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四年级英语上册 Lesson4 I like music教案2Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、方法培养学生动手收集整理相关资料的能力;引导学生在活动中亲身经历,在用中学。情感态与价值观通过小组合作和组间竞争的活动设计培养学生的合作与竞争意识,调查活动环节教育学生学好每一学科,目的是促进学生学习情感和态度的全面发展。教学重难点:利用多种有效手段创设相应英语情境。教具准备:书、磁带、录音机 单词卡片 各种学科的教科书。教 学 过 程二 次 备 课 Step1.Warming up Sing a song:Where is Tim? Step2.Revision.Step3.Presentation.1.T:Do you like English? (Yes,I do.) Who can t

2、ell me the other subjects?Ss:Chinese.math.musicTeacher shows some cards and teacher the words and teacher the words.2.Play a game.Stick some cards of the words on the Bb. Let the students close their eyes. The teacher begins to beat the drum. One student takes away one card quickly.When the teacher

3、stops,the students open their eyes and say the missing words. Who will be the first ,who will win one mark for his group.3.Teacher takes a math book.T:Math is the first class today.(Takes an English book.)English is the second class today.(Takes a music book.)Musice is the third second class today.D

4、o you understand “first,second,third”?反思:翻放欢快优美的英语歌曲,创设一种轻松愉悦的英语情境,调动了学生的情感因素,激发了学生学习英语的兴趣,自然进入学习状态。Yes I do.4.T:listen to my order and do that.The first row students stand up.The second group students put up your hands.The third group girls wave your hands.The first row students of the fourth group

5、 come here.The second row students of the third group go out.5.T:Its eight a.m. Whats the first class?Doyou guess the meaning?Yes,I do.第一节课是什么?T:Can you answe me?(Math. I like math.)oh,I do too.Thank you.Do you like math,Xiao Yu?Xiao Yu:Yes,I do.I can calculate very well.Step4.Practice.1.Listen to t

6、he tape carefully.2.Act the dialogue for desk mates.3.Make a dialogue for each group. Teacher gives thirty words.Let the students choose.Make some sentences quickly and one student read them correctly.Then the student will win one mark for his group.Step5.Development and consolidation.1.Investigate

7、the liking subject of each group students.2.The teacher counts the result.3.The teacher educates the students:Dont have partiality for which subject.Because each subject can help our future.Step6.Homework.Setup an English school trmetable after class.教师按照学生当天课程表的顺序出示学科教科书,学生自然明白单词fitstsecondthird的意思

8、板书设计: Lesson 4. I like music教学反思:第 周 第 2 课时知识与1 、学习怎样对喜欢的事物进行问答及课程名有关的句子。2 、能听懂、会说 third music sing stop 单词,学会熟用句型“ Whats the third class?Music” 及“ Do you like ?yes,I do. No,I dont.”学生在教师的引导下,通过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作等方式来熟培养学生的观察、记忆、思维入语言应用的能力。在交际活动中促进语言实际应用能力的提高;在学习过程中注意情感的交流;在对其学习进行评价的同时,帮助其形成积极的学习态度及正确的人生

9、观、世界观。1 、能正确、熟练地运用本课的日常交际用语。 2 、能用正确的语言、语调、表情和动作表演对话创作对话。书、磁带、录音机 单词卡片Step 1 warm upT:Good morning,boys and girls.Ss:Good morning,teacher.How are you,today?Were fine.thank you,And you?Im very well.thanks a lot.Lets sing a song: “ Whats your name?” (指着班级的课程表) Whats the first class?S1:Math.WhatStep 2

10、Presentation1 、 T:Listen to the tape carefully.who can tell me? (文中讲什么) Teach “ third”.2 、 T: 第四、第五通常在基数词后加“ th”.3 、 T:s the fifth class?S: 音乐s study “ music”.Teach “ music”.I Like music.Do you like music?S:Yes.Yes.No,I dont .I Like 同桌两人合作操练 Do you like ?Yes,I do./No,I dont 句型。4 、 T:Look at this pic

11、tur. “ sing” “ stop” 教读。Make sing in the air.Make sing in the air.S-i-n-g sing 说到唱歌“ sing ”你还会想到什么?dance. 说到停止 stop ,你们会想到什么?begin start.Step 3 PracticeListen to the tape and repeat.Cheak it out.s act out the dialogue.Ill give you a star.Step 4 Production 以小组为单位,看师手中的图片,操练 Do you like ?t.2 、 T : Let

12、s play a game.Ask 、 answer and write.3 、 T :s make a new dialogs.( 四人一组并表演对话 )Step 5 Homework1 、给你们当一次老师的机会,把所学的内容教给你的亲朋好友。2 、背课文师生共唱“ Good-bye to you” 结束Music” “ Do you like ?Lesson 4 I Like Music(part 3)第 周 第 3 课时 third,music,sing,stop I like. I dont like能听懂,会说自己喜欢的学科。能根据课文表演简单的情景。提高学生综合语言的运用能力。通过

13、听、看、学增强了对单词和句型的记忆,通过活动及游戏的方式让学生在有效的时间内掌握所学内容。学生形成积极的情感态度、主动思维和大胆实践的意识,适当地运用丰富的表扬手段,让学生感受到成功的快乐。有利于学生健康人格的发展。 Whats the _ class? Do you like _ ? Yes, I do.No, I dont。I _ very well . (sing,draw,swim,write)一、 Greeting: T:Good morning,class S:Good morning, How are you,today? S:I am fine ,thank

14、s.Step 2:lead in1) 1.Sing a song “Ten Indian boys”2. Play a game. Look at the cards, please. Then say: I like./I dont likeStep 3:new teach1. Ss listen to the tape. Now please open your books to page 48. Listen to the tape. Tell me: Whats the third class?2. Study the new points.“third,music,sing,stop

15、”read and spell them. What should we do in the music class? Who can say and do the action. Well done. I like music. I sing very well. Listen. (sing a song ) Great! Who can sing? Do you like Music? Let some Ss sing. You sing very well. Good singer.S1: Yes, I sing very well. Look at the picture and make sentence3.PracticeIII. Sum UpRepeat the textHomework Lesson 4 I Like Music(part 3) Whats the _ class?Do you like _ ?

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