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1、orbuthowever3.thatwherehowwhether4.afteragopastlater5.fromaboutonfor6.metwill meetmeet ingmeet7.A. ano therB. otherC. othersD. the other8.A. veryB. soC. suchD. even9.A. hardlyB. harderC. hardD. hardest10.A. mustn tB. couldn tC. can D wouldn 11.A. dieB. deathC. deadD. dying12.A. clearB. clearerC. cle

2、arestD. clearly13.A. aB. anC. theD. /14.A. whoB. whoseC. whichD. whom15.A. a lotB. fewC. a littleD. some、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。One after noon a few mon ths after Tom and I were married, Max walked into thedining room, where I was look ing through my old photos. Max

3、 was the son of my husba nd and his ex-wife.These mon ths I was lear ning to let Max come 16 to me on his own. If Imoved too quickly, he ran away. If I was 17 , we ofte n en ded up playi ng,laugh ing, and rece ntly, eve n sitti ng together on the sofa with a book.“ Who s that? ” he poin ted to one p

4、hoto.“ My mom. I suppose she is your 18 Sylvia. ”“ Cool. Who is that to me?“ That was my gran dfather. He died a few mon ths ago. ”“ Hmm. Too bad he had to die. ”Death is always a painful subject especially for a seve n-year-old child whohis mother only two years before. I secretly put away the pict

5、ures of dead relatives.He bega n to fin ger through the photos. Who is that to me?Un der his fin ger I could see my own face. I should have known the an swer to his19 question. But I said, “I m your 20 mom. I m sorry that your first mom died.“What should I call you? ” he asked.“ You can call me Mom

6、or Betsy. 21 feels OK for you. ”I waited, expect ing a pronoun ceme nt of my n ew 22 .“ Sweet, ” he said, walking out of the room.For a couple of days afterward, Max 23 a new title for me. Ca n we gobowling? ” “ Can I watch TV? ” hed ask, and then follow the questions by mouthingthe word Mom. Mom wa

7、s always sile nt.One weeke nd, he sudde nly said, “I no tice I dont call you Mom. ”“I no ticed that too. ”“ Whe n I say Betsy, I mean Mom. Moms die, you kno w. I think its maybe 24if you re just Betsy. ”Tears were filling my eyes.“ Hey, Betsy?“ Yeah, ” I said, taking pleasure in the new 25of my old

8、n ame16.A. dow nB.fromC. closeD. across17.A. strict.patie ntC. angryD. con fide nt18.A. gran dmother.motherC. auntD. cous in19.A. simple.properC. difficultD. importa nt20.A. n aturalC. onlyD. second21.A. WhoeverWhateverC. Everythi ngD. An ybody22.A. positi onn ameC. titleD. call23.A. worked outB.wen

9、t outC. gave outD. put out24.A. politersaferC.sadderD. riskier25. A. pronun ciati onannoun ceme ntC. voiceD.sound三、阅读(共两节,满分45分)第-节阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2 分满分40 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项并在答题卡上 将该项涂黑。AThink of the animal world. And a group of colorful wild animals will spring tomind: a parrots rain bo

10、w feathers or the showy scales of sea fish. But, many mammals(甫乳动物)on the planet come in only two colors: black and white. Spend some time explori ng what scie nee has discovered about these ani mals appeara nces.and you ll see that basic black and white isnt so basic at all.The pan das white body h

11、elps it hide in snowy areas. The arms and legs are black, help ing it hide in forests. The markings on its head are not used to hide, but to com muni cate. Black ears can act as a warni ng to en emies.Depe nding on the species, black skunk臭鼬)may wear white spots that act as coveri ng or white stripe

12、s that sig nal en emies to be aware of their smelly spray, which causes no real harm to its victims, but it makes them un comfortable.Zebras thin coats make them mor&ulnerable thanIon g-haired ani mals to bit ing flies that carry disease, but the coats stripes preve nt flies from landing on them, fo

13、r reasons that scientists are still studying. Further, their attractive ness to flies in creases with stripe width. No two zebras stripes are exactly the same.s feather accord ing to passage?A.Light gree n. B. Showy. C. Colorful. D. Black and white.27.What do pan das, skunks and zebras have in com m

14、on?A.The color of their bodies prevents them from being attacked.B.Their ears can act as a warning to en emies.C.Their smelly spray can drive the enemies away.D.Their coat strips can prevent flies landing on them.28.According to the passage, which of the following sentences is TRUE?A.Zebras with wid

15、er stripes are less attractive to flies.B.Both white spots and white stripes help skunks kill their victims.C.The pandas white part help it hide in snow.D.Scientists have already known all the secrets about the stripes.29.What does the underlined word v ulnerable mean?A.Being easily landed.B.Being e

16、asily attracted.C.Being easily discovered.D.Being easily attacked.30.Which could be the best title of the passage?A.Why Animal Stripes Come in Different ShapesB.Why So Many Animals Wear Black-and-White CoatsC.How Wild Animals Protect Themselves from EnemiesD.How Black and White Become Basic Colors i

17、n Animal WorldLiu Jinyin, a young farmer in a village of southwest China s Sichuan Province, haattracted nearly 100,000 followers by broadcasting网络直播)his daily life in the ruralarea. Within six months, Liu made 80,000 yuan. Some of his followers said his broadcasts reminded them of their childhood m

18、emories.The rise of live streaming( 直播的兴起 ) has given ordinary people chances toreceive more attention and make the ways they can make money.However, vulgar (粗俗的 ) content and lack of originality have long been criticized(批评 ) by society. The broadcasts of Liu stand out because of their different co

19、ntent clean content that is close to real life, such as feeding pigs, transplanting rice seedlings(插秧),and catching fish.Liu s videos also open a window for the people living in cities or towns to know more about village life. Liu does not ask for any gifts from his viewers. Instead, he lets the bro

20、adcasts serve as a platform平台)for people to excha nge ideas and make friends.s parents have found it hard to accept his money earning plan and criticized their son.Honestly speaking, broadcasting one s daily life is not a proper job. But according to Karl Marx, when we choose a career, we should gui

21、de our choice of the career from the happiness of human beings and our own perfection.Starting from the countryside, Liu mixes his personal development with the building of a new socialist ( 社会主义 ) countryside. His career of broadcasting the daily life in the village is a career that is worth explor

22、ing.31.According to the article, we know that Liu live in .A.In the countryside.B.In the city.C.In the southeast of China.D.In a village of Shanxin Province.32.Which of the following is NOT true about Liu s broadcasts?A.People who live in the city can learn about village life from the broadcasts.B.P

23、eople can exchange ideas with one another from the broadcasts.C.People can make friends with each other from the broadcasts.D.Liu uses his broadcasts to ask for presents from his viewers.33.What do Liu s parents think of their son A.It s not easy for them to accept Liu s broadcasts.B.They accept Liu

24、 s broadcasts although they dont like them.C.They are happy with Liu D.They advised their son to find a job in the city to make a living.34.All the following things are mentioned in the passage EXCEPT s broadcasts were watched by people.35.What s the writer s opinion on Liu s career?A.He is against

25、it.B.He supports it.C.He doesn t care about it.D.He isn t interested in it.CStill in shock! I moved around the house purposelessly trying to decide what to putinto the suitcases( 行李箱 ). Earlier that evening, I d received a call telling me that mybrother was killed in a car crash. “ Come as soon as you can. ” cried my mother.I wanted to hurry to her at once. But my husband, Larry, and I were packing to move from New York to Seattle. Our house was in total mess. Supp

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