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1、When does the bus star? It stars in ten minutes.2. 倒装句,表示动作正在进行,Here comes the bus. = The bus is coming.There goes the bell. = The bell is ringing.3. 在时间或条件状语从句中。When Bill comes (不是will come, ask him to wait for me.Ill write to you as soon as I arrive there.4. 在动词hope, take care that, make sure that

2、等后。I hope they have a nice time next week.Make sure that the windows are closed before you leave the room.一般过去时的用法在确定的过去时间里所发生的动作或存在的状态。时间状语有:yesterday, last week, an hour ago, the other day, in 1982等。Where did you go just now?I saw Tom in the street ye sterday.I bought this TV set in Beijing last y

3、ear.表示在过去一段时间内,经常性或习惯性的动作。When I was a child, I often played footb all in the street.He always went to work by bus.He used to act like that.用过去时表示现在,表示语气委婉礼貌。动词want, hope, wonder, thi nk, intend,情态动词could, would等用过去式表示委婉。Did you want anything else?I wanted to ask you about that.Did you want to speak

4、 to me now?I wondered if you could help me.Could you lend me your bike?4用在条件句中表示与现在或将来事实不符的虚拟语气。If I were a bird, I would fly to Beijing.If he were here now, we could turn to him for help.注意比较下列句型:It is time sb. did sth. “时间已迟了;早该了”:It is time for you to go to bed.你该睡觉了。It is time you went to bed.你早

5、该睡觉了。would (had rather sb. did sth.表示“宁愿某人做某事”:d rather you came tomorrow.一般过去时表示的动作或状态都已成为过去,现已不复存在。Christine was an invalid(久病者all her life.(含义:她已不在人间。Christine has been an invalid all her life.(含义:她现在还活着Mrs. Darby lived in Kentucky for seven years. (含义:达比太太已不再住在肯塔基州。 Mrs. Darby has lived in Kentu

6、cky for seven years. ( 含义:现在还住在肯塔基州,有可能指刚离去一般将来时shall用于第一人称,常被will 所代替。will 在陈述句中用于各人称,在征求意见时常用于第二人称。Which paragraph shall I read first?Will you be at home at seven this evening?be going to +不定式,表示将来。a. 主语的意图,即将做某事或打算做某事。What are you going to do tomorrow?b. 计划,安排要发生的事。The play is going to be produce

7、d next month.c. 有迹象要发生的事Look at the dark clouds; there is going to be a +不定式表将来,按计划或正式安排将发生的事。We are to discuss the report next about to +不定式,意为马上做某事He is about to leave for about to 不能与tomorrow, next week 等表示明确将来时的时间状语连用。be going to / will的用法之比较:用于条件句时,be going to表将来

8、,will表意愿。If you are going to make a journey, youd better get ready for it as soon as possible.Now if you will tak e off your clothes, we will fit the new clothes on you in front of the to和be going to 的用法之比较:be to 表示客观安排或受人指示而做某事。而be going to 则表示主观的打算或计划。I am to play football tomorrow after

9、noon. (客观安排m going to play football tomorrow afternoon. (主观安排现在进行时表示现在( 指说话人说话时 正在发生的事情。We are waiting for you.习惯进行:表示长期的或重复性的动作,说话时动作未必正在进行。Mr. Green is writing another novel.(说话时并未在写,只处于写作的状态。She is learning piano under Mr. Smith.表示渐变的动词有:get, grow, become, turn, run, go, begin等。The leaves are tur

10、ning red.Its getting warmer and warmer.与always, constantly, forever 等词连用,表示反复发生的动作或持续存在的状态,往往带有说话人的主观色彩。You are always changing your mind.不用进行时的动词事实状态的动词。have, belong, possess, cost, owe, exist, include, contain, matter, weigh, measure, continueI have two brothers.This house belongs to my sister.心理状

11、态的动词。know, realize, think see, believe, suppose, imagine, agree, recognize, remember, want, need, forget, prefer, mean, understand, love, hateI need your help.He loves her very much.瞬间动词。accept, receive, complete, finish, give, allow, decide, refuse.I accept your advice.系动词。seem, remain, lie, see, h

12、ear, smell, feel, taste, get, become, turnYou seem a little tired.过去进行时过去进行时表示过去某时正在进行的状态或动作。过去进行时的主要用法是描述一件事发生的背景;一个长动作发生的时候,另一个短动作发生。常用的时间状语有:this morning, the whole morning, all day yesterday, from nine to ten last evening, when, whileMy brother fell while he was riding his bicycle and hurt himse

13、lf.It was raining when they left the station.When I got to the top of the mountain, the sun was shining.现在完成时现在完成时的构成:助动词have (has + 动词的过去分词。has 用于第三人称单数, have 用于其他所有人称。现在完成时表示过去发生或已经完成的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果。通常与表示包括现在在内的时间副词just,already, before, yet, never, ever等状语连用。I have never heard of that before.Have

14、 you ever ridden a horse?She has already finished the work.Have you milked the cow yet? Yes, I have done that already.Ive just lost my science book.现在完成时表示过去已经开始,持续到现在,也许还会持续下去的动作或状态。可以和表示从过去某一时刻延续到现在(包括现在在内的一段时间的状语连用。for和since,以及so far, now, today, this week(month, year 等。I havent seen her these da

15、ys.She has learnt English for 3 years.They have lived here since 1990.What has happened to the USA in the last 350 years?表示短暂时间动作的词,如come, go, die, marry, buy等的完成时不能与for, since 等表示一段时间的短语连用。现在完成时还可以用在时间和条件状语从句中,表示将来某时完成的动作。Ill go to your home when I have finished my homework.If it has stopped snowin

16、g in the morning, well go to the park.have been (to和have gone (to的区别:have / has been (to 表示“曾经去过”某地,说话时此人很可能不在那里,已经回来。侧重指经历。have / has gone (to 表示某人“已经去了”某地,说话时此人在那里,或可能在路上,反正不在这里。He has been to Beijing. 他曾去过北京。(人已回来,可能在这儿He has gone to Beijing. 他已经去了北京。(人已走,不在这儿。一般过去时与现在完成时的比较过去时表示过去某时发生的动作或单纯叙述过去的

17、事情,强调动作;现在完成时为过去发生的,强调过去的事情对现在的影响,强调的是影响。过去时常与具体的时间状语连用,而现在完成时通常与模糊的时间状语连用,或无时间状语。一般过去时的时间状语有:yesterday, last week,ago, in1980, in October, just now, 具体的时间状语。共同的时间状语有:this morning, tonight, this April, now, once,before, already, recently,lately等。现在完成时的时间状语有:for, since, so far, ever, never, just, yet

18、, till / until, up to now, in past years, always, 等不确定的时间状语。分析比较下列各例句:I saw this film yesterday. (强调看的动作发生过了。I have seen this film. (强调对现在的影响,电影的内容已经知道了。She has returned from Paris.(她已从巴黎回来了。She returned yesterday. (她是昨天回来了。He has been in the League for three years. (在团内的状态可延续He joined the League th

19、ree years ago.( 三年前入团,joined为短暂行为。句子中如有过去时的时间副词(如yesterday, last week, in 1960时,不能使用现在完成时,要用过去时。(错Tom has written a letter to his parents last night.(对Tom wrote a letter to his parents last night.过去完成时的用法过去完成时表示过去的过去。其结构是:had + 过去分词过去完成时表示过去某一时刻或者某一动作之前完成的动作或状态;句中常用by, before, until, when等词引导的时间状语。B

20、y the end of last year we had built five new houses.I had learnt 5000 words before I entered the university.过去完成时的动词还可以表示过去某一时刻之前发生的动作或者状态持续到过去某个时间或者持续下去。Before he slept, he had worked for 12 hours.在told, said, knew, heard, thought等动词后的宾语从句。She said (that she had never been to Paris.在过去不同时间发生的两个动作中,

21、发生在先,用过去完成时;发生在后,用一般过去时。When the police arrived, the thieves had run away.表示意向的动词,如hope, wish, expect, think, intend, mean, suppose等,用过去完成时表示“原本,未能”。We had hoped that you would come, but you didnt.过去完成时的时间状语before, by, until , when, after, once, as soon as。He said that he had learned some English be

22、fore.By the time he was twelve, Edison had began to make a living by himself.T om was disappointed that most of the guests had left when he arrived at the party. 用一般过去时代替完成时的情况:1. 两个动作如按顺序发生,又不强调先后,或用then,and,but 等连词时,多用一般过去时。When she saw the mouse,she scream ed.My aunt gave me a hat and I lost it.2

23、. 两个动作相继发生,可用一般过去时;如第一个动作需要若干时间完成,用过去完成时。When I heard the news, I was very excited.3. 叙述历史事实,可不用过去完成时,而只用一般过去时。Our teacher told us that Columbus discovered America in 1492.过去将来时过去将来时表示从过去的某一时间看将要发生的动作或存在的状态。它是一个相对的时态,即立足于过去某时,从过去的某一时间看即将发生的事情就要用这一时态。He said his mother would buy a bike for himMy brot

24、her told me he wouldnt believe Jack any more.Would it be all right if he knew his illness?基本形式:would/should+动词原形(其中would 用于各种人称,should 常用于第一人称。They were sure they would win the final victory.他们坚信会赢得最后胜利。He didnt expect that we should(wouldall be there.他没想到我们都在那里。上述两个例句中的宾语从句谓语would win 和should(would

25、be 分别与其主句谓语were sure 和didnt expect 相对应。过去将来时的一些其它表达形式:was/were+going to+动词原形He said he was going to try.他说他准备试试。waswereto动词原形 They said the railway was to be opened to traffic on May Day 他们说这条铁路将在五一节通车。 waswere about动词原形 We were about to go out when it began to rain 我们正要出去天(突然)下起雨来。 过去进行时(一般多为动作概念较强

26、的动词,如 go,come, leave,start, open,begin 等)也可用于表示将来。 I didnt know when they were coming again 我不知道他们什么时候再来。 在时间和条件状语从句中,常用一般过去时来表示过去将来时。 He said he would come to see you when he had time 他说他有时间就来看望你。 将来进行时 将来进行时概念:表示将来某时进行的状态或动作,或按预测将来会发生的事情。 Shell be coming soon. Ill be meet ing him sometime in the f

27、uture. 将来进行时的用法: 1. 表示在将来某一时刻或某段时间正在进行的动作。 This time tomorrow I shall be flying to Guangzhou. 明天这个时候我将在飞往广州的途中。 What will you be doing at eight tomorrow morning? 明天上午八点钟你将做什么? I hope you wont be feeling too tired. 我希望你不要太累。 Well be watching television all evening. 我们整个晚上都将看电视。 2. 表示将来被客观情况所决定的动作或者按照

28、安排将要发生的动作。ll be having tea after dinner as usual. 像通常一样,我们晚饭后将要喝茶。 The leaves will be falling soon. 树叶很快就会脱落。 We shall be having a meeting tomorrow morning. 我们明天要开一个会。 Ill be taking my holidays soon. 我不久即将度假。 注意:将来进行时不用于表示意志,不能说 Ill be having a talk with her. 3. 将来进行时常用的时间状语:soon, tomorrow, this eve

29、ning,on Sunday, by this time,tomorrow, in two days, tomorrow evening 等。 By this time tomorrow, Ill be lying on the beach. 将来完成时 将来完成时用来表示在将来某一时间以前已经完成的动作或一直持续的动作。经常与 “before+将来时间”或“by+将来时间”连用,也可与 before 或 by the time 引导的现在时 的从句连用。 By the end of this week, I shall have finished the book. 到本周末,我将读完这本书。 By this time tomorrow they will have repaired the machine. 明天这时候,他们将修好这台机器。 The children will have gone to sleep by the time we get home. 到我们回家时,孩子们将已睡了。 When you come tonight at eight oclock,I shall have written my paper.

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