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1、(1)我妹妹两周以前高中毕业。My sister finished _ _ two weeks _. (2)在第一个晚上,我们只是坐在月亮下面。 _ the first night, we just _ under the _. (3)对我来说,这是一个非常有用的教训。This was a very _ lesson _ me. (4)我爸爸开始在他们的帐篷里跳上跳下。 My dad started to _ _ _ _ _ their _. (5)我是如此累,以至于很早就去睡了。I was _ _ _ I went to _ early. 二、根据句意及首字母完成句子3、根据句意及首字母完成

2、句子 (1)It was the thirtieth Weifang International Kite Festival(潍坊国际风筝节)on April 20th, 2013. The Greens f_ kites happily on that day. (2)My sister and I got a s_ when we saw a terrible snake. (3)Our e_ can be used for listening to music. (4)The tiger is the king of the f_. (5)Jim w_ up late and had n

3、othing(没有东西)for breakfast. 三、用所给词的适当形式填空4、用所给词的适当形式填空 (1)Sally and Jim _ (sing) and played the guitar at the birthday party. (2)Lisa and her family went _ (camp) in a small village in India last weekend. (3)They make a fire _ (keep) them warm and cook food on by the lake. (4)Father often tells me _

4、(not go) near a snake. (5)What did you learn? We learned a lot about how _ (call) the fire station. 四、从括号中选择合适的词完成句子5、从括号中选择合适的词完成句子 (1)They swam in the _ (swim/swimming) pool last weekend. (2)Who went to the library?Bob and Tom _ (go/did). (3)My last weekend was interesting but _ ( scared/scary). (

5、4)We sat under _ (the/a) moon and listened to my mother on the first night. (5)Dont shout _ (at/to) your parents. Its impolite(没有礼貌的). 五、单选题6、How _ your weekend?It _ great. But I _ tired now. A、was; was; amB、is, was; wasC、was; is;D、is; is, was7、The boy shouted _ the people on the mountains for help.

6、 A、atB、forC、toD、out8、_ had dinner with his friends? Sam did. A、WhatB、WhoC、WhenD、How9、There is no living thing on _ moon. A、theB、aC、10、Ellen has to talk to her grandpa loudly(大声地)because there is something wrong (有毛病的) with the old mans _. A、eyesB、teethC、throatD、ears11、Did you do _ last weekend?Not r

7、eally, but I visited my grandparents. A、something interestingB、interesting somethingC、anything interestingD、interesting anything12、The boy is _ smart _ everybody(人人;每个人)likes him. A、so, thatB、too; toC、very, that13、Whats wrong with you, Eric? You look tired.I _ to prepare for the final exam last nigh

8、t. A、picked upB、woke upC、stayed upD、put up14、Your paintings are so great, David! When did you learn to paint?Three years _. A、agoB、beforeC、afterD、later15、I was really scared and I didnt know _ when I saw a snake that day. A、how to doB、when to doC、where to doD、what to do六、根据汉语完成句子16、根据汉语完成句子 (1)三年前,他

9、在印度的一所高中学习。He _ in a _ school in _ three years _. (2)看到蛇所有的学生都很吃惊。All students _ _ _ when they saw a _. (3)那条蛇钻到森林里去了。That snake _ _ the _. (4)昨天早上我妈妈六点把我叫醒。Yesterday morning my mother _ me _ at six. (5)听到那个令人激动的消息,他高兴地跳上跳下。After hearing that exciting news, he _ _ _ _ happily. 七、按要求改写句子17、按要求改写句子 (1

10、)I visited the fire station.(对画线部分提问) _ _ you _?(2)They went to India.(对画线部分提问)_ _ they _?(3)We went camping with our teacher. (对画线部分提问)_ _ _ _ camping with?(4)Who flew kite in the park?(用Thomas作答) _ _. (5)Chen Ping got an e-mail last Friday.(改为否定句)Chen Ping _ _ an e-mail last Friday. 八、阅读理解18、阅读理解

11、Linda was born in Paris on December 24, 1998. It was her fifteenth birthday yesterday. She invited(邀请)her friends to her party a few days ago. Her parents were busy yesterday. But they got ready for(为做好准备)the party. They bought some fish, chicken, beef, vegetables, drinks and fruit. Everything was r

12、eady. They put all the food and drinks on the table. And there was a nice birthday cake on the table, too. It was seven fifteen and the party began (开始). The girl stood by the window and looked out of the window(窗户). She saw her friends coming. She ran to meet them at the door. Her parents could hea

13、r the children say “Happy birthday to you!” outside.根据短文内容,判断正误。(1)Today is December 25, 1998. (2)Her parents were not at home on her birthday. (3)They only bought some fish, chicken, vegetables, and fruit. (4)Lindas friends said Happy birthday to you!. (5)The party began at six fifteen. 九、任务型阅读19、任

14、务型阅读Tuesday, July 19th Today the weather was cool. We went hiking (去徒步旅行) in the mountains. We were lost for an hour, so my friends and I were scared. We were very tired and hungry (饥饿的) in the evening. We ate a lot for dinner. I had a large howl of noodles, chicken and broccoli (西兰花). The food was

15、delicious!Wednesday, July 20th We had pancakes for breakfast today. They were great. We stayed in the camp and played games in the morning. In the afternoon we went swimming. It was very hot. I enjoyed teaching some of the little kids to swim.Thursday, July 21st It was rainy today, so we stayed in t

16、he camp. I wrote letters to my family and friends. In the afternoon, we ate hamburgers and salad(沙拉)for lunch. After lunch, we watched an action movie. It was very exciting!(1)What did the writer (作者) eat for dinner on Tuesday? _ (2)What did they do on Wednesday afternoon?(3)When did they watch a mo

17、vie on Thursday?(4)猜测画线单词和的含义:_ _ (5)短文中画线单词it指代什么?_ 十、书面表达20、书面表达你的上个周末过得怎么样,写一篇100词左右的短文叙述一下。答案解析部分一、基础知识 1、【答案】(1)fly(2)kite(3)high(4)ago(5)India(6)帐篷(7)moon(8)surprise(9)snake(10)惊慌的,害怕的(11)move(12)start(13)jump(14)wake(15)into(16)forest(17)ear(18)向某人大声喊叫(19)互相,彼此(20)生火(21)朝外看(22)举起,搭建(23)jump u

18、p and down(24)放风筝(25)一个非常有用的教训(26)get a surprise(27)something interesting(28)害怕的 【解析】【分析】考查单词和短语的英汉互译,注意要大写首字母;surprise名词;注意和汉语顺序相反。2、(1)highschoolago(2)Onsatmoon(3)usefulfor(4)jumpupanddownintent(5)sotiredthatsleep 【解析】【分析】(1)两年前用two years ago而不是before。(2)在第几个晚上用on,描述事件用一般过去时。(3)对某人来说用for。(4)跳上跳下:j

19、ump up and down ,注意用动词原形;在他们的帐篷里:in their tent.(5)如此.以至于.用so.that;去睡是go to sleep而不是go to bed。二、根据句意及首字母完成句子 3、(1)flew(2)surprise(3)ears(4)forest(5)woke (1)根据前面的风筝节知是放风筝,但注意是一般过去时。句意:2013年4月20日是第三十个潍坊国际风筝节。格林一家人在那天高兴地放风筝。故填flew。(2)考查搭配get a surprise吃惊;当我们看到一条可怕的蛇时我和妹妹很吃惊。故填surprise。(3)our后跟名词,但注意用复数。

20、我们的耳朵可以被用来听音乐。(4)根据常识可知老虎是森林之王。(5)根据句意:吉姆起得晚而且早饭没有吃东西,但注意用一般过去时。三、用所给词的适当形式填空 4、(1)sang(2)camping(3)to keep(4)not to go(5)to call (1)根据played可知用一般过去时,故填sang。萨利和吉姆在生日派对上唱歌而且弹了吉他。(2)考查搭配go camping去野营。上周末丽萨和她的家人去印度的一个小村庄里野营。(3)考查动词不定式作目的状语。他们在湖边生火为了取暖和做饭。(4)考查tell的用法:tell sb. (not) to do sth.告诉某人(不)要做某

21、事。爸爸经常告诉我不要靠近蛇。(5)根据how可知是疑问词+不定式,故填to call。你学了什么?我们学了很多关于怎样报火警的知识。四、从括号中选择合适的词完成句子 5、(1)swimming(2)did(3)scary(4)the(5)at (1)游泳池用swimming,考查动名词作定语。上周末他们在游泳池里游泳了。(2)一般过去时中要用助动词did,本句用来代替went to the library。-谁去了图书馆?-鲍勃和汤姆去了。(3)考查scared 和scary的辨析:scared害怕的,修饰人;scary可怕的,修饰物。因主语是my last weekend, 故选scary

22、。我上个周末很有趣但好可怕。(4)考查定冠词的用法:用在世界上独一无二的事物前。在第一天的晚上,我们坐在月亮底下听妈妈说话。(5)注意shout to/at的区别:shout to指朝.大声喊,无恶意;shout at对.叫嚷,往往气势汹汹地。不要对你的父母大声叫嚷,那没有礼貌。五、单选题 6、【答案】A 【解析】【分析】询问周末过得怎么样,要用一般过去时;而根据now用一般现在时,故选A。你周末过得怎么样?非常好。但是我现在很累。7、【答案】C 【解析】【分析】注意shout to/at的区别:shout for help呼叫求助,shout out大喊,后面不能跟宾语。故选C; 句意:这个

23、男孩对山上的人大声喊救命。8、【答案】B 【解析】【分析】根据答语Sam指人,对人提问用Who, 故选B;谁和他的朋友吃的饭?山姆。9、【解析】【分析】考查定冠词的用法:用在世上独一无二的事物前,故选A;月球上没有生物。10、【答案】D 【解析】【分析】A. eyes眼睛,B. teeth牙齿,C. throat嗓子,D. ears耳朵 ,选D; 根据句意:艾伦不得不大声和她的爷爷说话,因为这位老人的耳朵有毛病。11、【解析】【分析】用排除法:修饰复合不定代词的形容词要后置,排除B和D;有something主要用于肯定句,anything一般用于疑问句和否定句。上个周末你做了什么有趣的事?的确

24、没有,但我看望了我的爷爷奶奶。12、【解析】【分析】选项中A和B是固定搭配,so.that如此.以至于.,that后跟句子;too.to太.而不能.to后跟动词原形;C的very that是错误搭配。故选A;这个男孩如此可爱,每个人都喜欢他。13、【解析】【分析】A. picked up捡起,B. woke up醒来,C. stayed up熬夜,D. put up举起, 选C;你怎么了,埃里克?你看起来很疲惫。我昨晚熬夜准备期末考试。14、【解析】【分析】three years ago三年前,用于一般过去时;three years before,三年之前,用于过去完成时;three year

25、s after不正确,应当是after three years,三年后;three years later=after three years, 三年后,用于一般过去时。选A。根据句意:你的画真棒,戴维!你什么时候学习画画的?三年前。15、【解析】【分析】考查疑问词+不定式, 选D。那天当我看到蛇时,我真的很害怕,不知道怎么办。A. how to do怎么做. B. when to do什么时候去做,C. where to do哪里去做,D. what to do做什么,怎么办。注意A、B、C后要跟宾语语义才完整。 此题极易误选为A。六、根据汉语完成句子 16、(1)studiedhighIndiaago(2)gotasurprisesnake(3)movedintoforest(4)wokeup(5)jumpedupanddown (1)注意用一般过去时,根据时间状语三年前。(2)考查get a surprise,但注意用一般过去时,故got。(3)钻到 move into,叙述事情用一般过去时。(4)把某人叫醒wake sb. up。(5)跳上跳下jump up and down,时态是一般过去时。

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