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1、He is older than me. ()他年纪比我大。He is elder than me. ()2. farther和further都能表示距离、时间上的 “更远; 更往前”, 但要表示 “进一步”的时候,只能用further。His home is farther / further from this park than mine.他家比我家离这个公园远。The police decided to take further action.警察决定采取进一步行动。二、(not) as.as的用法 as.as意为 “和一样”, not as.as意为 “不如一样”, 表示同级的比较。

2、1. 基本结构: as+ adj. + as, 否定形式为: not as / so+ adj. + as, 中间用形容词的原级。 This book is as interesting as that one.这本书和那本书一样有趣。This book is not as / so interesting as that one.这本书没有那本书有趣。2. 当as.as中间加名词时, 结构为: as+ many / much + n. +as, 其否定形式为: not as+ many / much+ n. +as。需要注意的是: 当名词为可数名词时, 中间为 “many+可数名词复数”;

3、当名词为不可数名词时, 中间为 “much+不可数名词”。I have as many books as Tom.我的书和汤姆的一样多。Lily ate as much rice as Peter.莉莉吃了和皮特一样多的米饭。3. as.as前面常常用almost, quite, nearly, exactly等程度副词表示比较的程度。This cup is nearly as big as that one. 这个杯子差不多和那个一样大。【实战演练】I. 根据句意, 用括号中形容词的适当形式填空。1. Amy is _ (old) than Lucy.2. If there are any

4、_ (far) changes, please call me.3. This cellphone is almost as _ (expensive) as that one.4. I dont get as _ (more) information as Tony.5. Hope for _ (good) and prepare for _ (bad)6. Davids house is _ (far) from our company.II. 根据汉语意思完成句子, 每空一词。7. 这个红色的包和那个白色的一样好。This red bag is _ _ _ the white one.8

5、. 那个国家比这个远, 所以我不想去那儿。That country is _ _ this one, so I dont want to go there.9. 这张照片没有那张照片漂亮。This picture is _ _ _ _ that one.10. 吉姆和吉米有同样多的票。Jim has _ _ _ _ Jimmy.11. 那个穷人的钱没有那个富人的多。That poor man has _ _ _ _ _ the rich man.12. 在公司里, 吉姆经验最多。Jim has _ _ experience in the company.13. 三个女孩中, 安娜最大。Anna

6、 is _ _ of the three girls.14. 这是我见过的最旧的书。This is _ _ _ I have ever seen.15. 我有一个更好的主意。I have a _ idea.III. 单项选择。16. - Wow, I like this air conditioner. - It is _ one in our shop. It is also_ one. A. the most expensive; better B. more expensive; better C. more expensive; the best D. the most expensi

7、ve;17. - Do you have storybooks? - Yes, and I have as _ storybooks _ you. A. many; as B. much; as C. more, so D. many; so18. - How old is Nina? - Nina is two years _ than me and she is _ student in our class. A. oldest; older B. older; the oldest C. elder; D. eldest; 19. - Whats the weather _ today,

8、 Lisa? - It is _ yesterday. A. /; as cold as B. like; so cold as C. /; so cold as D. like;20. - What do you think of that song? - I think its _. It is _ song I have ever heard. A. worse; the worst B. bad; the worst C. worse; worse D. bad: worseIV. 将下列单词或词组连接成句。21. as, a, you, as, will, bird, be, fre

9、e (.)_22. school, home, from, whose, the, is, farthest (?23. not, me, does, she, as, food, eat, as, much (.)24. a, as, as, the, room, computer, first, was, big (.)25. got, Art, best, in, who, the, mark (?短语收藏夹 Phrase collectionUnit 4短语聚会1. at the weekend 在周末2. a top speed of km / h 最高时速达千米3. right n

10、ow 此时此刻4. English-speaking countries 讲英语的国家5. refer to 描述; 谈到6. throw away 丢掉7. write emails to. 给写邮件8. turn into. 变成9. instead of 代替; 而不是10. work as 从事工作11. make a mess 弄得乱七八糟12. millions of 数百万的操练场 根据句意从上面选择适当的短语并用其正确形式填空, 补全句子。1. Your mother is at work. You should do the housework _ her.2. Jims m

11、other got angry because Jim _ in his room.3. This matter is terrible. I will not _ it again.4. This place is beautiful. _ travellers came to visit it last year.5. The car has _ 120 _.6. I often go hiking with my classmates _.7. The girl often talks with the people from _, so she can speak English we

12、ll.8. - How do you keep in touch with your friends?- I _ them.For Unit 4Section A (For Grammar)I. 根据句子意思, 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Who is _ (good) at Maths, Joe or Jack?2. The Pearl River isnt as _ (clean) as it used to be.3. My brothers school is _ (far) from our home than mine.4. I bought as _ (many) exerci

13、se books as you.5. Kate was ill yesterday. She is much _ (well) now.6. Next term, my sister will go to the USA for _ (far) study.7. Leon was so careless that he got the _ (bad) mark in this Maths exam.8. Lucy has _ (many) books than me.9. The _ (much) junk food you eat, the _ (bad) your health will

14、be.10. To keep healthy, we should eat _ (little) salt.II. 单项选择。 ( ) 1. - Is Marys home _ from school than Lindas? - Yes, it is. Marys home is _ in our school. A. farther; far B. the furthest; the farthest C. farther; D. the farthest; farther ( ) 2. That little boy has _ food than me. A. little B. le

15、ss C. least D. the least ( ) 3. This kind of fruit looks good and tastes even _. A. worse B. the worst C. better D. the best ( ) 4. I think the film is so bad. Maybe its _ one I have ever seen. ( ) 5. - How can I keep healthy? - The _ vegetables and fruit you eat, the _ your health will be. good B.

16、more; good C. many;D. more; ( ) 6. - My sister is six years _ than me. - Then she is as _ as my brother. A. old; elder B. elder; old C. older; old D. the oldest; ( ) 7. The Moon is not _ as the Earth. A. as big B. big C. as bigger D. the biggest ( ) 8. Mr Green becomes _ instead of getting better. A

17、. more bad B. a little worse C. much badly D. a lot of worse Section B (For Speaking)I. 从方框中选择合适的短语并用其适当形式填空。at the end, use . for,, watch films, write. to .1. Now more and more people like to _ on iPad.2. There will be another parents meeting _ of this term.3. Students shouldnt _ computers j

18、ust _ play games.4. My pen-friend _ emails _ me every week.5. My uncle is a computer engineer, and he _ the computer _ his job.II. 从方框中的七个选项中选出五个合适的句子补全对话。Lisa: What are you doing, Jenny?Jenny: Im watching a video. Its about some important inventions in the world. (1) _ Of course. Some inventions ma

19、ke our life easier. (2) _ OK. The telephone, the plane and the computer. Er. The telephone allows people to communicate with each other all over the world. (3) _ The video is so interesting. (4) _ (5) _ Here you are. Thank you. You are welcome.A. Would you like to lend it to me?B. Yes, you can.C. No

20、 problem.D. Maybe you can give me some examples.E. Could you tell me something about the inventions?F. Yes, and the plane lets people travel a long distance in a short time.G. I dont agree with you.Section C (For Writing) 根据汉语提示补全句子, 每空一词。1. 这个发明将会帮助人们过上更好的生活。This invention will help people _ _ _ _.

21、2. 他经常帮他妈妈做一些家务。He often _ _ _ _ some housework.3. 我昨天代替他打扫教室了.I cleaned the classroom _ _ him yesterday.4. 如果你把水放进冰箱, 它就会变成冰。If you put water into a fridge, it will _ _ ice.5. 我将来想当一名发明家。I want to be an inventor _ _ _.6. 那列火车最高时速达200千米 / 小时。That train has _ _ _ _ 200 km / h.7. 当你乘着热气球飞翔在天空中时, 你将会像鸟

22、儿一样自由。When you fly in the sky by taking a hot air balloon, you will be _ _ _ a bird.Section D (For More Practice)从方框中选择合适的短语并用其适当形式填空。work as, all the time, a new type of, make a mess, a great success, remember sb. for, refer to, right now1. People always _ those inventors _ their inventions.2. His

23、mother _ a manager in a company. Shes very busy.3. You should learn to look after yourself. Dont ask for help _.4. He never _ his sisters in his letters last year.5. The sports meeting was _. Many students broke the records of our school.6. Young people are crazy about _ mobile phone.7. I always _ w

24、hen I try to cook.8. - May I borrow your dictionary?- Im sorry I am using it _.写作一招鲜writing tips【写作目标】 假设你们学校要开展一个科技节活动。你针对现在学生坐姿不正确,玩电脑、看电视时间过长的状况,发明了一种特别的椅子。根据以下提示给大家介绍你的发明。词数:80词左右。提示:1看起来像普通的椅子,材料主要是木材:2座位与靠背安装有感应器,当学生没有坐直的时候,椅子会提醒他注意。当学生坐在椅子上超过1小时,椅子会发出噪音,迫使学生起来休息:3可以帮助学生养成好习惯,对健康有好处。【写作步骤】审题人称:主要用第三人称来介绍自己的发明:时态:以一般现在时为主:书写正文:根据提示写作,注意正确表述有关发明的词句:检查全文:时态、人称、要点。联想:写作本篇作文可能用到的词汇、短语:normal, material, seat, sit straight(坐直), sensor(感应器), remind, help sb. do. good habit。组句成文_

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