六幅图的内容,然后师收起图片,要求学生按顺序说出与图片相对应的单词。顺序或单词错误均被判失误接力问答先由教师向一个学生发问,这个学生回答好问题后,向下一个学生提出相同问题,一次进行问答练习1 教学单词:space travel(1)教师出示单词trip,告诉学生trip一般指短途旅行,长途旅行一般用travel.板书travel,操练单词(2)教师出示太空的图片说:This is space .The space is so far

23、away. But now astronauts can go into space . Many years later ,we are going to have a space travel.板书:space,升降调带读单词2 教学单词:half ,priceThis is a storybook. Guess ,how much is it ?Its too cheap,because I bought it on sale.Its half price.板书单词,让学生说说它的意思,然后带读3教学句子::(1)教师利用事先制作好的课件,呈现问句:,让学生共同来发问,每问一遍,课件上就呈现出该场所的一小部分,让学生猜猜场所(2)教师继续让学生猜测出发的时间:When are you going ?请几位学生猜过后,师点开课件,呈现时间,全班重复该时间,师板书句子。(3)活动:Guessing game用课件进行猜测:4 教学Lets try(1)师让学生翻开课本,读一读Lets try 中呈现的问题(2)播放录音,学生写下答案5 教学Lets talk(1)教师播放视频,要求学生带着问题看视频:Who is going to visit John ? What ar

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