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1、4. They are trying their (good to repair.5. There are a number of (studentin the classroom.6.Keep quiet,please. the doctor said to us (quiet.7. Have you tried (eat the new fruit?8. His watch is (lose.9. All the students are busy (get ready for the party.10. Lets help them (pick the bananas.三、用所给动词的适

2、当形式填空 :1、Mary is always ready (try out some new ideas.2. We must stay here and _ (look after our lunch basket.3. Mr Wood _ (bring his car to the garage three days ago.4. they ( finish buying their clothes yet?5.The mechanics _ still ( work on the car now.6.Lets go into the garage and (have a look at

3、 it.7.They are trying ( repair your car.8. ( tell you the truth, you need a new car.9. He tried out for the play,but he _not (make it10. I _never ( see such a beautiful city.四、选择填空 :1. Have you drawn that list of names yet? No,but Im it.A. working onB. working outC. working down d. working up2. of t

4、he students in our class is 45. .A. numberB. The numberC. NumberD. Numbers3. When _ you _ _ it to us? Three days ago.A. do, bringB. was. broughtC. did, bringD. have, brought4. Who can go outside and the chair for me?A. bringB. takeC. carryD. fetch5.Remember the light off when you leave.A. turningB.

5、turnC. to turnD. turns6. Have you mechanics finished my car?A. repairB. repairingC. to repairD. repairs7. The problem is too hard. I havent the answer.A. worked onB. worked forC. worked outD. worked off8. The mechanics are trying the broken car.A. repairing b . to repair C. repair D. repaired9. You_

6、 at the map.A. neednt to lookB. dont need lookC. dont need to lookD. neednt looking10. A: Didnt you have a ?B; Yes, I drove it a lamppost.A.accident, ontoB. accident, in C crash ,onto d. crash, into11. A: the boss y et. B : Yes, he has.A: When he . He left ten minutes ago.A. Did, leave, did leaveB.

7、Has, left; did leaveC. Has left; has, leftD. Did, leave; has left12. When you came, you must _me your homework.A. takeB. bringD. get13. Li Lei cant find the key his bike.A. at b. in C. of D. to14. I heard him in the next room yesterday.A. singingB. to singC. sangD. sing15. We_ you a happy new year.A

8、. hopeB. wishC. wishesD. wished16. away this dirty shirt and bring me a clean one.A. PickB. BringC. CarryD. Take17. - a sports meet last Sunday? -Yes, theyA. Did they have/d,idB. Did they have/hadC. Had they/hadD. Had they/did18.Mother me a new coat yesterday. I _it on. It fits me well.A has made/ha

9、ve tried B. made/have triedC. has made/triedD. made/tried19. -Where John ?-To the library. He there for an hour.A has/been/has gone B. has/gone/has beenC. did/ go/wentD. did/be/went20. He_ the Army at the end of 1992. He in the army since then.A joined/is B. has joined/has beenC. had joined/isD. joi

10、ned/ has been21. - The blue skirt looks very nice. May I ? -Yes, please.A .try them on B. try it on C. take them off D. take it off22. I to get to the South Mall. Could you tell me which bus I should take? - Just catch the No. 10 bus from here. Its the 4th stop.A .am trying B. would try C. tried D.

11、have tried23.- Hi, Xiao Hui. you look tired. What happened? -I _ well last night.A. didnt sleepC. havent sleptD. won24.The woman with two children for nearly five hours.A. have leftB. has leftC. have been awayD. has been away25. - What are you going to do this Sunday? -I yet.A. wont decideB. didnt d

12、ecidedD. don26.- Mr. Johnson, we have found your watch. -My watch! Thank you. Where it?A do you find B. have you found C. did you find D. were you finding27.-Have you mended your shoes, Bob?-Yes,I them twenty minutes ago.A. have mendedB. mendC. had mendedD. mended28.-Jimmy is leaving for a holiday.

13、- Really? Where he _?A. has /goneB. will / goC. did / goD. does / go29. Sarah had her washing machine repaired the day before yesterday, _ she?A .had B. did C. hadnt D. didnt30. My friend, who on the International Olympic Committee all his life, isretiring next monthA served B. is serving C had served D. has served五、汉译英1、你已经吃过早餐了吗?2、她半个小时以前找到她的笔。3、至今为止他还没听说那个消息。4、他们正试着做这种新汤。5、我算不出这道题。6、我的汽车修好了吗?7、您什么时候送来的?8、9、你们的机械师做完了了吗?10、11、这难道不是你的车吗?10.我把汽车撞到电线杆上了。11.他们还在修呢。12.我刚读完书。13,不过说实在的,您需要一辆新车了。14.从事故发生之后,他一直在医院。

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