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高一英语Looking good feeling good教案4Word下载.docx

1、7. No new matter is produced. It doesnt belongs to a c_ change.8. Your shoes doesnt m_ your beautiful coat.9.The actress is smart. She is an a_ woman.10.To my great e_, I didnt bring any money when I was going to pay those things.11.His parents should put p_ on his son.12.When we lost our way, we we

2、re all at a l_.13.The _ (数字) show that the price of meat is going up fast.14.His mother asked him not to play computers games, but it didnt _(起作用)15.He _ (恢复)from the illness.16.Do you know the number of the students in your school? Not _(确切地), about 6,000.17.Dont feel _ (不好意思的), you can make yourse

3、lves at home.18.Coal and gas are forms of natural _ (能量).二. 词形转换1. weight n. _ v. 6. actor n. _(女演员)2. price n. _ adj. 7. consider vt. _n.3.exact adj._(反) 8. energy n. _adj.4. attract adj._ 9. pressure n._v.5. skin n. _ adj. 10. lose v._n.三.补全佳句1. used to , be used to doing, be used to doMy father _

4、 have a walk after supper, but now he likes watching TV.The knife _ cut cakesI _ English every morning.A. used to listen to B. used to listening to C. am used to listening to D. am used to listen 2. untilMy computer was broken so I couldnt read your two e-mails _ today.I didnt finish my homework unt

5、il my mother came back from work.He kept waiting for two hours until I finished my work.We didnt realize the importance of our environment until it was seriously polluted. (改为强调句型)It was _that we _ the importance of our environment. 3. so+助动词/系动词/情态动词+主语I have been to Beijing, _ _ he.Tom is a good s

6、tudent and he does well in his studies. _ _ _ _ _ John. (_ _ _ _ John)4. 翻译句子1).Walking and riding your bike count, and _(学校运动也有效)2).After taking this kind of pill for some time, your friends hair might_(脱落) or he might have health problems,_(其中的一些健康问题) may even affect his lives or heart.3).他的衣服的颜色和

7、领带不相配The color of his coat _ _ _ _ his shoes.4).我们把我们的成就归功于我们党的明智的领导。We owe our _ _ the wise _ of our party.5).重要的是不是你来自哪里而是你学了什么。 _ _ not where you are from but _ you have learned _ _6).那个老人幸福地死了。 The old man _ _.四. 句型转换1. I think of Mary as one of my best friends. I _ Mary as one of my best friend

8、s.2. The injured soldier was sent to hospital in no time.The injured soldier was sent to hospital _ .3. We shouldnt be ashamed of the way we look,should we?We shouldnt be ashamed of _ we look, should we?4. Walking and riding exercises make a difference, and school sports are also import.Walking and

9、riding exercises _, and so _ school sports.5. I used to go to the gym three times a week, but I dont take exercise any more.I _ o to the gym three times a week, but I dont work _ any more .6. It is true that what teenagers eat and how they live are often a headache to adult.The _ is, the _ and _ of

10、teenagers are often a headache to adult.7. Teenagers give up sport and say that they have no spare time after their studies.Teenagers give up sport, _ they have no time _ after their studies.8. As a matter of fact, losing sleep can make you look tired, and even cause you to put on weight.In _, _ of

11、sleep can make you look tired, and even cause you to put on weight. 9. Many sportsmen, who achieved greatly ,died very young because they took these kinds of pills. Many sportsmen, _ _ were great ,died very young because they took these Kinds of pills.10. Since Im preparing to act in a new TV play,

12、Im taking weight-loss pills called Fat-less which young women welcome them here._ _ Im preparing to act in a new TV play, Im taking weight-loss pills,which are quite _ among young women here. 五.单元话题作文1. 写作训练:教育部通知,从今年10月26日至明年4月30日,全国亿万学生将参加阳光体育冬季长跑活动。倡议: 每天锻炼一小时,健康工作50年,幸福生活一辈子。为此,全市冬季长跑起跑仪式于10月27日

13、下午4:005:00在本校隆重举行。请根据以下表格为校刊报道此次活动情况。参加人员本校高一年级全体同学和其它学校学生活动内容沿操场跑约1000米活动宗旨让学生养成锻炼习惯,增强身体素质活动效果锻炼了身体,认识到健康是最重要的你的看法._2. 美文背诵目前,减肥廋身在年轻人,尤其在女孩子中很流行.在此趋势中,有不少女孩渴望减肥瘦 身尝试多种方法(服药、节食、手术),结果减肥不成,反受其害。你班就此问题于昨天进行了一次热烈的讨论,讨论结果:45%赞成55%反对1.爱美之心人皆有之,减肥瘦身是一种途径,无可厚非1.要保持原来的面貌是一种自然美,拥有健康才是最重要的2.使人更美,在竞争日趋激烈的情况下

14、,拥有美貌的人,找工作也会容易些2.如果方法不当,会对身体造成伤害,后悔莫急。Should girls try to lose weightNowadays, losing weight is becoming more and more popular among young people,especially among girls, some of whom are so dying for slim figures that they risk their health by trying different ways, such as taking weight-loss pills

15、 and going on diets. Some even turn to plastic surgery. But to their disappointment, many of them havent become so beautiful as expected. On the contrary, those improper ways did much damage to their health. So yesterday my class had a heated discussion on whether girls should try to lose weight. Th

16、e opinions were divided as follows. (Diffrerent people had different opinions./different people think quite differently.)45% of the students think girls can lose weight if they want to. First of all, everyone wants to be beautiful and losing weight is a good way to be attractive, so they shouldnt be

17、 blamed. Besides, losing weight makes us more beautiful. In the competitive society, its easier for those with attractive appearance to find jobs. (Whats more, losing weight makes us more beautiful, which will help a lot when we try to find jobs in our competitive society.) However, the other 55% ho

18、ld the opposite view. They argue that keeping a naturalappearance is also a kind of beauty, and being healthy is more important. To make things even worse, losing weight improperly may damage your health and you will surely regret some day. Personally, I think its not these girls fault to try to be

19、more attractive, but they should take proper measures , including exercising regularly, eating healthy diets and getting enough .The best way for a girl to lose weight is to do more exercise, eat proper food and have enough sleep. We should not pursue beauty blindly at the cost of (at the expense of/by) sacrificing our health. After all, nothing is more important than health.

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